The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7) Page 10

by Jillian Neal

  “So, the people just bring whatever we want to eat three times a day?” She studied the many varied options.

  Another yawn contorted his jaw but he managed a nod. “Yeah, or we can order everything for a day or two and then reheat it, keep it cool, or whatever needs to happen.”

  “Let’s do that! I want to be all alone with you.” Giving him his favorite mischievous grin, she wriggled beside him. “You know so if I want to walk around naked all day and make you drool, I could.”

  Rainer gave her the voracious growl she was after as he pulled her body down the mattress, hoped over her, and pinned her underneath him.

  “What is it you wanted to all day if we’re naked and alone, baby?”

  That fire that he loved sparked in her eyes. She slipped her hand down and then wound it through the opening of his boxers.

  “Oh, you know, I thought maybe we could have wild crazy sex on every available surface of this fantastic villa that you’ve rented for us, and I’ve always wanted to do it on the beach.” Her fingers traced the ridges and straining veins that carried raw need to his head.

  Losing all sense of what they’d been discussing or of the fact that he was supposed to be acquiring food for his wife, Rainer’s eyes rolled back in his head.

  “That’s it, baby. Grab me.”

  Emily seemed to have forgotten eating as well. She moaned as he throbbed in her hand.

  “So damn beautiful. Feel how hard you make me.” He commanded as she began to writhe. Rainer leaned and kissed her heatedly. A shuddering moan echoed from her mouth into his driving him wild. “God, I need you again.”

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Only there really weren’t any doors Rainer realized as he began to panic.

  Emily gasped as Rainer threw the covers over them quickly. “Excuse me! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He slid from the bed as Emily buried her naked body under the covers up to her neck.

  Rainer pulled on a pair of shorts while he glared at a tall, lanky man who appeared to be of Jamaican decent and a short woman dressed in a uniform from the company that owned the island.

  Rainer cast his shield and positioned his body between Emily and the intruders.

  “We’re so sorry to interrupt, Mr. Lawson.” The man drawled in a thick Jamaican accent. “We wanted to bring you a sampling of the food available to you while you stay on the island, and we wanted to say welcome to Hatchpointe and congratulations to you and Mrs. Lawson.”

  They stepped into the villa carrying two large trays containing numerous dishes of food.

  “Rainer!” Emily panicked, but he was already on it.

  He halted them before they took another step. “We didn’t call for any food. And let me be perfectly clear, do not return unless we call, or I will arrest you for wrongful intrusion, invasion of privacy, and breach of contract. I’m certain the Crown Governor would see things my way. ” Rainer demanded furiously. “Leave! Now!”

  The woman spoke in quick irritated Spanish to Aldus. Though the staff of Hatchpointe was Non-Gifted, the owner, Mr. Langfield was Gifted and Rainer knew the staff was aware of the Realm. They knew who the Crown Governor was and what kind of power Emily’s father wielded.

  “Certainly sir.” The man leaned and managed to set the trays of food on the kitchen counter. “We’ll anxiously await your call, Mr. Lawson. We didn’t mean any intrusion. Your father was an acquaintance of Mr. Langfield’s, and he wanted you to know that if there is anything we can do while you stay here at Hatchpointe, to make your honeymoon everything you desire for it to be, just simply say the word.”

  “My name is Aldus and this is Ximena. We’ll be at your beck and call for your stay.”

  The fact that his father knew the man that ran the rental agency for the island location distracted Rainer for a moment, but, he reminded himself of the fact that Emily was buck naked in their bed and there was a man standing not ten feet away from her.

  “We’ll be in touch, but right now I’d like a little privacy with my wife!”

  “Certainly, sir. Just phone with your desires remembering of course that it takes us a little time to reach you from the other side of the island.” Aldus drawled as he and the Ximena paced back down the stairs.

  Uncertain what to do next, Rainer eased back towards Emily.

  “Are they just gonna show up whenever they want!” She demanded furiously.

