The Trouble with Three Husbands (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus 1

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The Trouble with Three Husbands (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus 1 Page 2

by Chris Genovese

  In my home, I try to include my husbands in decisions like this. Naturally, neither of them was ready to share me with another guy although they knew it was the basis of our religion. I’m lenient, but stern, and there wouldn’t be much discussion. I wanted Connor and I would take him. The gavel had been dropped.

  I’m not a bitch. I’m just decisive. If you want to see a bitch you should meet our neighbor, Maggie. She’s a fiery redhead who flirts with every man in town and treats all three of her husbands like shit. They’re basically sex slaves for the woman. No rules. She takes who she wants when she wants and when she’s not with them in bed, they’re busy doing whatever chores she’s laid out for them. It’s a strange household for sure. Mine’s not like that at all. My men love me and I love them. And I was sure Connor would fit right in.

  A suitor visit always starts the same way. Being that the town is made up of several rows of cabins with a church and a water well at its center, any serious privacy needs to be accomplished a little ways outside of the main part of town but still within the security boundaries. And that would be one of the two suitor cabins. It had happened the same way with Alé but he’d been aggressive and had a little bit of experience with the ladies. His suitor visit was memorable in its own way, but Connor was a virgin, and that made it unforgettable on a whole other level.

  With Connor it was awkward at best. He picked me up at my house, shook hands with my two husbands, and draped the customary red suitor shawl over my shoulders. He then took my hand and led me away from home.

  I remember I was really excited for some reason. I’d had sex with the same two men for years and this young stud had chosen me, from all the other women both young and old, to prove his worth.

  I’d seen him as a goofy, childish teenager and watched him grow into a super handsome hunk. He’d assisted me with carrying water home a couple of times when my guys were out working. I’d admired his muscles and loved his charm but I’d always considered him too young and off limits. I was 30 to his 22 as we marched to the cabin.

  I remember my thighs were rubbing my clit a little as we walked and I was getting really wet. I was sure it would be his first time.

  Some of the girls over eighteen dabbled in the single guy pool, cheating as some of us married Doves called it, trying to pluck the winning fish right out of the sea before being invited to a proper suitor visit. To do so was their own risk as no man was required to marry if he hadn’t gone through the proper procedures. So even if a Dove became infatuated with a man’s sexual prowess, he could decide he wanted nothing to do with her. Somehow, I knew Connor hadn’t played the Dove roulette.

  I’ll never forget his first words to me as we snuck off into the night. Looking straight ahead, as if afraid to meet my gaze, he said,

  “I’m gonna be good at this. I just know it.”

  To this day I’m not sure what he meant by it. Did he mean he’d be good at having sex with me? Did he mean he’d be good at being a third husband? Did he mean he’d be good at walking the rest of the way? I had no idea. Turns out he was pretty darned good in all three areas.

  When we reached the suitor cabins, I chose my favorite of the two. I’d been to the cabins once with Alé and one time after that with a man named Roger. Roger was an odd situation. He’d been pursuing me since we first headed up the mountain. The poor guy was madly in love with me. He was a friend of Bentley’s and actually convinced Bentley to pull my ear.

  Bentley knew that I’d eventually take a third husband. I’d talked about it a lot. I wanted help around the house and Bentley had been tasked with community duties like maintenance and farming. Alé, being my second husband, was immediately put on security detail and tasked with a rotating schedule at the compound borders, making sure no Venenum tried to attack.

  I wanted a third husband, one that could help with household chores. So I gave in and even though I wasn’t physically attracted to Roger, I gave it a try. He was quite pudgy and sweated a lot. I’m all for getting sweaty with your partner after a naked romp but this guy was soaked before we even reached the suitor cabin.

  I tried. I’m not coldhearted. I really did try. But being one of the Original Seven, I knew there were much more suitable fellows out there waiting to get up the nerve to request a one-on-one.

  Roger and I spent three hours talking. He tried to make a move, once, and was way too aggressive and clumsy…way too quickly. I asked him to walk me home. He later married a woman named Agatha and what happened to him is a shame. Not my fault in any way but a shame.

  So I knew as soon as we reached the cabin which I’d choose. The one I’d tried to use with Roger. It was the most romantic. Inside were strawberry candles and sensual body oils. This was going to be Connor’s first time. I wanted to make it as pleasurable as possible for both of us. When I opened the door to enter, Connor didn’t follow. I looked back to see his large, strong frame silhouetted in the doorway.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I’m nervous,” he admitted.

  He was honest and I liked that. Alé hadn’t been nervous at all and Bentley had never had a shot at the suitor suites. They’d been established later. He’d helped build them.

