The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7) Page 5

by Jillian Neal

  Rainer’s brow furrowed. How could sex with Emily possibly be any better, assuming that’s what Logan was referring to.

  “And this is you and Em, and then we’ll really be brothers.” He punched Rainer in the shoulder.

  “I thought that happened that afternoon when we crashed our bikes.”

  Logan laughed and nodded his agreement. “I get to be on Rainer’s team,” he chanted loudly, just like he would’ve when they were eight. Everyone laughed as he and Rainer performed the secret handshake they’d established on the day they’d become blood brothers.

  Minutes later a rough and rugged game of shirts versus skins was beginning. They played for two hours straight with the press lurking on the outskirts of the farm trying desperately to get shots of the pre-wedding game.

  Rainer noted the arrival of the rental company delivering hundreds of wooden white-folding chairs, but he tried to focus on nothing but the game.

  Connor spiked the ball, and Rainer stepped back. Garrett moved in to sack him, but he leapt and hurled the ball down the field hard.

  Dan raced forward and caught the long pass just as he slid into the end zone. Everyone became aware that they had an audience as Fionna whistled and she and Aida applauded Dan’s efforts. He looked thrilled that his spectacular catch had witnesses.

  Tossing the ball back to Will, Dan headed towards his two favorite women.

  Footballs, Lip Gloss, and Bows

  ~Dan Vindico~

  “Nice catch, Mr. Vindico.”

  Impressing his wife would always make him feel like a king. Giving her a cocky smirk, Dan waggled his eyebrows. “Not quite as good as the night I caught you, baby doll.”

  “Maybe you should go pro.”

  Noting that she was still dressed in her Angel sweats and hadn’t yet showered, he pulled her into his sweaty, bare-chested embrace. She pretended to gag.

  “There are other sports I’d rather go pro in.” He explained wryly.

  She wiggled away from him still laughing. “I don’t think that’s a sport, but you’re definitely the MVP if it is.”

  Aida was holding Fionna’s hand swinging their arms wildly.

  “Emily needs a little bit of help with a few things. Aida wanted to come see what you were doing, and if she could hang out with the guys for a little while.”

  Dan nodded his understanding that whatever Emily and her bridesmaids were doing it wasn’t something that Aida needed to know about just yet.

  “Sure,” Dan grinned at Aida reveling in the way she made him feel like he had a purpose, like maybe all of the hell he and Fionna had been through had a real resolution.

  Aida’s eyes lit as she grinned up at Dan. “And Fionna says that once I have my dress on, I can wear blush and lip gloss.”

  “Did she?” Dan immediately hated the idea and was surprised Fionna had allowed it.

  Garrett, Will, Logan, and Rainer were walking back to the guesthouse in time to hear the exchange. They were all chuckling as they paused on the sidelines downing bottles of water.

  Aida was distracted with Garrett so Fionna gave Dan a goading grin. “You’ve been a dad for twenty-four hours. How are you already overprotective?”

  “I’m a guy, and I know how guys think, and I love you both more than life itself, so yeah. But I can ramp it up for you if you’d like.”

  She laughed and shook her head at his challenge. Leaning in to brush a kiss along his jaw, she whispered, “It’s just strawberry flavored Chapstick.”

  Hemming, Dan nodded his hesitant defeat.

  “Okay, you and Dan have fun, and I’m going to go help Emily. When I come back, it will be time to put your dress on.”

  Aida exchanged Fionna’s hand for Dan’s. He was pleased that she seemed excited to hang out with him even if Fionna wouldn’t be there.

  “And then I can put on my lip gloss?”

  Fionna kissed her cheek. “And then you can put on the lip gloss.”

  Dan’s head fell in mock defeat as all of the men laughed at him outright.

  Fionna blew Dan and Aida kisses, climbed back in the Ferrari, and headed back to the farmhouse.

  Dan led Aida inside the guesthouse followed by the rest of the Haydenshire men.

  “Seems like somebody gave me some advice about something like this recently.” Logan drawled as Aida continued to discuss wearing lip gloss for the wedding.

