Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1)

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Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1) Page 10

by Kara Liane

  At the same time, I grabbed my phone and saw it was 10 a.m. Oh crap! I didn’t realize it was so late. I guess I must have needed the rest. I unfolded the note and there on the thick, elegant paper he had scrawled a message. His penmanship was beautiful. It was not the stereotypical doctor’s writing. So I read it.


  I’m sorry I didn’t wake you, and couldn’t stay to have breakfast. My patients were waiting for me, but I’m sure you know I’d rather be in bed with you kissing your lovely face. Thank you for staying last night. You felt so good in my arms. I went to work feeling like a new man. Stay as long as you like, but if you wish to go home, I have cab money laying on the counter. Don’t argue with me or yourself, just use it. It should have been my duty to see you home last night, and I will be a broken man if you refuse me. Help yourself to anything and everything here. Feel free to call or text me if you need anything. My head will be filled with thoughts of you as I go about my day. I should be home at 1 p.m. Until later.

  ~ A.

  P.S. Go away with me this weekend to the lake house.

  Oh my God! My belly was fluttering again and my heart felt full. He is undoubtedly the sweetest man. He more than won me over last night when he suggested I call my parents. Now this? Ah! I was on Dr. Hotness overload—I didn’t know how much more I could take. I was so torn, though, because a part of me wanted to get home because I had promised my parents, and another part of me wanted to stay until he came home from the hospital.

  What would it feel like to give him a proper homecoming? Mmm, my mind could conjure up many things. Whew, I’d need a cold shower now.

  I was also torn by the fact that I so desperately needed to study, but I ached to go away with him to the lake. Another brick to the wall would be added of the structure that I was building in my head of who Alexi was. By going to the lake house, I would be learning more about him. I yearned to know more about this complex man. I never knew what to think with him because he was so new at all of this too. We were both writing a new chapter in our lives entitled relationship, and I’m sure this was a big step for him. It was a big step for me because I wanted so badly to be with him in every sense. I finally had to admit to myself that I had been falling for Alexi from the moment I met him in the breakroom. As much as I’d been fighting it, I simply couldn’t any longer.

  Can you really fall in love with someone that you’ve only known for eight days?

  My heart answered with a resounding, yes!

  I couldn’t believe how he handled the whole tattoo situation. I couldn’t get over the fact that he called me Angel. I vaguely remembered him calling me that in one of my dreams. How did he know?

  Jeez, I hated crying like that, but it felt so good knowing that he was there to hold me, and see me through it. It meant a turning point between us. Then to top it off, sleeping in his arms could not be categorized as sinful—it was magical. I had never fallen asleep in a man’s arms, let alone his bed. Alexi was quickly becoming everything to me, and I was so afraid I would become so dependent on him so quickly.

  I had already made a vow to tell him about my past. But now more than ever, I knew it to be true that I would open that door to him. He was more than deserving of knowing my secrets, and certainly entitled to the heart of me.

  I decided that I would wait for Alexi to come home from work instead of going home. If he wanted to leave tonight for the lake house, we would need to go to my place so I could pack a weekend bag. I would even pack my studying materials for good measure. I couldn’t believe I was actually agreeing to do this. But to heck with always being so cautious and the responsible one. To heck with being scared. Alexi was not clipping my wings…he was setting me free. Surely I had nothing to fear, right?

  Chapter 11: Let Me Be Your Wings


  Before we left for the lake house, Alexi came home from work promptly at 1 p.m. He was more than delighted to see me. He gifted me with a heated kiss that ended too quickly because we both knew we couldn’t control ourselves. I was showered and dressed back in my clothes from the night before. I had been waiting patiently in his living room, just channel surfing. While waiting, though, I texted my brother just to say hi and see how he was healing. I had even called Meg and brought her up to speed on things. I also took his “help yourself” comment to heart and made myself some breakfast—or rather lunch—by the time I emerged from his bed.

  I was so glad to see him when he finally walked through the door. He told me he did want to leave right away to start our weekend. Believe me handsome, I’m just as eager. I could see he was absolutely floored at the fact that not only had I stayed, but that I had also agreed to go away with him.

