by James Grant
trading commissions of 27, 32, 83, 95, 96, 109
trustworthiness of 29
unethical practices of 88–89
vanity of 1, 5, 202–203, 324, 371–372
weight loss of 169, 398
Baruch, Bernard Mannes, Jr. (son) 114, 116, 401
Baruch, Bernhard (grandfather) 4
Baruch Brothers 118, 131, 170
Baruch College (New York) 16
Baruch family
as close-knit 72
boardinghouse rooms of 10–11
Camden home of 6
Baruch, Hartwig (brother) 72, 88, 100, 111
as aspiring actor 31, 37
Baruch defended by 131–132
birth of 5
brokerage firm of 118
childhood of 7–9, 11–12
Baruch, Herman (brother) 2–3, 7, 11, 85, 158, 294, 328
at H. Hentz & Company 268
birth of 5
brokerage firm of 118
diplomatic posts of 363, 384
Baruch, Herman (uncle) 24
Baruch, Isabelle Wolfe
overcoats and 10, 204
servants and 14, 169, 202, 210, 217, 238, 378
Baruch, Isabelle Wolfe (mother 16, 32, 68, 72, 82, 87, 112, 397
Baruch’s career choice and 21–24, 26
Baruch’s marriage and 36–37, 61
Beruch’s defense of her name 19
birth of 4–5
Camden gun incident and 9–10
club memberships of 6, 14
marriage of 4
overcoats purchased by 10–11
religious appetites of 7–8
servants and 3, 14
views on sex and the family 14–15
Baruch, Renée (daughter) 116, 217
Baruch Report 353
Baruch, Sailing (brother) 7, 11, 62–63, 86, 88, 103–104
Baruch, Sailing W., & Company 267
Baruch, Simon (father) 4, 6, 10, 16, 21, 28, 61, 87–88, 94, 112, 234
as experimental farmer 7
Baruch’s gambling and 22
Baruch’s investment advice to 31–32
Baruch’s sharing of wealth with 72–73
career accomplishments of 12–14
death of 397
early medical career of 2–3
European trips of 24, 85–86
illness of 224
immigration question and 180
Ku Klux Klan and 8–9
marriage of 5
meeting with future wife 3
retirement trust of 72
severity of 6
Baruch, Theresa Gruen (grandmother) 3–4, 85
Baruch the Scribe 4
baths, public 12–13
Baum, Mannes 2, 4–5
Beatty, A. Chester 92
Beecher, Henry Ward 14, 325
Bellamy, Frederick 160
Belmont, August 53, 119, 125
Belmont Park 119, 335
Beneš, Eduard 204
Bennet, William S. 166
Berlin, Irving 280
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 283
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von 165, 173
Big Hill (sulphur site) 146–150, 153, 156
Bingham, Robert W. 93, 107, 145, 235
Black, John 118, 156
in Baruch’s childhood 6, 8
in Hobcaw 115
in New York City 10, 41
Ku Klux Klan and 255
slavery 8
Black Thursday 213, 280, 282–283
Blake, Katherine Devereux 12
Bloom, Blanch 157
Blue Eagle from Egg to Earth, The (Hugh Johnson) 315
Blyth & Company 278
Bolling, R. Wilmer 166
bonds, bond market 53, 55, 63, 109, 160, 288, 293, 297, 316, 325, 356
commissions in 32, 91, 156
copper in 91–93, 105–106, 145, 232, 284, 294
gold-clause 322
in railroads 49–52, 133–137, 139–143, 147, 150, 251, 295
in sulphur 152, 154–156
Liberty 180, 186, 232, 331
long-term vs. short-term maturity in 51–52
risk of default in 51
sale of to governments 217
state 236
Bonnet, Georges 318, 347
Borah, William E. 4, 227
Boston News Bureau 101, 123, 128
Bostwick, A. C. 111
boxing 25
Boyle, Mary 157, 196, 210, 258, 275, 288
death of 394
Braden Copper Mines Company 105
Bradley, Fred W. 108
Bradley, Philip 300
Brazil 297
Brearley School (New York) 116
Broad Street (New York) 46, 57, 87, 94, 283
Brookings Institution 313, 340
