Hudsons Crossing

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Hudsons Crossing Page 7

by Altonya Washington

  His words stopped her explanation. “Apologize?”

  Asher lost his train of thought when his fingers trailed down her spine, and he was captivated by the satin texture of her skin. “It occurred to me that I’d probably been wasting your time.”

  Riley was growing more confused by the moment. “Wasted my time?”

  “Almost a year.”


  “Maybe a part of me was ready to move on to something you weren’t ready for.” He shrugged and focused on the pulse beating at the base of her throat. “You probably tried to tell me that lots of times, and I just didn’t listen. For that, I apologize.”

  She understood completely then, but it didn’t stop her heart from sinking. “You weren’t wasting my time, Asher.”

  “I appreciate you saying that.”

  She blinked in disbelief. “You think that? Honestly?”

  He stepped out of their dance and squeezed her hands. “A year is a long time to waste with someone, don’t you think?”

  Tears of frustration filled her eyes. “I didn’t waste my time.”

  He smiled, obviously not buying her words. “I only wanted to tell you that. Thanks for listening.”

  “Asher?” She watched helplessly as he walked away.

  “Thanks.” Misha accepted a fresh drink from the bartender and was turning to head back to her table when she froze.

  Her ex, Talib Mason, was making his way to the bar himself. Misha felt like a deer caught in headlights—desperate to flee but too terrified to move. She mused that he might not even recognize her. It’d been close to three years, and she was sure he hadn’t been a hermit all that time.

  Slowly, she walked toward him, hoping to pass unnoticed on the way back to the New Chronicle’s table. She was almost halfway there when he stopped, stood straighter and appeared to stiffen.

  So much for not recognizing me, Misha thought. He saw her, all right, and it was clear from the look on his gorgeous face that his disgust with her was still alive.


  Misha gave a start then and realized it was Riley who had called him. Talib hesitated a moment before turning in Riley’s direction. Misha took advantage of the distraction to bolt.

  Riley noticed Misha rushing off but had no time to worry about her friend. She rushed toward Talib, catching hold of his jacket sleeve as she closed the distance between them.

  “I need to find Asher. Will you tell me where he’s staying while you guys are in town?”

  “You really love him, don’t you?” Talib remarked, smiling at Riley’s harried appearance and the fear in her eyes as she nodded at his question. His friend had been dying a little each day over the fact that she didn’t want the sort of relationship he did. Talib was pleased to see that Asher was about to be very pleasantly surprised.

  “Please, Talib,” she said on a sob of desperation and then laughed her relief when he recited the hotel name and room number.

  Asher left the banquet, at which Hud-Mason had been named Agency of the Year. He didn’t usually make efforts to attend award banquets, especially not in states outside of Arizona. He had gone to New York on the chance of seeing Riley.

  His mother had said time was the best tester of all. He’d decided to give Riley the time she needed, but staying away from her was not an easy thing to do. All he’d wanted to do earlier was pull her close and kiss her until she agreed with anything he said. But this had to be her decision. Not the decision she felt he wanted her to make. Now, he could only hope that the possibility of losing what they had was just as unthinkable for her as it was for him.

  After leaving the banquet, he drove around for a while. It was still raining heavily. Eventually, he tired of the messy road conditions and traffic and headed for his hotel.

  Nothing could have surprised him more when he stepped off the elevator, searching his tux for the key card to his room, then finding Riley huddled on the floor outside his door.

  “Jesus…,” he whispered, dropping to his knees next to where she sat, curled up and appearing to shiver as she dozed. Muttering a curse, he stood, opened the door and then pulled her into his arms and carried her into the room.

  Riley squeezed her eyes shut tight at least two times before she realized Asher’s image was no hallucination.

  “Hey,” he whispered, smiling as he brushed his fingers across her brow.



  “You weren’t here, and I…” She shivered again, smiling when he drew his tuxedo jacket more snugly around her bare arms. “Security recognized me…let me up. I didn’t want to go back out in the rain and decided to wait here.”

