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Scorpio Page 30

by Lauren Landish

  The words click in his mind, but it’s his heart that hears them, the relief and sheer joy transforming his face to a big smile. “We did it, Madison! Thanks to you, I’ve got my siblings and my company. And because of you, I have a better future than I could’ve dreamed. Thank you, baby. I love you so much!”

  He goes to swoop me around in a circle but remembers the concussion protocol at the last moment and settles for picking me up to kiss me passionately. It’s everything we need. Not quite a perfect fairy tale, but so much better than either of us had ever envisioned.



  Daily Horoscope, December 24th

  Libra - All the stars line up for you. Enjoy the day, and remember that while jumping in with both feet isn’t always the wisest decision . . . sometimes, it’s the best decision you can make.

  “So, last day before vacation. How does it feel?” I ask Scott as we get off the elevator and head to his office.

  “Like I’m forgetting a million things to do and have a million more lined up after that,” Scott says, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. He’s been working hard alongside his siblings for over a month now, and it’s going surprisingly well. I think they’re still tip-toeing around each other a bit, from what Scott tells me, but they’re handling the diversified businesses they’ve invested in without issue.

  Most amusing is the way Daddy Danger has taken to claiming the whole thing was his idea, a dramatic show of the strength the Danger name personifies. Scott had laughed and laughed the first time Robert said that, taking a bit of evil glee in correcting his father publicly in front of the board. No, they didn’t forget, but Scott definitely doesn’t feed into his father’s ego.

  We get in his office and shut the door. “All right, get what you need quickly and let’s get out of here. You don’t need a to-do list for a holiday vacation,” I tease him. “Though I think it’s kinda sexy when you go all Expert Planner on me. Say something dirty,” I tease, curious what he’ll say to play along.

  “Mmm, how about . . . Let’s check the weather, make sure it’s not cold as balls in our destination city.” I giggle at his faux-seductive tone and the way he emphasizes ‘balls’ intentionally. But the real tease is in what he said, because we are going on a holiday vacation, but he hasn’t told me where we’re going.

  “Not even one clue?”

  “No way. One hint, and then you guess and ruin the surprise. This is one of the things you’re going to have to let me control.” His face is the epitome of smug cockiness, and I should hate it. Instead, it turns me on and makes me want to be a brat back, just to irritate him into spilling the vacation details or into finally fucking me.

  It’s been a few weeks since I got clearance to resume all my usual activities from Dr. McDermott, and we have made love. Soft, sweet, tender, beautiful love making. And I’m so done with that, not forever but for now. Because what I really need is to get fucked. And what Scott needs is to fuck me. Rough and hard and dirty, without worrying about my concussion or my leg.

  The thought of my leg reminds me of the nagging pain, and I settle gratefully into the chair behind Scott’s desk, stretching out my leg and rubbing my thigh.

  Scott looks at me worriedly. “You okay?”

  “Achy, but not too bad,” I admit, rubbing at the scar. After my bandage came off, it wasn’t as bad as we’d feared, and while the rehabilitation has meant a lot of stiff mornings, the scar is mostly more itchy than painful these days.

  “But I might need you to kiss it better?” I say, faux innocence in every word as I trace a fingertip from my knee up my inner thigh toward my pussy. I purposefully drag my skirt hem higher, careful over the large Band-Aid that’s now all the burn requires.

  Scott’s eyes are already laser-focused on my finger, his lips parting, not panting yet, but definitely on board with my seduction. “What are you doing, Maddie? Your leg . . .”

  “Is fine. So’s my head. You know what’s not okay, Scott?” I ask him.

  He shakes his head. “No, what’s wrong?” I can see that whatever I say, he’ll want to fix it. Slay the dragon, solve the problem, make it all better for me. That’s just who he is, and I’m getting used to it, recognizing it for the demonstration of love that it is. And even using it to my benefit, like now.

  “My pussy. It’s empty and needy and needs to get fucked. Hard, like you mean it. Think you can do that for me, Scott?”

