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The Biker's Baby

Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes. Are you staying the night?” Gunner asked.

  Scarlett looked toward him.

  “Yes, we’re staying the night.”

  The moment the meal was over with, Scarlett and the boys did the dishes. He helped to clean the table, and while they went off to do homework, he watched his wife.

  “Did you and Gunner argue?” Scarlett asked. “You both looked pretty pissed at the table.”

  “It’s fine. Honestly. Gunner and I always had disagreements.” He held his wife as she stepped into his arms.

  “I don’t like it. It made for a rather tense dinner, and you know I love for everything to be perfect.”

  “We’ll make up, I promise.”

  “Good. I don’t like either of you arguing. It doesn’t seem right.” She pressed a kiss to his lips, then another.

  Sinking his fingers into his wife’s hair, he felt his cock begin to stir once more.

  “I don’t suppose we could take this to the bedroom?”

  “After we let the kids go to bed. It doesn’t feel right having this here with them still working.”

  He groaned but relented. There was time for him soon.

  Chapter Nine

  Gunner couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever been jealous of another man. He had a life he always wanted, even if it was a bit flawed at times, but this was what he wanted. The club, being the Prez. He’d earned his patch and not just because he’d killed the Prez before him. He’d proven himself to the club time and time again. It’s why he’d fought so hard to become who he was. No woman had ever been important to him. Most of his life they’d always had their uses, always gave him the means of getting off, but that was where the usefulness ended.

  When he’d married Cherry, not once did he adapt to the married lifestyle. He didn’t sit at home, hugging her. He was dealing with club shit and club business. Yes, he stayed faithful as that seemed to mean something to him, but when Cherry first cheated that was when his loyalty ended.

  That first time had been like a dam, and he’d fucked everything with a vagina.

  Then ten years ago, he’d met Scarlett. A beautiful brunette who stared up at his best friend as if the sun shone out of his fucking ass.

  It was the first time he remembered being jealous. He’d looked at Cherry, and knew he’d fucked up. They already had Bennie and Carlos by then. He didn’t want any more kids, so he stopped screwing his wife. It was that simple. The jealousy had gone as with all things. He’d been happy for his best friend.

  Then there had been the wedding. He’d stood by John’s side and watched her walking down the aisle. He’d not known until recently that John had been her first. There had been jealousy on that day. To see their happiness shining through, to listen to their vows as they joined each other.

  Over the years, he’d come to terms with his feelings for Scarlett, always keeping them hidden, but he’d fucking failed when it came to others seeing them. Scarlett had never had a fucking clue, but clearly John had, and so had Cherry.

  He wondered if it was in the way he watched her?

  Gunner didn’t know. It was late as he let himself into his home. There was silence, and he removed his jacket, placing it on the back of a chair. Seeing no reason to linger, he made his way upstairs, checking on both of his boys. Entering his room, he heard the feminine moan. The bathroom that connected the rooms was open.

  His cock sprang into action at the sound she made.

  Did she know he’d come back?

  Closing his door, he made his way toward the bathroom, and stepped over the threshold into the room he made up for Scarlett.

  The sheets were on the floor, and Scarlett’s eyes were closed as she rode John’s cock. His friend’s hands were on her hips, repeatedly driving her down onto his cock. There was a sheen of sweat covering the both of them, and he also noted the tube of empty lubrication on the floor.

  “Open your eyes, baby,” John said, whispering to her ear.

  Her eyes opened, and as she saw him, a moan escaped. “Gunner,” she said with a moan.

  “Tell him what I’m doing,” John said.

  “He’s fucking my ass.”

  “And why am I fucking your ass?” John asked.

  “Because you said he’d come home and he’d want to use my pussy. That I had to save something for him.”

  “Are you wet?”

  “Yes.” She cried out the word, and Gunner was already removing his clothes. His cock sprang free, and he wrapped his fingers around the length as he watched her.

