Assassin's Honor

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Assassin's Honor Page 35

by Monica Burns

  The pain on Atia's face made him hesitate in replying. Merda, he hadn't realized how hard it would be on her, and while he couldn't see Phae, he was certain she wasn't faring any better than the Prima Consul. First Emma and now them. He swallowed the knot in his throat and nodded.

  "The desponsatio annullatus should be granted because I sealed the blood bond without telling Emma Zale what the consequences were."

  The words twisted their way through his gut as the rustling in the gallery behind him reflected the anger and disgust on the faces of the Council members. For him to admit such a thing was like admitting to a rape, even if the sex sealing the blood bond had been consensual. Christus, this was going to be every bit as unpleasant as he'd expected. Voices carried through the Council chamber doors, and seconds later, Lysander burst through the door with Cleo in tow. As the two of them parted ranks, Emma strode into view.

  The sight of her ripped at his insides. Deus, now that she was here, he wasn't sure he could go through with this thing. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, and the determined look on her face made his gut lurch. She wasn't here to observe. His gaze flew back to Atia and his heart sank. The satisfaction on the Prima Consul's face said it all. The only reason Emma had come here was because Atia had sent for her. Fotte, he didn't want her like this. Desperate to save Emma from doing something foolish, he reached out with his thoughts and gently forced his godmother to look at him.

  "The request has been made, Madame Consul. You must grant the petition for desponsatio annullatus."

  "And I refuse this desponsatio . . . annulas . . . anulltus . . . whatever the hell you want to call it." Emma's voice rang out as she walked toward him. "Like most men, he didn't bother to ask if it's what I wanted."

  "What have I told you about interfering in Sicari matters?" he growled as he whirled to face her and brought her to a dead halt with his mind.

  "Not to," she said with a shrug. "But when have I ever listened to you?"

  He glared at her as he heard snorts of repressed laughter from the gallery. "Get the hell out of here, Emma. Let me make things right."

  "Prima Consul, what happens if I refuse this desponsatio thing?" She arched her eyebrow at Ares as she defiantly pushed against his mental hold.

  "Then the bond remains sealed." He heard the note of complacency in Atia's voice.

  "Which means he's stuck with me, correct?" Emma said with a note of hard satisfaction.

  "Correct." Again that smug note in his godmother's voice.

  "Deus damno id, Emma. Don't do this."

  "Don't do what? Keep you from being thrown out of the Order?" She blew out a harsh breath of anger.

  "Merda, don't you see it was the only thing I could do?" His heart ached.

  "No, I don't. I thought you were just doing what I asked--giving me time to adjust to everything that had happened. I thought you'd at least wait and give me a chance to come to you. Instead, I have to hear from someone else that you're breaking our blood bond. Walking out on me. You decided to play the martyr instead of asking me point-blank whether this is what I really want. You took the coward's way out," she snapped, her eyes blazing with anger. Her words made him jerk his head back at the vicious note in her voice. Mater Dei, she knew how to hit him where it hurt.

  "Christus, Emma--"

  "No. It's your turn to listen to me for a change, and I want the truth. Why are you breaking our blood bond?"

  "Because it's the right thing to do."

  "That's not why, and you know it. Tell me the truth. For once, just tell me the truth." There was a desperation in her voice that edged its way across his back like a sharp blade.

  "Because I love you," he rasped softly.

  Eyes brimming with tears, she shuddered, and his heart slammed into his chest at her expression. The emotion he saw on her face ignited a sense of hope inside him that he'd lost more than a week ago. Was it possible she'd come here for some other reason than agreeing to his godmother's request? The sensation of invisible fingertips and warm hands on his face made him jump. Christus, she'd learned to control her new ability.

  "Say it again," she demanded. "Only this time, make sure everyone in this room hears it."

  "I love you, Emma Zale." His declaration echoed through the hall as he arched his eyebrows at her.

  "Retract the request," she said with that stubborn look of hers he loved so well.

  "Give me a reason to." Confidence began to spread its way through his body and he sent her a small, arrogant smile.

  "Let me go and I'll show you."

  The minute he released his mental hold on her, she eliminated the distance between them and flung her arms around his neck. "I love you. Does that suffice as reason enough?"

  "Yes," he murmured as his mouth slid over hers in a deep kiss. As he raised his head, he met her warm, loving gaze. "I adore you, Emma."

  "I know," she said quietly. "I knew it the minute Lysander told me what you were giving up by breaking our blood bond. I just needed to hear you say it."

  "I'll never stop saying it, amore mia," he whispered as he kissed her again.

  "Madame Consul, we still have a request on the floor. We should act on it." Cato's plaintive voice rolled out over the soft rumblings of conversation in the room.

  Without releasing Emma from his arms, Ares looked up at the Prima Consul. The smug smile on her face made him wince before he nodded in her direction. "I withdraw my petition for the desponsatio annullatus."

  "The petition is withdrawn," Atia proclaimed loudly. "The proceedings--"

  "One moment, Madame Consul. There is still the matter of Legatus DeLuca's failure to inform the young woman as to the consequences of the blood bond."

