ETERNAL SOULS: A Shadow Creek Novel (Shadow Creek Series Book 1)

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ETERNAL SOULS: A Shadow Creek Novel (Shadow Creek Series Book 1) Page 16


  Chapter Thirty

  Fleet had deployed his pack to cover various locations within a fifty-mile radius of Shadow Creek. The Society's Overseer, Christopher Warden, had also tasked his Sentinels and Protectors to continue regular patrols until the Others were located and caught. The Overseer had not been in a particularly good mood, not that he blamed him. Things that went down badly were a tarnish on his reputation. And right now, it looked like the unknown, supernatural beings were taking the piss out of not only his family, but him too.

  Sitting in the worn out leather chair in his office, Fleet waited with well-schooled patience, finely attuned to the mental frequency of his mind that would carry each one of his packs voices directly to him. It had been hours with nothing, not a blip on his radar. Madoc was desperately trying to uncover just what these killers were made of, quite literally, and his pack were out seeking to hunt them down. He'd reprimanded Cade for being AWOL over the last four and a half hours and told him to get his ass over to the precinct where Henderson was waiting for him.

  Fleet's thought's veered toward the Overseer. Even now the man looked good. He was older, but still made a striking impression. With his neatly cut, rich ebony hair and his slate gray eyes, his power was immense and feared among his followers, his presence not easily forgotten. He owed Fleet a great debt. After all, he had rescued his grandson from the car wreck that had killed his son and Cade's maternal mother. And Fleet had kept Cade's true heritage a secret, as requested by Warden.

  Cade Grayson had grown up with his mother's surname. The Overseer wanted the boy to develop into a strong and capable wolf pack member, before learning he shared the bloodline of one of the most powerful Alphas, not only in the country but in the world.

  Chief. Gunner's voiced sliced through the tranquility of Fleet's mind like the sharp edge of a blade. I've got one and I'm bringing him in.

  Gunner never lost sight of the job in hand despite his hormones freaking out on him. His Glock was steady in his grip and the cold metal remained pinned between the guy's shoulder blades as Gunner made him walk in front. Strangely, the male hadn't resisted any further and was unexpectedly compliant.

  “What the fuck are you, anyway?” Gunner asked, his eyes boring a hole in the back of the Other's shaved head.

  “What do your senses tell you I am, shifter?” His voice was pliable, but Gunner heard the jeer in the deep, velvet richness of it. It was smooth, and silky and made Gunner's cock twitch.

  Shit! He prodded the guy with a jut of his gun. “I think you're a fucking killer of innocents, you sick bastard.”

  Daniel shook his head but kept moving.

  Gunner stayed alert, undeterred by his body going all haywire with an attraction for the fucker. There was only one guy Gunner wanted, even if the feeling wasn't mutual. Whatever he was experiencing now was just adrenaline or some shit.

  “My name is Daniel.” He shook his head. “And you know nothing of who or what I am.” He remained compliant. He felt a strange vibe around the shifter who's strong build and fire red hair pushed all the right buttons. The wolf was everything that Daniel liked in a sexual way, it had been many, many uncountable moons since he'd seen a male so striking. He sensed Seth was not too far away and only hoped his brother would follow their trail to locate wherever the shifter was taking him.

  Daniel remained cautious. He didn't think it wise to make an enemy of those who could potentially help him and his brothers. None of them wanted to be part of the one-sided engagement Leon had forced upon them. Perhaps these shifters could be their ticket to freedom.

  A black, Ford Expedition SUV pulled up alongside Gunner. The tinted drivers window descended and Ryker peered out with a silent observation of the prisoner. “Heard you needed a ride,” he said, turning his hooded eyes toward Gunner. “Jump in.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Well shit, if you don't look like the cat that got the cream.” Jack Henderson ribbed. He glanced over his computer screen at his young cousin who walked in wearing a smile like a Cheshire cat. There was only one thing that made a man's grin so wide, and it suddenly dawned on him it had been a while since he'd felt such sexual gratification. Hell, it had been too long since he'd felt the welcoming touch of a woman. He watched as the young shifter slouched in the chair opposite. “Who's the unlucky girl?”

