The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7) Page 20

by Jillian Neal

  Dan had never concentrated so hard in his entire life. He closed his eyes and worked through Fionna’s rhythms.

  “Do you feel them?” Adeline whispered.

  “Is that her heartbeat?” He felt the tiny rhythmic pulses.

  “It’s technically just the two tubes that will form the heart, but that is where the energy is coming from, for now.”

  Adeline removed her hands, and let Dan fully lock onto his wife and his child.

  “This isn’t medical knowledge that you’ll find in some textbook or wherever, but I can promise you that there is a reason that little Abigail loves the Governor so much.”

  Dan kept both of his hands formed in a loose circle around his developing child while he listened intently.

  “She needs to feel your energy, Dan, regularly. She needs to feel the way you two work together. It will make her stronger. She can feel the bond between you through your rhythms. As she continues to develop, let her hear your voice, and feel your rhythms as often as you can.”

  Adeline chuckled at Dan as he stared dumbfounded at Fionna’s stomach unable to look anywhere else. “Basically my patients’ husbands and boyfriends all really like me, because I’m telling you to have sex and to keep your hands on your wife as much as you can for the next eight months.”

  Dan and Fionna laughed through their tears.

  “Is there anything we should or shouldn’t do?” Fionna asked.

  “No smoking, no alcohol, obviously stay out from under the field aegis, and I assume that you won’t be signing your new contract.”

  “Definitely not.” Fionna assured her. “Can I have coffee and tea?”

  “Yes, but limit your coffee to only two or three mugs a day. Drink lots of water and tea is fine but decaffeinated fruit or herbal teas are probably best.”

  “We’re leaving for Paris Friday. That’s okay, right?” Fionna continued to fire off questions.

  “Sure. The baby is very healthy and embedded strongly. Your uterus recovered very well. Thankfully, the baby isn’t near where you were injured. We will need to keep an eye on that spot as she grows, but I don’t foresee any problems.”

  A million thoughts seemed to settle in Dan’s mind all at once. When he felt his little girl’s rhythmic energies moving from her tiny and yet largely undeveloped heart, his entire world settled into perfect accord, and he knew precisely what he wanted and needed to do.

  “And sex is good for her? It won’t hurt her?” Fionna’s cheeks were still blazing.

  “Sex is good for your relationship, good for the baby, and not something the baby will feel in anyway other than she’ll probably pick up on your emotions from it when she’s a little more developed. Right now, she’ll just recognize Dan’s rhythms joining with yours. You may have to come up with some creative positions for the last trimester, though.”

  “I’ll take care of that.” Dan assured Adeline.

  “Okay, but please don’t tell me about them. My patients for some reason think I want to know that, and I really don’t.”

  “When will I be able to feel her move?” It seemed Fionna wanted to change the subject.

  “It’s different for everyone, but at least another two or three months, I’d say. Try to rest. The first and last trimesters are extremely taxing on your body. Naps are excellent, if you can take them. Low key exercises like walking, yoga, that kind of thing, are also really great and will help with the birth. If you’re comfortable with it, then I’m happy to not see you in the hospital until you’re well twelve weeks along. You can hide it until you’re showing, if you want.”

  “Thank you.” Dan and Fionna both vowed.

  “And your little girl should be here sometime in November.”

  “Wow.” Fionna was suddenly over whelmed.

  Dan leaned and kissed her forehead. He caressed her face tenderly. “I love you so much.” He elicited more tears.

  “Your mom’s going to be disappointed in me again.” Fionna shivered.

  “I’m just gonna let you two talk. If you have any other questions, I’ll obviously be with you for the rest of the day.” Adeline offered them a kind smile before she eased the door shut.

  “Well, she can be disappointed all she wants, but I’m so excited I can’t even see straight. Besides, shouldn’t she be disappointed in me? Wasn’t that one of my parts of the deal?” His mother could just get over the fact that the Vindico name wasn’t going to be passed down, unless Fionna wanted to try again in a few years.

  “Yeah, well, the whole thing is really your fault.” A mischievous grin made the tears on her cheeks gleam in the sunlight from the window.

