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Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One)

Page 31

by Teresa Greene

  Jacob stood and placed his hand on Malcolm’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Malcolm. How can I be of service?”

  Temper still simmering in his eyes, Malcolm explained, “I know I can trust you to examine Elizabeth to make sure she did not suffer permanent damage from the many rapes. I also ask your discretion in keeping this matter a secret. If word got out she had been raped, I fear it would do reconcilable damage to her reputation.”

  Without speaking, Jacob watched as Malcolm took another glass from the liquor cabinet and filled it to the rim with whiskey. He plopped down into the oversized leather chair.

  “We have contacted the authorities and informed them we paid a ransom to have Elizabeth returned home and she was not harmed. She is confident The Shadow will handle any punishment dealt to Milford. I see no reason to involve the authorities who would ask too many questions. First and foremost is Elizabeth’s welfare.” Malcolm looked as if he would break down and cry at any moment because of the pain his daughter had endured. She was his only child and he adored her. Jacob could imagine the anguish his friend was feeling.

  “Of course you can trust me to be discreet. I wouldn’t dream of ruining your daughter’s reputation.”

  Malcolm led Jacob upstairs to Elizabeth’s bedroom and knocked on her door. “Come in.”

  Entering first, Malcolm stated, “Elizabeth, you know Dr. Jacob Greene.”

  She wasn’t alone. Dana Harris, David Harris’ baby, sister sat on the bed beside Elizabeth, holding her hands. When Jacob met Dana’s eyes, he saw the love and devotion she felt for Elizabeth. The two must be very close friends.

  It wasn’t easy to focus on Elizabeth with Dana in the room. Abundant curves, thick, luxurious auburn hair, the Harris blue eyes, she was magnificent.

  “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, Dr. Greene.”

  Jacob peered at Elizabeth. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Her voice sounded tender as she tried to be polite. “Please call me, Jacob.”

  Before he could stop himself, his eyes drifted back to Dana. The last time he saw her she was still in pigtails. Not at all intimidated by his rude behavior, she lifted her chin and gave him a bold look. Seconds ticked by as they stared at one another.

  Malcolm cleared his throat and asked, “Do you know Dana Harris?”

  Jacob nodded his head. “Yes, I know her family, but I have never had the honor of being formally introduced.”

  She scooted to the edge of the bed and dropped her feet over the side. “Nice to meet you.” Instead of offering her hand, she replied, “I’ll be downstairs.”

  “Please don’t leave me, Dana.” Elizabeth grabbed Dana’s hand halting her from leaving. Her voice filled with anguish, she pleaded, “I’m frightened and I need you to stay with me.”

  “Miss Williams, I promise not to hurt you.” Jacob frowned, then said hesitantly, “You are safe with me. Maybe you would rather your mother be present. Shall we send someone to bring her to your room?”

  “Martha was so upset she had to be sedated and is sleeping soundly for the first time in days. I doubt we could rouse her if we tried,” Malcolm offered as he laid his hand on his daughter’s arm, and sat on the edge of the bed. “Would you feel comfortable if I asked Mabel to stay with you during the examination?”

  Mabel the downstairs maid had worked for them for thirty years. Jacob knew she was like part of the family.

  “No, Father. I want Dana to stay with me.”

  “I don’t think it will be very proper for Miss Harris to be present for your examination. I think we should ask someone older.” Jacob tried to be firm.

  Gripping Dana’s hands tighter, Elizabeth was getting hysterical. “Either she stays or they’ll be no examination.” Tears streamed down Elizabeth’s pale cheeks and her hands shook.

  “I’ll stay, Elizabeth. Please don’t cry.” Dana wrapped her arm around Elizabeth’s shoulder. “I promise not to leave your side until it’s over.”

  Immediately, she began to calm. “I’m sorry to be such a baby, Dr. Greene. All I can remember is the horrors I have suffered. I think he would have eventually killed me if The Shadow hadn’t rescued me.”

  “You’re home Elizabeth. That is what is most important. I’ll give you some time to regain your composure. I’ll be downstairs with your father.” Jacob turned intending to leave the room.