  Cade flicked him the one fingered salute and threw his feet up onto the corner of the desk, mimicking his cousin. “So, what have you got, Chief?” he asked. Lacing his fingers behind his head, he found it almost painful not to let the vibrant moments he shared with Kit resurface and dance freely in his mind.

  Jack logged out of the computer and turned his attention to the matter at hand. He had two Shadow Pack members' deaths still unsolved. Now two dead human bodies that bore the same mystery, and he was sure as shit that wouldn't be the end of them. Every available cop was out on the street in Shadow Creek and the Sentinels were the eyes and ears in neighboring towns; Grace Valley and Oaks Ridge.

  “Pathologists got diddly squat.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “As we knew they wouldn't. Now it's down to Madoc to fill in the missing pieces.” He sighed with exasperation. “One of these bastards has got to fuck up, and when they do...” He let the sentence trail off. His steel gaze refocused on his cousin who didn't seem to be listening. “Am I boring you?”

  Jack's voice was a muffled sound pushed back out of the way by something far more urgent. Cade went rigid.

  “Jesus, Gunner has one of them.” Cade jumped to his feet and his cousin followed suit. “They've taken him to the lock-up in the den.”

  Jack got to his feet swiftly, grabbing his jacket as he did so. “Thank you, Lord,” he said raising his eyes to the white cork tiles in the ceiling, no longer pristine but stained with the dull beige of time. “My prayer has just been answered.”

  On arrival at the Shadow Pack's compound, Cade waited for the security biometric scanner to acknowledge him. The fifteen-foot high gate allowed him to access the first section of the grounds. On reaching the one dirt road which took them to the den, the security camera zoomed in. Ryker's distinctive deep voice came over the speaker. “Evening ladies,” he said, referring to Cade and Henderson, who had followed in his sedan. “Come on in, the party's just getting started.” The second gate rolled aside.

  Together Jack and Fleet made their way to the prison cells while Cade parked his Harley in the garage.

  On hitting the remote to lower the steel door, Cade caught sight of some movement amongst the trees. He stopped the lowering of the door at once and went to investigate.

  It could be a stray animal, he thought. But he knew they shouldn't be able to access the secured perimeter and they usually kept their distance. The packs' scent was all over the area and clearly marked it with a red warning flag for other wildlife. He saw it again, a flash so quick in his periphery, if it weren't for his hunting skills and night vision he would have missed it. Crouching down, he prepared to shift when he caught Kit's fragrance. A gentle breeze carried the ribbon of invisible aroma across his senses.

  His wolf's hackles rose. Not only could he smell Kit's distinctive scent, more disturbingly, he could smell an Other.

  A growl erupted from his chest sending resting birds fleeing from their perches in the trees. The sharp blades of Cade's claws pierced his fingertips. His teeth punched into his mouth and his eyes went into hunter mode. Seconds later he zoomed in and sighted a large male who was staring right back at him.

  “Yeah, motherfucker,” he muttered. “I see you too.”

  Cade inched forward with stealthy strides, sizing up his prey. That's what he was, and there would be no mercy for the son of a bitch if he'd harmed even one golden strand of Kit's hair.

  Game on. The guy is dog meat.

  Having picked up Daniel's scent, Seth had waited and watched his brother being put into an SUV. Following the vehicle, he stayed close to the trees that bordered the route, which had led him to a highly secured gate. On arrival,
another vehicle and a motorbike had turned up. He assessed the angle of the security cameras, and made it into the compound by creeping low to the ground alongside the sedan, giving the security camera a momentary black spot. As soon as he was through the gate he hid amongst the undergrowth until the sedan and the bike were out of sight.

  He came closer to a large house situated on the boundary of a forest set against a dramatic backdrop of craggy rocks. Seth could see a shifter through the trees. The light from the underground garage formed a silhouette around the male. He was large and tall and moved like the hunter he was. Eyes threatening like silver lightning speared Seth into place, allowing no room to maneuver.