  I didn’t rush Connor through the door but instead found a box of matches and began lighting the scented candles. The room glowed orange. Then I walked over to him and took his hands in mine. He didn’t budge, his breath came out in misty blasts, a result of the chilly mountain air outside. Inside was cozy.

  “Do you like me?” I asked.

  He nodded and his upper lip raised just a little in what was sure to be a boyish grin. He brought his smirk under control with pursed lips.

  “Do you want to please me?” I asked.

  He gulped. I saw his Adam’s apple jerk. I felt his hands tremble a little in mine.

  “I want t…t…I want to p…please you,” he admitted. “I’ve…I’ve…done this a million times in my head.”

  “With me?”

  He nodded.

  Aww, I wanted to wrap my arms around him and comfort him, but another side of me wanted to strip him naked and show him the difference between imagination and reality. There’s no way his hand could do the things to him that I was going to do.

  “Come inside, Connor. And close the door.”

  He did as he was told, it’s what he was programmed to do. Nerves or not he’d do anything I asked him to do. Those were the rules, this time not mine.

  He stood at the center of the cabin, taking in everything around us. A queen size mattress sat at the room’s center, raised just a few feet off the floor.

  On a table to the side was a variety of oils, a pair of handcuffs, four silk sashes, a bundle of feathers, and a small leather whip.

  On the opposite side of the bed was a small open chest with sex toys on display. Anal beads, cock rings, dildos, and vibrators of all shapes and sizes were stuffed inside.

  Connor’s eyes went wide when he saw it.

  “You’ve heard of the box?” I asked him.

  “My…my dad told me about it. He warned me.”

  I had to laugh at that remark.

  “He warned you? Oh my. Sounds like he was preparing you for a great battle.”

  Connor laughed a little under his breath, understanding how ridiculous he’d sounded.

  I moved closer to him. He towered over me so I had to lift up on my toes to kiss him. I planted a soft peck on his lips.

  “Listen to me,” I said. “You invited me here for a reason. I’m a Daughter of Venus. My body is a temple, my love unconditional, and my sex unimaginable. Do you understand what you are getting yourself into?”

  He nodded.

  “I need to hear you say it,” I said.

  “Y…y…yes,” he replied.

  “I am going to do things to you tonight that will make your toes curl, will make your COCK,” I put an extra emphasis on the final word. “Throb. And will have you begging me to stop but praying that I won’t.”

looked down at his jeans and saw that they had stirred. His dick was growing. Just what I wanted. At moments like this, thoughts of my other husbands disappear. They matter on their days. This was my day. And I was going to fuck this prime cut of beef.

  “I understand,” he said.

  “I didn’t ask you a question,” I said, my voice raised.

  This boy needed to understand that in sex all was fair, but no matter where or when this takes place, the Dove is always in charge.

  “Take off your shirt,” I ordered.

  He did. And oh my, what a physical specimen he was. I’d seen him many times without his shirt but this was the first time that I did with thoughts of what I’d do with all that muscle and power. I slapped a hand against his chiseled chest.

  “Help me out of my dress,” I said.

  He removed the red shawl and wrapped it around the bedpost, a tradition on suitor nights.

  “You’ve been trained well,” I said. “Nice.”

  “Yes, my father…”

  “Shh,” I said. “You are the man right now. It’s time to behave like it. You made the decision to come here. You are going to be the man inside me tonight. It’s time that you take credit for this decision. If we do this, you will be one of my fellows.”

  “I want that,” he said.

  Good, he was finally starting to take charge of his rambling words. The shy boy-next-door thing was cute at first, and I was sure it would be a bit of a turn on later too, but it was getting old at the moment.

  “Now…my dress?”

  He fumbled around, looking awkward and lost for a moment. Then he bent over, grabbed the bottom of my dress, and lifted it up almost the way a mother strips off her child’s dirty T-shirt. We’d definitely need to work on his routine.

  “Oh,” he said. He didn’t mean to, it just slipped out when he saw my breasts come out of the dress, free, without a bra. I hadn’t worn one on purpose. This was a night of freedom, no constraints.

  He looked at me and I instantly felt beautiful in his eyes. He was awestruck, biting his bottom lip, finally seeing the real me, the me he’d apparently dreamed about for a while. I moved forward so that the nipples of my ample boobs touched the top of his six pack. Goosebumps rose on his skin.

  I wore only panties, wet all the way through, so I reached down to pull them loose and let them slide down my legs. He looked down and again his Adam’s apple jerked. His eyes were glued on my body, but he looked so happy, like he was being given the greatest gift he’d ever known to exist.

  He’d forgotten one custom that I’m sure daddy taught him. He realized his mistake and quickly dropped to his knees. He leaned forward and let his forehead touch the floor. Then he moved back up to his kneeling position and looked up at me, his nose just inches from my unshaven mound.