  “I know.” He pressed a possessive kiss to her temple and sighed.

  “I love you,” she blurted, grasping a fistful of his shirt. “I love you. I never wanted to leave. I just…I’m scared. This is all so soon, so fast. Marriage is a big step. I don’t know if it’s for me, and I don’t want to ruin us.”

  His heart was in his throat. “You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

  She grimaced. “Not you. It’s…past stuff that creeps in. I…I never know when it’s gonna crop up. I do know that I love you. I want you with me.”

  He certainly knew all about past stuff and only murmured soothing words against her temple.

  “Will you ask me to marry you again?”

  His heart began to beat in his throat then. “I don’t want to pressure you.”

  “I love you, and I don’t want to lose you, either.”

  He closed his eyes to mutter a thankful prayer.

  Riley inched close to seek out his lips, and they shared a sweet kiss.

  One week later, Asher had managed the impossible. He had coaxed changes in schedules and arranged to have his parents, Virginia Stamper and Misha flown out to Scottsdale to bear witness as he and Riley became Mr. and Mrs. Asher Hudson. The elder Hudsons and Virginia Stamper became fast friends. The group spent their time sightseeing and sharing stories of their children. Misha, meanwhile, took advantage of the impromptu vacation to absorb the sun and enjoy the various man-made indulgences available on Asher’s estate. Everyone delighted in the happy time, with the exception of the bride. Riley found that she was too preoccupied to do much else than ponder what was in store for her in the future.

  Virginia pushed at her daughter’s shoulder in hopes of waking her when breakfast was sent to the bedroom suite courtesy of Asher’s kitchen staff. Riley had slept there with her the previous evening, as opposed to returning to her own room…or Asher’s. Virginia was more than a little curious about what had her daughter so on edge the eve of her wedding.

  Giving up on applying nudges to Riley’s shoulder, Virginia poured a cup of the fragrant coffee and sweetened it with cream. Trailing the cup beneath Riley’s nose, Virginia waited and smiled brightly when her lashes fluttered.

  “Only a few more hours until you’re Mrs. Riley Hudson.”

  With effort, Riley produced a smile. “I’m keeping my last name. Professional reasons.” She pushed herself from bed.

  “Professional reasons.” Virginia nodded. “Are those the only ones?”

  Riley was on her way to the food cart when she heard the question. Her face wore a strange expression, and a response was not forthcoming.

  “Do you love him, Riley?”

  “Very much.”


  Riley balled her fists in the hem of her sleep shirt. “I feel so weird saying it.”

  “Honey, why?”

  Riley turned and began lifting the covers from the food. “People see each other for years before they feel that way, don’t they?”

  “Not necessarily.”

  “And even then, things can go haywire without you ever seeing it coming.” Riley went on as though she hadn’t heard her mother.

  “Have you talked to him, honey?”

  Riley bit her lip. “He wants it so, and so do I. I just…”

  “Any partic
ular reason why he’s pushing for it?” Virginia tucked her gown beneath her as she sat on the bed.

  Riley noticed her mother staring at her tummy, and she laughed. “It’s not that, trust me. I’m definitely not pregnant. He told me that he was tired of me being his girlfriend.”

  “Well, what’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing, but maybe that’s why I’m more nervous than I should be. We’re so far apart from each other, and our being married isn’t gonna change that.” Riley joined her mother on the bed. “I don’t want to disappoint him, but I don’t want to lose him, either.”

  “Oh, honey.” Virginia cupped Riley’s face. “I’m sorry I don’t have any answers.”

  Riley smiled while blinking tears from her lashes. “That’s okay. Right now, all I need is a shoulder.”

  Sighing, Virginia pulled her daughter into a hug.

  Misha smiled, satisfied that she looked the part of a proper maid of honor. The dress was simple yet elegant, tailored yet uniquely suited to enhance her slender build and subtle curves. Glancing at the dresser clock, she decided it was time to get a move on and headed for the door.