  I didn’t text or call him while he was at work because I wanted to surprise him. His happiness over me being here was another sign pointing to a big, fat you’re doing the right thing Caylan—decorated with neon lights, and surrounded by fairy dust. Okay, you get the picture. I was jumping up and down inside my head and might have peed myself a little over the excitement. Jeez-Louise, I was turning into Meg.

  He drove me to my apartment, and I even let him come in. Gone were my feelings of worry, apprehension, and shame of him being at my place. He chatted with my parents as I scampered off into my room to pack. I had dutifully rounded up my school books and packed them with every intention to study, along with my clothes and toiletries—I won’t even mention that I threw in the freshly washed black panties and bra from Monday night.

  I remembered to put on deodorant since I had none at his place, whereby having to skip that step. I also spritzed on my vanilla body splash, and twisted my hair up into a messy bun. I then thoroughly brushed my teeth, even though I used my finger with a little toothpaste while in his bathroom. Lastly, I changed into jeans and a tank top, but brought along a light jacket. I was just putting on my favorite sneaks when a text came in from Meg.

  Be smart, be safe, and for the love of God enjoy every minute, or rather inch of that man. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. No wait, do everything biotch! I’m so jealous. Love you xoxo

  I replied back telling her that Dr. Hotness and I would be fine. I almost forgot to pack my birth control pills, but thankfully remembered at the last minute. Even though I wasn’t sexually active—yet—I had been on them since I was sixteen to regulate my period. I never forgot to take my pills; that’s just the kind of person I am. I kissed my parents goodbye, and away we went.

  We arrived at the lake house in the Poconos. It was roughly a two-and-a-half-hour drive, with picturesque scenery. Although incredibly breezy, Alexi even put the top down on his BMW for a little while so we could take in the fresh air. Before even seeing the place, in my mind, I had pictured this being a rustic cabin—rustic this place was not.

  Alexi said his dad had made renovations over the years, even though no one but Alexi ever came here. He couldn’t understand why his dad just didn’t sell it, but at this moment, I was grateful that he hadn’t. I had a sneaky suspicion his dad didn’t sell because he was probably holding on to the memories. I couldn’t believe they came here to fish, though. This was not a place I would ever come to fish, even if I did know how to do it. Gosh, I was afraid to even wipe my feet on the front mat for fear of tainting it.

  The house was two stories with sprawling rooms sitting on a huge piece of land. The three-car garage was overkill I thought, but I guess it was fitting given the nature of the place. It was surrounded by woods, and of course the striking lake. Alexi immediately gave me the grand tour. An incredible deck encircled the upper and lower portions of the house, and the second floor housed a very large hot tub. Hmm, convenient, I thought.

  There were bedroom and bathrooms galore, and windows and glass doors everywhere. Once again, all the furnishing and décor were modern and screamed affluent. The place was topped off with every single gadget and electronic feature you could imagine. The woods offered privacy and added to the beauty of the place, despite the updates of the home. It looked li
ke there was no one around for miles, and that made me smile. I didn’t want anyone to hear me scream in ecstasy. Wait, what? Where did that idea come from? Anyhoo, I appreciated the location and thought this was the most exquisite place to be.

  Alexi brought our stuff in from the car and had placed the bags on the bed in the master suite, located on the second floor. I slipped on my jacket and opened the sliding doors, and walked out onto the deck. I glanced to my left and smirked at the hot tub, wondering if I’d take a dip in the near future. But what mostly caught my attention was the sky. The sun was setting, and the sky was painted with the most vivid hues. Colors reflected off the water, and it was like a Monet painting. I leaned on the railing and desperately wanted to share this moment with Alexi.

  I turned my head to search for him. There he was standing at the foot of the bed pulling his shirt over his head. He had changed into jeans and a t-shirt back at his condo. Goodness, that man can wear anything. You can’t miss his massive, impressive build up top…and down below. His hairless bare chest now stared back at me and made me suck in a breath.