  “Not unless they want me to bankrupt their company with several lawsuits and own this entire island.” Vengeful fury burned through his veins.

  “Maybe we should call Daddy.”

  Without meaning to display his defeat, Emily saw it set in his eyes. He’d wanted desperately to bring her here, to tuck her away in safety and solitude, and get her to completely rely on him instead of her father, not that he didn’t appreciate everything Governor Haydenshire always did to protect all of his children.

  Rainer wanted so badly to prove to Emily that he would take care of her and be to her what her father had always been to her mother.

  Reading him with ease, Emily forced a smile. “I’m sure they won’t be back. I mean it is noon. We slept really late. I know you’ll take care of me, Rainer.”

  “I swear, Em, if they come back without us calling, I’ll take care of it. I don’t share, baby. You know that. I would never let anyone see anything that’s meant only for me and for you. That’s a private show and I guard everything you give me with my life.”

  She gave him a sweet smile as she nodded. “I know.” Glancing around as if the view might offer her a change of subject, she smiled. “Let’s eat!” She pulled on a tiny white spaghetti string top and a pair of denim cutoffs so short they made Rainer’s mouth water, then she poured cups of the coffee he’d made earlier.


  Soon, they were sitting on the bed devouring the provided food and talking. Rainer felt his chest unfetter. It had been several weeks since they’d really talked about anything other than the wedding or the Wretchkinside’s takedown. He allowed himself momentarily to wonder if any progress had been made in his absence on the missing money or the murdered operatives, but then forcibly channeled his thoughts back to his beautiful bride. That was the past, and he wanted to stand with her and gaze into their future.

  “I’m going to need lots of sunscreen if we’re gonna go play on the beach.” Emily drawled flirtatiously.

  Extremely pleased that she seemed to be letting their morning interruption fall away, Rainer gave her a cocky grin. “Well, I could probably help you with that, baby.”

  And you’re sure that if I should decide to lay out topless or to make you take me in the waves that no one’s going to see?”

  “Not unless they don’t ever want to see anything ever again!” Rainer vowed. “Does this mean that my baby would like to go play in the waves?”

  “We are on this beautiful island where the water is nice and warm, and I’m with this really hunky guy that I made marry me.” Her delighted giggle made him laugh.

  “The pleasure was all mine, trust me.”

  Emily crawled out of the bed and began going through one of her suitcases. She glanced around at the villa as she extracted a black bikini and matching cover up. “It’s just so hard to decide where to do you first. We could have sex in the bath tub, or the pool, or the ocean, or on the many various bed-like structures here.” She gestured around the villa. “You'd think they made it just for that purpose.”

  “Yeah, I really couldn’t get my brain above my belt when I was making the reservations for our honeymoon.” He confessed somewhat sheepishly. “Is that okay? I'll take you somewhere else if you want? Anywhere. You name the place.”

  Rolling her eyes, she shook her head at him. “Rainer, I was kidding. This place is amazing, and I plan on making use of every available surface for its intended purpose.”

  He tried to shake off his nerves. Something about Aldus bugged him. His shield was taking over his brain. He needed to take care of her. “I coul
d give you a bath.”

  Looking very intrigued, she shook her head after consideration. “Let's wait for tonight. It'll be more romantic once it’s dark.”

  Nodding, he slowly drew her into his body and whispered a gentle kiss along her cheek. “Okay, then why don’t you go put on that bikini, and I’ll take you down to the shoreline, and we’ll see just how quick I can get you back out of it.”

  Emily trembled in his arms. The effect drove him wild.

  “Then after that we can hang out, relax, order some dinner, and then I’m gonna lay you out in that tub, baby. I’m gonna rub my hands all over you until you’re begging me to get you wet and dirty all over again.”

  She moaned in furtive need as her eyes flashed and darkened. “You won’t let anyone see us.”

  “Never, baby. That’s all for me and no one else, not ever. You’re all mine. Forget this morning. Just go get ready.”

