Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One)

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Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One) Page 25

by Teresa Greene

  “We will let Kate decide who she wants when we rescue her. Because you have been honest with me, I will be as honest with you. I love Kate and I hope she will marry me.”

  Suspicious, he slanted a look over his cup. “Why the change of heart?”

  In that moment he wondered if Scott knew about Kate’s pregnancy. He probably did since he was Jacob’s best friend. As close as the two men were, they shared secrets.

  “When my mother sent the telegraph informing me of Kate’s abduction, I realized how much she meant to me. I can’t marry another when my heart belongs to Kate.”

  “Maybe you should have realized your feelings before Kate accepted Jacob’s proposal.”

  Instead of answering, David sipped his coffee. No one knew better than him that he handled the situation with Kate badly. There was not another word spoken between the two the rest of the night.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kate and Slade had been riding for five days. She tried to memorize as much about the terrain as possible. Focusing on unusual shapes in trees, boulders, and any other landmark she could use to find her way back home.

  There had been very little activity on the road. The three times they had seen travelers, she was too scared to ask them for help. She didn’t want someone’s blood on her hands fearing Slade would kill anyone who tried to assist her.

  She had racked her brain trying to plan her escape. She would wait until she was sure Slade no longer suspected her to try anything. She had already made two attempts at escaping, failing miserably. If not for Slade being such a light sleeper, she would have been successful. Twice she had been able to wiggle from her bonds. The first time Slade woke before she was able to make it to her horse. The second attempt at escape, she was throwing the saddle over the back of her horse when she felt two strong arms grab her from behind.

  Angry enough to kill her, he dragged her back to camp and tossed her down on her bedroll. She had been afraid for her life. She decided to wait before trying to escape again wanting Slade to believe she had accepted her fate to be married to Bob Lewis. Just when he least expected it, she would make another attempt.

  When it was too dark to see the road, they stopped for the night. He seemed more relaxed so she decided it was time to attempt another escape. Nerves on edge, she tried to remain calm so he would not become suspicious.

  As she did every night, Kate helped him prepare their meal over the camp fire. When Slade was not watching, Kate stooped and picked up a rock, quickly hiding it in the pocket of her pants.

  Only a sliver of moon peeped through the clouds. She wished there was a full moon so she could find her way, but she couldn’t wait much longer knowing they were not far from Bob Lewis’ land. Her hand trembled when she handed Slade his plate.

  “Are you cold?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She sat down by the fire and pulled her coat tight against her body. “Yes, I’m cold. I’m tired, and I want to go home. Please, take me home. My grandfather will pay you if you return me to Richmond.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “Please!”

  “Kate, I admire your determination and spirit, but I can’t let you go. I’m sorry. I was hired by Bob Lewis to do a job. That is what I do for a living.”

  “Kidnapping people, breaking the law; that is what you do for a living?” She met a strong stare over the fire. “Have you ever killed anyone? I bet you are a stone cold killer!” She could not suppress her anger. “I hate you! I almost hate you more than I do Bob Lewis! Please, don’t turn me over to him! If there is any decency in you, you will let me go!”

  As if he couldn’t hear a word she said, he took a bite of the rabbit stew. She became so enraged she stood, and kicked at the fire sending embers flying into the cold night air.

  “A temper tantrum will get you nowhere.”

  Balling her hands into fists, she screamed so loud Slade put his plate on the ground and covered his ears. Scream after scream filled the cold night air.

  “Shut-up, Kate or I’ll gag you.”

  When she opened her mouth to scream again, he bounded off the ground. She bolted toward her bedroll and jumped in, pulling the cover over her head. She peeped out only to find him standing over her, feet braced as if her were ready for a fight.

  “Stay there until you calm down!”

  As she laid there in her bedroll, she fantasized killing him. Time and time again she plunged a knife into his back until he lay dead at her feet. No more mistakes, tonight she would escape.

