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Weston Page 11

by Debra Kayn

  For the few seconds they connected, she understood what Janie wasn’t saying. Kage’s girlfriend held no hard feelings for how they’d met. Whether that was part of Tony’s doing or Janie had decided Rocki’s being a detective meant she wasn’t on Janie’s boyfriend’s uncle’s side, she couldn’t guess.

  She turned and searched the room, found the cat she’d helped keep safe when Darrell kidnapped the kitty a couple months ago. She looked toward Janie to apologize for her part in keeping her cat away from her, but Janie shook her head.

  “Can I hold her?” Rocki whispered.

  Janie scooped the sleeping cat off the bed and handed her to Rocki. “Her name’s Bluff.”

  “I remember,” she whispered.

  Rocki cuddled Bluff to her chest and stroked her soft fur. More than one good thing came of having her life in danger and flipped upside down. She would’ve never met Tony or Janie or Sabrina, Kage, Lance, Garrett. She sighed and gave Bluff one more squeeze before putting her on the pillow.

  “I’ll pay you both back for the clothes.” She smoothed the material of the skirt. “The moment I can convince Weston to swing by an ATM machine and let me withdraw some money, I’ll have Tony bring you the cash.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Sabrina grinned. “When the drama you’re involved in is over, I’ll call and we’ll do the outlets. If I see something I can’t live without, I’ll let you buy it.”

  She smiled, because those were plans she looked forward to and, not knowing what would happen in the future, she hoped Sabrina was telling her the truth. “Deal.”

  Sabrina walked across the room, peeked out into the hallway, and reclosed the door quietly. “Now that Rocki’s settled, I need girl help from both of you.”

  “Name it.” Janie sat on the bed and pulled Rocki down beside her.

  “Kage doesn’t have a case he’s working on tonight, does he?” Sabrina asked.

  “No. He came off one early this morning. Unless something comes up and he’s called away, he doesn’t have any agency work until Tuesday.” Janie spun the bracelet on her arm. “Why?”

  “Good. Since Tony’s off duty while he sexes Rocki, I need to have a night out with the girls. Garrett’s driving me crazy, and I’ve decided I need a new plan of action. I want to run it past you both and get your opinion.” Sabrina stuck out her bottom lip and blew her bangs off her forehead.

  “Wait a minute. Tony’s not…sexing me,” she said.

  The idea of staying with Tony for the sole purpose of hooking up with him, well, that was not the reason she was with him. She had a drug lord aiming to kill her and anyone who got in his way. Although Tony had said she was his. Whatever that meant. He wasn’t just sexing her.

  Janie nudged her shoulder. “You’re in his bed. He sexes you. Trust me. Kage is the same way.”

  She had a point. They were having a lot of sex. She wrinkled her nose. “I really need to talk to him and straighten our relationship out.”

  Sabrina shook her finger. “Later. This is my time, babes.”

  “You see, she gets grouchy when it comes to my brother. She’s been hot for him for four years, even though she kept it a secret from me,” Janie whispered. “Everyone knows how she feels about Garrett, except Garrett. She’s pretty out-there with her attempts at flirting. He’s clueless.”

  “Ah.” She nodded, even though she didn’t understand. “What can I do?”

  Sabrina grinned. “I’m glad you asked.”

  “Uh-oh,” Janie mumbled. “I thought we’d have twenty-four hours without any excitement. The last time I manipulated the boys into doing what we wanted, Kage locked me in the bedroom for two days.”

  She whirled to look at Janie. “What?”

  “Oh, don’t worry. He was locked inside with me.” Janie’s shoulders rounded and her eyes grew lazy. “Actually, it was nice. More than nice; it was spectacular.”

  Rocki glanced between the two women. A bad feeling crept in. Then she thought about all the ways they’d helped her today. She stood, willing to assist Sabrina in return for giving her clothes to wear. Besides, it felt freaking fantastic to be wearing panties again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  In the kitchen, while the girls kept busy doing whatever girls did when alone, Tony stared down Kage. He wanted to punch someone. There were lines Kage shouldn’t cross because he was an Archer, and because of his deep responsibilities he was willing to step foot in the wrong direction to help Tony. Tony gritted his teeth. He knew damn well if Kage went in that direction, he’d regret it.

