Last Strathulian Standing

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Last Strathulian Standing Page 5

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Jia-Nian slipped off her own garment, letting it drop to the mossy forest floor. The lusty, appreciative looks from her men emboldened her. She rubbed her palms together, spreading the last of the herbal poultice over her hands.

  “Now bring those magnificent guardian cocks to me so that I may get to know them better,” she instructed, reaching out to them with both hands and wiggling her fragrant, oiled fingers.

  With dazed, hungry looks, Aydon and Danior wasted no time in obeying, presenting her with two of the most glorious male appendages she’d ever seen.

  “And don’t look so surprised,” she added, slipping her hands around each long, thick shaft and squeezing gently, loving the feel of expanding flesh beneath her fingers. “While I may have been a virgin of late, I was not unfamiliar with the bodily structure of males.”

  “She had brothers,” Aydon explained to Danior through a groan matched by Danior’s as her fingers massaged them.

  “True, but I don’t speak of my kin. As a healer among my people, there were many times I tended to men sorely wounded in battle. A good daily cock rubdown with herbs and oils until their hot cream spurted forth was a great help in restoring their health, vigor and vitality.”

  “Oh, I can well imagine,” Danior said with a devilish smile.

  “No doubt you had many village men coming to you with merely a scratch or two to partake of your healing fingers,” Aydon said. “I know I would. In fact, I’d make sure to get injured as often as possible.” His smile looked every bit as wicked and teasing as Danior’s.

  “Shame on you both for your tainted thoughts,” Jia-Nian chastised with mock reproach. “The healing arts were valued and respected among the Strathulians. As were unmarried virgins. The men I speak of were gravely wounded and clinging to life as the cold fingers of Death sought to claim them. Each curative cock rubdown was attended by one of our tribe’s holy men as well as the ailing men’s wives if they had them.”

  The men chorused another pleasured groan at her expert touch. It was the first time Jia-Nian had performed the healing Zalvanean method of massage for purely carnal reasons. And the first time she’d been so passionately affected by the experience.

  Their cocks continued to swell in her grasp. She felt them pulse and jerk as her fingers slipped back the foreskins to explore the dark rosy cock heads. Firm but resilient, they reminded her of sturdy swords swathed in layers of soft, silken fabric.

  Jia-Nian glanced down at her breasts, alerted by their tight, swollen ache. Her nipples stood erect, begging to feel—

  As if perfectly in sync with her needs, Aydon cradled one bare breast in his hand, his thumb rubbing over her hard nipple, while Danior caressed the pebbled tip of the other breast.

  Closing her eyes, Jia-Nian sighed with pleasure, only to gasp at the feel of their mouths suckling. Aydon’s mouth worked gentle and steady, laving the beaded tip, teasing it with his teeth and tongue. Danior sucked roughly, urgently, biting and pulling.

  Equally agreeable jolts of pleasure prickled her breasts.

  She’d never experienced the feel of her nipples being sucked. And earlier, as they rode to seek shelter, was the first time she’d felt a man’s fingers pluck and roll her nipples. The dual erotic sensations of Danior and Aydon’s mouths converging at her breasts sent liquid cords of pleasure, hot and relentless, coursing from her tits to her cunt.

  Jia-Nian’s eyes flew open and her breath hitched as she felt fingers slipping between her cunt lips. Danior pierced her wet slit with one finger, then two, gliding in and out, never neglecting her nipple as he worked.

  Aydon’s rough fingers raked gently down her belly until his thumb slipped in front of Danior’s hand, almost immediately finding her clit and circling the pleasure nub.

  Jia-Nian felt her spirit slipping from her body, preparing to take another magical journey to the place of utmost ecstasy Aydon had brought her to earlier. Mindful of her own task, she increased the pressure at both men’s cocks, making that long, firm glide from root to tip that men so enjoyed. All the while she deeply tapped her fingers along the sensitive undersides of their cocks, as if playing a flute.

  “By gods, Jia-Nian,” Aydon breathed, while Danior let out a harsh gasp.

  As her womb fluttered and her cunt flooded, Jia-Nian’s highly pleasured body barely felt as if it belonged to her. “Now,” she said. “The three of us together.” That said, she gave each cock a purposeful twist and pressed thumbs and forefingers deep against the certain spot at the base she knew would send their spirits soaring along with hers.

