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Cleopatra Page 31

by Joyce Tyldesley

  Seleucos (husband of Berenice IV) 36, 235–6

  Seleucos I 222

  Seleucos (one of Cleopatra’s servants) 188

  Seleucos (unsuccessful defender of Pelusium) 184

  Semele 12

  Semiramis 208

  Senate House, Rome: statue of Victory in 204

  Seneca 140

  Septimus, Lucius 50, 51

  Serapeum (temple of Serapis) 89, 90, 130

  Alexandria 168, 225

  Koptos 90

  Memphite, Sakkara necropolis 101, 130–31, 142, 161

  ibis shrine of Thoth 136

  Rome 90

  Serapion, governor of Cyprus 143–4, 149, 154, 155

  Serapis (a god) 88–9

  cult of 133

  Servilia 49, 56, 103

  Seth 24, 115, 116, 117, 118, 122

  Seti I 91

  Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 81

  Shakespeare, William 48, 198, 217, 258n14

  Antony and Cleopatra 213, 214–15

  Coriolanus 213

  Julius Caesar 213

  Shu (dry god of the air) 24, 67

  Sibylline Oracles 175–6

  Sicily 144

  Siculus, Diodorus 13, 128

  Sinai 37

  land bridge 76, 184

  Sinope 89

  Siwa Oasis 221

  temple of Jupiter-Ammon 74

  oracle of Zeus-Ammon 133

  slavery, slaves 20, 56, 85, 95, 146, 158, 170, 186, 243n14

  Smyrna 144

  snake-bite, suicide by 191–3

  snakes 193–4

  Sobek 183

  Sobeknofru (queen regent) 241n2

  Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle 9

  Soknebtynis 222

  solar cults 68

  solar disc 122, 124, 134

  Soma royal cemetery, Alexandria 74, 75, 79–80


  highly influential 226

  purges the royal family 226

  Ptolemy II plays a joke on him 156–7

  sudden death 227

  Sosius, Gaius 173

  Sostratos of Knidos 81

  Sotades the Obscene 25

  Sothis (Sirius or Sepedet) 115

  Spain 181

  Caesar’s campaign in 104, 108

  sphinxes 86, 91, 130, 131, 203–4

  stephane (raised diadem) 118

  Stone, Oliver 216

  Strabo 12–13, 27–8, 36, 39, 82

  Geography 79–80

  strategoi (generals) 19

  Stratonice (Ptolemy II’s mistress) 85

  Suetonius 55, 74, 95, 99, 101, 153, 169, 202

  The Divine Augustus 209

  The Divine Julius 209

  suicide 189–90, 213

  Sulla, General 11, 234

  sun disc 68

  Sunnaoi Theoi (‘Temple-Sharing Gods’) 135

  symposium (male after-dinner drinking club) 83–4


  Seleucid empire of 222

  Eulaeus and Lenaeus provoke a new Syrian war 229

  Antiochos IV’s attack on Alexandria 229

  Cleopatra II flees to 231, 232

  Cleopatra VII flees to 48

  Cassius occupies 143

  Parthians attack (40) 158

  Antony’s Parthian campaign 164

  Ptolemy Philadelphos given parts of 169


  Ta-nt Bastet 130

  Taenarum (modern Cape Matapan) 180

  Tanis (San el-Hagar) 71

  Tarentum (Taranto) 161

  Tarn, W.W.: Cambridge Ancient History 171

  Tarsus 149, 162

  Taweret 248n18

  Tawosret (queen regent) 241n2

  tax collectors 19, 141

  taxation 21, 37, 52, 127, 135, 149, 162

  Tayimhotep 44, 142

  Taylor, Elizabeth 216, 258n15

  Tebtynis, temple to Soknebtynis 222

  Tefnut (goddess of moisture) 24, 67

  Terenuthis, temple to Hathor 222

  Terra Santa Catholic cemetery, Alexandria 74

  Tertia (Servilia’s daughter) 56

  Tertulla (Tertia), wife of Cassius 107–8

  Tetisheri (queen consort) 241n2

  Thames River 92

  Thea Neotera (Younger Goddess) 139

  Thea Notera Philopator kai Philopatris (the Father-Loving and Homeland-Loving Younger Goddess) 164