Brookings, Robert S. 189, 203, 314
Brooklyn Manhattan Transit Company 294, 317, 337
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company (BRT) 40, 59, 70
Brooklyn Union Gas Company 27
Broun, Heywood 115, 325
Browne, Spencer 145, 147
Bryan, Charles W. 257
Bryanmound (sulphur site) 145, 147–148, 150
Bryan, William Jennings 39, 125, 257
bucket shops 31, 44
bull market
McKinley 47
bull markets 44, 62, 73, 99, 161, 261, 264, 266, 269, 279, 293, 392
collapse of 164
Flower and 69–70
Harriman 74, 101
in government 186
McKinley 26, 42, 179
“Buna” rubber program 352
Burger, William H. 57
Burrill, Middleton Schoolbred 28–29, 103, 127–129, 293
Busch, Adele 331
“Businessman’s Commission” 162
Butler, George 65
Butler, Nicholas Murray 281
Butler, William 64–65
Byrd, Harry 387
Byrnes, James F. 208, 330, 331, 337, 350, 364, 391, 398
and appointment of Baruch to head War Production Board 357–361
atomic policy and 368–369, 373, 376, 381, 401
Cadogan, Sir Alexander 369
call options, rights granted by 79
Camden, SC
Baruch birthplace in 36
Baruch’s childhood in 2–12
dueling in 10
Campbell, Thomas 6, 350
Canadian Pacific Railroad 97
Cantine, Captain 3–4
capital 11, 34, 48, 55, 89, 93, 102, 107, 108, 109, 126, 136, 141, 143, 145, 149, 155–157, 182, 202, 232, 234, 272, 277, 359, 370
venture 88, 254
Walker on 18
capitalism 99, 180, 364, 370
Baruch as opponent of 161, 330
Carnegie Steel Company 135
Carteret, John, Lord 112–113
Cash, Boggan 10
Catholics, Ku Klux Klan vs. 256
Catledge, Turner 357
Cecil, Robert 218
cellular therapy 399
Census, US 13, 54
Central Trust 170
Chadbourne, Thomas L. 256, 260, 269, 294
Chamberlain, George E. 193–194
Chambers, Whittaker 375
Charles II, King of England 112
Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad 8, 133
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 73
Chicago Daily News 312
Chicago & Northwest Railroad 51
Chicago Tribune 231
as source of nitrates 187, 193
copper in 105, 107, 172
Chile Copper Company 107
China 108, 210, 348, 399
Chisolm, W. B. 108
Christian Endeavor Societies 43
Chronicle Magazine 180, 419
Chrysler, Walter P. 269
Chuquicamata mine 107
Churchill, Winston 207, 274, 275, 281, 28
4, 286–288, 301, 324, 337, 360, 365, 395
City College (New York) 33, 118, 160, 401
Baruch as trustee of 124, 126
description of 16–17
Civil War, US 2, 5, 11
Clark, Bennett 382
Clemenceau, Georges 240
Cleveland, Grover 53, 124
Clews, Henry 70
Coal Administration 183, 196
Coblentz, E. D. 397
Coca-Cola 288
Cochran, Thomas 267
coffee market 98
Coffin, Howard E. 163
Cohen, Deborah Marks (great-grandmother) 5
Cohen, Fischel (great-uncle) 124
Cohen, Hartwig (great-grandfather) 5
College Journal 19, 21
Colorado 24, 55, 86, 127, 226
Colorado & Southern Railroad 86
Columbian Exposition (1893) 39
Columbia University 12, 281, 382
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons 12
Combination Mines 99
Commercial & Financial Chronicle 27, 142
Committee on Atomic Energy 371
Committee on Public Information 180
commodities 52, 300, 320
Baruch’s ignorance of 97
in defense effort 181, 185, 192, 215
Communism 250. See also Soviet Union
Compton, Karl T. 352
Conant, James B. 352
Congressional Medal of Honor 19, 382
Congress, US 52, 129, 130, 167, 188, 212, 224, 226, 306, 309, 351, 354, 387, 392
