Tempted by the Wolf

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Tempted by the Wolf Page 9

by Alicia Montgomery

  He felt his anger spike. What was wrong with her? Daric wanted to shake her. “And you prefer vulgar Alpha males who stare at your breasts instead of appreciating your beautiful face, and undress you with their gaze?” he countered. “Maybe you were truly disappointed you didn’t get the chance to strip down in front of a room full of men.”

  “How dare you!” she screamed, lunging at him in anger. He was too quick for her, however, and he grabbed her wrists, then pinned them to the wall. He used his thighs and legs to stop her from kicking at him, but not before she landed a hit on his bruised rib.

  “Goddamn it, woman, stop!” he groaned.

  “I will if you let me go!”

  “I’ll let you go if you promise to stop trying to maim me!” He leaned in close, so close he could see the light smattering of freckles on the bridge of her nose and inhale the fragrance of the perfume that drove him wild.

  She bit her lip, and as her perfect pearly white teeth sank into her plump lips, all he could think about was kissing her. He shouldn’t. But she was so close. Her squirming body felt so good against his, and he could feel his cock responding to her.

  “Get off her!” A large hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled her away.

  “Christ!” he cursed, ducking away from Connor.

  “You keep your hands and your eyes to yourself, warlock,” Connor warned.

  “Stop it!” Meredith cried. By this time, Killian, Quinn, and even Tate were in the hallway, staring at them.

  “What was he doing?” Connor asked.

  “None of your business!” Meredith exclaimed.

  The giant Lycan turned back to Daric. “You had her pinned up against the wall. What were you doing? Are you trying to fuck her?”

  Tate walked over to Meredith, slipping an arm around her shoulders, murmuring soft words into her ear. Jealousy and anger surged through Daric, and he wanted nothing more than to turn every bit of matter in the Lycan’s body to dust. “I’d sooner sleep with a mutt.” Daric instantly regretted his words, as Meredith’s face crumbled and then slipped into a mask of coldness.

  “I’m going to my room,” she mumbled and then turned to leave.

  “Meredith!” Tate called and then followed her, both of them heading back to the barracks.

  Daric was so distracted, that he didn’t see the massive fist as it connected with his jaw. Connor’s fist was like solid rock. No, it was more like solid steel, and Daric reeled back, bracing himself against the wall to stop from falling from the floor. He rubbed his jaw, reveling in the pain. He deserved it and more, for what he said to her.

  “You fucking asshole,” Killian grabbed him by the collar and slammed his head back into the wall. The three other Lycans stood behind him, and he could feel the anger radiating from all of them.

  “I apologize, my words were out of line,” Daric said.

  “Don’t apologize to us,” Quinn said, the usually cheerful man’s voice edgy and tinged with danger. “Say sorry to her.”

  “I will,” Daric stated in a determined voice. There it was again, that uncomfortable feeling in his gut that wouldn’t go away. “But allow me to apologize to you as well, for the slur.”

  Killian let go of his collar and sighed. “Like I said, it’s not us you should be apologizing to. But I doubt Meredith will forgive you easily for that one.”

  “Why the hell would you say that to her?” Connor said, his anger rising.

  “Connor,” Killian said, putting a hand up to the other Lycan. “He doesn’t know.”

  “Know what?” Daric asked.

  Killian let out a deep sigh. “It’s not my place to say, but Meredith told us that when she first shifted into her wolf form in front of her adoptive parents…well, they called her a mutt. That’s what they would call her to insult her.”

  “Fuck!” Daric cursed, running his hands through his hair. “She will never forgive me.”

  “Just try,” Killian encouraged.

  “And bring her lots of chocolate. And maybe some Disney Princess movies,” Quinn added.

  Connor said nothing, but let out a grunt before turning and walking away from them.

  “And stop provoking Connor. Meredith is his favorite, and you’ll be in for a world of pain if you mess with her,” Killian added.

  “I’m not provoking him,” Daric countered.

  “You are by looking at her like that,” Killian warned. “Don’t even try it, warlock. You hurt her, you answer to all of us.”

  Daric nodded in understanding but wondered if it was too late.