  Tony slapped the table in frustration. “You gave me your word. We decided to wait.”

  “She’s your woman,” Kage said, unfazed. “Tell me she doesn’t mean shit to you, and we won’t go.”

  Tony gritted his teeth. Rocki’s safety came first, but the cost of Kage putting himself in the direct path of his uncle sat wrong. He glanced at Garrett. Although they were all friends, Garrett made the final decision. He knew the rules. Their women came first over all laws and PI business.

  “She calls me Weston,” he murmured. “Half the time she’s right there with me, feeling the same thing I am. The next, she’s all in my face, pushing me away, and refusing to call me by my name.”

  “She’s scared, bro.” Kage’s voice dropped. “That’s why we need to go to the Crystal Palace. Trust me. Uncle Darrell will eat you alive if you take a defensive approach.”

  “Not that I don’t respect you for staying away from him, but Rocki worked for him. It’s personal with her too. Darrell’s not going to let her return to the force and trust her to keep her lips shut. I’ve known her four days. The girl can’t stay quiet. She’s got a temper and lets loose before she thinks.” Tony scraped his chair back and stood.

  Kage sat forward. “He respects my position in the family.”

  Tony sucked in his breath. Kage had never claimed a connection with Darrell or divulged how he’d made their relationship—or nonrelationship—work this long. He’d spent a lifetime ignoring Darrell to Tony’s frustration. He whistled, recognizing his game plan.

  “You stayed in plain sight, where he could keep tabs on you,” he said. “That’s how you’ve stayed clear all this time.”

  Kage dipped his chin. “So, are we going to the Palace?”

  Tony looked at Garrett, received a voluntary nod he was in on the deal. Tony rolled his shoulders in defeat. He was outnumbered. “I’m in, but the girls stay home.”

  Kage’s face softened. “Right.”

  “I’m serious. You can’t let Janie talk you into going with us. If Rocki finds out you’ve given your girlfriend permission to go with us, I’ll never be able to keep Rocki away. She’ll pull the badge, and use that power over me.” Tony scowled.

  “Hell, you two are pussy-whipped.” Garrett laughed. “You’ll never see any woman lead me around by my dick.”

  Feminine giggles reached the kitchen. Tony stepped back from the table and leaned against the counter, his gaze on the entrance when Rocki led the other girls into the room. His chest tightened and the air escaped his lungs.

  Knockout gorgeous in a skimpy skirt, all legs, and a purple shirt hugging her breasts, Rocki surpassed any fantasy he’d created in his head. He moved in front of her and whispered, “Damn, sweetheart.”

  She leaned into him, hiding a smile he could still see in her eyes. “Thanks for asking Janie and Sabrina to help me. It feels good to have clothes on that fit.”

  He raised her chin, kissed her, and took another ogle at her legs. “Damn.”

  She threw her arms around his waist, buried her head into his neck, and hugged him. He stiffened, taken by surprise. He’d received hugs from his mom, Janie, and even Sabrina when her emotions overcame her—which was almost weekly—but not from Rocki. He held her against him. She always went from cold to hot, and then they got crazy. Damned if he didn’t like standing here doing nothing but hugging her back.

  “No fucking way,” Kage said, his voice deepening.

>   Tony’s head came up and before he could take in the situation, Rocki pulled him down for a kiss. He pressed his hand against her lower back, pulling her closer. Yeah, he liked these hugs.

  She kissed him softly again before pulling away. “Wes—Tony?”

  He growled. “Like that, sweetheart.”

  “I’m glad.” She smiled, and he was blasted by how hot she looked standing this close, staring up into his eyes. “Do you mind if I take a couple of hours and hang out with Janie and Sabrina?”

  He extracted himself from her, wondering if she’d overheard their plan. “Yeah, that’s fine. The guys and I are running to the Crystal Palace to check things out, and I like the idea you’re here, safe. I’ll come and pick you up when I’m done.”

