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Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One)

Page 18

by Teresa Greene

  Wilson was going to go free. Life definitely was not fair for women. What happened was not Lucinda’s fault, but something needed to be done. The hospital was full of drunk and disorderly doctors. No reason to sit here and argue about something she couldn’t change.

  She pulled Penny to her feet. “I’m going to take Penny home with me until she calms down, and then I’ll make sure she gets home.” As she led Penny through the door, she wondered just how many other nurses had been raped by Doctor Wilson. Maybe others would be brave enough to come forth when word got out he had been fired for raping one of the nurses. With more witnesses, the authorities would have to arrest Dr. Wilson.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Kate arrived home with Penny in tow, she immediately escorted her new friend upstairs to Lila, her grandfather’s maid. As soon as she saw the tousled hair and withdrawn stare in the young woman’s eyes, she took charge. She mixed up a concoction and made Penny drink every drop. It must have been vile because her lips turned up in distaste and her whole body shuddered. It was not but a few minutes and she was sound asleep in Kate’s bed.

  Anger curled up in the center of her chest as she descended the stairs to locate her grandfather. Maybe he had enough influence to convince the authorities to arrest Dr. Wilson. Before she could knock on the door of his office, the door swung open and Jacob almost knocked her down for the second time in one day.

  Strong hands reached out to grip her shoulders to steady her. “Kate, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were at the door.”

  “It’s okay, Jacob. I wanted to speak to grandfather concerning the atrocities I’m told Dr. Wilson will not be punished for.” Her cheeks puffed out in anger. “I’m still struggling to comprehend how someone can take a young girl’s innocence against her will and not face retribution.”

  Sitting at his desk in his office, Roy heard the discussion between Kate and Jacob. “Come in, Kate. Jacob has given me an account of the happenings today.” Concern in his voice, he asked, “Were you injured, my dear?”

  “Of course not, Grandfather. Jacob arrived just in time, thanks to Penny. I’m fine, but Penny is not. She is struggling to remain sane.” Worn out from stress and worry, Kate plopped into the chair in front of Roy’s desk. “Lila gave her some concoction and she is resting peacefully in my bed, but she can’t stay long or her mother will suspect all is not normal.”

  “Don’t you worry about anything. Jacob and I assure you Dr. Wilson will be punished.” He took her arm and pulled her to her feet. “Please go tend to your friend, and trust us to rectify this injustice.” He patted her hand as he propelled her toward the door.

  As Kate exited the room she met Jacob’s eyes. Not a word transpired between them, but she knew Dr. Wilson would never take advantage of a young woman again. Deep down she knew Jacob dealt viciously with anyone who crossed him or harmed someone he cared about.

  Jacob followed her out the door. He leaned against the doorjamb and watched her ascend the stairs. He admired her passion. The way she had stood up for herself and Penny made him want her even more. Perhaps Kate didn’t need saving today. More than likely she could have gotten out of the horrid situation all by herself. It still made him feel proud that he was her knight in shining armor.

  He found himself imagining her naked. Carnal thoughts entered his head and he wondered what it would be like to bed her. Never had anyone fired his desire more. Taking a deep breath, he tried to gain control. He would take his time and court her properly. Good things come to those who wait.


  Kate was beginning to worry Penny would never wake. She was afraid Lila had given her too much of the mysterious liquid. Gently shaking Penny at first, and then more roughly, she finally stirred, stretching like a cat waking from a long nap.

  Looming over the bed, Kate touched her cheek, and exclaimed, “I’m so glad you are still with us. I was beginning to believe Lila had poisoned you. How do you feel?”

  “Much better, thank you for asking. What ever you gave me was wonderful. I think I could fly.” She blinked several times before she sat up and gave Kate a lopsided grin.

  Kate giggled. Penny’s such a timid little woman who always seemed as if she were afraid of her own shadow. She did not seem so shy now. “We need to return you home. Your mom will be worried if you’re not home at your usual time. Can you stand?”

  “Sure I can stand.” She pushed off the bed and swayed a little. “Maybe I need a little help.”

  “Let’s go downstairs and get you some coffee,” Kate offered.

