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Hailey Page 1

by M. , ChaShiree

  Copyright © 2019 by ChaShiree M. & M.K. Moore

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  1. Hailey

  2. Payton

  3. Hailey

  4. Payton

  5. Hailey

  6. Payton

  7. Hailey

  8. Payton

  9. Hailey

  10. Payton



  Other Books by ChaShiree M.

  About the Author


  Other books by MK Moore

  About the Author

  Dedicated to our readers. We love you just as much as we love love!



  Boston is such a beautiful city. Full of culture and life. When I got into Harvard, I was flattered and enamored with the idea of going away to somewhere different than the little town of Bleak Minnesota, where I was born and raised.

  Saying goodbye to my family, considering I was on my way to check out the university, I couldn’t help feeling a bit giddy. I felt like a little girl the first time going to a carnival. During the plane ride, I was practically bouncing in my seat and found myself talking the ear off of the person next to me. I am not sure he heard or actually listened to a word I said the whole time. What I do know for sure is that he couldn’t get away from me any faster, than a bolt of lightning, once the plane landed.

  I decided to approach my visit the same way I do everything in my life. ‘A cup half full type of mentality’. It’s the way I have been my whole life. Coming from a family that is as close as mine, I have absolutely nothing to be down about.

  You could have bought me for a wooden nickel as I realized after one week in this amazing city that I would not be attending school here. As much as I long to go out the world and see….everything….at the moment I am homesick. I miss my dad, grandparents, and my best friend.

  I am standing in a Starbucks waiting for the past 20 minutes for my order and finding it hard to stay positive. I need coffee. And I need it now! Unfortunately, I have two more weeks to be here. Although I know I will not be attending school here, I decided to stay the three weeks I planned and be a tourist. At least this is one of the things I can check off my bucket list.

  “Geez. Coffee should not take this long.”

  “I agree gorgeous. But then again, if it didn’t I would have missed seeing you.”

  Holy shit….he can’t be talking to me. The man standing in front of me is freaking gorgeous. If I was able to think right now, maybe I could come up with a different word. But, currently, my mind seems to be replaced with a desire that is at this moment pooling in my panties.

  “Umm...yea.” Um yea. What the hell am I, a five year old. Get a grip, Hailey.

  “Haha. You’re cute. By the way, my name is Payton. And you are?” he asks as he is holding out his hand. Somehow I find the thought process to take his hand, but then he ruins what little sense I was developing, by bring my hand to his mouth and placing a kiss on it. Is it me or did someone turn the heat up in here. My face feels as if it's on fire. If I was to lick the top of my lip, I might taste the salt on it from the way I am perspiring right now.


  “Well, um Hailey. It's obvious that you're not from around here. Where are you from?”


  “You are a long way from home, gorgeous. What brings you here?”

  “I was...um...checking out a school to decide if I want to go there.”

  “OK. And what did little Hailey decide to do.”

  “Well...I…..I...decided not to attend there and to go home. I leave in two weeks. I am staying to do some sightseeing, and then I will be going back. I need to be home for my uncle’s fiancée’s bachelorette party.”

  “Ah hell. I’m glad I came in here when I did then, or I might have missed the chance to show you everything Boston has to offer.” He says with such confidence. Looking at his eyes, they are hooded and filled with something I believe to be lust.

  “Well I don’t know. I…”

  “Little Hailey, do I scare you?”

  “I don’t think scare is the right word, exactly. It is more that I am not sure how to talk to you. The town I live in is very small. When I go from the beginning of one block and get to the end of it, I have basically seen 60% of the town. And most of it is comprised of my own family.”

  “I see. What I would like to do little Hailey is to spend whatever time I can with you, before you go. Maybe, you would let me take you around the city. I could take you on a few day trips to a couple of quaint little towns...or simply …. just take you. It would be against or on every surface of each room I am renting…..over and over again. Would you like that?”

  Forget about talking, thinking, walking, or even blinking. All I can do is feel. It goes all the way from the end of my fingertips down to my toes. My body is alight with a spark I have never known before. It seems as if my fingers are twitching or dying to touch something… anything as long as they can be connected to him. My arms are moving slightly and trying to stretch out as if they want to wrap around him.

  Licking my lips, because I can’t yet kiss him. Holy crap do I want to though. I have never known a need like this. Being I am a virgin, because I have a dad who is a pastor has made it so that I have yet to have any opportunities to feel a desire such as this.

  Right here and now, with my lady bits pulsing inside my leggings and dripping with desire. My nipples start hardening from the thought of what I could experience at his more than capable hands. Deep down, I know I will never have a chance like this again.

  Maybe having a fling is what I need. It is time to shed some of this ‘good girl’ from me. Pulling my shoulders back, I look him in his eyes and say one simple word.

  “Yes.” So why does it feel as if I just changed my life somehow?