  “Do you want his cock, baby?”

  “Yes, I want it. I want it so bad.”

  John pulled her down hard, making her squeal. “Then open your mouth. Get him nice and wet so he can fuck your pussy.”

  Gunner climbed onto the bed so that she didn’t have to move. One of her hands went to his waist as the other cupped his dick. Her mouth was on him, and he released a hiss at the pleasure that rushed to his balls.

  “Her mouth is so fucking perfect, isn’t it, Gunner?”

  He didn’t answer. There was no need to. His groan, and gripping the back of her head, was all they needed to see.

  Her tongue swirled the tip then began to lick down his length before she went up and took him into her mouth. When he hit the back of her throat, she pulled up, and bobbed her head up and down the length of him before sucking more of him.

  “She’s been treating me while we’ve been waiting for you,” John said. “She was worried that you wouldn’t come back, and I told her you would. That there’s no way you’d walk away after having a taste of her tits and her pussy. How you liked hearing the sound of your name as she called it.” John groaned. “I’m touching her pussy, and she’s so wet. I probably didn’t need the lubricant, she’s so wet. You want me, baby. You want me to fuck your ass while Gunner watches?”


  Pulling back, Gunner watched as John lifted her up, only to pull her back down again. She let out a cry, but it was one filled with pleasure as he repeatedly fucked inside her, going deeper with each thrust.

  When he was to the hilt, he’d grind her down on his cock, rubbing her off at the same time.

  “She’s so needy, Gunner. I think she needs a nice fat cock in her cunt. How do you feel about that, baby?”

  “Yes,” she said with a moan. “Yes.”

  Dropping down onto the bed, John leaned back on the bed, moving her so that he could see them both. The light from the lamps creating a soft glow to the room, he watched John’s cock. His friend moved just a little, driving their girl crazy.

  Reaching out, he slid a finger into her cunt, going in deep. She cried out, his name echoing off the wall. Drawing his finger up, he circled her clit, pinching the bud, and listening to her scream as the pleasure rushed around her body.

  Down he went, going past that tiny piece of flesh between her ass and pussy, and then he did something he’d never done before. He touched John’s cock as it slid inside her. At first, he simply traced the puckered hole of her ass where she took the cock, but that one touch wasn’t enough. Wrapping his fingers around the cock that was exposed, he looked at both of them.

  “I can feel how deep he is inside you, baby. How much he wants you. He’s so hard, isn’t he?”

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded far away, almost distant. Heat filled her cheeks, and her tits quivered from her indrawn breaths.

  Gunner teased John just a little more, feeling him pulse in his hands, and thicken.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Just a little.”

  “You ever had a cock inside your cunt while he’s taking your ass?”


  Releasing John’s cock, he pressed his own dick to her opening. With the angle they were, he was able to look at Scarlett’s eyes, and then turn to John’s, his best friend. The only man he’d ever wanted to fuck.

  Whatever had happened in the past few months, it had opened up his desire for John. He’d kept it carefully gua
rded, his own little secret that he’d been able to hide from everyone, including Cherry.

  No one knew, not even John.

  Slowly, he began to thrust inside her. Inch by inch, she took him, and through that thin membrane, he felt John.

  This was as close as he’d ever dare take it.

  Gripping her hips, holding John as well as Scarlett, he slammed to the hilt inside her. The pleasurable sounds came from her, echoing off the walls as he fucked all of his inches inside her.

  “Fuck, baby, do you feel him?” John asked.


  “She’s so damn tight,” Gunner said. It still amazed him how tight she could be. Now she was even more so with both of their cocks inside her.

  Running his hands up her body, he cupped her tits, pressing them together as he lathered each nipple with his tongue.

  Pulling out of her tight pussy, he kept up his ministrations on her tits as he began to rock inside her. With John, they both found a pace that drove her arousal higher. Her pussy was so slick that it made him easy for him to slide in and out of her.