  The breeze picked up and all he could smell was the woman. Her scent frolicked in the air. He realized all at once that the man who was skillfully advancing toward him was the shifter who had been with her underneath the lighthouse.

  Seth prepared himself. He knew from the immense size of the man he was about to take a heavy blow.

  Cade moved in for the kill. Notching up his speed, he kept his eyes fixed on the prize. Lunging forward with as much strength as he could summon, he knocked Seth clean off his feet. The two of them flew through the air and landed with such ferocity, the impact sent earth exploding over their heads, leaving a dent the size of a pickup truck in the forest floor.

  Seth was stunned. This shifter wasn't ordinary. He felt the overwhelming power pouring off the male in waves. But it was young―still undiscovered―which was the only thing that might work in his favor. Coming to his senses, Seth used his right arm wedged between the two of them as a lever. He jerked the shifter over onto his back, straddled the male's waist and used the same arm to pin him to the ground by his throat.

  Thrown onto his back, Cade spat out a curse as the Other jammed his forearm against his windpipe. He took a fleeting second to get a look at the male above him. Everything about him seemed normal, human even, but it was the eyes that gave him away. Not only were the pupils of his eyes ice white, but they appeared to hold a knowledge so old, it was ancient.

  Cade didn't waste any more time. The guy thought he had the upper hand, but he was dead wrong. A wild snarl ripped through his chest and his body convulsed into the fearsome animal clawing against his skin to be set free.

  Seth saw the cold, steel gaze of a killer. He leaped back into a defensive position, waiting to see what the shifter's next move would be.

  As a wolf, Cade was huge. His thick, black pelt ruffled in the breeze, deep gray eyes were now argentite and glowing. Snarling, he drew his muzzle back over fangs sharp as a scalpel's blade and he was ready to use them.

  Seth reacted quickly. He knew from personal experience the male was shifting. He jumped back and watched. Seth should have been filled with dread standing opposite a deadly wolf who was completely pissed off. But all he could feel was envy. His soul ached as he stood and remembered the times he had taken form into such a magnificent animal. But that was impossible now. When he'd been changed by the vampire queen, Valerie, something altered his DNA, leaving him only able to morph into humans.

  The deliberate, slow movement of an ample paw edging forward shook him free from his awestruck gaze. He swallowed hard, trying to prepare himself for what was coming next.

  Cade knew he could rip out his adversary's throat in one more move, but it was an uneven fight. He'd also be expected to bring the guy in for questioning. His wolf didn't like it and Cade had to fight to restrain his desire for the kill. Feeling his bones twist, crack and shorten, and the thick muscle recede and change, he stood once again as a man, equally just as magnificent.

  “I'll let you live for now,” he said, his voice still more wolf than human, his fangs still prominent and threatening. “But I warn you.” He moved closer until the two of them were mere inches apart. “If you have harmed her I will kill you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Daniel was aware he was under constant observation. Not only by the two supernatural shifters stood guard outside the cell, but also by the surveillance cameras. They were covertly placed throughout the building. Hidden from humans, but didn't escape his preternatural eyesight.

  The room was a cubic shape, with a simple bed and a sliding door leading to a small room with a stainless steel sink and a toilet. The back and sides of the room were smooth and painted white, made brighter by the fluorescent strip lighting caged into the ceiling. He knew the panels of glass at the front would be bulletproof and supernatural proof. As was the thick metal door with a hole big enough to fit a tray of food. On the way through the long windowless tunnel, he'd passed many other rooms just like the one he was in now. It made him think: These shifters weren't just living here; the cells were here for a reason.

  All the men he'd seen tonight knew how to handle weaponry, were dressed like soldiers and the red-headed guy had shit-hot hand to hand combat skills. It led him to believe they were working. Daniel could only assume it was for the government or something similar. After all, the human population knew nothing of the supernatural beings that roamed the earth alongside them.

