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The Trouble with Three Husbands (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus 1

Page 7

by Chris Genovese

  I loved hearing the doctor straighten people out. He’d been one of the first fellows of the community, one of the builders of the town, and he didn’t appreciate anyone making jokes about our progress. He lived and breathed the Daughters of Venus.

  “You can get up from this chair and leave right now if you wish,” the doctor continued. “Or we can continue. Which will it be?”

  “Sorry. I’ll be more serious,” Pike promised. “Before coming here I was in a motorcycle gang called the Brotherhood of Carnage. Based in California.”

  “And why here? Why did you come here?”

  “The truth? I heard a maintenance guy talking at a bar. He’d been stationed out here in Boulder and mentioned how he’d seen this crazy community where women ruled everything. I guess he did some work for you guys. Harrison and I didn’t think it sounded so crazy. It sounded…well it sounded really good. So we followed his directions and left our gang.”

  “You left your gang? All on the hopes that we existed and you’d be accepted here?”


  “And what do you hope to find here?”

  Pike looked down at his lap then turned his head and looked over at me again.

  “I want to feel normal again. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want to find a woman I can please and take care of her. Men are cruel…for the most part…and I’ve been surrounded by too many of them all my life. I want to be in a warmer environment. I want to love and be loved.”

  Wow. This tough as nails biker Viking suddenly seemed like a charming bachelor.

  “And you understand we do all that we can for our Doves and that they typically take up to three fellows, or I’m sorry, husbands. We call them fellows.”


  “Yes you understand or yes you agree?”

  “Yes to both.”

  Pike didn’t elaborate a lot. He seemed to be a man who liked to keep his past buried. As he was led out of the room he stopped in front of me. He nodded at Samantha and Sienna.

  “Thank you for the opportunity.”

  He turned to me.

  “I hope to get to stick around a bit and get to know you better.”

  He walked out.

  “He wants to get to know you better,” Sienna said with a chuckle.

  “He seems to have already chosen whose arms he’d like to seek comfort in,” Samantha added.

  “He was just being nice,” I said.

  But he wasn’t. I knew it. They knew it.

  A few minutes later we were told that they’d both passed the psych evaluations. They’d have blood drawn and tested for diseases and after that I knew they’d be accepted. In the meantime they’d be moved out of the cells. They were no longer seen as a threat so we’d put them up in a temporary home. They wouldn’t be given jobs or be free to roam the grounds until all results came back but they wouldn’t be treated like prisoners.

  Both men passed their lab tests. They were clean. As per our rules and regulations, both would need to go through fellowship training. This meant they’d have to spend time with each of the Original Seven learning our values and virtues. If any of the seven, at any time, felt they weren’t pure in their intentions to take care of a Dove in the future, they’d be asked to leave the community.

  When it wasn’t my time to spend with the men, I did my best to avoid them. Pike was to be prepped for Jessica’s eighteenth birthday. He knew it. Selena mentioned it to him during their time together in training. He was told that a beautiful young girl would be coming of age soon and would need strong and mature suitors. He was all but assigned to her.

  That didn’t stop his romantic gestures towards me. The first time I oversaw his and Harrison’s training, he didn’t take his eyes off me in class. There I was trying to explain the different jobs in which they may be tasked and he was eye fucking me the entire time. His sly grin never left his mouth. When I left that day he handed me a rose, its stem snipped high so I could easily hide it on my way out.

  “I don’t want anyone else,” he whispered.

  That kept my thoughts on him for a while. As Bentley fucked me in the missionary position, I couldn’t help imagining it was Pike on top of me.

  This went on for a while, Pike giving me small gifts, touching my hand, touching my inner thigh or the inside of my arm as we passed each other. His flirting was taking its toll on me and kept my panties soaked most of the time I was in the same room with him. It was driving me crazy.

  It All Falls Down

  The first time things went beyond flirting, I’d woken up with Alé by my side, no intentions of seeing Pike at all. I spent the rest of the morning with Alé, a good portion of it in bed, but then he had to go to work. I’d be waiting for him when he returned but from 10am till 10pm he was on duty.

  Bentley was out doing his maintenance duties and Connor was taking care of the kids. I hung out with them for a little while but then he took them to the schoolhouse for afternoon teaching and I found myself all alone. I decided to go see Bentley, who I knew would be out helping to build a new house. Jessica would need her own place once she became of age.

  Bentley was busy painting the front porch when I arrived. I brought him a pitcher of lemonade to share with his coworkers. He wrapped me up in a hug and kissed me gently on the lips. He knew not to go any further on Alejandro’s day.

  “Looks good,” I said, pointing at the house with a dip of my head.