  Half an hour later, Lacy maneuvered the carriage through the busy streets of Richmond to safely deposit Penny at her home. “Are you sure you are okay?”

  “Honestly Kate, I’m fine. I can’t abide my mom knowing I am no longer an innocent. Promise me you’ll tell no one.”

  Pain squeezed at her heart as she peered into Penny’s sorrowful eyes. “I would never do anything to hurt you. I’m sure Dr. Wilson will never bother us again. You can return to work tomorrow and pretend none of this happened.”

  “Thanks, Kate.”

  “Thank you, Penny. You were extremely brave and unselfish today when you sent Jacob to rescue me.”

  “I couldn’t bear the thought of him doing to you what he did to me. I will survive but I will never forget.” She visibly shuddered. “I wish I would have been as brave as you and reported him.”

  Kate wrapped her arm around Penny’s shoulders. “You are not responsible for what happened. You shouldn’t feel guilty for something you were forced to do. He gave you no other choice. Stop beating yourself up over something you had no control over.”

  “He took my virginity, Kate. Even though I pleaded with him to stop, he only thought of his own needs. Not once did he consider the fact he has ruined my chances for marriage.” A tear escaped down Penny’s cheek, as she relived the many times Dr. Wilson forced her to have sex with him.

  Life was unfair for the poor. Penny endured the sexual advances of Dr. Wilson to keep from losing her job. He knew how important her job was and used it against her.

  Before she stumbled from the carriage, Penny threw her arms around her neck and squeezed. From inside the carriage, Kate watched until she was in the safety of her home. The world was full of devious men like Dr. Wilson and Bob Lewis. Men that did not care who they hurt as long as their lusts were satisfied.


  Jacob kept to the shadows as he made his way to Dr. Benjamin Wilson’s townhouse. It wasn’t the first time he had taken a life. He knew he was not God, but felt the need to right a wrong. Another young girl would not be harmed at the hands of such an evil person as Benjamin Wilson.

  If the authorities would not get involved, he would decide Dr. Wilson’s fate. Braced against the brick wall, he waited and listened to make sure no one approached the now deserted street. Few people frequented the streets at three in the morning. And those that did were either drunk or too deep in despair to care.

  Wilson sat at his desk nursing a bottle of whiskey. He didn’t hear Jacob soundlessly climb through the window. He always liked to face the evil person he was going to rid the world. It gave him pleasure to see their face when they realized they were going to die.

  Misshapen and swollen, it was obvious he had a broken nose. “Hello, Wilson.”

  Startled, Wilson dropped the open whiskey bottle on his desk, its contents pouring to the floor below. Whiskey spilled onto the beautiful Oriental rug protecting the floor from the heavy oak desk.

  A huge, white bandage covered his distorted nose. Sweat rivulets streamed from his forehead at the dangerous sight of Jacob’s huge frame looming over him.

  His voice cracked as he pleaded, “I have been punished enough by you, Jacob. My nose is broken. I think you have done enough to my person. My reputation is in shambles, and I lost my position at the hospital. Please leave my home this very instant.”

  Jacob could smell his fear. His soft, furious whisper filled the room. “You ruined your re
putation. You are the one that forced young women to have sex with you. Did you know the young lady you tried to rape this morning is Roy Talbert’s granddaughter? He is livid that an old drunk like you laid hands on his only living relative. I’m here to make sure you never hurt another young innocent woman again. I am here seeking revenge.”

  Jacob reached across the desk and roughly drug Wilson to face him. He began to whimper, his eyes shut tight too frightened to look into Jacob’s menacing face. “Please have mercy. I promise to never touch another young girl again. I swear to God.”

  “Shut up, Wilson. Stop whining and die like a man.” Jacob hit him a hard blow to the head instantly knocking him unconscious. Throwing Wilson over his shoulder, he left the house out the same window he had entered.

  Through the fog, Jacob saw Scott waiting by the carriage. He opened the door shutting it behind Jacob when he crawled inside with Wilson’s body. Fortunately, Jacob knew how to dispose of a body so that no one would ever find Benjamin Wilson.


