Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1)

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Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1) Page 18

by Kara Liane

  At one point, she excused herself to use the bathroom, and I decided to pull out my phone to look up what the hell I posted on Facebook. I didn’t do the social media thing either. What a fucking moron I’d been! But there on the screen was a photo and caption. Christ, I was a sorry asshole. Not only did I put her in danger, but I also didn’t want to share this side of her with the world. She was fucking asleep in my bed for Christ’s sake! She was my angel, or “angle,” but she was all mine.

  Before she could return to me in the living room, I heard keys jangling at the front door. Then in walked her parents. They were both shocked to see me sitting there. Understandably so. The matching twin expressions on their faces were priceless, and I knew they were thinking, “Lucy, you got some ‘splainin to do!” Fucking right I did. Bring it on!

  Chapter 19: Home Sweat Home


  Caylan’s parents were not thrilled about me being there but after I explained to them that I loved their daughter, they were a little more accepting. It definitely took some convincing at first. I think Milly was already on board anyway, but she was just being supportive of her husband. I respected a woman who stood by her man, and it wasn’t some old school bullshit 50s-era thinking; that was an archaic practice of sorts that I didn’t buy into.

  What I did buy into is the fact that I think a reciprocal, supportive relationship is the only way to go—I envisioned that for Caylan and I. I recognized that I would have to win over her dad in order to make this move work. Fred was a tough nut to crack, and I could understand with Caylan being his only daughter and the baby of the family, that he was reluctant to let her go. It was no surprise that the men in this clan were protective and overbearing when it came to Caylan’s health and happiness.

  I was saddened, though, by the secrets haunting them. Them not telling Brent about Greg, and then Caylan not telling her parents about the letter, was not ideal. But I had to let her do this her way. If I intervened, I would lose a piece of her, or I’d lose all of her. It was a shame because they were such a tight-knit family, so I realized the stress and burden of carrying these secrets must have been the hardest on my angel. I was so proud of her, though, and beyond admired her for how she was handling everything. She didn’t fall apart and cry, or cower and hide. She was stronger than she thought. I knew those wings on her back were an accurate depiction of how she could rise above.

  Caylan may have been without a doubt the most drop-dead gorgeous woman I had ever seen, but it was more than that. Her soul spoke to me. When you find that special person in life, you have to grab hold of the opportunity you have been afforded. She was changing me day by day. To go from being a total asshole to being all flowery, I knew that it was all due to Caylan. In some fucked up way I did understand the obsession Greg had with her. I knew the deep-seeded need to be around her. But the difference between that piece of shit and me is I didn’t want to cage her, control her, or hurt her. And the obvious fucking thing being that she loved me, and it was a mutual relationship. Greg didn’t love her, he just loved the idea of loving her, and it was an illness there was no cure for.

  I marveled at the fact that she fucking loved me. How I was gifted with her, I had no clue. I had to have done something right in life in order for the heavens to open up and send her to me. Sometimes she appeared so much older than her young age of twenty-two. I worried somewhat that I was a bastard for trying to make this permanent so quickly when she hadn’t had a chance to experience enough of life yet. Other times, I thought she’d already experienced too much that one so young shouldn’t have to bear. Well now that she was mine…I could never let her go. It wasn’t just the sex, or my own personal obsession. The sex happened to be the beautiful fucking hot ass cherry on top of the sundae, but her heart, her personality, and her genuineness were staggering.

  That’s what it all came down to. She was everything that was right and good in this world. She was the fucking only key that fit my lock—once she turned it, that was it for me. I would move her right into my life, and she would fit there as if she always belonged. I would support her dreams and do everything to make all her wishes and desires come true.

  Caylan had finally returned from the restroom and was surprised to find her parents discussing with me my undying love for her. I filled her in on what we talked about so far, and she then became a part of the conversation. Her dad wanted further answers, though.

  “So let me get this straight. You love my daughter you say, and now you want her to move in with you?” he questioned.

  He was standing across from me by the door still. Caylan was now seated next to me on the couch, and Milly was flitting around picking up the mugs and making fresh coffee, I assumed for herself and her husband. Milly also appeared to be getting a snack platter together. What an amazing hostess, and such a motherly gesture. I could see Caylan inherited her heart from her mom, and her strength from her dad. I had to admit that it was the best combination.

  “Yes sir. I know it’s hard for anyone but us to understand, but I’ve been in hell for four weeks without her. This would be a moot point if we hadn’t been apart because she would have already been with me by now anyway,” I said matter-of-factly. Fred’s head whipped back, he was clearly surprised by my words.

  “Oh my,” is all Milly commented.

  Fred rubbed the scruff on his beard and was quite contemplative. “Are you out of your cotton pickin’ mind?” he accused.

  Hmm, well yes and no. I was beyond in love, so that made me out of my mind, but I would still say I had my shit together. I knew Fred didn’t want me bullshitting him, so I was being honest and cutting right to the chase. I stood up out of respect and so we could look each other in the eye, man to man.