  Slowly putting Emma away from him, Ares turned to see Cato watching him. The smug expression on the man's face said he was immensely pleased with himself, and Ares knew he wasn't out of the woods yet. Atia, a frown on her face, turned toward the stout Council member.

  "Would my esteemed colleague care to explain the relevance of his statement. As we just heard, Miss Zale stated she has no desire to break the blood bond. In fact, she insisted that my--Legatus DeLuca retract his request for the desponsatio annullatus."

  "Indeed she did, however, the Legatus admitted to this Council that he failed to ask her permission in sealing the blood bond. This is a serious crime the Council cannot ignore."

  He heard Emma suck in a sharp breath and her hand grabbed his arm as she leaned into him. "Is he saying you can still be punished even if I don't have any objections?"

  "Yes," he bit out in a harsh whisper as he turned his head toward her. The fear on her face made him reach out with his thoughts to touch her face in a light stroke. "It'll be all right, carissima. Cato is no match for Atia."

  The fear in her eyes made him capture her hand and squeeze her fingers with a reassurance he was far from feeling. To have Emma pull him back from the brink of exile, only to find himself hovering on the edge once more made his gut twist with a combination of despair and fear. If Cato had his way, he'd still be thrown out of the Order. The knowledge made him realize how much more difficult it would be to leave Emma behind knowing she loved him.

  And despite any protests she might have, she would stay behind. It wouldn't be safe to take her with him. He'd be a marked target, and he didn't have the stomach for taking lives for money. Death was preferable to going rogue as far as he was concerned. He turned his attention back to the half circle of Council members. His godmother glanced in his direction, her mouth curling in a manner that said she was looking forward to crossing verbal swords with her opponent.

  "I quite agree with you, Cato. However, as per our laws, we must establish that Legatus DeLuca is truly guilty."

  "Do you deny that the Legatus openly confessed to his crime?"

  "What I heard was a man confessing to a crime that would end his blood bond with Miss Zale. A bond, I might add, that Legatus DeLuca believed Miss Zale wanted to be freed from." Atia looked around
at the Council members surrounding her. "Naturally, in order to break the bond, he would need to confess to an act that would ensure the desponsatio annullatus be granted. Don't you agree?"

  "Are you suggesting the Legatus openly lied to this Council?"

  "I am." The Cheshire smile on Atia's mouth widened as she watched Cato sputter with anger.

  "That's ludicrous. The man confessed he blatantly sealed the bond without explaining the consequences to the young woman."

  "But was it an honest confession?" Atia arched her eyebrows and turned toward the Council to ensure they could see her skepticism.

  "You're clouding the issue, Madame Consul. The man gave a specific reason for why the blood bond between him and Miss Zale should be broken. Why would he do such a thing?"

  "For amore, my dear Cato. For amore." Atia turned back to the Council, her hands spread in a dismissive manner at the charge Cato had made. "As many of you may recall, the Legatus bonded with Miss Zale to save her life. Does it not stand to reason his heart would make him even more willing to sacrifice himself one more time if he believed it would make her happy? Wouldn't you be willing to do such an honorable thing for your wife, my dear Cato?"

  Atia smiled coolly as she turned back to face the angry, red-faced Councilman. If the man hadn't been the Prima Consul's enemy before this, there was no doubt in Ares's mind that Cato would do whatever he could to make things difficult for Atia in the future. The overweight man looked out at the tiered gallery behind Ares and offered a placating smile to someone behind him. The worm's wife, no doubt.

  "I would gladly sacrifice myself for my beloved Cecelia, but I am not the one standing before the Council under such serious circumstances."

  "Then perhaps we should put it to a vote as to whether or not Legatus DeLuca's confession was a lie for the benefit of another individual." Atia didn't give Cato a chance to speak as she turned toward the men and women behind her. "Members of the Council, how say you in the matter of Legatus DeLuca? If he is guilty of fabricating a reason for breaking his blood bond with Miss Zale say aye."

  A low chorus of ayes filled the room as Atia sent Cato a hard look. It was clear that even if every one of Cato's supporters were to rally to his side, there wouldn't be enough votes to change the outcome. Cato knew it too, and the man glared at the Prima Consul with intense dislike. Atia seemed to thrive on the man's hatred as she returned his scowl with a confident smile.

  "Those opposed?" Silence met Atia's question and she smiled with triumph.

  The tension holding Ares rigid slowly drained out of his body. She'd done it. Atia had managed to create doubt as to whether his confession was true or false. Frustration darkening his face, Cato turned his head to look directly at him. The sudden, malicious smile on the man's face made Ares tense for the next volley of words. Now what?

  "Since Legatus DeLuca has been judged guilty of lying to the Council with such great speed, I believe his fate should be handed out with equal swiftness. I think it best we not leave him wondering as to his fate." Cato arched his eyebrow at Atia who frowned. Clearly she didn't like being backed into a corner.