  Elizabeth let out a sigh. “Wait, Dr. Greene. Let’s go ahead and get it over with. The longer I have to think about it, the worst it will be.”

  Malcolm stood. “I’ll be in my study if you need me, Jacob.” Before he left the room, Malcolm peered over his shoulder at his beloved daughter with misty eyes. In that moment, Jacob realized life would never be the same for Elizabeth or Malcolm.

  Jacob opened his doctor’s bag and removed a few instruments placing them on the table by the bed so he could examine Elizabeth. He could not help but to admire Dana Harris for the comfort she was giving her friend. Most women her age would have been too selfish to put themselves through the humiliation. She cooed softly to Elizabeth as she squeezed her hand until the examination was over.

  Washing his hands at the basin on the table, Jacob replied, “You have a few minor lacerations, but nothing to worry about. You will be sore for several days and need lots of bed rest, but you will quickly heal. I didn’t see any permanent damage. You’re injuries shouldn’t keep you from being able to have children someday.” Jacob couldn’t believe Wally Milford, who pretended to be a pillar of the community, would do such a despicable act to someone as young and innocent as Elizabeth. It was obvious during his examination the man had been rough with her.

  Her voice rising in shock, Elizabeth admonished, “Children, I’ll never get married. I never want a man to touch me ever again.”

  In a soft voice Jacob encouraged, “Miss Williams, you’ll change your mind when you meet the right young man. You’ll fall in love, get married, and have a family. Now I must speak with your father.” Jacob was almost out the door when both the young women spoke in unison.

  “Thank you, Dr. Greene.”

  He turned getting one last look at the breath taking Dana Harris before leaving the room. He would like to get to know her better.


  Cautiously, Dana stepped into the smoky, smelly tavern. She was beginning to believe she had lost her mind. She hoped her disguise would hide her gender from the curious stares of the patrons inside. The dimly lit room was full of loud, dirty men. She nervously peered around the room trying to locate someone who might lead her to The Shadow.

  Dana tried to saunter over to the bar the way she imagined a man would. The oversized boots on her small feet hindered her movement. The hat concealing her thick, russet hair was pulled low so no one could view her face. The pants she found in her brother’s room were much too big, and the only thing holding them up was a belt. A loose fitting coat hid her curves.

  Propping her arms on the bar, Dana struck up a conversation with a man drinking whiskey. She bent close and whispered, “I need to talk to The Shadow. I will pay anyone who can take me to him.”

  With a lopsided smile, he leaned in closer. “Sorry, son, would you repeat that?” His words were slurred and his breath was hideous. Backing away, Dana realized she would get no information from him. She wondered how he would even find his way home, he was so inebriated.

  Determined not to get discouraged, she ambled about the room hoping to find someone who could lead her to The Shadow. She noticed curious stares directed her way at a nearby table. The way the men looked at her led her to believe she had made the worst mistake of her life. Unkempt and ugly, they made her skin crawl. Men of their nature preyed on the weak, and at the moment she felt like a mouse in a room full of cats.

  Nervous, she turned and headed in a different direction. She didn’t move quickly enough. The hand on her shoulder caused the hair on the back of neck to stand out. She closed her eyes and shuddered before she turned around and peered into the eyes of an ominous, giant of a man. Now she k
new her urge to see The Shadow had been a bad idea. What would her parents think if she never came back home. She could disappear just as Elizabeth had, but this would be her own fault for being so reckless.

  “What ya needing, lad?” A devilish glint in his eye made Dana feel even more uncomfortable.

  Clearing her throat, she talked as deep as she could to make her voice more masculine. “I’m looking for The Shadow. It’s imperative I speak to him.”

  The giant began to laugh as he waved his arm around the room. “Well, if we see him having a drink, we’ll be sure to let him know ya a lookin’ for him.” Everyone within ear shot loudly laughed.

  Ignoring the laughter, she nervously replied, “I have money. I’m hoping someone would know him. I’ll pay anyone who helps me locate him.”

  Dana wished she hadn’t been so hasty to try to find The Shadow by herself. The giant scared the hell out of her. Backing up slowly, Dana said, “I’m sorry I disturbed you gentlemen. I’ll leave now.”