  It didn’t take long for the gossip to spread to Chimborazo Hospital. Kate listened to the doctors and nurses as they speculated over the disappearance of Dr. Wilson. The authorities were called in, but without one shred of evidence the case was at a standstill. Dr. Wilson’s family had hired a Pinkerton Agent, but he found no evidence either. It was as if the man disappeared off the face of the earth.

  Kate carried on her duties with as much normalcy as possible. Frightened investigators would question her, she jumped at every noise. What if they suspected she knew something about Dr. Wilson’s disappearance? She had to calm down and gain control of her nerves.

  Bent over tucking the corner of a sheet under the mattress, someone grabbed her from behind. She gasped and found herself in Jacob’s arms.

  “Hello, beautiful. How are you today?” He acted as if he had nothing to do with Dr. Wilson’s disappearance. His wicked smile led her to believe he had a clear conscience.

  As she tried to push him away, she whispered, “How can you be so chipper? Aren’t you at all worried?” She was a little annoyed at being scared by him and his nonchalant attitude.

  Thick, sensual lips curled into a grin as he whispered, “I’m trying not to look guilty.”

  Slapping at his chest, she scolded, “You’re such a cad, Jacob. I’m worried about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you because of me.”

  “I know what I’m doing. Stop worrying and give me a little kiss.”

  She stopped struggling and lifted her face toward his. Their lips met. It was sweet. She enjoyed his kiss. It was just not what she felt when she kissed David. Jacob’s kiss did not make her heart beat faster. Only David consumed her with relentless passion. She nestled her face on his chest. More than anything she wanted to love Jacob, but she couldn’t forget the ecstasy she had shared with David.

  Still holding her in his arms, Jacob asked, “How about having supper with me tonight?”

  She pushed at his chest with both hands until he released his hold on her. “I would love too. Pick me up at 6:00. Now leave me alone and let me get back to my duties.”

  He bent at the waist and gave her a gallant bow. “Until tonight, my love.”

  She couldn’t help but to laugh. He was so charming. She just hoped she could come to love him as much as he deserved.


  Sitting across the table from Jacob, Kate was almost reluctant to ask him any questions about Dr. Wilson. Even though she was dying to know what happened, she thought the less she knew the better off she would be in case she was questioned.

  The restaurant was the fanciest place she had dined since courting Jacob. He definitely knew how to make a woman feel special. Fashionably dressed couples sat at perfectly set tables. Candles illuminated, giving off just enough light to make a romantic atmosphere. French doors stood open permitting moonlight to set the mood for young lovers.

  As usual Jacob was gorgeous. His long blond hair shone in the soft light. His attire was immaculate. Shoulders and arms like cords of steel filled out his suit perfectly. He was by far the most handsome man in the room. His eyes wandered hungrily over her face. He was so transfixed on her it was if she were the only person in the room. He noticed nothing about the other diners or his surroundings. Everything those eyes said were naughty.

  Suddenly shy, she traced her fingers over the rim of her wine glass. She leaned in close and whispered, “Have you been questioned, Jacob?”

  “No, Kate. I don’t think I’m a suspect. There are plenty of people who did not like Dr. Wilson. I’m sure there will be a long line of suspects. Remember Dr. Wilson disappeared. The authorities have no reason to believe he is dead. Stop worrying, sweet heart. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I’ll try to stop worrying, Jacob.”

  They enjoyed their meal. The conversation changed and they talked of work and the war. She felt guilty having this wonderful meal with a handsome man, while David was probably eating a drab meal alone. No matter how hard she fought, her thoughts always returned to him.

  She stared in shock as Jacob sat a blue velvet case on the table. He smiled waiting for her to open the case. When she kept staring at it, he finally asked, “Aren’t you curious to know what’s inside?”

  She blushed. Her fingers brushed over the soft velvet box. “I’ve never received a gift from a gentleman before.” She picked up the case and opened it. Inside was a diamond necklace which sparkled in the candlelight. The diamond was bigger than her thumb. It was the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen. Her hands began to tremble when she tried to remove it from the case.