  An hour later, Slade dropped to his knees by her bedroll. She raised her hands and let him tie them as he did every night. His fingers grazed her cheek. “I’m sorry you think I’m such a terrible person. I’m really not.”

  “Get your filthy hands off me.”

  He took a long breath and let it out slowly. Sprawled in his bedroll beside her, he stared at the night sky. It was not long before she heard his loud snores. A few minutes passed as she waited to be sure he was in a deep sleep. She pulled the rock from her pocket and began scrapping at the ropes to cut away her restraints. Soon her fingers were raw from the grueling task, but she was determined to free herself and escape from Slade. The moment her ropes fell away, she almost wept with joy.

  Cautious, she sat up and listened to his snores. She eased out of her bedroll and forced herself to move slowly toward the horses. All of a sudden Slade stopped snoring. She stood as still as possible too frightened to move. She waited for what seemed an eternity before she heard him snoring again.

  She wanted to run, but forced herself to take her time so she wouldn’t make any noise. If she approached the horses too fast, they would spook and alert Slade to the fact she was not in her bedroll. She considered forgoing saddling the horse and riding bareback but feared she might be thrown, harming her baby. Not willing to risk it, she picked up the saddle and was about to sling it over her horse’s back when he whinnied.

  She stood stock still waiting to see if the noise had awoken Slade. Her heart almost stopped when she glanced toward the campfire and saw him sit up and look around. Paralyzed with fear, she watched in horror as he turned in her direction.

  Even though she had a powerful urge to saddle and bridle her horse, she never moved. Instead, she stood holding the saddle until she thought her arms were going to fall off from the exertion. Fear bubbled just under her skin when Slade checked her bedroll. She forced back a scream when he bolted to his feet and ran in her direction.

  Realizing she would not be able to get the bridle on her horse before he was upon her, she threw the saddle to the ground, and made a mad dash for the dense woods. Dead leaves crunched under her feet as she ran deeper into the forest. She feared Slade could hear every step she made and would be able to find her.

  “Kate, come back! Don’t make me chase you all over these damn woods! If you come back now, I won’t beat you! If I have to come in after you, you’ll be sorry!”

  Already out of breath. She stopped on unsteady legs and listened to Slade’s warning. Hands on her knees, she took several deep breaths to fill her aching lungs.

  It didn’t matter how many threats he made, she was taking her chances in the woods. Maybe she could find a nearby farm where she could steal a horse and some food. She dare not ask anyone for help fearing Slade would make good on his threat and kill them.

  She considered circling back around and getting her horse, but feared she would run into Slade. Best to trudge ahead she decided. She clutched her coat to her throat to ward off the cold night air, determined to find a way to get back home.

  A root caught her foot and she went sprawling to the ground on her hands and knees. Seconds ticked by as she lay unmoving, afraid she had harmed her unborn child. She struggled off the ground and wrapped her arms around her stomach. Thank God she felt no pain.

  At least an hour had passed, and she hoped she had lost Slade. Wondering if he was still following her, she stopped and listened but couldn’t hear him. The air was still so she felt if he was near, she would b
e able to hear him moving about on the forest floor.

  The howl of a lone coyote caused her to jump in fright. She put her hand to her chest to slow her heartbeat. The eerie sound made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She looked up at the sliver of striped moon shadows made by the trees. They looked like hands trying to reach out and attack her. She had to get a hold on her imagination or she would soon start screaming in fear.

  Exhaustion lay heavily and all she wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Only the horror of being forced into marriage to Bob Lewis drove her on.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw a moment and froze. Almost afraid to look, bone deep terror took over. Ready to bolt, she turned toward the opposite direction when something scurried by her. She crammed her fist in her mouth to keep from screaming as a raccoon bounded up the tree beside her. Shifty green eyes stared at her from a branch just over her head. He raised his masked face into the air and sniffed. Her heart beat so fast she feared it would jump right out of her chest. It was a few moments before she was able to continue her journey.