agriculture and 122, 234–236
conduct of war investigated by 190
New Deal and 308, 316, 322
Consolidated Gas 244, 264, 294
Consolidated Stock Exchange 29–30
Content, Harry 36, 59, 71, 81–82, 89, 127, 164
Continental Rubber Company 104
Continental Tobacco Company 66
Coolidge, Calvin 237, 240, 258, 264, 266, 311
copper 48, 55, 83–84, 91, 145, 163, 200, 232, 280, 281, 345–346, 395
attempt at monopolizing 80
effects of Panic of 1907 on 101–102
in Chile 105, 107, 172
Jackling’s idea for mining of 92–93
Corcoran, Edward 183
Corcoran, Thomas G. 343
Cosden, Joshua 243–244
cotton 6–8, 97, 159, 200, 235, 283, 296
Coughlin, Charles E. 329, 333
Council of National Defense 163, 166, 181
Cox, James M. 257, 258, 318
credit 32, 35, 141, 152, 185, 235, 270–271, 276, 290, 298–300, 306–307
Crocker, William 98
Crozier, William 188–189, 193
Cuba Cane Sugar 172
Cummings, Homer 316
Cunliffe, Lord 223
Curb Exchange 42, 54, 66, 108, 285
currency 298
disorganization of 56–57
mining issues in 54, 91–92, 99, 108
New York Stock Exchange and 91–92
cursing, fines for 44
“Curtis, A.” 166, 168–169, 170
Cyprus Mines Corporation 157, 345
Daniels, Josephus 163, 188, 194–195, 204, 261, 320
Daughters of the Confederacy 6, 14, 395
Davis, Henry C. 85
Davis, John W. 254, 257, 259
Davis, Norman H. 211
Davison, Henry P. 155
Dawes, Charles G. 186
Dean, Patrick 401
Dearborn Independent 232
Defense Coordination Board 336
Defense Production Act (1950) 387
deFrece, Abram B. 26
Delano, Frederic A. 137
Democratic National Committee 126, 194, 210, 250
Democratic National Convention
1912 125
1924 254
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Fund 260
Democrats, Democratic Party 53, 206, 211, 250, 259, 261, 321, 384
in election of 1912 125–127
in election of 1924 237, 252–253, 257
in election of 1932 199, 303–304, 309
depression 49–50, 237, 290, 364
Keynes on 18
of 1893-1896 39, 47, 52
Depression, Great 326–328
Baruch’s reactions to 287–301
Crash of 1929 and 282–286
Hugh Johnson’s views on 292–293
Desvernine, Raoul E. 348
Dewey, Thomas E. 384, 391
de Witt, Charlie 81
Dillon, Clarence 199
Dillon, Read & Company 241
discount rate 271, 273
Dix, Morgan 46
Dodge Brothers Company 241
Dodge, Cleveland H. 126
Dodge, John 206
Dodsworth (Lewis) 325
Doheny, Edward L. 252–254
dollar, the
devaluation of 109, 276, 309–310, 321–323
gold and 52, 109
Dolphin (slave vessel) 5
Donaldson, John Henry 113
Donaldson, Robert James 113
Donaldson, Sidney T. 113
Dow, Charles H. 283
Dow Jones Industrial Average 48, 59, 120, 161, 164, 266, 273, 279, 392
Dow Jones Rail index 89
Drake, John A. 40–41
Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad 74
Duke, James B. 64–65, 67
Dulles, John Foster 222, 223, 228
Dunne, Finley Peter 130
Du Pont Company 189
du Pont, Pierre S. 189
Durham Tobacco Company 65
Early, Stephen 338, 341
East Lynne 31, 37
Eastman, George 298
Eberstadt, Ferdinand 357, 359, 371, 376, 401
Economic Consequences of the Peace, The (Keynes) 227
Economy Act (1933) 308
Edey, Fred 30
Edey, Fred, & Company 170
Edward Mandell House 126
Einstein, Alfred C. 147–157, 162
election of 1896 39
election of 1912 43, 129–130, 159, 251
election of 1916 160
election of 1920 229, 232, 251, 258
election of 1924 245, 251, 254–255, 257, 303, 385
election of 1928 264–265