  Grunts and moans were quick replaced with untamed roars of satisfaction as the three trembled together, the men pressing their big, hard bodies into her until her back was surely imprinted with the tree’s bark.

  They remained that way, damp hot flesh against damp hot flesh, sweat mingling with spilled male essence as they recaptured their senses, their breath, their vigor.

  “In all my days,” Aydon said, utter contentment lacing his words, “I’ve never experienced anything like that. Your magical fingers brought forth feelings in my cock I’ve never known before, Jia-Nian. And, believe me, I know my own cock damned well.” He laughed.

  “That was amazing,” Danior agreed. “If I didn’t know better I’d swear you were a witch.” She gasped at his words. “The good sort,” he quickly amended.

  “And the two of you treated me to ecstasies I’ve never before known,” Jia-Nian told them. She raised her hands, studying the cream cascading down her fingers and palms to her wrists. Remembering how Aydon had tasted her nectar earlier as they rode, Jia-Nian smiled.

  Bringing one hand to her mouth, she licked, curling her tongue through Aydon’s salty essence. She spent time tasting him, letting the fluid coat her tongue. “What a unique flavor,” she said. “Like sea air mixed with just a touch of honey.”

  She tasted Danior’s cream next, expecting it to taste identical and surprised to note subtle differences. “You each have a distinct flavor. As if the same savory recipe were prepared by two different cooks using slightly different herbs, oils and spices. You’re both quite delicious.”

  One hand braced against the tree over Jia-Nian’s head, Danior looked down at his cock and gave a soft laugh.

  “Mine grows hard again too,” Aydon said, cupping his cock and apparently understanding Danior’s amusement.

  “That’s a first,” Danior said. “It’s never happened that fast before.”

  “But then, we’ve never been tended to by Jia-Nian’s healing hands before,” Aydon noted.

  “Or the show of her little pink tongue greedily licking our seed from those magic fingers,” Danior added. “Are you quite certain you’re not a good witch?” He winked at her before leaning close to kiss her chin and swipe a lick up her cheek.

  Jia-Nian rested her hand on his chest. “If I were, dear Danior, you can be assured I’d work tirelessly until I found a way to reverse Shivrane’s evil magic.”

  “Tell me, sweet one,” Aydon asked, so close to her ear she felt the heat of his breath, “do you feel ready to have your cunt filled or is it too soon after…”

  “No matter how difficult it is for us,” Danior said after Aydon paused, “we pledge to be patient, so don’t be afraid to be truthful. We wouldn’t want to force you into anything you’re not ready for.”

  Aydon’s knuckle trailed a path up and down her cheek close to her ear, making her shiver. “We want nothing more than to give you pleasure, Jia-Nian. We won’t do anything without your permission or before you’re ready.”

  Jia-Nian felt her eyes well with tears. How wonderful and compassionate they were. “Who would ever expect two such mighty warriors to be so gentle, caring and considerate of a woman’s feelings?”

  Danior shrugged. “I, for one, never would have expected it—until I met you, Jia-Nian.” One of his eyebrows shot up. “Even if you are the most mulish woman I’ve ever known. It makes my blood boil to think of how close you came to being slain today.”
br />   “Gods, but truer words were never spoken,” Aydon agreed. “You’re stubborn and strong willed, disobedient and annoyingly persistent.” Aydon’s head dipped until he tongued one of her nipples, awakening the tingles at her clit. “But,” he went on as she moaned, “you’re also the most succulent bit of sweetmeat I’ve ever set eyes, hands or mouth on.”

  “Perhaps the Strathulians were remiss in teaching their girl children about a woman’s proper place and that a man’s word is law,” Danior said.

  “Once we instruct her,” Aydon suggested, “and she abides by our commands, Jia-Nian will be perfect.”

  “Instruct me? Hah!” Jia-Nian folded her arms across her breasts. “Jesters, the both of you. If blindly obeying men like a mindless insect is what it takes to make me into a perfect woman, then I’m quite happy to remain blissfully flawed.”

  “Well, she does have good hands,” Danior said to Aydon.

  “True, we can’t deny that. Perhaps the disobedient wench isn’t a lost cause after all, eh, Danior?”