  “Your daughter is safe with me. I have the means to take care of her. I know she can take care of herself, but I want to be that man. She’s lucky to have parents like you who love and support her. She can always come back here whenever she wants. And you can always come visit her. Our condo has an open invitation. I want this chance to spend time with her. I don’t know how apprised you are of our situation, but I’ll just say that I never meant for your daughter to get hurt. I swear to you it won’t happen again. There were some misunderstandings,” I explained with great passion and conviction. I hoped Caylan took notice of the our in my speech.

  Milly appeared by my side. “Well bless your heart,” Milly said, and she came over to give me a kiss on the cheek. She also whispered as she leaned in, “My Grandma Pam always told me that ‘Momma’s give roots and wings.’ The roots to your family, and the wings to fly to wherever that may be one day.”

  She had shining tears in her eyes, but was smiling. She patted me on the hand, and then went back to making coffee. It was not lost on me that there was always this central theme of wings surrounding this family. I thought it could be another sign. Fred gave his wife a stern look because I knew he didn’t want Milly on my side. Caylan stood now too and hugged her mother, and I think she thanked her in hushed tones.

  Then Caylan turned to her father and stated, “Daddy, I love Alexi. I want a chance to see where this goes. I’ll still be nearby. I still have school to contend with, and Alexi will of course be working. He’s a good man. And hey, if I ever get sick, at least there’s a doctor in the house.”

  I knew she was going for adding an element of levity, and I think it worked. Fred seemed to melt around his daughter. She clearly had all men wrapped around her finger. Christ, I couldn’t not be jealous even for two fucking seconds!

  “Okay, baby girl. If you’re sure, and you’re happy…,” he sighed heavily. Then continued, “I can’t very well stop you. We love you. All we want is what’s best for you,” he conveyed.

  “Alexi is what’s best for me,” she claimed.

  God, it felt so fucking good to hear her say those words.

  After that discussion, I made small talk with her parents while Caylan packed up the essentials. I told her we wouldn’t move any of her fur
niture out. I did insist if she wanted to change anything around our condo, she could do so. I didn’t want to overwhelm her because I didn’t think she realized that once she was at our place, this would be a permanent move—I thought I’d wait a little while before I showed her that that was already written in stone. I also wanted her to start to feel comfortable at the idea that it could one day be her home, even though it already was in my mind. We would make this work, or I’d die trying.



  It was Friday now. I had been staying with Alexi for the last five days so far. It was hard to believe this was happening, and I was afraid I’d jinx it. I was not a superstitious person, but I didn’t want this to be too good to be true because I was happy. Yup, truly happy. He was irrevocably mine, and I was his. I wanted this to be forever.

  No longer was I worrying what others thought. I may be young but if this last year has taught me anything, it was that I had to go after what I wanted and to not let anyone tell me differently. I did that with school, but never applied that to my love life. Before Alexi, I didn’t even have a love life. That seemed too tame of a way to describe our relationship, though. I didn’t want to think of us as currently playing house. This was not a game for me, and I didn’t believe it was for him either. I felt at times he was invested in this as much as I was. We didn’t talk about this being more permanent because I didn’t want to scare him. We would give it a little time to get accustomed to just being together.

  He also frustrated me often. I knew he wanted to swoop in and try and make everything right, but he was not realizing that I wanted to work for what I got in life. I didn’t want anything handed to me. He reminded me that as a couple he was just doing his duty. I tried to see things his way. It was going against everything I felt, and my independent spirit was rebelling. My parents taking care of me was something entirely different, and I had already harbored many years of guilt for that. My parents constantly reminded me I was paying them back by going to college and getting an education. But Alexi, oh that Alexi, would not be dissuaded. I figured it wasn’t worth fighting over. So when he said he’d worry incessantly about me unless I let him buy me a car, I begrudgingly gave in.

  I was thinking back to Monday after I got done my morning class. I met him at the hospital during his lunchtime to go car shopping. He was already upset that I had to Uber it around town that morning. He got over it when I greeted him with a juicy kiss. I also got to meet Liz, and knew instantly that I liked her; I could totally see her and I becoming friends.

  While at the dealership, I convinced him to get me a used car. Although, I still didn’t quite agree that a one-year older model was considered used, but that’s neither here nor there. He was insistent it be a safe, reliable SUV. He even remembered to go-green and get me a hybrid.

  I wanted to smack him for doing this outrageous thing, but kiss him because of the thoughtful gesture. Eek! I couldn’t contain my excitement even though this was too extravagant. I got to pick the color. I went with blue because it reminded me of his eyes. I didn’t admit to the salesman, or to my man, that I would have preferred pink; I’m sure they would have laughed at me. I loved my new car, though, I had to admit. It was stylish and of course had all the bells and whistles. I felt safe, so I guess another tally-point for him. When I went to get my parking pass from campus the next day, it was an amazing feeling realizing how much he cared. I marveled at the great lengths he was going to in order to safeguard our future.

  The best feeling came in the form of knowing that Alexi was coming home to me every night. We took turns cooking for one another, and then afterward we made love. We didn’t venture into other sexual positions yet, but I didn’t feel it was intentional. He or I was just too impatient, so one of us would end up on top of the other practically attacking and claiming their property. I was going to surprise him tonight and give him a lot of oral satisfaction. My plan of attack was beyond brilliant.

