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Hailey Page 4

by M. , ChaShiree

  “Hey Hails. You ready to go?” Why is Cadi always so cheery?

  “Yea Cadi. I am.” A waitress at Missy’s Diner, she is one of the most genuine people I have ever met. I’m not sure if she knows it, but my uncle Hank has a serious thing for her. Every time our family goes there for a casual dinner or something, I notice the way he stares at her whenever she waits on us. If she’s not careful, my grandma will be all over her like white on rice. There is nothing Stacey Jorgensen loves more than having women her sons are in love with in her sights. She is a matchmaker at heart.

  We drive to the bar and get the same booth we got for Tabby’s girls night. The girls are in rare form and now there are more girls with us this time. Of course, all of the Crawford’s are here. Kitty, The Hearts, Migan, Daisy, Lanie, Cadi, Taryn and my aunt Erika.

  “Soooo…..Hailey…..besides the obvious, what are your plans? Are you going to stay in school or not?” I look towards Taryn, one of the waitresses/pastry chef at my uncle's restaurant. She and I went to high school together, but she has always been sweet and a bit shy. I asked her if she wanted to come with us on her last shift. She nodded enthusiastically.

  “Actually, I was thinking about starting my own event planning business. I mean I know I am young, but I helped my mom with all the school events, and I love it. I don’t know. What do you ladies think?”

  “Sounds good noodle. You have always been a great little hostess.” Argh. I groan at my aunt. I hate when they call me noodle even more than when Daisy calls me Hails.

  “Oooooo….Hailey. I just had the best idea. You could totally be in charge of our grand opening party for the boutique. We could be your first clients and then maybe you could somehow piggy back that into being our PR person.”

  Holy moly! I am completely flabbergasted. I never thought of anything like that.

  “Wow! Ava, I don’t know what to say. It sounds like a dream. I’m just not sure. Wow!”

  “Well, I for one think it is a brilliant idea. Your young, vivacious, and sweet. People would be tripping over themselves to give you what you ask for. And you come from one of the premier families in the Minnesota area. I think you should say yes.” Migan says all but dancing in her seat.

  Hell. With all of them staring at me, I feel the pressure. But the truth is, it sounds amazing and like something I would love to do.

  “Ok. Yes!!!”

  “Woohoo. Let’s go dance to celebrate.” Freaking Penny. Always ready to shake her booty.

  I love these girls.

  * * *

  It has been three days since my girls night and I had a blast. But right now, I am way more excited about what I am doing today. Today, Tabby, Cymion and I are going over my wedding plans. They are Payton’s sisters and it felt right having their input. Especially, since the other day when they found out about the baby. They have been great and supportive. Tabby is extremely excited because she and I are pregnant at the same time.

  “Are you sure about the dress? I know Migan would be more than happy to change anything you want.”

  “No. She did an excellent job. And I love it. It is me.” I tell them that because it is true. The dress is positively regal. It is a silk sheath dress covered in lace. The silk underneath is a soft pink that is offset by Swarovski crystal appliques all over. My favorite part is the five foot long train with the sweetheart neckline. I am still a bit modest about showing cleavage.

  “Well awesome. Everything else will be handled by family. Have you thought of your honeymoon?” I am about to answer when there is a knock at the door.

  “You expecting anyone?” I ask them.

  “Not that I know. Maybe it’s Loki and Payton crashing the planning. It would be just like them.” Tabitha goes to answer the door.

  “What are you two doing here?” I hear her ask someone.

  “Is that anyway to address your parents Tabitha. Or have you been out here with these people so long, you have forgotten your manners. Among other things.”

  Oh my. Their parents.

  “Mother. Father. It would behoove you not to come in my home and disrespect me. Otherwise you could as swiftly make your way back out the door.”

  Her father is walking through the house as if he is the health inspector. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her mother saying something to Cymion that is causing her face to pinch tightly. I am expecting gas to escape her any moment.

  “Mother. Cymion is not going anywhere. And I cannot believe you would suggest otherwise. You know what? I would like for you to leave. I do not want your negativity here.” Although I didn’t hear the conversation on that side of the room, obviously Tabby did and she is not happy.

  “We will do no such thing young lady. Not until your sister sees reason.”

  “You have no choice Mother. My husband would not like you here and…..” Just then Cymion goes to Tabby to calm her down. I was about to do the same thing.

  “Sis. I appreciate your standing up for me. But you should not be dealing with stress like this while you’re pregnant.”

  “What?!?” Her mother says with a gasp.

  “You let that...that...lowlife nobody knock you up!” Her father bellows.

  And now he is talking about MY family.

  “I’m sorry sir. We haven’t met. My name is Hailey. It’s nice to meet you. However, I am going to have to ask that you leave. I cannot stand here while you insult my family. If you walked around these parts you would find that our name is more than synonymous with the nobility around here. Now, I suggest if you want to speak with Cymion, you schedule an appointment.” I can feel myself shaking as I get more and more outraged. I must admit to feeling a bit shocked at my own audacity. I have never been one to anger. But this. This is something else.