  His voice is tight, the warning as clear as the need. “Madison . . .”

  I reassure him, wanting to put his mind at ease so he’ll give in and give me what I want. “Doc says I’m fine, all good to go. So . . .”

  I can see Scott’s internal struggle, his desire to protect me warring with his raging desire to take me. His need to be inside me wins, thankfully. He lifts me to the desk, pushing my skirt up to my waist so that my ass presses against the cold wood. And then he takes my vacated seat in his office chair.

  “Lean back and let me see this pretty pink pussy.” He groans at the sight of my bare lips, already wet with need for him. “No panties, Maddie? Fuck, you’re in so much trouble. Walking around with my pussy open to anyone passing by.”

  I smirk, knowing I’d done it on purpose in a premeditated seduction plan. Scott’s not the only one who can make a plan and see it to fruition. But he wipes the smirk right off my face as he traces a finger through my folds, the sensation amplified by the ferocity of my need. “Fuck, Scott.”

  He chuckles darkly. “Oh, no, Maddie. You’re not even close to getting fucked yet. Tell me, whose pussy is this?”

  I don’t hesitate, knowing what he wants to hear. “It’s yours. Just yours. Always.”

  He dips his chin, his eyes locked on my center. “Mine,” he growls and then claims me with his tongue. He swirls the tip over my clit, faster and faster, pressing harder against me to drive me wild. Finally, he’s owning me, and it’s exactly what I need.

  He slips a finger inside me, giving my pussy something to squeeze as he slams inside me and then pulls out, doing it over and over again.

  I’m on the edge of a rising tidal wave already, embarrassingly quick after the weeks of sweet softness. “That’s it, Madison. Come on my face and I’ll fuck you over my desk.” His promise is enough to make me crash over, wanting this moment but wanting the next just as much.

  I spasm, shudders crashing through my body in waves, one right on top of the last, keeping me drowning in the depths of pleasure. “Scott! Oh, fuck, yes!”

  As I finish, Scott stands, yanking me from the desk to turn me around. He positions me with my left knee on the desk, checking to make sure that it’s comfortable, not pulling on the healing skin or putting pressure on the bandage. But once he’s satisfied I’m good, it’s on.

  The clink of his belt is the only warning I get before he slams into me balls-deep, immediately beginning to pound into me. Finally. This is what I’ve needed, what I’ve been missing, Scott unleashing the tether he holds on himself, all the while tightening the one he holds on me.

  He’s bossy, domineering, in charge of me right now. And I fucking love it. Later, I’ll want him to ask my opinion on matters, big and small. Right now, I want him to take me, claim me any way he wants, and bask in his power.

  “So damn tight, Maddie. Relax. Let me in, because I’m coming in either way. I’ve needed this pussy like this, raw and rough . . . and mine.” He smacks my right ass cheek, carefully avoiding my left still, his awareness of my needs still firmly in check even as he loses it.

  I cry out, encouraging his punishing thrusts, and he leans over me, laying open-mouthed kisses along my neck. He’s reclaiming me there too, his attention like a salve healing the ugly memory of Rich’s hands strangling me. The combination of rough and sweet does me in, and I’m swept away again.

  My pussy’s pulsing clenches trigger him too, and I revel as he shouts out my name while filling me with his essence. He gives one last thrust, jetting the last drops deep inside me before stil

  Eventually, we dress and collapse back to his office chair, me sitting sideways in his lap to keep the pressure off my bandage and injury. Suddenly, there’s a rapping knock on the door.

  My eyes open wide and shoot to Scott. We’d thought we were alone. It’s Christmas Eve, after all, and all the employees have the day off to spend with their families.

  Scott shrugs and calls out, “Come in.” Like my sitting in his lap moments after we fucked is perfectly normal for his office.

  The door opens slowly to reveal Chase, a big shit-eating grin on his face. “Hey, guys, just wanted to check in but didn’t want to interrupt.”