  “Yeah.” Rainer laughed. “Something about fighting a losing battle.” He batted Logan’s pitch out of the park.

  They both cracked up as Dan huffed, “This is obviously entirely different.”

  Aida took in the superfluous amounts of food as everyone who’d been playing football dug in.

  Dan popped open a Dr. Pepper. “Would you like one, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Dan handed her the can he’d opened and grabbed another for himself. Taking a seat on the sofa, he felt his heart warm as Aida promptly climbed in his lap. He’d been preparing for the sting of her sitting with Garrett instead.

  She sloshed the Dr. Pepper on the leg of his basketball shorts. “I’m so sorry.” She panicked. Tears formed in her eyes.

  “It’s okay, baby. Watch.” Dan summoned a very faint heat and dried the spot in a matter of seconds. “See, no big deal.”

  She looked somewhat mollified as she tucked her head under Dan’s chin and drew a long sip of her drink.

  Dan felt her little finger begin to trace the tattoo of the cobra on his bare chest. He swallowed uncomfortably. He didn’t know what to do or say. He’d certainly never considered how to explain that particular tattoo to a child.

  She sat up, studied him momentarily, and then smiled. “This is so good I never had anything but water before I came here.”

  Dan felt his heart ache and his stomach turn uncomfortably. It was a feeling he was growing accustomed to experiencing every time he heard another story about Aida’s life before she’d been adopted. He wasn’t certain that Dr. Pepper was something she should have had before, but he knew she should probably have at least had milk.

  Sitting up suddenly as she took in Rainer falling onto the love seat with a huge sub and a beer. “Emily looks so beautiful! You’re going to want to kiss her as soon as you see her!”

  “He always wants to do that.” Garrett teased her.

  “Well, I can’t wait to see her.” Rainer winked at Aida making her beam.

  “Her hair is very fancy, just like this.” She handed her Dr. Pepper to Dan and piled her straggly brown hair up on top of her head. It stuck out in every direction. Everyone chuckled at her affectionately.

  “And Fionna made her do her mouth like this.” She poked her lips out in a heavy pucker. “And then Adeline put lipstick on her, and then she did like this.” Pulling in her pucker, she rubbed her lips together dramatically.

  “Emily and Fionna are wearing beautiful red lipstick, but Fionna says my lip gloss is prettier on me.”

  “I think Fionna is definitely right about that.” Dan assured her.

  Turning her head back momentarily, she nuzzled her head on his neck.

  Everyone was perfectly content to let Aida regale them with her morning events as they settled in to listen to her.

  She blushed slightly and tucked back into Dan as she realized everyone was staring at her and listening intently.

  “What other fun things did you do this morning, sweetheart?” Dan urged her.

  Drawing a deep breath, she debated. “Well Emily let me see her dress, which is a secret, and I'm not allowed to tell you about it.” She put both of her hands over her mouth for a few seconds indicating that she wasn't going to tell the secret.

  “And all of the bridesmaids are wearing very fancy, purple, very high heels, and I am wearing purple shoes too but mine are only this high.” She sighed as she held her thumb and index finger minutely apart. “But they do have bows on the back just like Fionna's.” She pointed to the back of her right foot. The bow seemed to make up for the lack of heel. />
  Dan was quite certain he’d never seen anything cuter. “I’m sure they’ll be very pretty.”

  Governor Haydenshire entered through the garage door. “Your sister told me I had to leave.” He sounded highly offended.

  Everyone laughed at him doing nothing to ease the pain of his dejection.

  Aida’s turned back to Rainer. “And Emily gets to wear very beautiful, very lacey, panties that tie with bows on the sides, and if you want to take them off you can just untie the bows!” She announced delightedly as she pointed to her own hipbones.

  Choking and spluttering as the beer he'd just taken a large sip of came forcefully back out of his mouth, Rainer’s eyes goggled.

  Garrett, Logan, Patrick, Levi, and Connor all guffawed. Will and Dan shared a horrified grimace.