  Over and over again, he fucked her.

  He’d done nothing but fuck her, expecting to become bored or to find a reason not to enjoy it. Every single time was like the first fucking time.

  Her body only served to drive his arousal even higher. Releasing her tits, he sat back on his knees, his cock still within her. Sliding his fingers against her clit, he remained perfectly still, stroking her nub. “I want you to come before I do. Come all over my dick, Scarlett.”

  She gasped. John caught her arms and held her as he fucked upward, taking her ass while Gunner teased her pussy, his cock still inside her but waiting for her orgasm to come. He wanted her dripping.

  This woman was as much his as she was John’s. He couldn’t give her up.

  He wouldn’t.

  Scarlett came hard, her pussy clenching down on him as she gave him what he wanted. He teased her clit until she couldn’t take anymore, and she was nothing more than a mass of nerves.

  Holding her hips, he fucked her hard, not showing her any mercy as he took the cunt that belonged to him. Scarlett was his, just as she now owned a piece of him, and it wasn’t something he was going to give back or take away any time soon.

  He wanted to own part of her, and he’d been wanting to do this for ten years. The only part missing now was the part he wanted of John. He couldn’t deny it anymore, nor could he hide from it. His feelings for his best friend had been getting stronger for years. They were not going to disappear, and he didn’t want them to.

  Over and over, he fucked her, only pausing to bask in the feel of John coming. It was a sight and feeling that turned him on even more.

  He drove inside her, feeling his balls start to tighten and his need build. He joined them both, flooding her pussy with his cum, knowing in the back of his mind that he’d gotten her pregnant. He had to have. There was no way she wasn’t pregnant.

  Wave upon wave of his orgasm, and he wished that she was.

  She wasn’t his wife, but she’d claimed a piece of his heart, and he wasn’t going to let go.


  Several days later John stood inside the nursery at his home. He’d not been back here since arriving in town. After work, he’d go back to Gunner’s. They would all sit down to a meal, his sons included, and then they’d spend the entire night fucking.

  Each night, they’d take Scarlett on a ride of pleasure, making her completely surrender to their needs. He loved watching her come apart, the way Gunner touched her body, igniting a fire. Seeing the two people he loved more than anything in the world coming together turned him on.

  “Why are you here?” Gunner asked.

  John turned to see his friend watching him. “I stopped by to pick up a few things. Scarlett said you didn’t mind.”

  “I don’t. With the way she cooks I’m more than happy for you two to move in.” Gunner stepped close and looked into the bedroom. “This the nursery?”

  Before John could say anything more, Gunner had already stepped over the threshold. He’d not entered this room since he’d gotten the doctor’s results. “Yes.”

  “There’s no furniture.”

  “We were going to buy some after we got the results. Scarlett believed it was bad luck. It makes me wonder if painting this room gave us bad luck.”

  “You’re being miserable again, aren’t you?” Gunner asked.

  John gritted his teeth. “It’s a little hard at times to know that I can’t take care of my woman. That I can’t give her what a normal man can.”

  “Hey, man, this is not some kind of competition here,” Gunner said.

  “I know. I’m not trying to make it so. Believe me.” John ran a hand down his face.

  “Do you want us to stop?”

  “What? Hell no. I don’t want this to stop. I love sharing Scarlett with you. Have you had enough? Is that it?”

  “What? No, of course not. I fucking love being with Scarlett and not just for the sex either. That shit is just a bonus. She’s a one-of-a-kind woman.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, she really is.”

  “You’re going to get that kid, John. I promise.”

  Gunner stepped up to him. A second later Gunner pressed his head against his, and John felt his breath on his face. His cock responded in kind, swelling at just the closeness of Gunner. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to bask in the pleasure of having his friend close.

  No one could take this away from him. He had to keep remembering that.

  “We’ve got this, John. You and me. I’ve got your back, just like always.”

  “Thank you.”