  She gave him a heavy nod. The sweet sultry scent of her mixed with need and sex hung in the humid air around them. Rainer tried to draw deep breaths. He watched her turn and walk to the bathroom in the villa, the only room with four solid walls and a door.

  When Emily emerged, Rainer’s mouth gaped as he fished around in his head for a full minute trying to remember how to close his jaw. She was wearing a black bikini the he’d never seen before. The top consisted of two thin black straps of material covering an inch or two over her nipple line leaving the majority of her ample cleavage exposed. It joined in the center by three small strands of black material that hooked together with a gold medallion. Finally recalling how to make his lower jaw join with his upper, Rainer swallowed hard as his eyes traveled down her torso over her tattoo to the skimpy bottom of the bikini. A very insubstantial diamond cut of black fabric barely covered the parts of her only he had seen. The back was nothing more than a thin black thong.

  “Oh my God.” Rainer gasped for breath.

  Glee lit Emily’s face as she giggled at him. “Close your mouth, baby. You’re drooling.”

  A quaking moan thundered from his lungs. “That should be illegal.”

  “If you don’t like it, you could take it off of me.”

  Ardent desire seared through Rainer’s veins. “Come here to me, baby.”

  Letting her hips sway dramatically, Emily moved to him. “You are just so damn gorgeous.” He wrapped his hands around her waist. Desperate to touch all of her he glided his hands over all of her exposed skin. Everywhere he touched seem to ignite like they’d been doused in gasoline.

  She pulled away with a naughty grin as she slipped on her flipflops, slung the beach bag over her shoulder, grabbed a book she’d packed, and blew Rainer a kiss. With a look that said she wanted to be chased, she paced down the wooden steps that lead to the shore.

  ~Dan Vindico~

  “Best husband ever!” Fionna kissed Dan’s jaw line as she accepted the Starbucks cup he’d just surprised her with. Aida was almost as thrilled with her proclamation as Dan was. They continued to move through the grocery store they were currently in.

  Aida was reading Fionna’s list to them and helping them locate the items. She was astonished by the sheer amount of food in an American grocery store and the fact that she was getting to help shop and cook.

  Every few minutes she would tend to Sophie whom she’d placed in the seat of the cart. Dan and Fionna found this particularly adorable and grinned unabashedly at one another every time she explained something to Sophie or offered her the bottle she’d brought along.

  “Okay your mom’s bringing an appetizer and Kara’s bringing dessert.” Fionna glanced at the list in Aida’s hands. “Remember after we get all of the groceries, we get to go get a few toys and books and things for your room.”

  Aida nodded but was still concerned about Dan and Fionna buying things for her. An idea struck Dan as they moved to the checkout. “So I’m a guy, and I don’t know these things, but don’t baby dolls need things so you can take care of them?”

  Fionna mouthed the word “brilliant” as she nodded. “Oh yeah, I mean Sophie needs a cradle, and some clothes, maybe a stroller.”

  Dan melted as Aida tried very hard not to look as excited as she clearly was by the idea that she was allowed to have toys all her own.

  “And Aida needs some books to read to Sophie.”

  Shivering in delight, Aida drew a deep breath. “When I lived in the orphanage, sometimes people would let us have books that they didn’t want anymore, and they put them in the book room. I read them all, and I would hope everyday that other little girls would give us their books that they were finished with because even though they were already read they were still really good. But if they didn’t give them to us, I would read The Paper Bag Princess because it’s my most favorite story in the whole world, and it makes me laugh. I’ll miss it a little bit.” Her excitement dampened as she realized the book was no longer with her.

  Deciding that if he had to drive to Brazil to get Aida the book he would, Dan kissed the top of her head. “I bet they have that book at the bookstore here so you could have your very own copy and several others. If they don’t have it, we’ll order one when we get home.”

  “Really?” Aida’s pale brown eyes twinkled.


  “Oh wow!”

  Fionna blinked back tears as Dan prayed that they could locate the book in question that day.