  “Let me go too.” She leaned forward and whispered, “Darrell will be there, and I don’t want you going it alone. Besides, I’ve been thinking about how we’re going about handling Darrell, and we’re wrong. We’re hoping he comes after me, and he won’t. He likes to do things at night, alone, without any witnesses. You live in a subdivision where someone is always around.”

  “Then explain the bullet holes in my siding to me,” he said.

  She planted her hands on his stomach. “It’s his men, not Darrell. We need to go into his territory and push him. I’ve been to the Crystal Palace with him many times. I know he stays in the rooms downstairs with the cameras. People come to him. He never goes out on the floor, ever. We’ll go and play a few slots, work the room, and flaunt how we’re not scared of him. Kage and Janie can come. So can Sabrina and Garrett. Come on, even civilians know there’s safety in numbers. There are six of us. We’ll be safe.”

  “You should be scared of him.” He looked toward Garrett. “Back me up, man.”

  Garrett pulled out a chair, set his booted foot on the seat, and braced his elbow on his knee. “Not on your life. I keep telling you, women only turn you into a pussy. You got yourself into this mess. I’m not helping you figure a way out.”

  In the end, Kage motioned for him to let Rocki stay with the girls. Tony held Rocki’s arms and planted her in a chair at the kitchen table. She’d have company while she waited for him to come home.

  “We’ll talk later. Why don’t you try to clear your head tonight, and tomorrow, I’ll listen to one of your other plans. While I find out more information Janie and Sabrina will entertain you. Paint each other’s nails…You’re good at that.” He grinned at his cleverness. “Sell them some real estate.”

  “Not laughing, Weston.” Rocki folded her arms. “I’m a detective. This is my case.”

  He squatted beside her chair. “I know you are, and a damn good one. Do this one thing for me. Tomorrow, you’re back on the case and we go at it together. The Palace…I don’t want my woman there. At all.”

  Her gaze warmed. “I want to go,” she whispered.

  “I know, but I’m asking you to stay here and let me check things out first.” He tilted his chin, looked down at her legs, and mumbled. “You’re mine. I don’t want anyone else seeing you all pretty with your legs showing, especially Darrell. Can you give me that much?”

  Janie walked away from Kage and stood by Rocki. “It’s okay. We’ll stay with her.”

  “I think this is ridiculous. I go after suspects all the time. I lived with Darrell,” Rocki said.

  He stood, not enjoying the reminder of where she’d resided and what had happened during her four months with the drug lord. He laid his hand on her shoulder. Her neck arched and she gazed at him. “Fine. I’ll stay.”

  Leaning down, he kissed her. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

  “Uh, yeah, you will.” She sighed and muttered, “Stupid man.”

  A half hour later, Tony left with the other guys, making sure they locked up and set the security alarm. Each of them took their own vehicle and headed to the body shop. There, they showered and changed into clothes they’d left at the garage for agency work. Kage pulled enough cash out of the agency’s emergency drawer to give them a few hours of playing time at the tables, and handed it over to everyone else. Tony eyed Kage for a beat, and received a shrug in return. Kage never gambled. Activities that bordered on illegal went against how he chose to live his life.

  Tony headed to the showers. Within three minutes, he was out, shaking his head, preferring the uncombed look. He donned a buttoned long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, and black biker boots. He carried the sport coat out of the bathroom and, not for the first time, thought about redoing his bathroom at home.

  The restroom Garrett put in when he built the addition for the agency behind the body shop was sweet. Tile everywhere, towel warmers, more shower heads than a person possibly needed, and automatic flushers, water, and soap dispensers. Best of all, the floor was heated and the wall-length mirror never fogged.

  Kage stuck his head inside the room. “Ready to roll?”

  “Yeah.” He swung his coat over his shoulder and followed Kage out of the building.

  The plan was clear. He headed toward his own car, having no reason to talk about what would happen when they walked into the Palace. They were a team. They worked and played together all their lives. They knew what they were going for and they’d get the job done.

  He pulled out of the parking lot, following Kage. Garrett trailed him, and Lance brought up the rear of their caravan. Yeah, people would notice their arrival. They had the best vehicles in Bay City.