  Jia-Nian wiggled her fingers. “This disobedient wench’s skilled hands are ready to perform a lively round of entirely new magic tricks. That is…if those tired cocks of yours are hearty enough to endure the intense pleasure.”

  “I’ll let you decide,” Aydon said, fisting his erect cock with both hands and smiling at her. “Does that look hearty enough for you?”

  “Even heartier than before.” She nodded and then glimpsed Danior’s bold and ready cock, rigid in proud greeting. “Yours too, Danior.”

  “You didn’t answer our question, Jia-Nian,” Aydon reminded her. “Are you fully ready to be with a man yet?”

  Had Aydon asked her that question the day before, she would have shuddered at the idea. For days she’d been besieged with visions of repulsive gray-fleshed beasts with hideous roving eyes in the center of their foreheads grinning down at her while they assailed her most sacred, private flesh.

  The horror, the wrenching sadness, the loss of all hope that she’d felt as the fiends pummeled her, one after the other, revisited her thoughts.

  Then Jia-Nian focused on the gallant, fine-looking Guardians of Zalvanus before her. Her eyes traveled their naked, battle-scarred bodies. Far too intimate with carnage, they were war torn and surely weary of unending battles. These proud men were like gods while Tordanuk’s men were like filthy swine.

  The Yassarian men who stood here symbolized goodness and light, while the Pushgans embodied malice and malevolence.

  Jia-Nian looked down at her body, noting the trickle of juices from between her thighs. When she lifted her head, she saw they had both followed her gaze to the moisture dribbling down her legs.

  “Both my mind and my body are ready and willing to lie with you,” she replied. “I have never yet felt a man inside me. Not a real man. I look forward to the experience with great eagerness.”

  “When the Pushgans violated you,” Danior began with hesitancy, “was it…was it solely in your cunt?”

  Although disheartened by the question, a humorless laugh spilled from her lips. “It was everywhere I had an opening, save for my ears,” she replied. “I fear I have no virgin territory left, Danior, not my cunt, my dark, forbidden passage or my mouth.” She was reminded then of how different Pushgan essence tasted. The stuff was vile and putrid, just like its despicable hosts.

  Aydon let loose a curse, pounding his fist against the tree.

  She wasn’t surprised at his appalled reaction. She only hoped he didn’t regret the breathtaking sexual encounter the three of them had just shared. The idea that focusing on the subject of her unclean body might serve to taint Aydon’s memory nearly made her weep.

  “I wholly regret that I have nothing untouched, nothing clean or of importance to offer either of you fine, deserving men. I sorrow that I cannot freely present you with a woman’s most cherished prize.”

  She watched them exchange glances. Of course, now that they’d heard the whole ugly truth, she had no doubt they were trying to decide if her Pushgan-violated body was too disgusting even to fuck.

  “I am tried and worn like an old shoe,” she continued. “I am no longer worthy of any respectable man. But I can still provide comfort, a healing touch. I can be your fellow warrior by day and your willing concubine…or whore by night, if you’ll allow me that privilege.”

  “What is this you speak of, Jia-Nian?” Danior asked. “Your most cherished prize—is this some Strathulian dowry? We’re not interested in your lack of gold or treasure or a flock of sheep.”

  Jia-Nian straightened her shoulders, lifted her chin and looked her warriors in the eye. “If this is your idea of wit, I do not find it amusing,” she said. “Surely you realize I speak of my virginity. An unmarried woman without it is unfit.”

  “Unfit for what?” Aydon asked, frowning. “For who?”

  She couldn’t stand it another minute. The tears long threatening to flow came now with a vengeance.

  “For anyone, for anything!” she sobbed. “What decent man would even for a moment consider a sullied woman like me for his wife? For the mother of his babes? I am only good for a sound round of fucking now and must learn to be grateful for a few coins or a meal in return. I challenge you to stand there and refute that.”

  “Decent man…” Aydon said. “You don’t find me decent, Jia-Nian?” In question, he clapped his hand against his chest.

  “Of course I do.” She swiped harshly at her eyes with her fists, angry with herself for giving into the womanly weakness of tears when she longed to maintain a last shred of pride. “What has that to do with anything?”