  “That’s right, baby doll. All mine.” He winked at her, as she grinned ear to ear.

  “I need new bras. Cause, you know, my girls are kinda getting huge.” She folded her head down to examine her own breasts.

  Dan laughed. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t going to comment, but I was trying to be really careful with them the last week or so.”

  “It feels better when you massage them, as long as you’re gentle.” Renewed heat colored her cheeks.

  Dan slipped his hands from her still exposed abdomen to her breasts. They were indeed fevered, swollen, and heavy. Her nipples pulled taut immediately, and he had to remind himself that they were in Logan and Adeline Haydenshire’s bed. He fought the ardent desire to soothe his wife’s tender pain, to make her feel him, and to let the baby feel his energy.

  “So far I really like this pregnancy thing.”

  Fionna giggled. “You aren’t the one that puked this morning.”

  “That is true.” Dan conceded.

  “How do you want to tell our sweet girl that she’s going to be a big sister?” Fionna managed her next question just before her eyes closed and her rhythms began to roll in craving pulses. Dan continued to rub and massage her breasts. He lifted their weight with his hands. She wanted more. He could feel that, but wasn’t certain how to grant her wish.

  “Want to go home, baby? We could tell Aida and then I could take good care of you.”

  Fionna shook her head. “No, we promised to help Rainer and Emily move but tonight, after my bath.”

  Dan tried to will away his sudden erection.

  “You have to rub this oil and ointment that Tutu makes all over my belly and my boobs every night, so I don’t get stretch marks.”

  “Baby doll, I’m gonna take care of every single thing you need. Don’t worry.” Dan assured her in a husky growl.

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  “Can we talk about something else for awhile?” Emily begged.

  Perfectly willing to do anything at all that she wanted, Rainer felt relief wash over him as Emily laid back on their bed and motioned for him to join her. He reclined, and she laid down on his chest.

  “Fionna’s pregnant. She told us on the way over here, but Aida doesn’t know yet. Adeline’s in there reading her.” Her terror was evident in her tone.

  Rainer willed everything to quiet in his mind so he could focus on what Emily was telling him. “Em, you’re going to be a fantastic Lead Receiver for the Angels, and that’s really great for them. Don’t you think?”

  “It is great. I guess. They were trying, and Fi really wanted to get pregnant again, after everything. I’m just scared, and I’m really gonna miss her.”

  Cradling her tighter in his arms, he reveled in how naturally it felt to comfort her, to kiss her forehead, to shut out the rest of the world for just a little while.

  “Baby, you and Fi are really good friends. I don’t think you have to work with her to still get to see her all the time.”


  ~Dan Vindico~

  Dan kept his fingers laced through Fionna’s as he followed her out of the bedroom. Rainer and Emily emerged from their room at the same moment.

  Whatever Emily had said or done, Rainer did look much more relaxed. “I hear congratulations are in order.” He offered Dan his hand.

  “Thanks.” Dan shook Rainer’s h
and. “And I think I know how to get the Porsche and the Hummer to your new house without the press finding you, but it will require you giving me the keys to your Porsche.”

  “You got it.” Rainer tossed the keys to him.

  “What are you going to do?” Fionna gave Dan a wry grin.

  “I’m gonna see if I can’t get myself followed, baby doll.”

  Several hours later, Dan and Logan were positioning a television on the wall according to Rainer’s directional guidance. Garrett screwed the brace to the wall once they’d positioned it correctly.

  Fionna was trying to hide her disappointment that Rainer had the hardwoods throughout the house replaced before the wedding. She and Adeline were helping Emily arrange the kitchen.

  Once the TV was hanging properly, Garrett switched it on and summoned. “Oh, oh here it is!”

  Dan chuckled as he watched himself be chased by numerous news vans. The women joined them. Fionna stood in front of him and he wrapped his arms tenderly around her midsection. She shot him a pride-filled grin as she watched the screen.

  Dan spun the Porsche in an empty parking lot forming two perfect donuts before he exited feigning irritation. “Why the hell are you following me?”