  Chapter Nine

  Meredith stared at the ceiling, her eyes fixed on a small spot where a bit of paint had chipped off. How long she’d been staring at the spot she wasn’t sure, but it was already dark outside. At some point, she had discarded her workout clothes, showered, and slipped into a sleep shirt and shorts.

  She felt numb. Daric’s words had cut so deep. She knew he was a cruel bastard, but not like this. The pain that slashed through her was so unbearable that she had to shut down. Had to cut herself off from everything before the feelings and memories came back.

  You mangy mutt!

  Come back here, mutt! You’ll do as I say or else!

  You better not be sassing me back again, mutt!

  Echoes from a long time ago came back to haunt her now and then. Daric’s words brought them back to the surface, ringing clear as if she’d just heard them from Jedd and Marie’s mouths seconds ago. Did he see her past, when he touched her? Heard the words and used them against her to hurt her? And to think she thought she kinda liked him, especially after he listened and comforted her. Was it all a joke to him? Or a way to get out of here?

  Her stomach grumbled loudly. She realized she hadn’t eaten since breakfast and a loud gurgling sound made her sit up. “Fine, fine, I’m gonna get something to eat,” she said to no one in particular.

  Glancing at the clock, she winced at how late it was. At least there probably wouldn’t be anyone in the kitchen at this hour.

  She got up, slipped on her flip flops, and then walked to the door. She yanked it open and when she tried to walk out, promptly collided with something solid.

  Meredith’s jaw grew slack when she saw who it was, and she tried to close the door. But, Daric’s hand snaked between the door, blocking her so she couldn’t shut it. He pushed it open and walked inside.

  “Get. Out.” She said, turning away from him and crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t want to see you right now. I’m going to talk to Grant tomorrow and tell him that you’re not coming with us anymore.”

  “Meredith,” he said with a long sigh. “I’m sorry. My words hurt you, and I apologize. It was uncalled for.”

  “You bet it was!” she shouted, turning back around to face him. “Did you see them calling me…that word when you touched me? Did you see my past?”

  “What are you…” he paused and shook his head. “No, I didn’t use your stepparents’ words to hurt you. I’m afraid I did all that on my own,” he said, his head lowering.

  Meredith could hear the sincerity in his voice. Damn him. She didn’t want to forgive him. She wanted to hate him so she could stay away from him. So she could stop wanting him.

  “I know what I said was unforgivable,” he said somberly. “But I hope you’ll let me make amends.”

  “H-how?” she asked, in spite of herself. What she really should be doing was tossing the warlock out of her room.

  “Wait,” he said and walked back to the door. He picked up a large, brown paper bag he left on the floor. Walking back to Meredith, he handed her the bag.

  “What’s this?” She peered inside. Curiously, she took out a small, familiar package. “Oh, my God. How did you get all this chocolate? And The Little Mermaid?” Her eyes went wide at the green and white DVD box in her hands. “This is my all-time favorite Disney movie!”

  “I know,” he said with a small smile. “Dr. Cross was nice enough to help me procure these on short notice, even a
fter she gave me a few choice words when I told her why I needed them.” He gave a wince. “Do you happen to know why she would call me ‘a tap-dancing son of a monkey’?”

  Meredith snorted. “Don’t worry, Sebastian’s rubbing off on her. I’m sure she’s going to learn better things to call you.” She plopped back on her bed, turning the entire paper bag over, spilling all the contents on her bed. There was a huge pile of chocolate bars, a half dozen Disney DVDs, and two plastic-wrapped sandwiches.

  “You didn’t come out for dinner,” Daric said.

  She didn’t say anything, but ripped open a candy bar, biting into it. “Thanks,” she said, chewing through the nougat and chocolate. “Soooo good.”

  You know which treat you really want to bite into, her she-wolf said.

  I’m so happy eating my chocolate right now that I’m not even mad at you. I’m just going to ignore you while I get my fill of sugar.

  “Well, enjoy your evening,” Daric said, as he turned away.

  “Wait!” she called, waving the chocolate bar in the air. “I mean…have you eaten?”

  He gave her a small smile. “Yes, I’ve had my meal in my room.”

  “How about dessert?” she said, gesturing to the pile of treats on her bed. She then winced inwardly as she saw a strange look pass over Daric’s face. “I mean, chocolate. Obviously.”

  “I have to confess…I’ve never seen such a variety of chocolate,” he grinned.