  “Oh goodness. Not you too. Hailey, Payton would be more than upset if you and the baby got worked up. Now…..”

  “Another grandbaby!!! My word.” That is the last thing her mother says before she passes out on the floor. For a second the whole room is in shock. None of us move. Then Cymion goes to her.

  “Mom. Mom wake up. Are you ok?”

  “See what you have done Cymion and Tabitha. You have upset your mother. Now I demand you come home this instant, Cymion. Your husband is willing to go to counseling and forget the whole thing happened. You have a responsibility young lady.”

  “You’re right dad. I do. But it's to myself. Not to you and mom. I will not be coming home for anything other than seeing the divorce through. Plus the investigation into who tried to kill me. Or does that not matter to you?” I can’t help but want to take her in my arms and call Sven at the same time. Before I can move to do so, her mother gets up.

  “Soren. Did you hear? We are going to be grandparents. My goodness.” She says beaming like she won the lottery.

  “What I heard Fallon was your ungrateful daughters besmirching their lineage for this...this...backwoods scum and making us the laughing stock. When the hell did I lose control of all my goddamn children?”

  “That answer is simple, father,” Tabby answers. “The minute you started trying to control us. It was almost a guaranteed failure at some point.”

  “I have had enough. Fallon, let’s go.” he makes to walk to the door expecting his wife to follow. She doesn’t move though. Her face betrays the longing in her eyes for what she is going to leave behind.

  “FALLON!!!” She jumps at his shout.

  “But…but Soren. Grandbabies. Two of them.” My heart turns over for her. I can see the anguish. I want to reassure her and tell her she can be in this baby’s life. But, I can’t. Not until she is from under her husband’s thumb. My child will always come first.

  She eventually leaves with him. But not before I see the lone tear that falls down her face as she takes in the family she is losing along the way.

  The girls and I embrace before I leave. I know what they just endured, essentially saying goodbye to the family they have known their whole life. Sometimes you just need a hug.
  As I drive home, I rub my stomach. Promising my child I will love them no matter what their choices are in life. And so will their father.



  It has been two weeks of wedding related activities. Now the day has finally arrived where my precious, Little Hailey will be bound to me forever. As I stand at the altar next my best man, Perry, I wait impatiently. Her maid of honor, Daisy, who is now also her step-mom, walks down the aisle first to take her place. As for my bride-to-be, she walks to me as the sounds of “All This Time” by OneRepublic fills the small sanctuary.

  She is absolutely breathtaking in her white gown. I am getting choked up over how her beauty stands out for everyone to see. Her bare shoulders and what I suspect are bare feet are peeking from under the voluminous skirt of her dress. She isn’t carrying flowers I randomly notice. As she and her dad reach the front, Bill shakes my hand and steps in front of us to start the ceremony. My future father-in-law clears his throat and opens his well-worn Bible.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Payton and Hailey in Holy Matrimony. If there is anyone present who feels this union should not take place, speak now or forever hold your peace.” He allows for a slight pause before continuing.

  “Payton and Hailey have chosen to do a traditional Norse handfasting ceremony. I am honored to bestow the ancient blessings of our ancestors on my daughter and the man she has chosen. This will consecrate your love on a spiritual level. Please interlace your hands together,” he says holding up a frayed piece of rope.

  “This rope has been in our family for generations. All marriages in this family for the last one hundred years have used this rope, except one,” he says. I know he is talking about his own to Hailey’s mother. She filled me in on that little tidbit last night.

  “Look into each other's eyes and remember all you have experienced together, both the highs and the lows. Think of the joys to come as well. Henceforth, you will be united in partnership and ready to support each other through both the joys and the sorrows. It's now time to fasten your hands together in a deep-seated tradition. This act symbolizes your commitment to your union.” Bill places the rope around our hands several times.

  “Just as your hands are bound before us now, so too will your lives become. While this rope will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share and may your relationship be blessed with joy and happiness.” I wait impatiently while he removes the rope from our joined hands.

  “The Bible tells us in Peter chapter four verse eight, to above all love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. I have the great honor of being the bride's father and along with her mother, we are delighted to be welcoming Payton into our family on this day. Payton and Hailey have written their own vows. Payton?”

  “Hailey, I know that we haven’t actually known each for a long time, but in the time we have, I have learned your likes and dislikes. Your hopes and dreams. I vow to help you achieve them. I vow to love you forever and a day. I vow to raise our babies with them knowing what love and admiration I have for their mother.” Hailey wipes her tears and pulls a piece of paper out of her cleavage. I chuckle because I have to.

  “Payton, I am not good with words, at least not the words with those I’m comfortable repeating in church. You should know that I will spend every minute of every day for the rest of lives loving you and the family that we make together. You call to me on a level I didn’t know I had in me, and I am in awe of the love we share and the love we make,” she says gently, pulling her hands from mine and putting them on her belly. I place my hands over hers.

  “Payton, do you take Hailey to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Bill asks me.

  “I do,” I say.