  Ecstatic when she stepped out of the woods into a clearing, she almost danced with joy. A small farm house and barn stood in the distance. Just knowing there may be a horse inside gave her a spurt of energy. She ran all the way to the barn having renewed hope. At the door she halted and listened. Hearing no movement, she carefully opened the huge door and peered inside. The only light came from the tiny bit of moonlight filtering through an opening in the back of the barn. A huge, Belgian work horse stood munching on hay in one of the stalls. If he was natured like the two old work horses they had once owned, she would have no problem getting him bridled.

  Hand out in greeting, she moved toward the enormous animal cooing softly. She was rewarded with a warm nuzzle when she touched his nose. It was just as she had hoped; he was very docile.

  The thought of taking him from the family caused her to hesitate because she felt guilty. He was the only horse in the barn. The only horse they had to farm the land. When she found her way back to Richmond, she would make sure they were well compensated.

  Kate searched along the wall for a bridle to fit his huge head. She was about to give up when she finally found one in the jumble of leather straps used to harness him to the plow. To reach the horse’s massive head, she had to stand on the slats of the stall. The animal was so tall she had to stretch her arms. It took several agonizing attempts before he took the bit and she was able to slip the straps over his head. She climbed even higher to throw the reins over his head. Standing on the top slat, she was about to clamber onto his back when she saw a frenzy of movement from the door.

  Slade stood in front of the door, his hands on his hips. “Don’t you dare get on that horse!”

  Frantic, Kate jumped off the top slat and landed on the back of the horse. She kicked him in the sides as she saw Slade coming toward her. The horse bolted forward but did not get far before he grabbed the straps of the halter easily stopping the huge horse. She kicked her heels against his sides urging him to trample over Slade, but he had too strong of a hold on the horse. With one strong arm, he reached up, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her off the horse kicking and screaming. “Let me go!”

  He held her tight around the stomach as she tried to kick his shins. Mouth against her ear, he threatened, “Shut up. If anyone comes to try to help you, I will kill them. Do you want to be responsible for someone dying tonight?”

  Afraid he would make good on his threat, she went limp in his arms. So close to freedom and then have it taken from her was devastating. Hopelessness settled in and she began to wail. Heart wrenching sobs tore from her body. She shook all over from the force of her tears streaming down her face. She stopped crying long enough to blubber, “I hate you. If I get the chance, I will kill you.”

  He pushed her onto the back of the horse, gripped a handful of mane then swung up behind her. Strong arms held her in place, not allowing her the chance to escape again. She fell into a deep depression knowing that was probably her last chance for escape. They would be at Bob Lewis’ plantation in a couple of days.

  When they arrived back at camp, Slade held up his hands to help her dismount. She refused his help, struggling to the ground on her own. He slapped the monstrous horse on the rump sending him galloping back toward home. A cry ripped from her throat as she watched her only means of escape disappear into the night. She turned on her heel and fled to her bedroll.

  Minutes passed before Slade appeared, tied her hands then tied another rope to her wrist and his wrist, joining them together. His tone brisk, he replied, “Do not attempt to escape me again, Kate. I want to hear you swear it on your mother’s grave.”

  “How the devil am I to do that? I will not submit to a life with Lewis. The man is evil and I will die before I accept a life with him. Might as well go ahead and kill me.”

  His temper had reached its peak. He straddled her, hands gripping her arms. “Attempt another escape and I just might. If you do, I swear I will beat you to an inch of your life. The only thing you accomplished is another night without sleep. Do I make myself clear?”

  She never answered. By his angry voice, he wasn’t far from snapping her neck. What did he expect from her? Did he think she would give up and accept marriage to Bob Lewis? She would never submit. Even if he was successful and turned her over to Bob Lewis, she would find a way to escape.