  “Please let me do the honors.” With a gleam of humor in his eyes he stood, took the case from her, and removed the necklace. When he moved behind her, there was a flutter just under her heart, another in the pit of her stomach. She held her hair while Jacob fastened the extravagant necklace around her neck. His fingers brushed her neck provocatively causing her to catch her breath.

  Not quite sure how she felt about the gift, Kate touched the stone and picked it up so she could see it better. She tried to sound excited. “It is beautiful, Jacob. Thank you.” The chain was so delicate it was if the diamond alone was on her neck.

  Before he slipped back into his seat, he bent and kissed her on the cheek. “It is lovely on you, Kate. It almost matches your beauty.”

  Kate tried to reassure herself everything would be okay as Scott drove Jacob and her home in the carriage. Worried what her future held, she was pensive and quiet. She absently fumbled with the diamond hanging from its gold chain.

  “I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts.”

  “I’m just a little tired. I had a hard day. Two patients I have grown very close to died at the hands of incompetent doctors. Not to mention how nervous and worried I’ve been about you.”

  “Please Kate, trust me. Stop your fretting. It’s all for naught. Spend your time with the patients and worry about them. They need it more than I do.”

  Scott halted the carriage at the curb. Jacob lifted her to the ground his hands spanning her thin waist.

  “Good night, Scott.”

  Reins in his right hand, he tugged on the edge of his hat with the other. “Good night, Miss Monroe.”

  Arm and arm they strolled to the front door of her residence. Moonlight filtered through the giant, ancient oak trees lining the street illuminating his handsome face. He wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled her close for his good night kiss. Her hands slipped behind his neck. He melted his lips to hers and gave her a deep, long, passionate kiss. Kate put all she could into the kiss. She gave it all she had, but it still was not the same passion she had with David. A man of Jacob’s caliber deserved passion and love.

  After the kiss, Jacob rested his chin on the top of her head. The heat of his body and erratic breathing caused her guilt to escalate.

  “Goodnight, Jacob. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Thoughts bleak, she wondered if she would ever be able to love Jacob
as she did David.

  “Goodnight, Kate.”

  Waiting until she disappeared inside, Jacob thought about the diamond necklace. He had wanted to buy her an engagement ring, but felt he may be moving too fast. He wanted to be sure she was over David before he asked her to marry him. She symbolized everything he wanted in a wife. Smart, devoted, sweet, and her beauty was definitely a plus. He was anxious to bed her, but learned long ago patience reaped the best rewards. Not wanting to rush things, he would wait a couple of weeks before he asked her to be his wife.


  As usual her Grandfather waited for Kate in the parlor. “How was your night?”

  “I had a great time” She sat on the sofa and kissed his cheek.

  He whistled loudly. “I guess that was a gift from Jacob?”

  She touched the diamond. “Yes, Grandfather. It is exquisite isn’t it?”

  He leaned over to get a better look at the diamond. “Yes, my dear. It is a very expensive stone. I’ve been meaning to get your grandmother’s jewelry from my safe deposit box at the bank. I will do that tomorrow so you will have some nice bobbles to wear.”

  She said nothing as if she did not hear him. “You don’t seem too excited about the necklace. Most women would be ecstatic to receive such a gift. Confess dear, I can tell something is bothering you. Is there anything I can help with?”

  She released a sound of weariness. Life would be much simpler if she would never have fallen in love with David. He was the reason she couldn’t give Jacob her heart. But then the dilemma she now found herself in was her own doing. If only she would have listened to her mother and not given her virginity to a man she wasn’t married to.

  “No, Grandfather. I have to figure it all out myself, which is not going to be easy. I have a lot of decisions to make. As you well know Jacob and I have been courting for several weeks. He is a very special person and I admire him. There’s only one problem. I don’t love him. I’m in love with David Harris. I have been since the first time I saw him standing before me in his uniform. I thought he loved me, but I was mistaken. He loves Abigail and intends to marry her. I know I should move on and try to forget David. I think I can come to love Jacob. He deserves someone who loves him with all their heart.” Emotion clogged her voice. “I’m so confused, Grandfather, I have no idea what I should do.”


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