  Pride and love filled his entire being as Dan drove his girls home. Under a fair amount of persuasion, Aida had relented and picked out a white, wooden, rocking cradle for Sophie. It matched the white wood headboard of the bed that used to sit in Fionna’s guest room. Dan had moved it to what used to be his office. To his shock, that empty room that was once a shrine to the vengeance that consumed him was the one Aida had chosen.

  She wanted her room to be close to Dan and Fionna’s, and when he’d offered to paint the walls lavender, she was overjoyed.

  Glancing in the rearview mirror, he saw Aida holding Sophie in her lap but she was lovingly running her hand over the purple and white quilt that Fionna had picked out for her bed. It had small tasteful pictures of fairy princesses sewn delicately into the squares. When Aida declared that she wasn’t special enough to get to sleep with a fairy princess quilt, Satan himself couldn’t have stopped Dan from buying it and every available accessory that went with it.

  Given that Dan despised his mother’s lifelong obsession with drapes, Fionna had giggled hysterically when he’d added the curtain set to the cart.

  They’d also purchased a small, white, wooden bookshelf to hold the books that Aida picked out and adored. Fionna located The Paperbag Princess and tears leaked down Aida’s tiny precious face when she opened it and saw that it was the very same book. She’d been thanking them for a solid hour.

  Fionna had added several books she remembered reading to Aida or that Aida had read to her while she’d worked at the orphanage and then several of her own favorites from growing up.

  When Aida wasn’t caressing her new bedding, she turned back to the book she’d decided to start on calling out the letters to the very few words she stumbled over for Dan and Fionna to help her.

  “Fionna!” she gasped.

  “What, baby?”

  “Matthew and Marilla adopted Anne just like you and Dan adopted me only I rode an airplane and not a train!” She held up the junior edition of Anne of Green Gables.

  Relieved that nothing was wrong, Fionna grinned. “That’s right. They did, and those were my very favorite books when I was a little girl.”

  “Oh wow!” Aida breathed as she turned another page.

  Brown Eyed Girl sang from Fionna’s phone.

  With a wry grin, she answered, “Hey, Daddy.”

  To Dan’s shock, the Stylers had been delighted that Dan and Fionna married in Hawaii and had been overjoyed that they’d adopted Aida. He hadn’t expected their exuberance when they’d refused to fly to Kauai for the wedding. The excuse had been that they couldn’t afford
to unexpectedly close the bakery, but Fionna had explained that her father didn’t like coming back to Kauai. It was too painful. There were too many memories of her mother.

  Dan understood that only too well, but he was still shocked that the Stylers weren’t upset with Fionna’s rapid life changes. Her father wanted her to be happy and he was extremely pleased that they were marrying and that she was considering quitting the Angels.

  To Mr. Styler, Aida was the lynch pin that would keep Fionna from resigning her contract so he approved of the adoption completely.

  “Yes, she’s fine, Daddy. She’s reading.” Fionna rolled her eyes as her father talked. “I do have to go to the Arena tomorrow for a little while.”

  Per her contract, Fionna had to be in the stadium for several hours the next day and every practice day until her contract was up at the end of April. She could not challenge or participate in practice.

  Adeline had explained that the physical energy drain would be much harder to recover from for the next several weeks. Since they’d been very actively trying to conceive again, this all worked well. Once Fionna was pregnant again, she could not be under the field aegis. It would be dangerous for her health and the health of their child.

  In one five-minute conversation, they’d both agreed that they wanted Aida to have younger siblings. The sooner the better. They were certainly enjoying the process, but Dan knew she was very anxious to conceive again.

  “Okay, love you too!” Fionna called and then hung up the phone. “Daddy wants you to bring Aida by the bakery tomorrow, while I’m at practice. He basically wants to load her up with cookies, and show her off to all the customers.”

  “That sounds perfectly logical to me.”

  “It would,” Fionna laughed.

  “You’re going away tomorrow?” Aida’s tiny frightened voice pierced through Dan. They shared a heartbroken expression.

  “Just for a little while and then I’ll be right home.”

  “Can’t Dan and I come with you?”


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