  I blush instantly and furiously, trying to move from Scott’s lap. But he holds me in place, grinning and laughing. “Thanks for waiting, Brother. What’s up?”

  Chase shakes his head like he’d expected a bigger reaction, but that’s all he’s getting. Their teases are different now, more friendly brothers than competing rivals. I’ve heard them on the phone, and Chase has stopped by a few times to discuss Danger Enterprises business stuff when they couldn’t coordinate times at the office, especially at first when Scott was helping me with my rehab as much as possible. And each time I hear them tease, I hold my breath, but they seem to be moving from the past and opening up to a future.

  “Just wanted to confirm that we’re on for Christmas morning at your place? You’re sure?” Chase asks.

  I don’t let Scott answer. I do it for the both of us. “Chase, Christmas is for family, and you are ours. So you’ll get your ass up, pick Olivia up, come over and open presents, and then we’ll eat lunch. My Aunt May is making her famous loaded baked potatoes and banana pudding. You don’t want to miss it.”

  I can see the relief on Chase’s face, but he still looks for confirmation from Scott. I feel Scott’s nod, and Chase looks pleased.

  When Robert had mentioned in passing that he was planning to spend the holiday season in Aruba with his young blonde girlfriend, we’d honestly been pleased because that meant there was no reason to lie about not wanting to spend the holiday with him. He’s a bit less obnoxious now that he’s not CEO, but he drives the siblings crazy and there’s not enough good blood between them to allow them to let it go. Instead, they all just flinch at his continued barbs, regress into old habits, and as for Scott, he needs extra reassurance of how much I love him for days after an encounter with his dad.

  So I’m glad he bailed. We might actually have a happy holiday memory for the siblings without Daddy Dearest. Hallelujah!

  Chase nods, then smiles, looking at me then at Scott. “You found a good woman, Scott. Madison . . . good luck.”

  The night air is cold, but that’s okay as Scott and I head into Stella’s. I’m not working tonight. Stella said that I’m off the schedule for all of December and part of January until my leg’s ready to work again. But tonight is the annual Christmas party at Stella’s, and this year, it seems more important than ever.

  “Merry Christmas,” Stella greets us as we come in, dressed in what has to be one of the most glorious ugly Christmas sweaters ever. “It’s good to see you looking so happy.”

  “It’s good to see you smiling, Stella,” I reply, giving her a hug. I look around the place, seeing the smiling faces all aglow with holiday spirit and feeling at home.

  The party goes well, and things get even better when Carl shows up. Apparently, after he’d sobered up Halloween morning, he’d realized what he’d done to me and was horrified, much like I knew he would be. He’d taken off, ashamed and unable to face his actions and apologize. He’d started a bender that only got worse when he got word about Daryl’s accident.

  But somewhere in the mess, he’d truly hit rock bottom and decided he wanted a change. He’d returned to Bane sober after a month in rehab, proud of his thirty-day chip and wanting to apologize to everyone to make amends.

  It was a tearful reunion, but Stella forgave her son for missing Daryl’s funeral, and Carl promised he’s going to be better. His apology to me was awkward because Scott had stared him down, virtually slicing him to ribbons with his eyes. But I forgave him, even if I won’t be alone with him. It brings up too many triggers for me after everything. But he’s understanding about that too, knowing it’ll take time and being trustworthy to build up people’s opinion of him once again. He’s even got a new job, one that keeps him away from alcohol.

  “To a Merry Christmas,” Stella says, lifting a glass of ginger ale in deference to Carl. “While we will miss those who are not here, we’re happy to have a new member to our extended family. Scott, you’re a genuine pain in the ass . . . but we’re glad to have you with us.”

  With cheers all around, it’s time to really enjoy the Christmas party.

  “So who wants to see how many Christmas cookies I can eat in ten minutes? Who’s ready to film?”

  “NO, TIFFANY!” several of us shout at the same time.



  December 25th

  Scorpio – The best gifts are not found under the tree.