  Aydon smoothed the hair from her eyes and kissed her damp cheek. “If I were a marrying kind of man, I would gladly take you for my wife,” he answered softly. “I’ve never met a more worthy woman.”

  Danior took her hand and brought it to his lips, feathering a tender kiss across her knuckles. “Ah my poor misguided Jia-Nian. You’re beautiful, kind, brave, intelligent and such a sweet, innocent temptress you make my balls tighten just looking at you. Your virginity, or lack of it, is of no significance to us. As with Aydon, if I were a villager looking to settle down with a good woman for my wife, you would be my first choice.”

  “Great Ko’Loran help us if we ever become so pigheaded and intolerant,” Aydon added. “I think it detestable that you were taught to believe such idiocy. Your worth lies not in your cunt, Jia-Nian. It is here.” He tapped her temple. “And here.” He covered her heart with his hand.

  “Was it your fault Tordanuk’s fiends raped and abused you?” Danior asked. “Did you coyly issue those repulsive three-eyed giants a seductive invitation to plunder your slight body?”

  Jia-Nian looked up at them and quietly shook her head, mouthing a silent no.

  “Then there will be no more of such twisted talk,” Aydon said.

  A spark of gladness fluttered deep in Jia-Nian’s breast. With a small smile, she asked, “You will accept me as your concubine then? Or even as your traveling road whore to discard once you have had your fill of me? I will gladly agree to either fate.”

  Aydon and Danior exchanged lengthy glances, mightily chorusing what sounded like frustrated groans. Her smile faltered. Perhaps she had misunderstood their well-meaning lecture. Maybe they didn’t mean what they’d said.

  Danior bent to the ground to pick something up. “For one so stubborn, pigheaded and determined, Jia-Nian, you have all the confidence of this shriveled olive.” He held the fallen fruit beneath her nose before flicking it away.

  “We don’t want you for a concubine,” Aydon said, and Jia-Nian felt her heart crush.

  “Or a whore,” Danior added, causing her to emit a forlorn sigh.

  “We want you as our woman,” Aydon explained. “As our brave, beautiful, proud and feisty partner on this perilous journey we take to Zalvanus.”

  “We offer you the vast sexual pleasures of a threesome,” Danior further enlightened her. “Two sets of eager hands, two hungry mou
ths, two impatient, commanding cocks to bring you joy such as you have never dreamed. In return,” he cupped her breasts, admiring them, flicking his thumbs over her beading nipples, “our hearts soar at the thought of the erotic delights you have kindly offered to share with us.”

  “Our union will be built on communal respect,” Aydon added. “And pride.” He thumped his broad chest. “Already I swell with pride at the thought of having you for my woman, Jia-Nian.”

  “Our woman,” Danior reminded him.

  “Of course.” Aydon grinned. “So what say you, sweet one? Are you ready to minister to your men’s cocks while we treat your lush body to untold bliss?”

  Jia-Nian’s heart took flight, soaring to the heavens and crying out her elation to the gods.

  “Take me,” she said, spreading her arms and offering her most inviting smile. “Show me. Teach me what if feels like to have my body glove your beautiful cocks at the same time.”

  Chapter Five

  As she lay naked, spread on the soft saddle of furs not far from the fire, Jia-Nian’s gaze journeyed to the pair of remarkably constructed warriors kneeling beside her. More specifically, she hungrily eyed the jutting duo of cocks. So inviting. So generous in dimension.

  Her initial trepidation melted and disappeared as they spoke tenderly, describing in detail what they wanted to do to her. All the while they massaged her aching limbs with deep yet gentle strokes of their fingers, dissolving all tightness and tension in her body.

  The darkly erotic actions Danior and Aydon proposed thrilled her. Mysterious, fascinating…forbidden.

  By the time they had finished spinning their enticing tale of coming delights, Jia-Nian’s cunt was moist with craving.

  In a slow dance, Aydon’s hand swirled from her throat, over her breasts and down her belly, resting atop her mound. One finger dipped inside her slit and he turned it, coating it with her juice.

  “Look how her eager cunt glistens with moisture,” he said, holding his wet finger aloft as the flickering flames of the fire illuminated the evidence of her desire. Aydon brought his finger to his mouth, locking gazes with Jia-Nian as he clasped it fully with his lips, drawing it out slowly with a satisfied groan.


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