  When she whipped it open and found Talib Mason on the other side, she almost stumbled back on the silver pumps she wore. He barely smiled, and Misha was too on edge to notice the softness in his eyes, relaying what he wouldn’t say.

  “I’m supposed to escort you. Best man,” he explained.

  “Right.” Misha blinked herself back to reality. “I, um…just need to get the flower thing.”

  Talib leaned on the doorjamb and watched Misha place the floral headpiece atop her head.

  Misha was surprised she was able to focus on a thing with his gaze steered her way. He was as extraordinary as she remembered. Riley, you owe me big-time! she thought.

  Talib had the same thought in his head regarding Asher. He’d been thrilled to be best man, but that thrill had vanished quickly when he was informed that one of his duties would be to escort the maid of honor, Misha Bales. He hadn’t talked to her in almost three years, and dammit, he could still remember the way her perfume lingered on his sheets after he’d had her there.

  “We better get going,” he said, suddenly feeling himself tense and tighten from memory.

  Misha gave a start and hurried to the door. She hesitated when he offered his arm, but took it and refused to moan over the feel of his bicep’s iron thickness when she took hold.

  Later that evening, under a sky tinged orange by the setting sun, an exquisite ceremony took place. Virginia and Cassell sat teary eyed while watching Jones escort his soon-to-be daughter-in-law down the aisle. Misha took her place while Talib clapped his best friend’s shoulder.

  The minister introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Asher Hudson shortly after. The couple shared their first kiss as man and wife while the small crowd in attendance cheered their approval. Of course, Asher and Riley were too preoccupied just then to notice.

  Chapter 9

  Scottsdale, Arizona

  Riley savored the feel of her husband’s lean, chiseled frame behind her. She bit her lip and winced in pain and pleasure at the sensation on her skin when he smoothed his hands across her hips and then around the lush curve of her thighs.

  “Asher…” she moaned, biting her lip again when his fingers grazed the sensitive flesh of her sex. “Baby…I ache,” she told him, even as dull stabs of desire began to run through her ravished flesh.

  Asher Hudson hid his handsome honey-toned face in his wife’s chic mop of clipped hair. He inhaled the fresh green-apple aroma that always clung to it.

  “Not for long,” he promised, raising one hand to cup a dark chocolate breast, which fit perfectly in his palm. All the while he continued to manipulate the satiny petals of her womanhood.

  “Just an hour, Asher, please…?”

  “No, I haven’t had you in a month.”

  Clearly, he intended to make up for that sad fact. It was hard to believe they’d been married little over six months. They’d been making love steadily from the moment one of his cars took them from the airport to his home in Scottsdale. Home, however, was a poor choice of words. The place was the size of a small town. Riley believed her aching body was living proof of that. They’d enjoyed each other in every corner of the dwelling.

  Asher seemed quite determined to make love to his wife every minute of their time together.

  “Asher, please.” Riley figured if she sounded pathetic enough, he’d give in to her.

  “I plan to,” he whispered next to her ear and grinned when he felt her slippery need coating his fingertips.

  “Shut up,” Riley moaned while arching against the gentle thrusts inside her body.

  Asher complied and buried his face in her hair again. He continued to thrust his fingers inside her body, the sound of her satisfied cries, presently muffled by the pillows, fueling his ego. Still treating her to the heavenly finger play, he nibbled her shoulders and back. His tongue traced the length and dip of her spine.

  “Now please,” Riley begged then, but she could tell from his chuckle that he wanted to play a little longer.

  He nibbled the firm, healthy rise of her buttocks before his lips and tongue feasted on the highly sensitive area between. Riley arched and moaned his name with such vigor, Asher was robbed of whatever restraint he had. Seconds later, he was replacing his mouth with the part of his body she was presently demanding.