  He hadn’t yet noticed me gaping like a goldfish with my mouth hanging open. Thank God for that because I’m sure I looked ridiculous. I didn’t get to ogle him last night since he had turned away from me when he changed for bed. So this sight hit me with the force of a thousand arrows with direct hits to my girly parts. I may have even drooled, don’t know though, but we can’t rule it out.

  “Fuck!” I said out loud, and then clamped my lips shut and smacked my hands over my mouth.

  I cannot believe I just said that dirty, potty word.

  Alexi was having many different forms of rubbing off on me it seemed—there I go again! He was making me brazen. As if on cue—and as if he had heard my expletive—he locked eyes with me. He smiled and crooked his finger making the motion for me to come to him. I walked back into the bedroom, and I couldn’t bring myself to stand too close for fear of doing something outrageously hormonal and stupid—like bite his nipples!

  While he stood there looking like a god, I stood there looking guilty like I just stepped in dog poo. Okay, I am only bringing up dog poo for the simple fact that I have to keep my hormones at bay. Quite frankly thinking about dog poo, or any poo for that matter, will do that.

  “I thought we’d relax in the hot tub for a little bit, and then have dinner, if that’s alright? Unless you’re hungry now?” he said mischievously.

  I opened my mouth to reply and nothing came out but a small squeak, so I tried again. “The hot tub sounds great! Can I meet you out there?” I asked.

  “Of course you can, Angel. I need to get the tub turned on anyway. Take your time,” he replied huskily.

  He started to reach for the button of his fly, and that’s when I grabbed my bag off the bed and shot off into the bathroom. I could not be in the same room with him if he was going to change into his swim trunks. I thought I heard him chuckle as I shut the door, the jerk!

  Once safe in the confines of the bathroom, that happened to be bigger than my apartment, I could attempt to breathe normally. I dug through my bag and pulled out the only two-piece suit I owned. It wasn’t model-worthy, but pretty enough. Pink being my favorite color, meant it was surely going to be represented.

  The suit was an itty, bitty, tiny bikini I must confess. It was a traditional cut but what I loved most about it was the lace-looking overlay that gave it that feminine detail. The overlay was in a slightly lighter shade than the liner material. I was almost positive Alexi would love it. I did a once-over in the mirror making sure my hair was fluffed just right when I took out the hair tie. Feeling pretty good about myself—because the woman staring back at me had bright cheeks and shiny teeth—I knew I was ready. At the last second, I peed just in case, and quickly washed up, then made my way out to the hot tub. The sun was almost down now, but there was enough light still bouncing around.

  As I approached, Alexi admitted, “I never noticed the streaks of red in your hair before. Fuck, it’s amazing! One minute you’re an angel in white, and the next you’re devilish in pink with flames for hair. I just don’t get it!”

  He confessed this all with absolute amazement. I don’t even think he was speaking directly to me, it was more to himself. I too did love the red that came through when the sun hit it. I just couldn’t truly believe how much he seemed to worship me. Was it possible to have a man of his caliber interested in someone like me? I was still slowly walking toward him.

  He then whispered in a strained voice, “Just stay right there for a second. I need to look at you.”

  Oh my, Sexy Alexi, I felt like the most beautiful woman. My head was in the clouds and I didn’t think I would come back down, even if you sent a jet up there to retrieve me. If this is another dream, don’t ever wake me up! I saw the carnal appreciation in his eyes. There was that same buzzing or humming happening between us. It was alive and electric. Impulsion, obsession, and compulsion, were driving this exhilarating energy. He reached out his hand and I took it, and it was a shock to my system. I knew he felt it too. Thank goodness we wouldn’t electrocute ourselves in the water. I stepped in right next to him, and sank into the warmth. It felt decadent.

  “That bikini should be illegal,” he growled out.

  It felt so good to be so desired. I realize that some men are attracted to me, but this is the first time I really reveled in the attention.

  I said back cheekily, “I showed you mine, now show me yours!”