  Thebes 42, 43, 78, 126, 193

  the ever-rebellious southern capital 48, 100, 222

  home of Amen-Re 71

  home and burial place of the elite 71

  civil unrest immediately after Cleopatra’s death 198–9

  Theocritus 22, 25

  Idylls 82

  Theodorus (Antyllus’s tutor) 199

  Theodotus of Chios 32, 46, 50

  Theoi Adelphoi 135

  Theoi Neoi Phaldephoi (New Sibling-Loving Gods) 38

  Theoi Philopatores Philadelphoi (the Father-loving, Brother/Sister-Loving Gods) 98

  Theoi Soteres (‘Saviour Gods’) 133

  Theoxena (possible daughter of Ptolemy I) 222

  Thessalonica (Salonica) 49

  Thinis 18

  Third Syrian War (246–241) 225

  Thisbe 189

  Thoth (scribe of the gods) 129, 137, 248n18

  Thrace 225

  Thyrsus 183–4

  Tiber River 104, 105

  Tiglath-Pileser 197

  Timon of Phleius 82

  Timoneion shrine, Lochias peninsula 182

  Timotheos of Athens 88

  Titius, Marcus 171–2

  titularies 119

  Tiy (queen consort) 241n2, 247n26

  Trastevere, Rome 104

  tripartite wig 66, 69, 122, 124

  triple uraeus 66, 67–8, 247n27

  Triumphal Gate, Rome 103

  Troy 185

  Troy (film) 216

  tryphe (luxury and ostentatious display) 12, 83, 86, 87, 146

  Tunisia 200

  Turin Canon 241n2

  Turullius, Publius 184

  Tuthmosis II 90

  twin-snake imagery 256–7n2

  Two Lands: the unified Nile Valley and Delta 1

  Tyre 154, 158


  Ullman, B.L. 153, 253n17

  uraei 66, 67–8, 111, 114, 122, 124, 134, 193, 247n27

  Urania (Julia Urania) 202


  Valley of the Kings 71

  Valley of the Queens 71

  Vatican Museum 60

  Velleius Paterculus 156, 253–4n20

  Ventidius, Publius 160

  Venus 49, 93, 106, 153, 207, 208

  Venus Genetrix, Temple of, Rome 6, 106

  Vercingetorix 104

  Vergina: Macedonian royal cemetery 220

  Vestal Virgins 107, 172

  Vienna Museum 62

  Villa of the Quintilii, Via Appia, Rome 60

  Virgil 197–8, 256–7n2

  The Aeneid 206–8

  vulture crown/headdress 69, 111, 124, 136


  Wadi Tumilat 181

  Wadjyt (‘The Green One’) (snake goddess) 67, 69, 193

  Wars of the Successors (321–285) 222

  Weech, W.N. 201

  Weigall, Arthur: The Life and Times of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt 1, 217


  Egyptian 17, 103

  Greek 17–18, 21–3

  denied a formal education 23


  Xenophon 131


  Zenodotus 82

  Zeus 12, 25, 89, 132, 133, 248n18

  Zeus Soter (Zeus the Saviour) 81

  Zeus-Ammon 133, 195

  Table of Contents




  Title Page




  Family tree




  Author’s Note


  CHAPTER ONE: Princess of Egypt

  CHAPTER TWO: Queen of Egypt

  CHAPTER THREE: Alexandria-next-to-Egypt

  CHAPTER FOUR: Cleopatra and Julius Caesar

  CHAPTER FIVE: The New Isis

  CHAPTER SIX: Cleopatra and Mark Antony

  CHAPTER SEVEN: Death of a Dream

  CHAPTER EIGHT: Cleopatra’s Children

  CHAPTER NINE: History Becomes Legend

  Who Was Who?




  List of Illustrations







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