  The morning air is chilly, but it feels good to watch over the city with Madison from our apartment, making a new tradition as we blend her family and mine. “Thanks for this.”

  Maddie shrugs. “Chase and Liv were so surprised by my invitation for Christmas, and I’m kinda curious to see how they handle Aunt May. She’s feisty.”

  I laugh. “You told me she was, but I don’t know if I really understood until I saw her tackle a pissed-off Rottweiler with a rolled-up newspaper!”

  There’s a knock at the door, and I open it to see May, all decked out in holiday finery. Well, for her, that means her hair is down long and she has on a blouse with her jeans instead of a t-shirt. But I know she made an effort to make a positive impression, and that’s good enough for me.

  I greet her warmly, inviting her inside and taking her coat.

  “May, it’s good to see you again,” I say, giving her a hug. “How’re the puppies?”

  “Sagging . . . oh, you mean the dogs,” May jokes, making me laugh. I have laughed more over the past month than in the entire previous twenty-six years of my life, and it feels good. “They’re doing great. I was able to make some last-minute placements. Seems some folks really do want to give a dog a home for the holidays.”

  “Good,” I say. “Glad they got their Christmas wish and are home for Christmas morning.”

  “Are you two planning something?” Madison asks, and I shrug. “Scott Danger, don’t you try that look with me. You had the same look on your face last night at Stella’s, and I know you’ve got something on your damn mind.”

  “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” I tell her, laughing.

  May takes off for the kitchen, taking over like it’s hers even as she oohs and ahhs over things she takes delight in, like the fact that there are two ovens and a refrigerator large enough for her biggest cookie sheet. I’ve never noticed or cared, but I’m glad she’s excited. May and Madison bustle this way and that, and I watch from my perch on the barstool, enjoying their easy camaraderie.

  The doorbell rings again, and I go to open it, greeting Chase and Olivia. There are no hugs this time, but we’re finally getting comfortable with one another.

  “Merry Christmas, Chase, Olivia. Come on in. The bosses are in the kitchen, and I think our job is to stay out of their way.” I guide them into the living room after tossing their coats on the entryway hooks.

  From the corner of the kitchen, I hear Maddie’s voice ring out, “I heard that!”

  I grin, yelling back, “Am I wrong?”

  May comes into the living room, wiping her hands on a towel. “Hell, yes, you’re wrong. Now, all three of you, get in here and wash up. I need someone to peel the potatoes, someone to set the table, and someone to knead the dough for biscuits. Decide amongst yourselves who does what. I hear y’all are good at that these days.”

  Yep, feisty. That’s May. I grin at Chase and Olivia, who return the smile, all three
of us following orders and filing into the kitchen to help. Apparently, none of us get to be the boss today.

  The hustle and bustle in my kitchen increases as the five of us work alongside each other. I’d never considered that the sizeable space might seem small, but with all of us in the middle of food prep, it does feel full.

  Once everything is prepped and the ham is locked away into the oven to bake, I take a chance on being the whiny kid ready for some Christmas fun. “Come on, let’s open our presents.”

  It’s the best Christmas morning ever as each gift is opened with as much noisy paper tearing and throwing of ribbons, bows, and other crap as possible. Food is cookies, of course, with a side of fudge and great coffee, and with each gift, my excitement grows.

  “Oh, Aunt May, that’s beautiful!” Madison exclaims when May models a leather jacket I got her. “You look like Jamie Lee Curtis in it!”

  “Hell, I’m never taking it off then,” May says. “Thank you, Scott.”

  I nod and open a present from May, a key. “What’s this?”

  “Key to the front door of the shelter,” May says. “You deserve it for everything you’ve done for us.”

  I laugh at her practicality, knowing that this is a big gesture from her. “Thank you, May.”

  Olivia seems to like the cashmere shawl I bought her, and Chase grins like a loon at the pair of home plate baseball tickets I bought for him . . . and me.

  Finally, it’s time for Maddie’s surprise.


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