  That was a dare I knew he would take me up on. He stood up and the water sluiced down his chiseled body. I loved that he had no hair on his chest. His glistening skin was so beautiful. He was wearing a pair of blue swim trunks that made his eyes stand out. Yeah, sure I’m looking at his eyes.

  The trunks were sitting low on his hips which angled down to that “V” that every girl dreams about, and all the romance novels gab about. Well, ladies this is real life, and here was the “V” in the flesh.

  His penis was standing tall and proud as if begging for my attention, and protruding so far out that I’m surprised it didn’t come out—no pun intended. I licked my lips without realizing it, and he groaned loudly. I shivered from his sounds, and I stared up at him.

  “If you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m going to fuck you right here and now. I will never forgive myself if I did that, though, but my patience is quickly deteriorating. You’ve blown my composure to shit in an instant, as you always seem to do,” he managed to say.

  He was flexing his fingers again at his sides, and I imagined he was struggling to control himself.

  Well join the club buddy boy because it’s not as if it’s any easier on me. We’re already in water, so you can’t see how wet I am. Now here’s where I can’t blame any alcohol because there wasn’t a drop in sight. I decided it was a great idea to tell him he should see—or rather feel—how wet I am.

  “I know this is hard for you. It’s hard for me too. I just don’t have a visible erection to show for it. But you should feel how wet I am,” I dared.

  Snap! Yup, the last bit of his patience went poof—I could almost hear it and see it.

  He lowered himself back into the water and approached me like a predator, even though we were only inches apart. He was stalking his prey. I gulped rather loudly and was trembling with need. He grabbed my face like he did at his condo, but there was no warm-up this time. It wasn’t gentle or tender, and it was divine. He kissed me so hard and forcefully. He thrust his tongue deep into my mouth, and he swallowed my cries. I sucked back at his tongue and he playfully bit mine, eliciting even more pleasurable sensations from me. He had me straddle his lap as he sat back on the bench-seat of the tub. The jets only added to the fun as they bubbled and frothed around us, and hit some erogenous zones every now and then. He moved down to my neck and began sucking and nipping. Instinctively, I put his ear lobe in my mouth and gently sucked and bit.

  He yelled, “Fuuuuucckkkkk!” so loud, I swear the Poconos shook.r />
  I could feel his hard cock practically reaching for me. Yup, I said it! I said the “c” word—well, one of them anyway. I’m all in now. I put my cards on the table and my chips in the pile, and I’ll ante up. If I’m going to be naughty, I’m not going to half-ass it at this point. Speaking of ass…he placed a hand under each butt cheek and gripped. God, it felt so good to be taken in this manner.

  If it felt this good with clothes still on, I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like naked and writhing on top of one another. I slid my hands down from around his neck to touch his chest. It was my turn to explore. His chest was hard and smooth and unyielding. It was glorious. After he was done squeezing my ass, I knew where he was headed next.

  He began to untie my bathing suit top from around my neck. I was so needy, and I knew he wasn’t faring much better. My breasts ached and throbbed so much. My nipples were stiff peaks, so much so that I thought they would cut through my bikini top. He was breathing heavily as he pulled the strings down, and he undid the tie in the middle of my back.

  As he pulled the top away, he said in a tortured tone, “Jesus Christ. This is the most erotic scene. I can’t get enough of looking at you.”

  I loved the way he talked. I was just now discovering dirty talk—still only saying things in my mind, of course—but these were baby steps. It was addictive talking in this manner. I loved his crude speech. My breasts bobbed in the water as if mercilessly teasing him, and I loved that too.

  “Alexi…,” is all I responded, and let his name just hang in the air.

  I didn’t need to say anything else. He knew what I needed and wanted. He bent his head in admiration, and gently grabbed my breasts putting one in each hand. I about fell apart. I had never had an orgasm through a man’s touch. I had no idea it would feel like this leading up to the big moment. The big O was right there hovering in sight. Unfortunately, any reference I had thus far of sexual acts were traumatic ones, so I shoved those memories so far back. I was going to remain here in the moment, and those demons had no business emerging now. It wasn’t that hard to come back to the present with that wicked mouth of his pleasuring my boobs.


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