  Hmm, maybe I should dress up as a candy striper or something? I laughed at that thought. The volunteers at hospitals nowadays sure didn’t dress like they did back then with modeling pinafores—I guess I’d been watching too many movie classics lately.

  You would think Alexi would be wearing me out with all the hot sex, but I found myself spunky this week with bouts of energy. It must be him. The stress was thawing out and even though I still worried about things, it wasn’t of such magnitude that it registered on the Richter scale like it had previously.

  I only had an hour or so before Alexi was due home. Tonight we would stay in, and then tomorrow we were meeting with his three best friends for dinner. I had to try to keep repeating their names to myself so I wouldn’t forget; Gil, Anthony, and Caleb. I thought sarcastically that tomorrow wouldn’t be awkward at all, ha ha. It’s perfectly normal for four guys and a girl to have dinner! I hoped none of them would be jerks to me, but I knew Alexi wouldn’t stand for it. I wanted his best friends to like me, though. If I got their stamp of approval, I figured that was a good sign. Then the final test I’m sure would be eventually meeting his parents. It was a lot to think about. I hoped his parents would like me and see me for who I really am, and not for someone that was only interested in Alexi for anything other than his heart.

  I started running around the condo lighting candles. In the bedroom, I was very selective about the fragrances and colors to set the mood. I finally got it set up the way I wanted it, though. Alexi’s grey throw rug would certainly come in handy and feel soft on my knees. I knelt down to test it out and sure enough, it was plush and sumptuous. Since Alexi had only seen me in bras and panties that were black or white, I treated myself without him knowing it and went to the mall this morning. It felt completely wrong spending his money, but I knew this wouldn’t always be the case. If we were really going to be together I would get a job after graduation, and help contribute monetarily to this relationship. I figured since this was more of a present for him than me, that I could certainly splurge.

  I kept ignoring thoughts of this being a Pretty Woman thing. If he turned up with a ruby necklace and earrings, I was not sticking my finger in the box and having him shut it—ah, I love that movie!

  The little number I put on was red. Hey, red is still in the pink family, right? I knew it was daring and I also knew that I never, ever, had worn anything this bold in my life. I felt sexy. I felt beautiful. I meticulously applied my makeup and brushed out my hair until it had that polished look and shine to it. I slid on my silver heels that he loved from the restaurant, and it was kismet that my phone dinged with a text. I knew it would be Alexi letting me know he was five minutes away. So, I left the bathroom and took a deep breath.

  I knelt on the rug on the floor. However, I was not going to recreate everything from my dream. No, I was not yet brave enough to do that. But what I would do is pleasure him so he knew how much I loved him, needed him, and revered him. It’s not always possible to convey love through words, sometimes it’s actions. Boy, was he in for one heck of a surprise. I wanted to paint the town red!



  I opened our front door and walked in. The lighting was low, and I noticed there were candles scattered throughout the rooms. A sensual glow cast shadows all around, and I instantly groaned because I knew my dick was a curse. What was my little angel up to? I think another spanking was in order. Christ, she never ceased to amaze me.

  I didn’t bother calling out for her because I figured she had to be in the bedroom. If she was naked on the bed waiting for me, I was afraid my neighbors would think someone was being murdered the way we would scream with pleasure. I put my stuff on the counter and removed my shoes and socks. I also decided to take off my polo shirt, but left my pants on. I usually changed into casual clothes before I left the hospital, that way I didn’t bring transient germs home.

  My khakis were still belted, but I figured I’d lose them once in the bedroom. I took each step willing my pulse and breathing to slow. This was alre
ady an erotic scene. She knew how to shift my sex drive into the next gear without even trying. I could feel my body pulsing out to her, calling her with each step. I’m sure she knew I was home. My breathing alone probably gave it away. That element of her surprising me was such a turn-on. I walked into the bedroom, and the sight that greeted me stole my breath. I tried to take it all in at once. All my senses were under siege. Being the visual creature I am, of course the image of her was the most fucking, unbelievably, amazing vision.

  She was there kneeling on our rug. My dick throbbed so hard, and I was pre-cuming already. Yup, fucking curse that thing was! The anticipation and excitement of what I would find by just walking from the front door to the bedroom door was enough to rev my engine. But this was also something entirely different. I fucking groaned so loud, and she answered me by moaning. It smelled like caramel and coffee in the room, and it was delicious. I inhaled deeply, letting myself go. The candles were giving off this mouthwatering aroma. Combined with her scent, I was lost to my caveman instincts. I wanted to throw her over my fucking shoulder and barrel through the nearest cave. I’d fuck her so hard, I’d start an avalanche in the cave tunnel.

  “Fuck! Caylan, you’re a goddess. You shouldn’t ever look this good and expect me not to chain you to the fucking bed,” I relayed in a hoarse voice.

  She inhaled loudly and her heaving breasts were spilling out of the cups. She wore a fire-engine red fucking corset. A fucking corset! God, she was a damn siren. I’d need an ambulance when this was over. Christ, how did one resuscitate themselves?


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