  “Hailey, do you take Payton to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do,” she says, pretty tears streaming down her face.

  “Rings please,” Bill says. Daisy and Perry hand him our matching wedding bands.

  “The wedding ring is a symbol of the unending power of love between two beings. Its circular shape has no beginning and no end. It represents an endless spiritual connection. Even when you find yourselves apart, your rings will provide a powerful reminder of the love you share.”

  “Payton, place the ring on Hailey’s finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” I say smiling at her.

  “Hailey place this ring on Payton’s finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” she says and I can’t help giving her a quick kiss. Everyone gives a small chuckle.

  “By the power vested in me by God and the state of Minnesota, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Our first kiss as man and wife is beyond anything we’ve shared before. I have never felt happier, but I am content in the knowledge that this moment right here is only the beginning.

  “What God has put together, let no man put asunder. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Payton Gentry.” Hailey is the most beautiful woman in the world and now she is all fucking mine.

  The reception goes by in a blur. I meet so many members of Hailey’s family, but her great-uncles are the standouts. Her Uncle Om caused a bit of the scene with Hailey’s friend and cake designer, Taryn. He all but fucked her in UTGARD. She works here and was talking to a waiter, Om lost his shit. It was quite the show. I am certain that there will be more to this story in the coming weeks, seeing as he drug her out of the reception...

  Now, we are on the plane headed to St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands. I am very much looking forward to a week of my Little Hailey in nothing but bikinis, but more so I am looking forward to a lifetime with Hailey by my side.



  8 ½ Months Later

  “What!?!?!?” I scream a little more than I mean too. My cheeks immediately blush. I hate making a ninny of myself. But seriously!! I gave birth to our daughter six weeks ago. It was a wonderful pregnancy, none of the vomiting mess people talk about. Cravings were a minimum. The best part was that I was horny all the time and my boobs were monstrous. It made Payton a happy man. He was so attentive throughout the whole thing right up until the day I went into labor. He lost his shit and if I wasn’t in so much pain, I would have found the humor in it.

  After fainting in the hospital room, he finally woke up in enough time to help me push. Four hours later we welcomed Iona Stacey Gentry. She is beautiful. Being a mom suits me. Payton is an amazing father. My life couldn’t get any better. Well, maybe it is about to.

  I am at my six week appointment where my doctor has informed me that I am already pregnant. Hence the shout. Although shocked, I totally know when it happened. He has become obsessed with the milk in my breast. Sucking it became his favorite pastime when it was coming in towards the end of my pregnancy. It resulted in many fuck sessions in the most inopportune places. But once Iona was born he was like ravenous for it. Two weeks after she was born, I couldn’t contain my lust either and I jumped him right on the hood of the car. Our baby was in the backseat sleep.

  Now, here I am and pregnant again with a newborn. Goodness. He is going to love that. The man drives me batty. After enduring a lecture from the doctor about the risks of going through another pregnancy so soon to the last one, he gave me my prenatal vitamins and made me promise to come see him every two weeks.

  I am almost to the door when my phone rings. It’s my dad.

  “Hi daddy.”

  “Hailey? Where are you?”

  “Just leaving the doctor’s office. Wassup? Daisy need me to pick her up something?”

  “No noodle. She just had the baby. It’s a girl!!!”

  “OH my gosh. I am in the hospital right now. What room are you in?”

  “We are in 324 on the maternity floor.”

I am on my way up.”

  The elevator ride took forever. When I finally make it to the room, the first thing I notice is that Daisy looks exhausted, but radiant. Her and my father are sharing an intimate moment, but after waiting two minutes I am done. I want to see my baby sister.

  “Sorry, I couldn't wait any more,” I say bursting through the door. “Let me see my sister.”

  “Hold your own baby,” Daisy says laughing.

  “I can’t. She’s at home, “I say smiling. Daisy finally gives her to me cooing at her

  “Eira, meet your big sister, Hailey.”

  “Oh my. I love that name. Hi Eira. I’m your big sister. We are going to have so much fun together. I am going to show you everything. Be your biggest secret keeper and your most steadfast confidante. Oh my goodness you guys. She is beautiful.” I say crying and laughing at the same time. After spending a half hour hugging and hogging the baby, I finally leave the hospital and make it home. I know Payton has to be climbing the walls. I have been gone a while.

  Before I get the door open he is on me.

  “Fucking shit, Hailey. I was about to have Om track your damn phone. You should have been back forever ago. Is everything ok? What happened?” I feel bad for worrying him, but at the same time, I can’t help but love the way he worries about me and protects me.

  I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. This is the only way to calm him down. He wraps his hands around my waist and the kiss quickly turns steamy. Knowing I need to tell him everything that has happened, I pull back a bit. Gasping for air, as my very breath is being shared with him. Sensing I am holding something back, he puts his hands in my hair and holds me to him.

  “Tell me baby. What’s going on?”

  “Well the reason it took me so long to get back is that Daisy had the baby. I have a new little sister named, Eira. She is so cute and tiny. So, I went there to see them on my way home.”


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