  Dan didn’t know what to do. He needed Aida to stop discussing Emily’s undergarments, but he was terrified to scold her when spilling a drop of Dr. Pepper made her cry.

  She turned to Dan her eyes still lit in utter joy. “And I want to wear panties just like that when I get married!”

  He let his head drop as he grasped his chest. It was too many emotions to sort through, but trying to envision his baby girl, on her wedding night, letting some unnamed boy that Dan instantly found revolting, untie her panties made him want to strangle someone, preferably any boy that decided he should date Aida in the future.

  Governor Haydenshire chuckled as he recognized the horror Dan was currently experiencing. “Uh huh, talk to me when she’s twenty and putting on a wedding gown.”

  Rainer still hadn’t raised his head from his hands. What they could see of him was glowing crimson. Garrett began asking him if he needed to practice tying and untying his shoes.

  Aida seemed shocked by Rainer’s reaction. She studied him and then turned back to Dan. “Does he not like bow panties?”

  Rainer whimpered as the Haydenshire brothers cracked up again.

  “Oh trust me, Aida Mae. He’ll like them.” Garrett assured her.

  Governor Haydenshire stepped in after making certain that Dan was watching. “Aida, sweetie, we probably shouldn’t talk about that. Emily might not want us to.”

  Aida nodded her understanding. “I’m sorry. Will Emily be mad at me?”

  “Of course not. You didn’t know and now you do.” He explained kindly.

  Aida looked distressed for a moment, but her smile returned as she nuzzled down under Dan’s chin once again.

  The Governor chuckled at Dan’s relief. “Just takes a little practice you’ll get the hang of it.”

  “Would the groom like the first shower?” Will gallantly tossed Rainer a proverbial lifeline. Looking extremely thankful to be making an exit, he headed into he and Emily’s room.

  The men cycled through the showers, and an hour later, Fionna returned for Aida. Dan was only slightly aware of the chuckles that echoed around the room as his mouth hung open and his eyes goggled as he took in his wife.

  She was stunning. Her hair was pulled up in a loose twist with several tendrils cascading down her face. The dress was a deep purple satin gathered at the bust displaying her luscious cleavage. The skirt portion was short hitting her mid-thigh and doing an outstanding job of showing off her long legs. The heels were indeed very high with satin strappings across her toes that formed an x across her foot with a bow tied behind her heel.

  She was wearing more make-up than Dan was accustomed to, and the deep burgundy lipstick she’d applied had her luscious lips displayed in a perfect pout.

  The diamond rings shimmering brilliantly on her left hand telling the world that she was his completed what Dan was certain was the picture of the most stunningly beautiful woman on the planet.

  “Wow,” he husked letting a low whistle slide through his teeth making her beam.

  “You look very beautiful!” Aida gasped.

  “Thank you.” Fionna looked extremely pleased with Dan’s reaction.

  “Are you ready to go put on your dress?” She leaned down to take Aida’s hand.

  Patrick, Rainer, Levi, and Governor Haydenshire all turned their heads, a gesture Dan immensely appreciated. When Fionna leaned forward, you could see straight down the dress. Saliva flooded his mouth as he stifled a low groan.

  Aida nodded excitedly. “Bye, Dan!” She threw her little arms around his legs in a hug. “I’m going to go put on my dress and my lip gloss.”

  “All right.” He lifted her up into his arms and planted a kiss on her cheek. “But not too much.”

  Fionna chuckled as she leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his jaw line. Dan’s heart thundered out his approval.

  Just as Fionna led Aida out of the house, Garrett walked into the kitchen tying his bow tie. Laughing, he shook his head at Dan. “Man, what is it with you and lipstick?”

  Dan headed to the bathroom to shower and wipe off the imprint of Fionna’s lips from his jaw.

  Here Comes the Bride

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  Trying not to let his mind reel over all of the things that could possibly go wrong, Rainer wondered if Emily had received the roses he’d ordered for her.