  The tension in the room seemed to mount, and as John looked up at how close Gunner was the urge to kiss him completely swamped him. He wanted to. To hold onto Gunner’s face and take what he wanted more than anything.

  Don’t ruin what you’ve got.

  He could live with the touches they shared when they were with Scarlett. He loved his wife. When he’d been away, he’d craved the smallest of touches. Being able to be with Gunner through Scarlett, he could live with that.

  Pushing down his desire, and his own wants and needs, he took a deep breath. Closing his eyes, he counted quickly to ten, and reopened them.

  “Any news?” John asked.

  He was aware that Gunner was going through shit at the club. The security cameras showed them nothing, and the money was all accounted for, apart from the amount that had gone missing prior to his and John’s investigation.

  “Kent’s stayed particularly close to the club of late. Any chance I’ve got of checking out his room it’s not happening.”

  “What about his apartment?” John asked.

  “Again, not been able to do that either. He’d not been back at his place for some time. Also, I need a lookout.”

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “Yeah, I do. There’s no one else I’d trust but you.”

  John nodded. “Well, I’m on a break. Let me grab the few things we need and I’ll come on over with you.”

  “I’ve only brought my bike,” Gunner said.

  “I can drive my car.” He smirked at his friend, and any tension that was there disappeared. Heading to his bedroom, he entered the closet and started to pack a few more clothes. The room they were sharing at Gunner’s was bigger than his room. No matter how many times he tried to get her to move, she wasn’t having any of it.

  He knew without a doubt that his woman loved him, and it didn’t have anything to do with the money.

  Gunner entered the room and picked up one of the pictures on the nightstand. It was of John with Scarlett. They were both at the beach on their honeymoon. It was so long ago, but he still remembered the feel of her in his arms as if it was yesterday, and also the way her head tilted back as she laughed. Someone had offered to take a picture and they’d both accepted. Scarlett rarely liked having her picture taken, but it would have been rude for her to ref

  “You both look happy,” Gunner said.

  “We were on our honeymoon. It would have been even more weird if we weren’t happy.”

  “That’s fair.”

  “You never went on a honeymoon with Cherry, did you?”

  “Nah, there was no need to. She had all the drink and cock she could have back at the club. Like I’ve said before, the only good things to come out of my relationship with Cherry are those two boys.”

  “How are they getting on at school now? Anything from Goldman?”

  “Bennie says not, but Carlos tells me that he notices Finn and some of his crowd watch Bennie a lot. He doesn’t like the way it feels. Like they’re planning something.” Gunner put the picture down. “I’ll deal with it.”

  “You think your son is in danger?”

  “From getting beat up by a couple of kids? Yeah. Bennie’s strong though, and I’ve got the boys training him so he’ll be able to handle his own shit soon.”

  “You’re sure about that?”

  “Yes. Besides, if Finn so much as hurts a hair on my son’s head, I get to pay another trip to his asshole of a father. I’ve been wanting any reason to hurt that son of a bitch. If it is because of our sons, then I don’t care. I’ll fucking take it.”

  With the case packed, he watched as Gunner picked up the picture again. “Let’s take this.”

  “Are you moving us in?”

  “You both look happy in this picture. I like seeing it.”

  John took the picture from him. “We don’t have any with you and Scarlett.”

  “That can be easily fixed. Just pick up a camera as I’m fucking her. You’ll get plenty then.”

  There was something in his voice, but John didn’t know what. Pushing it aside, like he’d been doing with a lot of his questions and feelings lately, he carried the picture to the car. Putting the case in the trunk, and the picture in the glove compartment, he climbed in and nodded at Gunner to lead the way.

  Following behind Gunner’s bike, every now and again, John thought about the picture. He’d not seen Gunner or Scarlett together all that often when he was around. They stood together, but they didn’t have the closeness that he shared with her. It was perfectly reasonable though seeing as he’d married her, but still, he didn’t know what to do.


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