  His hands were cutting into her skin, and the heaviness of his body pressing against hers made it difficult to breathe. In the dim moonlight she could see the violence in his eyes. All of a sudden she saw something else in his eyes. Desire. “Let me go.” Panic threatened to overtake her. Chills raced up and down her spine. “Please, let me go.”

  He rolled off of her. Heavy breathing filled the air as he fought for control. Pulling the cover up to her neck, she flipped to her side, and began to cry.

  Where was Jacob? Why had he not come for her? She tried to make out his face in her mind but it was David’s face she saw. Even after all Jacob had done for her, David was the one she loved.


  For several hours, Kate and Slade had been on the last leg of their journey. Exhaustion was taking over from not sleeping all night. Unfortunately, she was also extremely depressed because her attempt to escape Slade had not been successful. She felt she had been so close to getting away from him.

  “I need to relieve myself.”

  “Don’t try anything stupid. I’d hate to have another performance of last night.”

  She felt the blood drain from her cheeks. Thoughts of his hands on her last night, and the look of desire in his eyes caused her to shiver. If she wouldn’t have begged him to let her go, he would have raped her. But then again the possibility Bob Lewis would refuse to pay for soiled merchandise might be the real reason he stopped. Both men thought she was a virgin.

  She dismounted and moved behind some rocks for some privacy. She dropped her pants and underwear feeling the cool air on naked skin. Something caught her attention. Under an overhanging rock protecting them from the cool weather grew a cluster of gray mushrooms with dark brown spots. Grandmother Monroe had told her they would make a person so sick they would wish they were dead. She peered around the edge of the rocks, and saw Slade tightening the cinch on his saddle. Her heart beat so loud she could hear it in her chest. She picked a handful and dropped them into the pocket of her pants.

  “Hurry up. We haven’t got but about another hour of daylight.”

  A quick chill ran up her spine at the tone. She had to calm her nerves so he would not suspect her of trying another escape. She stepped out from behind the rocks, and returned to her horse as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

  As dusk approached with the cold, it was time to set up camp. Tonight they could have continued traveling since it was a clear night allowing a small amount of light from the sliver of moon, but the horses were exhausted. The many days of hard travel had taken its toll on the weary horses.

bsp; Slade busied himself building the campfire while she prepared their simple meal of rabbit stew. She slipped the mushrooms from her pocket and tore them into tiny pieces so Slade would not know she had added them to his plate. Not sure how many to put into his food, she decided on two. Adding all of them crossed her mind hoping to kill him, but then she had second thoughts. Even though she hated him with all her being, she couldn’t bring herself to purposely cause his demise. Her hands shook as she stirred them into his stew. The thought of being caught was almost overwhelming, but she knew she had to do something drastic or they would reach Bob Lewis’ plantation tomorrow night. No doubt Slade would thrash her good if he found out she tried to poison him.

  The night was cold and a breeze was blowing. The smell of Slade’s expensive cigar wafted over her and her stomach roiled. She had come to hate the pungent smell. For the rest of her days she would always associate the smell of cigars with Slade.

  She shivered from the cold and fright. Thank goodness she had the coat to ward off the chill, but tonight it wasn’t enough. She wished she was home with her grandfather sitting near the fireplace with a roaring fire, enjoying a warm meal. Just when everything was going perfect with her grandfather and Jacob, she managed to get kidnapped. It seemed luck had not been on her side. Well, she was about to change that luck.

  She counted to ten to calm her nerves before carrying the plate over to Slade who was enjoying the heat from the fire. Still fuming, he took the plate without saying anything.

  Calmly, she sat down next to him with her plate and began to eat. Chances were it would be her last decent meal, so she planned on eating all her stomach would hold. Afraid he would be able to see the fear in her eyes, she kept her head lowered. It took all her willpower not to watch as he devoured his food.

  After their meal, he tied her hands and then tied the rope to her wrist and his wrist joining them together. He stretched out beside her on the ground, which was a little too close for her comfort. She really detested him. She prayed, “Please God, let this be the last time I have to lay next to him.”


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