  "Agreed." With a sharp nod she turned toward Ares. "Legatus DeLuca. The Council has found you guilty of lying to its members. As Prima Consul, it is my duty to decide and render a punishment for your conduct. For your crime, you will be stripped of your title of Legatus and reduced to the rank of Tirones until such time as the Council sees fit to reinstate you. You will also be fined twenty thousand lira, payable to . . . Councilman Cato, who brought the charges to the attention of the Council."

  Tirones. Fotte, she was thoroughly pissed. He'd expected to be demoted to the rank of Milites, but a Tirones was little more than a recruit. And that last condition--what the hell was she thinking. Forcing him to give that worm money was like cutting off her nose to spite her face. Cato's face was filled with smug satisfaction as he looked at Ares.

  The bastard was enjoying himself, and it stung. Beside him, Emma touched his arm, and he mentally stroked her cheek in an effort to reassure her that it was going to be all right. And it would. He'd find a way to get back in Atia's good graces as well as the Council's. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Atia moving along the front row of Council members and then down onto the floor of the Assembly Room. When she reached him, she narrowed her gaze at him.

  "Your sword, Legatus."

  The sharp command made him stare at his godmother in surprise. Christus, she meant to make this really hurt. It was rare that a Sicari was asked to surrender their sword when demoted, but Atia was obviously intent on making it clear she was unhappy with him. No doubt for not listening to her over the past week and forcing her into a sparring match with Cato to save his ass.

  He reached behind him and gripped the hilt of the Condottiere on his back that had been passed down from his great-grandfather. The blade whispered softly against the leather as he pulled it out of its sheath. With the sword resting in the palms of his hands, he held it out in front of him. His jaw tightened as he stared at the blade.

  The sword was a connection to his father and others in his family. He would miss it. He swallowed hard as he met his godmother's stern look. The Prima Consul took the sword then without another word, she turned and walked away from him. Beside him, Emma's tension was almost palpable, and he reached for her hand.

  "It's all right, carissima. It's just a sword. It can be replaced."

  The moment he whispered the words, he knew it was true. He had Emma, and nothing else mattered. Everything he'd done had been worth it because she loved him. The moment Atia reached her seat, she sent Cato a hard stare, and the man shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Turning to face Ares, she laid his sword on the polished wood railing in front of her.

  "Ares DeLuca, you've been stripped of rank and possession. Report to Legatus Condellaire immediately after your honeymoon. These proceedings are now closed."

  He barely heard Atia's words as he turned and wrapped Emma in his arms. For a man just stripped of his rank and a sizeable chunk of change, he was feeling pretty good. The sweetness of Emma's mouth brushed against his, and he reveled in the fact that she was here with him. Suddenly, Atia's command sank into his consciousness. Honeymoon. Maybe his godmother wasn't quite that angry after all. And he knew just the place. Emma was going to love exploring Rennes le Chateau.

  Chapter 21

  "DULCIS Mater Dei, have you lost your mind, Emma?" The violence of the exclamation that came from several feet below her made her peer over the ledge she was sitting on.

  At that point, Ares was already sliding his body upward along the rock face and her heart slammed into her chest as she realized just how narrow and steep the path she'd climbed was. He was right. She had lost her mind. She grinned. But he'd forgive her the minute she kissed him.

  Her gaze returned to the view in front of her. About a mile away from where she sat, the medieval fortress was still an imposing sight, despite its deteriorated state. Bright sunshine highlighted the colorful fall foliage, while the wind rustled through the trees shaking loose a leaf here and there. It was a scene straight out of a tourism book.

  For the past two weeks, they'd enjoyed the luxury and security of Rennes le Chateau, one of the Order's smaller properties in southern France. They'd spent most of their time in their room the first week making love, talking, and just holding each other. The second week they'd explored the grounds, had romantic picnics at the foot of a small stream, and enjoyed gorgeous sunsets from the balcony of their suite. Today was the first time they'd been past the gates of the estate.

  It was the first time she'd been to the Languedoc region of France, and when she'd seen the two towers from the balcony of their suite, they'd captured her imagination. She was certain she recognized them, but couldn't remember where. The memory had teased her enough to Google their images one morning while Ares was in the shower, but she'd come up with nothing.

  It wasn't until she was flipping through her father's notebook one night while
Ares slept beside her that she found the image she'd been looking for. Determined to get a closer look, she'd convinced Ares to visit one set of ruins. Rock slid against rock as Ares reached the ledge and sank down beside her, his frustration evident.

  "Christus, what the hell are you doing up here?" He growled as she leaned forward and kissed him. It didn't totally appease him, but his voice grew husky. "And don't tell me it's for the view either."

  "You're right--it's not for the view. Look." She pointed toward the tower on the steep slope a half mile away from them. He obeyed her, but shrugged and shook his head.

  "Another tower just like the one up above us."

  "Yes, but that one"--she nodded toward the stone fortress opposite them--"belonged to a Sicari."

  "How the hell do you know that?"


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