  She turned on her heel to make a quick exit out the door. The giant reached out and pulled the hat from her head releasing her thick, curly locks. A quiet hush filled the room as everyone looked at her chestnut hair, revealing her gender. No one moved a muscle as they stared at her.

  Dana rubbed her sweaty palms on her much too big pants, giving herself a moment to think. She could think of nothing but to retreat. Hindered by her much too big clothes and boots, she felt as if she were moving in slow motion. The giant grabbed her around the waist, lifting her from the floor, causing the drunk, patrons to roar with laughter.

  “What do we have here? Ain’t you the purttiest thing I ever seen? How ‘bout a kiss?”

  In a loud voice, Dana shouted, “Unhand me. Your behavior is appalling.” She tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he held her tighter.

  Again the rowdy crowd roared with laughter, causing Dana to become angry, giving her back some of her courage. She decided she would go down fighting. She clenched her fist and with all the strength she could muster hit the giant directly in the nose. He dropped her giving her a chance to try to escape. Before she could run for the door, someone pushed her back into the direction of the giant. He jerked the coat from her arms exposing the thin shirt she wore beneath, revealing the bold curves of her body.

  The giant leered at Dana as if he would devour her. “Now ain’t you a surprise.” Scared to death, she backed up until she felt her back against the wall. Afraid to breathe, she accepted the fact she could not escape.

  The noisy tavern suddenly became very quiet and Dana saw The Shadow standing behind the giant. She couldn’t believe he was actually there. Mouth gaped open in shock, all she could do was stare. The mask made him look terrifying. Dressed all in black and wearing a concealing mask, the only part of his face that could be seen were his eyes, and it was impossible to make out the color because of the shadows from his disguise. She could see every sinewy muscle through the black, silk shirt he wore. He reeked of danger.

  The giant was taller than The Shadow, but he did not have the thickness of muscle added to his body. But then the giant may not be as strong, but The Shadow was greatly outnumbered. If he was hurt or killed, it would be her fault.


  The Shadow couldn’t believe his rotten luck. Sitting at a back table in the tavern trying to look inconspicuous, he heard someone ask for him. He couldn’t make out who was in the huge clothes, and the silly hat, but the voice sounded familiar. Hopefully, he could remain quiet and not get involved. The last thing he wanted was for someone to find out his identity.

  Dark eyes bore into the giant as he taunted Dana. Why wouldn’t someone step in and save her? It seemed it was all up to him. Everyone else in the room seemed to be enjoying the taunting she was receiving from the man. He turned away and donned his mask while all eyes were on Dana. Even though he knew his identity was in danger of being discovered, he couldn’t stand by and watch her get raped on the floor of a filthy tavern.

  The giant bent to kiss Dana when he stopped dead in his tracks.

  “Turn her loose.” The Shadow’s raspy voice, strong and forceful held everyone’s attention.

  The giant turned toward the voice and The Shadow saw the fear in his eyes. However, he did not want to release his prize. When the man pulled Dana tighter, The Shadow knew he had no intention of letting her go. The large man glanced at his friends as if asking them for help.

  The Shadow looked into Dana’s frightened blue eyes. He almost felt sorry for her. Maybe she would think twice before doing anything so stupid again. “I heard you wanted to talk to me.”

  Too shocked to speak, Dana could only stare at him.

  “I saw the lass first. I think I should get to poke her first.”

  The Shadow snapped, “There will be no poking. Don’t you know a lady when you see one?”

  “Lady, my ass. She came to a tavern. A lady wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this. I bet she’s someone’s doxy. The way I see it, it can’t do no harm to sample her charms.” His hand waved toward his friends. “You can have her when we are finished.”

  He probably thought if his friends knew he was going to share Dana with them, they would be more apt to help him if it came to blows.

  Taking a step closer to Dana, The Shadow stated firmly, “I forbid you to touch her. She’s leaving with me. Why don’t we ask her who she prefers? Remember it was me she asked for.”