  “You should see the size of the master bedroom. That girl’s gonna have lots of room.”

  Bentley started telling me all about the newer additions, plans that had been designed recently, giving the newer Doves much more space than what we had in our house. At some point I drowned out his voice. I didn’t mean to but I saw Pike.

  He was headed towards the outdoor shower area, a place rarely used anymore. It was left over from the days of poor plumbing and electricity, back when we were just getting the place going. The temporary quarters had a toilet and a small kitchenette but no tub or shower.

  When Bentley finished his lemonade and went back to work, I made my way over towards the showers. I wasn’t planning to spy on Pike or anything but if I happened to bump into him it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to see how he was doing, right?

  God, I’m such a fucking liar sometimes. Truth is, there was no other reason to be anywhere near the showers. It was a secluded area. That was the appeal. I thought I might “accidentally” bump into him.

  I knew going back there was wrong. I knew nothing good could come of it. But the way we ladies sometimes accuse men of thinking with their dicks, I think somehow my pussy had developed a mind of its own. I wanted to see him.

  Turns out I did bump into him.

  He was stepping out of the shower stall, his clothes bunched up in one hand, and only a towel around his waist. The alley that led to the stalls was narrow, built between two houses, and I almost bumped into the brick wall to my right when I saw him.

  He was built like a pro football player, chest and arms ripped with muscle. Tattoos covered his stomach, chest, and arms. BOC, which I now knew stood for Brotherhood of Carnage, was inked on his chest. Words written in a strange language I wasn’t familiar with was on both arms. I guessed it was Nordic. His blond hair was soaked and his facial hair was trimmed a bit.

  He stopped just outside the stall doors. We stood there for a moment just looking at each other. Then he spoke.

  “If I knew you were coming over I might’ve dressed up.”

  “I was just heading to…”

  He turned to look behind him and saw that the alley opened up to nothing, just the base of a small hill.

  “To that hill over there?”

  Busted. God you are such a cocky son of a bitch.

  He adjusted his towel, moving it a little, tightening it at his waist. My eyes were drawn to it. Beneath that thin layer of fabric was his cock, dangling free. For a moment I imagined reaching in and grabbing it, stroking it as I pushed him against the wall.
br />   What’s wrong with me? Am I going mad? I have three husbands at home, all gorgeous and aching to fuck me. And I’m so tempted by this man.

  I pushed the thought from my mind and focused on his chest and a rose thorn tattoo that wrapped around a name. Anna.

  “Who’s Anna?” I asked.

  He was quiet and I looked up to see him biting his lip. He sucked at his teeth making a clicking noise and just shook his head. I’d touched a nerve.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “I’m sorry I asked.”

  “Maybe another time,” he replied.

  He stepped closer to me and reached out, putting his hand on my waist. Something about him was so familiar, like I’d known him in a past life. His clean scent, bar soap, blew on the breeze. I love the smell of a clean man.

  I glanced down the corridor in both directions to make sure nobody was watching. We were alone. Nobody came back here anymore. We were in no danger of someone seeing us.

  Pike moved closer, pushing me backwards with his body, one hand on my ribcage. My back hit the wall and I gasped. His face was just inches from mine. My mind told me to shove him away and scold him for having the nerve to lay his hands on a Dove without permission but the wetness between my legs told me to take his cock in my hand and stroke it.

  I did neither. I was a coward.

  “What are you doing?” I asked and I could hear my own voice coming out in a shaky tremble.

  “Have you ever seen someone before but you don’t know how or where? Maybe in a dream?”

  His hand ran up and down my side, bringing goosebumps to my flesh. My nipples hardened. God I wanted this man.

  Take me into the shower with you and fuck me.

  My thoughts were going wild and I needed to escape before my body caught up with it.

  “I swear I came here just wanting to fit in, to be peaceful and maybe one day find love again…and then I saw you that night.”

  “Yes?” I asked, my voice coming out in a slight gasp.

  His hand had slid down to my thigh.

  Yes, baby, just a few inches over and you’re there. Touch me, please. Just touch me. Then I can decide to tell you to fuck off or fuck me. But touch me first.

  “You were…you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he continued. “I wanted someone this badly once…once…and I lost her. I thought I’d never feel that way again. Until I saw you and that feeling came flooding back to me. I don’t care about your one husband or your two or your three. Take me too.”

  “Oh God I want to,” I said.

  Shit, I didn’t just say that out loud did I?

  “Then do it. Tell me how to make it official. I don’t want to share you but I will if it means seeing you every day for the rest of my life.”

  “Do you just want to fuck me, Pike?” I asked. “Or are you in this for the long run?”