  “Oh by the way, how was Boston, Hailey?” My Auntie Lanie asks me.

  “Boston was...interesting, Aunt Lanie. I have decided I don’t think Harvard is the right choice for me. Besides, my dad needs me right now and home is where I want to be.” Everyone nods in understanding.

  I am currently sitting in a booth at the back of a Dive bar helping to celebrate that Tabitha Gentry, one of the sweetest girls I know and my age, has agreed to marry my Uncle Loki. I couldn’t be happier for them. Uncle Loki has been a perpetual bachelor since, well since I was born and it is good to see him very happy.

  However, I find the irony in the fact that neither Tabby or myself are old enough to be in here. Lol. Oh well. Live it up. That is my new motto since coming back from Boston.

  Crap. I told myself to forget all about my time there when I left. But it has been hard to do. The last two weeks of my trip was the best time of my life. Payton is the sweetest, hottest, and bossiest man I have ever encountered, that wasn’t my father or Uncles. If I didn’t know any better, I would swear he is a Viking.

  We both agreed our time together would only be a fling. He seemed to be ok with it, but anytime I mentioned our time together was winding down, his jaw would twitch, fists would clench, and inevitably I would end up on my back with him slamming into me over and over. Demanding I tell him I belong to him. He would continue to chant it, until I gave in and screamed it as my orgasm overtook me.

  When he would orgasm it always ended the same way. His hot salty essenc
e shooting inside me, scalding from the inside out, and challenging me to forget it’s forged inside of me. As if I ever could.

  The one time I mentioned to him about protection from pregnancy, he became even more arduous if you will. I was put on all fours and he proclaimed his intentions to fuck me deeper. To plant himself further and to make himself a home inside of me. I know I should have fought him over his high handedness. I should have stood my ground and told him to put on a condom. But there was something about the primalness and the urgency with which he rutted himself in me, that made it all seem imperative.

  I found myself pushing back against him, while giving my consent and reveling in the feeling of him inside me. The knowing that he needs me as much as I need him. Then it was time for me to go home. Deep down I wanted to stay with him. To forget it was only a fling and for him to ask me to stay. But none of that happened. The messed up part was when the plane took off, as much as I wanted to change my mind, I realized we didn’t exchange last names.

  Even now, sitting in this bar with my family, my body is betraying me. The memories are too vivid to ignore. My pussy is demanding I walk into a bathroom and take it in hand. But, no matter what I do nothing eases the ache for him. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t know where to find him if I tried.

  “Hailey? Where did you go girlie?” Crap.

  “Sorry Tabby. Still a bit jet lagged. You know.”

  “Trust me I do know. Oh wait, that’s right. You just got back like what, a day or so ago?”


  “Well hun, listen. Thanks for coming out and hanging with us, but go home, Hails. Get some rest and call me tomorrow. Maybe we can do lunch?” Thank God she bought it. I feel guilty enough as it is for not being present for her party. Lying to her is making it feel worse. But, my body is forcing me down a very dirty road and I don’t want to be here when I revisit it.

  If only I was going home to Payton.



  Have you ever regretted not doing something so immensely it makes the rest of your life seem like it's not worth it. Hailey herself isn't the regret, I could and would never regret her. What I regret is not getting her last name. In the two weeks we were together, we talked about any and everything, except our last names. I go over every conversation and I hate that I didn't ask.

  Do you know how many Hailey's there are living in America? I do. I tried to find my girl with no luck. It was as if I was looking for a needle in a haystack, and I didn't have a prayer's chance in hell.

  The piece of shit father I have is sitting across from me, behind his desk and yelling at me for the behavior of my little sisters. At twenty-six, I've made more than enough money with the help of an inheritance and wise investing. The girls were the lucky ones. They got out and moved on with their lives.

  Tabby is getting married tomorrow and I'm missing the rehearsal dinner, because I am sitting here listening to him drone on and on. As he does, I get madder and madder. He has no right to talk about them the way he does and yet he continues. I don’t even realize how tightly my fists are clenched, until they start cramping.

  “They are whores, who've brought shame to this family,” he shouts, while pulling me out of my thoughts. He's now been droning on for hours and I've had enough. His vitriol prompts me to do something rash. There's no way I can stay here now.

  “I quit,” I say. For the first time in my life, except those two weeks with Hailey, I feel free.

  “Nonsense. You can't quit. Who will run the company?”

  “It’s not my problem. And from now on you need to keep my sister's names out of your mouth. I'll know if you don't and if you think I won’t then you’re a bigger fool than I already believe you to be,” I say beyond done with the asshole. I stand away from my chair and head for the door.

  “Where are you going? Get back here, Payton,” he shouts. I keep right on walking out the door, never looking back.

  I go straight to my apartment. The apartment that is full of memories, of my time with Hailey. Perfect Hailey. She is the girl of my dreams. The one I filled with my seed so many times there's no way it didn't take root. My girl is somewhere out there without me. The mere thought of her with another man kills something inside of me. Eventually, she will. She's entirely too beautiful to be alone.