  In the perfect scenario, he’d end the business with Darrell tonight. Put a scare in him, make him fuck up, and slam his ass in prison. He wanted him behind bars for messing with his woman, and for the shit he’d put Kage through his whole life. A few weeks or forever in prison, it didn’t matter. All he needed was time without Darrell breathing down Rocki’s neck and threatening what was important to Tony.

  Five minutes later, he pulled into the covered entrance to the Crystal Palace, rolled down his window, and after slipping the valet twenty dollars—because nobody, not his friends or family, sat their ass in the driver’s seat of his Camaro—he parked his own car.

  Before he left the vehicle, he undid the snap on his holster strapped to his ribs and slid into his jacket. No one would guess he was carrying, unless a trained eye was in the room. If security questioned him, he had a concealed weapons permit in his wallet.

  He spotted Kage and Garrett exiting their vehicles at the same time Lance rolled in on his Harley-Davidson. As a team, they all converged in front of the doors to the casino.

  “Since this is business and I’m not using my money, I’m gonna have some fun,” Lance said, stepping forward and setting the electric doors to slide open.

  “It’s coming out of your paycheck, asshole.” Kage gazed straight ahead, but the slight twinge at his jaw took the sting out of his words.

  “Keep your head up and ears open.” Garrett strolled in, looking around. “Stay in sight. Don’t spend more than two minutes at any table. We want to fit in and buy us some time.”

  Tony sauntered off on his own, checking the placement of the cameras. More protected than a military base, the Crystal Palace put him on edge. He eased the tension in his shoulders, hooked his left hand in his front pocket, and forced himself to relax and look natural. Inside, he wanted to storm the back offices and make his way down to the hidden rooms below. He wanted blood. Nobody fucked with Rocki.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Across the street from the Crystal Palace, sitting in Janie’s souped-up red Duster with the freaky shifter, which Janie called a bitch slap, Rocki shook her head in disbelief. Whatever kind of gearshift Kage had installed in the vehicle for Janie, it was the shiggles. She wanted one installed on her Honda if she got out of this alive.

  “Pull over here, we need to talk.” Rocki gazed up at the polished casino building, with its flashing white lights and board announcing tonight’s entertainment—Eddie and the Bangers.

  “What’s the deal?” Sabrina leaned forward and stuck her head between the driver and passenger
seat. “If we don’t hurry, the boys will leave and we won’t be able to share a drink. I need to see Garrett. He’s inside and that means tonight might be the night he notices I’m alive.”

  Janie parked along the curb and left the car to idle. Rocki swiveled in her seat to face Sabrina in the back. They should never have left the house, and if she had known Sabrina and Janie were headed to the Crystal Palace instead of Corner Pocket for a drink, she would’ve argued for them to stay home.

  Now she regretted her rash decision. The other girls had no idea what kind of danger they’d get into coming to the casino despite the fact that this was exactly where Rocki wanted to be. The best plan she had was to meet Darrell in a public place, where it would be safe. She’d wanted to discuss her decision with Tony before he’d rushed out of Kage’s house, but he was determined not to listen.

  “Change of plans.” She pointed her finger at both of them. “You’ll drop me off, alone. Go home and sit by your phone. I’m going inside to talk to Tony.”

  Janie gaped at her. “Are you serious? What’s the big deal where we go out to have a drink?”

  “Girl, this is my night. I asked you to come along.” Sabrina finger-combed her bangs. “Garrett is my man. Where he goes, I go. You said you’d go out with us.”

  “I know, and soon I’ll help you get Garrett’s attention. But, tonight is not that night, not with me with you. I have men out to kill me. I don’t want you to get in trouble,” she said. “The boys’ll be angry when they see you with me. Besides, the odds are high that Darrell Archer is inside the Crystal Palace. He’d like nothing more than to take me out of the picture. It’s not safe for us to go inside.”

  “You don’t get it.” Sabrina pressed her hand to her stomach and heaved a sigh. “You might know Tony, but you don’t know Tony, Lance, Kage, and Garrett when they’re together. No one messes with them. Not even Darrell.”


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