  His brain offered him nothing but all of the potential points of disaster. Grandpa Haydenshire was going to be there, naturally, and that was always a recipe for disaster. Governor and Mrs. Vindico would be coming, and they’d yet to be informed of Dan and Fionna’s very recent adoption. The press was out in alarming force desperate for pictures of the wedding, reception, and of Abigail. Garrett had helped the Stylers unload the cakes and had been wearing a disturbingly mischievous grin ever since he’d returned.

  “Son, if you can’t change it, and you can’t control it, then figure out what you can learn from it, and then just hang on and try to enjoy the ride because you never know when it might end. Rainer heard his father’s voice echo in his mind.

  It had been an odd statement from his father. Joseph Lawson had done the impossible. With his closest friends by his side, he’d set out to overturn a corrupt Senteon and Governing Board. He’d ratified a new constitution that kept the Gifted from using their powers to abuse the Non-gifted people, and set up a balancing division of power. He’d changed the problems and controlled the Realm.

  But that day at Disney World when Rainer had been a little concerned about riding his first full-fledged roller coaster, ‘hang on and enjoy the ride’ had been his father’s advice.

  Rainer stared in the mirror as he began attempting to tie the bow tie for the third time, just the way his father had taught him. Cross, loop under, double over, then back.

  A knock sounded on the door. Jerking the tie back out, he opened the door.

  Governor Haydenshire met him with his kind, knowing smile. “Need some help?” He gestured to the tie.

  “Oh, it’s okay. I think I’ve got it.” Rainer assured him. What was wrong with him? He’d done this hundreds of times.

  Governor Haydenshire gazed at Rainer for a long minute. “Could I come in, son?”

  Rainer nodded. He felt badly he hadn’t made the offer sooner. He just couldn’t seem to think straight.

  Stepping back to the mirror, Rainer watched the Governor close the door.

  “He would be so proud of you, Rainer.”

  Rainer feebly fought tears. He didn’t have to ask whom the Governor was referring to. “I hope so.” He choked. Cross, loop under, double over, then back.

  “Well, I know he would be, because I know how proud I am of you, son.”

  Cross, loop under, double over, then back. His hands shook. The knot slipped through again.

  “Dammit!” Rainer jerked the tied from his neck and threw it on the dresser. He stabbed his fingers through his hair ordering himself to calm down and tie the damn tie.

  Governor Haydenshire chuckled, stepped behind him, and lifted the collar, of Rainer’s shirt. He retrieved the tie and with steady hands he completed the bow and then lowered the collar.

  Rainer lifted his head and met the Governor’s wise gaze.
“I’ll take care of her, always. I swear, sir.”

  Governor Haydenshire blinked back tears of his own. “I have no doubt, Rainer. You always have. When you were just a little guy, barely out of diapers, you used to get so angry at her big brothers if they did anything to upset Emily. You came out swinging. It didn’t matter how much bigger they were than you. And a few years later, I stood on the side porch and watched you and Logan teach her to ride a bike without training wheels. You wouldn’t let her go until you knew she could do it no matter how exhausted you were or how fast you had to run. You never let her crash. Rainer you were only twelve-years-old when you put yourself between her and a copperhead. And a few years after that, you took her out in your Mustang convertible, and she offered you the whole world and you turned her down. Honestly, son, I cannot think of a finer man to be marrying my baby girl.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Rainer stuttered and ordered his tears away. This was the happiest day of his life.

  Governor Haydenshire offered Rainer his hand, but Rainer shook his head and wrapped his arms around the man that had made him who he was.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me for my whole life!” Overwhelmed by the magnitude of all the Haydenshires had given him, he shook his head in disbelief.

  With tears now streaming down his face, Governor Haydenshire nodded. “The pleasure was all mine, son. Believe me.”

  With a final adjustment of the tie, the Governor stepped back. “I guess I better go. My baby girl’s getting ready to marry the only guy in the world I ever would have approved of for her. I’m supposed to walk her down the aisle.”

  Rainer chuckled. “Yeah, I think they’re expecting me at the end of that aisle soon.”

  “You better not make her wait, son. I’ll still throttle you if you make her cry.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be there. I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.” Rainer vowed as he watched the Governor exit the room.


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