election of 1932 199, 275–276, 303–304, 306, 309
election of 1944 25
Eliot, Charles W. 160
Epstein, Harold 400
Epstein, Virginia Wolfe (cousin) 14
“Equality for Agriculture” (Peek and Johnson) 237
Erie Railroad 74
Esquire 116
Essary, J. Fred 177
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay) 101, 301
Fall, Albert B. 252
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 381, 395, 397
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 176, 270, 273
Federal Reserve Board 171, 184, 251, 271, 295
Federal Reserve System 42, 161
inflation and 51, 271
paper money issued by 298
Federation of Jewish Societies 274
Feis, Herbert 318–319
feminism 14
Field, Carter 326
Field, Jake 26, 87, 192
Fisher, Irving 280
Fish, Hamilton 347
Fitzsimmons, Bob 25, 183
Fleischmann, Raoul 311, 351
Flemming, Robert 140
Flower & Company 70
Flower, Roswell Pettibone 69–70
Ford, Henry 232, 249, 325
Ford Motor Company 267, 304
Fortune 288, 321
Fourteen Points 211, 214, 377
France 4, 80, 200, 205, 230, 240, 278, 318, 384, 391
anarchist bombing in 46
in peace negotiations 209–211, 222
in World War II 336<
br />
Frankfurter, Felix 359
Freeport Sulphur Company 148
free trade 214, 218, 272
Frick, Henry Clay 40–41, 50, 101
Friday the Thirteenth (Lawson) 60
Friedman, Milton 271
Fulbright, J. William 392–393
Fuller, Melville B. 130
Galbraith, John Kenneth 392–393
Gallagher, Buell 401
Baruch and 22–23, 399
Morgan’s views on 156
Stock Exchange and 43, 58
Garner, John N. 310–311
Garrett, Garet 122, 239–240, 246
Gary, Elbert Henry (Judge) 206, 224, 264
Gates, John W. 40, 78
Gaynor, William 124, 125
General Electric Company 47, 93
General Motors 267, 271, 294, 304
George Washington, SS 209, 223–224
Gerard, James 126
Germany 2, 4, 126, 193, 297, 339, 345, 346, 362
Baruch’s views on 214–215, 234, 364
Nazism in 134, 223, 248, 344–345, 350
reparations question and 211, 221–229, 272–273, 368
Glass, Carter 209, 226, 309, 315, 321, 331
Godfrey, Hollis 163
Goelet, Robert 140
gold 24, 37, 46, 54, 73, 94, 113, 123, 184, 193, 210, 290, 374, 393
Baruch’s purchasing of 109, 297–301, 313
clauses 322–323
England and 293–295
mining of 109, 265, 300
surrendering of 308–311
Goldfield Consolidated Mines 98
Goldman Sachs Trading Corporation 270, 285
gold standard 52–53, 73, 124, 271, 297, 316, 318–324
Gompers, Samuel 163, 195
Gore, Albert 360
Gould, George 135
Gould, Jay 60, 135
Grace, Eugene 269
Granberry, W. H. 45
Grayson, Cary T. 119, 213, 219–220, 224, 288
as horse breeder 238–240
death of 334
Great Britain
gold standard and 271, 297, 318
in peace negotiations 207
in World War II 336
Great Northern Railroad 74
Greene Consolidated 91
Gregory, Thomas W. 115
Gresham’s Law 52
Grew, Joseph C. 212, 217
Gridiron Dinner (1941) 340
Griffen, Annie. See Baruch, Annie Griffen (wife)
Griffen, Benjamin (father-in-law) 33, 118
Griffen, Mrs. Benjamin (mother-in-law) 34
Gromyko, Andrei 378–379, 382
Groves, Leslie 372
Gruenther, Alfred M. 388
Gruen, Theresa. See Baruch, Theresa Gruen
guayule bushes, rubber extracted from 105
Guggenheim, Ben 93
Guggenheim, Daniel 22, 95, 103–104, 200
Guggenheim family 92–93
Guggenheim, Meyer 93
Guggenheim, Simon 264, 269
Guggenheim, Solomon 96
Gulf States Steel 264
Hale, Dorothy Donovan 343
Halifax, Edward 347
Hamilton, William P. 283
Hammond, John Hays 92–93