  Dana blushed. Hands stretched out in front of her, she stammered, “I h-ave business w-ith The Shadow. I prefer to leave peacefully with him. No cause for anyone to get h-urt.” Her voice trembled when she spoke. For all her bravado, The Shadow could tell she was scared to death.

  He reached out his hand. “Come with me.” As if in a trance, Dana extended her hand toward The Shadow. They never touched.

  The giant stepped between them. “I think my friends and me are going to spend some time with the lass. You can conduct your business when we are finished with her.”

  Dana tried to move around the giant, but to no avail. He grabbed her from behind, lifting her off her feet, causing a shrill scream to escape. The Shadow pulled Dana from the giant’s arms. He hit the giant a powerful blow in the face knocking him to the filthy floor. He did not get up because he was knocked out cold. Several of the men who had been sitting at the table with the giant, suddenly attacked The Shadow throwing him off balance. He fell to the floor with a heavy thud. Two huge brutes lifted him by his arms, and held him while another pummeled him with several blows to his stomach.

  Dana grabbed a whiskey bottle on the counter, and hit one of his attackers over the head. He dropped with the shards of glass onto the tavern floor. Then she dived on the back of another, scratching and hitting as she held on for dear life.

  This gave The Shadow the opening he needed. Quickly, he took control of the situation. When the dust cleared, there were several limp bodies littering the floor. He decided not to wait around for someone else to decide they wanted the delectable Dana Harris. He grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out the door into the dark street.

  They raced down the street as The Shadow pulled Dana along behind him. The big boots hindered her from running any faster. Ahead in the surrounding fog his carriage came into view as they turned the corner. “Get moving my man, Harris Plantation! We’re probably being pursued!”

  The Shadow gathered Dana into his arms and roughly threw her into the carriage, jumping in behind her. Gasping for breath, she tried to fill her lungs with air as she fell back when the carriage lurched forward. The clip clop of the two horses’ hooves on the empty street filled the quiet of the late night. His driver never slowed the carriage until they were safe outside the city.

  Now out of danger, the carriage slowed and The Shadow unleashed his temper on Dana. Voice rising in anger, he shouted, “Why did you put yourself and me into such a dangerous situation? What possessed you to show up at a tavern looking for me? You could have been raped or killed. Your behavior is not
very ladylike.”

  Her chin jutting out in defiance, she snapped, “Maybe I’m not a lady. You know nothing about me.”

  “I know who you are, Miss Harris. I know you and your family. They wouldn’t be thrilled with your impetuous behavior.”

  Shocked that he knew her, she demanded, “Well, you know me. Who are you? Remove your mask and reveal your identify.”

  In a furious voice, he hissed, “Then I’d have to kill you. Now explain to me why you felt the need to show up in a tavern searching for me.”

  Dana calmed and explained, “I’m worried about Elizabeth Williams. She’s scared Milford will abduct her again. I wanted to be able to tell her you killed him.”

  The Shadow couldn’t believe her audacity. “Why do you think I was in the tavern tonight? I was waiting for my contact. He had information on the whereabouts of Milford. Now I’ll have to set up another meeting and hope he hasn’t moved to a new location. I know what I’m doing and don’t need a slip of a girl getting in the middle of my affairs.” Pointing his finger in her face for emphasis, he hissed, “Keep your nose out of my business.”

  Her voice full of guilt, Dana pleaded, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Elizabeth won’t leave her room. I’m worried about her sanity. I was hoping you could tell me Milford was dead. Please forgive me for ruining your plans. I shouldn’t have been so brazen, but my patience is wearing thin, watching the best friend I’ve ever had wasting away in her room. Before she was abducted she was vivacious and full of life. Now she is only a shell of herself. I hope once Milford is dead she can begin to live again.”

  Chuckling softly, The Shadow replied, “You’re a little blood thirsty aren’t you?”

  Frustration clear in her voice she snapped, “I could kill him myself if I could get my hands on him.”

  The Shadow admired her courage. “Killing is not that easy, Miss Harris.”

  “You don’t seem to have a problem with taking a life. Newspapers report you are responsible for eliminating Richmond of evil doers. I think you do us all a great service. I admire you.”


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