  “Officer Vindico, why are you driving Rainer’s car? Did Rainer loan you the Porsche?” The questions preceded reporters tumbling frantically out of the vans.

  “No longer, Officer Vindico, and yeah, Rainer let me use the Porsche while he and Emily are out of town.”

  As the reporters began setting up cameras to announce that Rainer and Emily had decided to go on another trip after the debacle with their last one, Dan leapt back in the Porsche and flew away.

  Rainer ordered numerous pizzas, and everyone sat down on the living room floors and sofas to eat. The girls were opening the hundreds upon hundreds of wedding presents that occupied every available surface of the room.

  “I have to write six hundred thank you notes!” Emily whimpered.

  “Well, this is the tenth coffee maker I’ve opened, so maybe you could photocopy them and just change the names.” Fionna offered.

  Emily laughed.

  “But you should keep this one!” Fionna held up the coffee maker in her hands. “This is the new Cuisinart one, that can be casted, and comes with a grinder, and a percolator, and a double filtration system, and the hot tea maker!”

  Still laughing, Emily slid over to Fionna and took the box from Fionna’s hands then immediately handed it back. “Rainer and I didn’t get to give you a wedding present. So, congratulations on marrying your dream boat, and tell the baby that Auntie Emily is keeping her caffeinated.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “As long as you don’t mind me re-gifting.”

  “Are you kidding me? Thank you!” Fionna threw her arms around Emily tightly.

  “Wait? What?” Garrett’s eyes goggled.

  Emily’s hand flew to her mouth. “I’m so sorry! I thought you’d told him first.”

  “It’s okay.” Fionna assured her. “I just don’t want Aida to find out yet.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me? You two work fast.” Slapping Dan on the shoulder, Garrett offered him his hand. Then he moved to Fionna and lifted her up in the exuberance of his embrace.

  “Speaking of my baby girls, we should probably go relieve the Governor of the elder of the two and take her home and put her to bed.” Dan urged, but his gaze lingered just a moment too long on Fionna.

  “Uh huh, I think you want to go home and put Fi to bed.” Garret laughed.

  “Well, she is mine, and she is drop dead gorgeous.”

  Fionna rolled her eyes as blood pooled in her cheeks. Clinging to the large box containing her new coffee maker, she stepped over piles of unopened gifts to make her way to Dan.

  “Careful, baby.” He panicked as he took the box from her hands and then guided her over the stacks of presents.

  After they’d given Aida her bath and read her a story, Dan and Fionna tucked her in. She was almost asleep. Her day of playing with the twins on the farm and helping with Abigail had worn her out.

  “Can I call Malani before my bath?” Fionna quizzed as they made their way into the living room.

  Chuckling, Dan studied her incredulously. “Sure, baby, but not too long. You need to get your homework done.”

  “Yes, sir.” She waggled her eyebrows and gave him a naughty smirk.

  Dan growled in her ear as he swatted her backside when she shook it for him. “I think I’d like to hear that several times tonight.”

  He watched her eyes display her intrigue. She shoved Dan down in the chair and crawled in his lap with her phone. Before she could touch Malani’s name, her phone rang.

  Whimpering, Fionna answered, “Hey, Mrs. Vindico.”

  Rolling his eyes, Dan began to rub Fionna’s shoulders and back. He dragged his fingers softly through her long chestnut tresses. As the heavenly scent of vanilla, coconut, and her own sexy musk reached his nostrils, he inhaled deeply.

  His hands slipped to her backside as she listened to his mother drone on about some reception detail that had her eyes rolling.

  Pulling her shirt out of her jeans, Dan cradled his hands around to her swollen breasts. He traced his fingers along the lines of her bra feeling the heat and tender ache as he released them.

  Fionna’s twisted in his lap to study his face. Intention lit his hungry eyes. Her lips spread in a broad grin of challenge. She was clearly intrigued to see just how far Dan would go while she talked to his mother.