  At my apartment, I grab the essentials and any important paperwork. If my sister's and cousin can start over in Minnesota, maybe I can too. Though, I'll never fully move on. My heart and cock now firmly belongs to Hailey.

  Having that settled, I climb into my 2018 Porsche Cayenne SUV and begin the drive to the Midwest. Since I have never been there before, I am unprepared for the harsh winter weather for almost the entire way. Along the way, I contact my cousin and best friend Perry to get a place to stay for a few days, until I can find a place or a home.

  Once in Minnesota, I finish the trek to Bleak and to Perry's house. After ringing the doorbell, Portia answers the door.

  “Hey Payton, Come on in, come in. Perry had a work emergency come up, but go ahead and take a load off. He'll be home soon.”

  “Thank you. It's good to see you again,” I say accepting her friendly hug. “I hate to be rude, but I've been driving all night and need a shower before the wedding.

  Given that all I have thought about is Hailey in the last few weeks, Portia’s accent reminds me of Hailey's. Fuck, I miss her. I have no time to reflect since I’ve got to get ready.

  “Of course. Of course. Let me show you the guest room. You can go ahead and get refreshed. I'm sure your sister is anxious to see you and you probably want to get there soon. I'm sure she's getting ready by now. There's towels and anything else you might need in the bathroom. I follow her down the short hallway. She leads me to a room and leaves me alone.

  Stripping down, after I turn the water to the hottest setting I can stand. Always, when I am in the shower, my thoughts are of Hailey. My cock hardens immediately with the vision of her spread open wide on my bed, waiting for me to slam into her tight heat. I groan. I will have to rub one out before I leave. The image of her on her knees and looking at me does me in. I can feel my orgasm rising, until my cock erupts and I lean against the wall for support. As I am catching my breath, I watch my seed swirl down the drain. Now, maybe I'll be able to concentrate long enough to get through the day.

  After finishing up my shower, I dress in the tux Tabby picked out and had ready for me at the store. It's basic black with a hot pink tie. I gotta admit it looks pretty good.

  When I come out of the room, Perry and Portia are kissing in the kitchen and it's turning heated, so I clear my throat loudly. Portia giggles, but Perry comes over to pull me into a bro hug.

  “How’ve you been, man?” He asks.

  “Ready for a change. My dad as you know.” The look he shares with me tells me he knows exactly what I mean.

  “I get it. We'll catch up later. We gotta go.” I drive my own car, in case Portia needs to leave early. They go on in and sit down, while I head to the back of the church.

  “You ladies ready?” I ask popping my head into the brides room. My sister looks beautiful. Too bad my parents are douches and won't get to see their daughter on the happiest day of her life.

  “I am,” she says.

  The minute I start walking my sister down the aisle, I sense Hailey before I see her. Then I see her sitting in the second row. My cock hardens instantly at the thought of her being near me, yet she is still out of reach.

  This is fate coming due for me.

  My Hailey is here and I'm coming for her.



  Oh shoot. Oh shoot. Oh shoot.

  He’s here. I cannot believe he is freaking here. In the church, right now, and walking Tabby down the aisle as we speak. How is this even happening? How is he the brother of my new aunt and I didn’t know it? I am conflicted and don't know which way to go. It’s between wanting to slink down in the pew to hide from the mortification of not knowing what his r
eaction will be to seeing me. Or to run into his arms and stay there forever.

  “Dearly Beloved.” Hearing my dad begin his sermon brings me back to the forefront. At least for a moment anyway. My eyes slowly veer over towards the spot where Payton is sitting on Tabitha’s side of the church, and I am stunned to see he is already looking at me. His gaze is hard as stone, almost accusatory in its glare. However, I can’t seem to turn away. I try to focus on the wedding and being in the moment, but I can feel his eyes on me. It is burning into my skin and heating me from the inside out. Sitting where I am, I feel faint and tingly.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you, Mr and Mrs. Loki Jorgenson.” Shoot. My mind was so preoccupied with the thoughts and troubles in my head; I missed basically the whole thing. When the rest of my family stands and starts clapping, so do I. I am happy for my uncle and Tabitha, but willing them to hurry and walk up the aisle so I can slink out of the room. As much as I want to say something to him, right now in front of my family is not the place to do it.

  As soon as I can I run out of the chapel and into the car. Driving to UTGARD, I am nervous about seeing him. My only hope is that I don’t make a fool of myself. I plan to stay for an hour at most and then leave. Afterwards I can go home, change clothes, and drown my sorrows in Maple Caramel ice cream.

  Walking towards the door after getting out of the car, I am surprised to see my mom walking into the reception hall. This is Loki and Tabitha’s day. If I cannot ruin it with drama, then my mother cannot either.


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