  His attention was drawn from the scuffed, black Nike trainers he was wearing, up to the red-headed shifter who had returned. He was relaying information to the males outside of his cell. The shifter's voice was muted, and as though he knew Daniel could read his lips, he made sure his back was turned. Daniel took a moment to appreciate the shifter's wide shoulders. The way his fire-red hair teased the neck of his camouflage vest. His waist seemed to taper and the black combat pants hugged heavy muscle, a snug fit over his ass.

  Gunner approached the cells and his stomach clenched. Not only was Cade on his way in with the Other, but since bringing Daniel in, he felt on edge. His wolf was restless and so fucking horny he had to have a serious word with himself in private. From the first time Gunner had seen Cade, he'd always, always been the one he wanted. Just like the rest of the pack, Gunner had resigned himself to a life without any kind of relationship. But he'd dreamed of intimacy, of the slight possibility.

  Gunner caught those icy blue eyes with the sharp, white at their centrum. They hooked his gaze and held him fast. His breath snagged midway, lodging uncomfortably in his throat. A sweat broke out on his forehead and he tried to control the cartwheel in his gut. He felt as though he was in a dream. The kind where you're running through the street naked, because that cool glower seemed to penetrate his clothes and strip him bare. It crawled under his skin and saw into his very soul.

  Shrugging it off the best way he could, he turned his back on the guy still aware those eyes were still firmly trained on his body. A strange part of him liked it. There was no mistake which side Daniel batted for. Straight guys didn't look at another male that way, and Gunner secretly enjoyed the fact he was turning the guy on.

  He buried his thoughts deep in his hiding place before he shook Henderson's hand. “Cade's bringing in another one, he got access to the compound.” He grinned at Ryker knowing just how pissed the shifter would be.

  Henderson and Ryker both turned their backs to the glass. “What the...” Ryker cursed, pulling his cap down lower over his eyes. “Fleet's gonna' chew on my balls for this.”

  Gunner laughed. “Yeah, rather yours than mine. He wants you and Snow in the office like… yesterday.”

  “That's what I love about you, Gun, you're all fuckin' heart,” Ryker shouted back over his shoulder as he left the two of them. Giving a nod toward Cade and Murphy as they brought the second Other down the tunnel. “You good?” he asked.

  Cade gave a grim nod. “I got this.”

  Jack habitually ran a hand through his thick hair as Cade locked the heavy door. Both men then took a step back and watched through the glass as the prisoner took in his new surroundings.

  “He has Kit's scent all over him.” Cade's wolf was still in fight mode making his voice deep and gritty. He turned to the metal locker behind and grabbed a pair of prisoner issue track pants. He slipped into them before feeling his cousins firm assuring g
rip on his shoulder.

  “My men have checked on Kit, her aunt, and searched the house.” He met the young shifter's stark gaze and watched the clouds unfurl behind the deep gray of his eyes. A fury waiting to be unleashed. “She's fine. Sleepy, but other than that...” He trailed off as Cade's eyes refocused on the tall, blonde male pacing behind the glass like a caged animal at the zoo.

  “I'll need a little help.” Madeleine's voice broke the momentary silence. Both men turned to find her pushing a trolley with medical supplies laid out with neat and methodical precision.

  Jack bent and placed a friendly kiss on her cheek. “You look good, sweetheart, how have you been?”

  She shrugged with an easy smile. “Busy, how about you, Jack?”

  “Yeah, pretty damn busy myself,” he replied, his hands automatically resting on his hips.

  She chuckled, snapping into a pair of latex gloves. “No rest for the wicked, huh?”

  “What do you need Maddy?” he asked, eyeing the various instruments laid out before her.

  Few people called her by her real name, Madeleine, which Maddy was short for. Madoc was just a nickname, a combination given to her by the pack on her initiation. Only Ryker used her full name. She silently thought about how she liked the way it sounded when he did; the deep, rich velvet of his voice made her melt a little inside. She and Jack got on well, and though he was one of the handsomest men she'd ever known, she'd never felt that kind of connection. Needless to say, he still made great eye candy.

  “I need to get some blood samples.” Her gaze came to rest on Cade, his glare fixated on the golden-haired male sitting on the metal bed against the wall. “Do you think they'll answer some questions?” she asked, directing her query at him.


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