  “All mine, baby doll.” He husked in her other ear. Starting slowly, he cupped the swollen flesh and lifted their weight giving her relief. Her breath tangled in her throat, but she tried to keep up her end of the conversation.

  “Oh, uh, yeah. Tomorrow night should be fine.” Fionna agreed, but her body was trembling, and she was beginning to pant.

  Dan let her nipples, drawn tightly in need of relief, glide between his thumb and the side of his index finger. He gripped breasts again. She laid back against him giving her body over to his pliant touch.

  With his right arm supporting her breasts, his left glided to her jeans and unbuttoned them quickly.

  “Mrs. Vindico, I need to run.” Fionna pled, but his mother didn’t even hear her request as she continued her incessant chatter.

  Dan let his finger delicately trace over the satin panties Fionna was wearing. She trembled from the sensation.

  The storm in her eyes was mixed with heady relief, and her body clearly wanted more, so he pushed further honing in on her clitoris. It was throbbing but hadn’t yet bloomed.

  “Oh God,” she gasped as he began to stroke over it through the satin.

  “Uh…uh…I meant, gosh. Gosh, I don’t know that all of that is necessary, Mrs. Vindico.”

  A dark, greedy chuckle escaped Dan. “Your sweet little clit needs to be sucked, baby doll. It hurts doesn’t it?”

  A slight moan escaped her, but she covered it well.

  Slowly Dan edged his fingers under the thong as Fionna shot him desperate looks. “Mrs. Vindico… I… uh… Dan’s calling me!” Her voice shook in her need.

  With a mischievous smirk, he shook his head. He let his fingertips spread her lips. Her mouth fell open and her eyes closed from the sensation.

  “So wet baby,” he whispered in her unoccupied ear. “My naughty little girl. So hungry for me. You need to come don’t you?” He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them before returning them to her panties.

  She shuddered and tried to quell an all-encompassing moan as he continued to tease and torture her. He dipped his fingers deep inside of her gathering her dew. Her entire body tensed as she writhed.

  “Oh… uh… I don’t think we’ll need that.” Fionna managed though her eyes rolled back in her head momentarily.

  “I’ve got just what you need, honey, and I’m gonna make you take it all as soon as you shut my mother up.” He promised in a hushed growl.

really got to go! Yes, we’ll see you then.” Fionna forced the end of the conversation. Her words turning breathy and uneven as Dan’s fingers coaxed her hood.

  Throwing her phone on the couch beside her, she shot Dan wild, untamed looks that threatened to make him combust. She turned in his lap and straddled herself over his crotch. She ground fiercely against his erection as he devoured her mouth.

  “You are in so much trouble.” She panted as he directed his lips to her throat.

  With a defiant growl, Dan grabbed her hand and forced her to feel the intensity of his strain.

  “What are you gonna do about it, baby doll?” He kept his hand over hers showing her exactly how he wanted to be rubbed.

  She pushed up on her knees hoisting her swollen cleavage in his face. “Make you suck me!”

  With a fervent groan, Dan dispensed with her shirt and loosened bra completely.

  “That’s just rewarding bad behavior, sweetheart. Now, bring me those gorgeous tits.” He grasped her waist and pulled her breasts towards his mouth.

  Beginning with her right, he bathed her nipple with the heat of his tongue. As her moans grew in intensity, he began to suck. Her body writhed above his strain.

  “Yes,” hissed from her deliciously.

  Dan moved to her left massaging her right with his hand as he suckled and consumed her.

  Gasping for breath his mind full of all the luscious things he wanted to do to her, he dragged his teeth over her nipple delicately.

  “Oh God! Yes!”

  Locking his hands on her waist, Dan guided her body up and down over his cock.

  “You feel that, baby doll. You feel how hard you make me? Such a naughty little girl. It’s gonna feel so damn good when I bury it deep inside of you.”

  A long, evulsive moan quaking from Fionna’s lungs was his reply.

  Keeping his mouth tending her swollen need, Dan hoisted her jeans further down. He laid her out on the couch and jerked them all the way down her long legs.

  “Something else I want to suck, baby. Spread your legs.”


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