  It was Bentley’s job to shave me and he hadn’t done so in two weeks, no doubt on purpose to make sure I wasn’t quite as perfect as could be for tonight. Bentley liked me unshaven. From the look on Connor’s face, he was fine with it too.

  “I am so sorry. Forgive me, my Dove. I know I am supposed to bow each time my Dove presents me her naked temple.”

  “You will need to be punished,” I warned him.

  “Your fellow understands,” he said.

  I shook my head. He didn’t quite understand.

  “Connor, you are not my fellow until the sun rises and I declare it. At that time, you will be gifted with a place in my household. You are not the first man to bring me here and not every man has become my fellow. Do you understand?”

  He looked sad. I was playing with his emotions. He was going to be my fellow. There was no way on earth I was leaving that cabin without Connor as my fellow. He would have to accidentally set the place on fire in order to leave undeclared.

  “Now, remove your pants.”

  He hesitated.

  “What is the problem, Connor?”

  I realized my tone had gotten sterner and louder. I wasn’t being very nice to him. But then again, that was the fun. Later, in the house, I could be loving with him. Tonight was about pleasing me and about making sure he could handle what was in store. I could not take this timid, weak thing in front of me into my household. It wouldn’t do at all.

  “I’m just…I’m nervous,” he said again.

  “Take off your fucking pants right now,” I ordered. “Enough of this shy guy shit. One more piss poor excuse or wimpy whine and I’ll send you out of here and call on one of my husbands.”

  “No, please,” he said.

  He unbuckled his pants, unzipped them, and pulled them down along with his underwear. His cock poured out of his pants, the heaviness of it pulling it down, but the stiffness of it causing it to rise back up. He was ready already.

  I reached down and took it in my hand, gripping it tightly, the smooth shaft clenched in my fist. I rubbed one thumb over the head, smearing a dab of pre-cum and sending a jolt of electricity through his body. His back hunched for a second. I smiled, nearly laughed.

  I moved his dick around in my hand and inspected it. He looked clean. He could use a little trimming but overall he looked taken care of. I would make use of this hard, glorious cock this night.

  “Do you know what to do with that?” I asked.

  “I do,” he said timidly.

  He realized his mistake.

  “I am going to make love to you, my Dove.”

  I cocked my head to the side letting him know I wasn’t convinced.

  “I’m going to drive it inside of you, fuck you like the queen you are, and plant the seed of a daughter in your womb,” he said as he picked me up.

  I barely had time to wrap my legs around his waist before he’d slammed me down on the bed.

  Now this is more like it.

  Connor was sloppy at first, kissing every inch of my body but in no discernable pattern, just random wet smacks from my feet to my neck and everywhere between. I let him play for a while. I let him have his fun. He was doing what he’d fantasized about doing for so long and why should I deny him that opportunity to kiss and caress my entire body?

  For some reason he seemed to be avoiding my pussy like he was afraid of it or something.

  Finally, after he dodged it again, I reached down and grabbed his blond curls, steadying his face in my grip. I pulled, forcing him to look up into my face.

  “My God you’re beautiful,” he said.

  “Do you know anything about a woman’s anatomy?” I asked him.

  “Yes, of course,” he answered. “Why? Am I doing something wrong?”

  “You’re doing good,” I promised him. “But you could be doing so much better. You see that spot right there between my legs? The spot that’s burning with heat right now? The spot that is soaking wet and just waiting for you to give it some attention?”

  He glanced down so that he was looking straight at it.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “I want you to stick out your tongue and lick it gently.”

  He stuck out is surprisingly wide tongue and moved in. I reached down and pointed at my clit, taking it between two fingers, holding onto it until his tongue reached it.

  “Lick me here,” I directed.

  And he did. Suddenly he caught on. He seemed hungry for me. I kept my hands between my thighs, stretching out my pussy lips to feel the slight pain that I loved as he went to work on my clit, lapping at me gently, then harder and harder.

  “Yes, like that,” I said.

  He found the spot where my hands were and wove his fingers with mine so they were interlaced. With his thumbs he pulled me open wide and worked my clit. My pussy was sopping wet and his tongue moved fluidly around me.

  I wanted to scream. And I did.

  “Yes, fucking yes, Connor! Like that, baby. Just like that!”

  Ahhh, ooooh, yeah!

  He’d done it, he’d found the spot that would make me forget I was in control. I wasn’t leading anymore. I didn’t even want to be. I wanted this young man to
fuck me. I wanted his cock inside me.

  He stopped licking me but pressed a thumb against my clit and then I felt it. His tongue shot inside of me. He plunged it into me, fucking me with his mouth, and as he entered me, he spread me wider, digging his fingers into my pussy lips. My arms shook. They shook with a fury and my legs followed.


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