  Every part of him weakened when he was inside her, yet the desire to have her overruled the weakness. He couldn’t stand much more of this. He needed more of her; he needed…all of her. Dismissing the stirrings of a frustrating train of thought, he focused solely on the moment at hand. Riley was an eager participant and threatened to make him come much too soon. Gripping her hips, he eased her off his erection in hopes of extending what had to be their tenth love session of the evening.

  Deciding to take control, Riley turned the tables and shoved Asher on his back. Roughly, she straddled his powerful frame and then settled herself upon his impressive length in a torturously slow manner.

  “A nap next, yes?” she bargained.

  Asher was already thrusting up into her. “Whatever you want,” he groaned.

  The lower level of the house was almost saturated by the sound of needy cries and moans. Asher gripped Riley’s hips again but had no thoughts of pulling her off. He gasped his love for her while filling her with his seed….

  Riley smiled and snuggled a bit deeper into the luxurious Egyptian cotton linens grazing her skin. Her smoky gaze was filled with contentment while she studied the incredible tropical-like view of the rear of the estate from her cherished position in the king-size bed.

  The sun beamed down, and that was most often something Riley could’ve done without. But here…here it was like paradise. Of course, she knew that had everything to do with her present company. Waiting for the day of this trip out to Phoenix had almost driven her crazy with anticipation. That wasn’t surprising. Whenever the opportunity to be together in the same time zone presented itself, she and Asher always jumped at the chance.

  Turning to her side, she watched him then. His face relaxed in sleep, Asher appeared to be as content as she was. She knew, however, that beneath that easy exterior beat the heart of a man who wouldn’t rest until she was a permanent resident of Scottsdale. She couldn’t blame him. After all, who wouldn’t want to live in such exquisite surroundings?

  Stretching languidly, she took a slow scan of the bedroom. Huge bay windows lined the rear wall. Set before the windows was a luxurious overstuffed sky-blue sofa flanked by two deep armchairs. A glass coffee table topped off the setting and held a tray with fresh coffee and Danish, courtesy of the morning staff.

  Riley frowned a bit, wondering when the workers had had the chance to arrange the setting. She’d never figure it out, of course, since everything in Asher Hudson’s world always seemed to be a wish away. Riley didn’t know if the power her husband wielded impressed her or set her on edge.
  All thoughts fled her mind when she felt herself being tugged across the mammoth canopied bed. Her smile reemerged as she trailed her fingers along Asher’s forearm, which was presently locked about her waist. She shivered when his mouth grazed the dip between her shoulder blades.

  “Still aching?” he murmured.

  Riley shivered again. “Does it matter?”

  “Of course. I’d consider it my duty to make it go away.”

  “Mmm…” She snuggled deeper into the embrace. “I’m sure leaving it alone is all that’s required.”

  His arms flexed about her waist. “I’m afraid leaving it alone doesn’t work for me.”

  “I see, and what does work for you?” she breathed and a moment later found herself being subjected to an exquisite oral treat.

  “Well, I guess you were right,” Riley acknowledged later, upon realizing she felt no trace of discomfort once he was inside her.

  Asher rested his head in the crook of her neck and thrust slowly, savoring the way she trembled below him. They made love across every square inch of the bed. When they collapsed a long while later, Riley begged him to feed her before subjecting her to more torture.

  Asher kept her pressed back against his chest as persuasive fingers fondled the puckering flesh guarding her femininity.

  “That feel like torture to you?”


  Chuckling, he reached for the bedside phone and ordered breakfast from his cook downstairs. While they waited, he subjected her to deep kisses and more fondling.

  “So what can I do for you today?” Asher inquired while they breakfasted on three-cheese omelets, steak strips and buttermilk biscuits.

  Riley’s teacup froze in midair. “Don’t you have work to do?”



  “Well…you’re here.”


  “So work is a nonissue when you’re here.”

  Riley was even more surprised, especially since Asher had already told her he wanted her to stay at least a week. “I can’t believe you’d consider shrugging off work for that long.”


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