  Then his hand slid over and up beneath my dress. His fingers settled on my pussy lips, right at the groove between. Two of them rested there, as if he were considering sliding my panties away, prying me open, and shoving his cock inside. I wanted him to.

  “I want to fuck you, Lauren,” he said. “I want to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. But I’m also in this for the long run.”

  “This is crazy,” I argued. “You don’t know me. You just saw me the other day.”

  “And you don’t want to fuck me?” he asked.

  I looked down and saw the fold of his towel open a bit. The head of his cock stuck out of it. The bulging head was swollen and ripe, mine for the taking. That was it. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was going to go crazy. I was a Dove and who I liked and who I took into my bed was entirely up to me. I reached down and grabbed his cock, gripping it from the underbelly of his shaft, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “Oh man,” he said as he rested his forehead on my shoulder.

  “I want to fuck you,” I whispered in his ear. “But I’m not a whore.”

  I rubbed my hand up and down his cock, squeezing each time I reached the base of his head.

  Then he kissed me violently. My head hit the wall behind us and it hurt but his tongue was in my mouth and I sucked on it like I was dying of thirst and his mouth was the only way to quench it.

  As I stroked his cock I realized it had a curve to it and I’d never had one inside me like this. It was big and curved upwards a bit. I imagined it would slam my g-spot with each upstroke. I needed to test my theory. But how? Where? I’d just swore I wasn’t a whore.

  “I would never think you’re a whore,” he said. “I just think you need a man who will fuck you until you come…every time.”

  Each of my husbands was amazing in bed, each in his own way, but I wanted Pike. I wanted to straddle him and ride his cock. I needed him. I wanted to scream at him to fuck me right there up against the wall.

  “We can’t do this…here,” I said.

  “Then where?” he asked.

  He slid my panties to the side and rolled his thumb against my clit. I was dripping and he figured that out quickly, moistening his fingers before pushing one inside. Now my head hit his shoulder.

  “Oh my God,” I whined.

  “Fuck me,” he said, “Somewhere. Anywhere. In the shower…on the hill…in your bed…I don’t care where. And if you don’t like it then I won’t bother you again.”

  His finger pushed into me and out, in and out, in and out, and it was big. Fuck his finger seemed big. And he slid in a second, gently at first, then up to the knuckles.

  “Oh shit,” I said into his ear. “Pike…oh shit…oh fuck, Pike. You have to stop.”

  “You want me to stop?”

  I’d forgotten about his cock in my hand and I was jerking hard, back and forth. It couldn’t have felt good. It should have hurt. He loved it though.

  Pike’s towel dropped and he was there, completely naked, in the shadows of the narrow hallway, with the sun in the sky above. Completely naked.

  I looked down and watched as my hand worked him, sliding up and down his curved cock. The muscles of his ass clenched and he started to fuck my hand, moving his hips forward and back, really fucking my hand.

  “Don’t stop,” I said.

  “Let’s go into the shower,” Pike said.

  And I wanted to. I wanted to so bad. But it was wrong. I couldn’t do that. Already I was cheating on my husbands with this guy but to let him penetrate me when he hadn’t requested a proper suitor visit? I just couldn’t do it. God forbid he got me pregnant and it was a girl. I could never let him acknowledge the baby.

  “Don’t stop,” I said again as he continued to finger fuck me and at the same time fuck my hand.

  “Fuck me, Lauren,” he said.

  My head lifted and crashed down again against his shoulder.

  “I can’t,” I cried out a little louder than I wanted to. “I can’t do that. You have to do it right or it won’t work. You have to ask for me properly.”

  “Just tell me how,” he said.

  I couldn’t think straight let alone give the man the instructions for properly asking for my hand. I knew it would surely be frowned upon for me to consider taking a fourth husband. It was nearly forbidden. But I didn’t care. I wanted this man. I wanted my one night a week with him. And I wanted it now.

  “Just shut up,” I told him. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “I haven’t been with a woman in a long time,” he said. “Is it…is it okay if I come?”

  With his fingers slamming into me, I don’t think I could have told him no if he asked if the earth was flat.

  “Yes. Do it. Come.”

  I hadn’t realized his cock was up underneath my dress until I felt him shoot his warm cum against my stomach. It hit me just above the belly button and I loved it. I kept stroking his cock, his cum providing a lubrication that made the task easier.

  “Lauren, oh shit Lauren. Ohh…”

  His cum erupted up onto my knuckles and over the back of my hand but I kept jerking him, feeling
his cock pulsate with each spurt, wishing I’d had him in my mouth. I kissed him hard as he finished.

  I used his towel to wipe off my hand and stomach.

  “You’ll need another shower,” I said.

  “Tell me how to make this right,” he said.

  So I did.


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