  “Then come and try some.”

  Daric walked back and sat on the other edge of her bed, peering at her haul. He picked up one candy bar, opened it and took a bite. “Hmm…not bad.”

  “Not bad?” she asked in an exasperated voice. “Don’t you like chocolate?”

  “I’m afraid I don’t have much of a sweet tooth,” he confessed.

  “Fine, more for me!” Meredith said gleefully as she opened another package. “Hmmm….caramel and nuts…my favorite.”

  As she bit into the bar, she saw him watching her, his gaze dipping down to her lips. Heat rushed through her body, and it was a wonder all the chocolate didn’t melt right then and there. Jesus, he looked so sexy, sitting across from her, wearing jeans and a black tank top that showed off his arms.

  Grreeeoowwwl. Yum.

  Ugh, shut up. She shoved another piece of candy into her mouth, hoping it would quiet the she-wolf.

  “Meredith,” he began, placing his hands on his lap. “I really am sorry for what I said today. I hope you will forgive me someday.”

  She sighed. “I’ve said some bad things to you too, but never that personal.”

  “I know. Again, I’ll apologize however many times you need me to.”

  “I don’t know why…you know it didn’t hurt me much when they called me a…that word. I mean, after a while it was actually getting old,” she let out a nervous laugh.

  “No child should have to hear such an insult,” he commented.

  She bit her lip, trying to figure out Daric. He was confusing. One minute he was insulting her and the next he was coming to her, giving her chocolate. Did that saying about Greeks bearing gifts apply to heart-stoppingly handsome Vikings? As she lifted her head up, her eyes clashed with his. She was transfixed as she stared into them. They were like mesmerizing pools of seawater and reminded her of the Caribbean ocean. Blue-green and clear.

  “Daric,” she whispered softly.

  He moved closer, pushing the pile of chocolate and DVDs aside. His fingers touched her jaw, and she closed her eyes, allowing his scent to permeate through her senses. Rich, heady, and a thousand times more delicious than the actual treat she had devoured minutes earlier.

  “There is one line we cannot cross,” he warned. “And we are getting dangerously close to it.”

  Her eyes flew open and she held her breath when she saw how close his face was to hers. “You’re right,” she said, staring at his mouth. “So…totally…right…”

  Meredith gasped when his lips touched hers. His kiss was gentle and soft, not at all what she expected. She placed her hands on his hard chest, the skin radiating with heat even through his thin T-shirt. She moved closer to him, climbing onto his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her mouth opening up to him. A moan escaped her mouth as she tasted his tongue, the slightest hint of chocolate there making her melt against him.

  She wasn’t sure when his kisses became urgent. But before she knew it, she was on her back, and Daric was pushing her knees apart as he settled between her thighs. She wrapped her legs around him, heels digging into his back and she groaned when she felt his rock hard erection dig into her hip. Her panties flooded with wetness, and she eagerly rubbed herself against the ridge of his cock straining through his jeans.

  As Daric’s warm mouth continued to assault hers, his hand slipped between them. Large fingers skimmed over the wet spot on her panties, rubbing over her pussy lips through the damp fabric. She squirmed against him, pushing her hips up, wanting more.

  “Daric,” she moaned when he ripped his lips away from hers to travel lower, dragging his stubbly jaw against the soft skin of her neck. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to slip his fingers inside her when suddenly she felt the heavy weight of his body lift off her.

  She sat up quickly, breathing heavy as she watched him slink away from her.

  “I…I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “What?” she asked. “Why?”

  “Why?” He looked at her, then stood up. “You know why. This…cannot be.”

  “It’s just sex!” She shot to her feet. “Look, it doesn’t have to be this big thing…I’m not looking for that, and I know you aren’t either. But you want me, judging by the size of your boner,” she pointed out, gesturing to his lap.

  “That doesn’t mean I’m going to act on it,” he reasoned. “Meredith, I truly am sorry for what I said. For everything I said that hurt you, but you and I both know we can’t do this.”

  “Fine,” she said angrily. “Get out of my room.”


  “I said get out!” She pointed to the door.

  “As you wish,” he said with a curt nod before leaving.

  Meredith wanted to slam something. Preferably a chair. Into Daric’s handsome face. His rejection hurt, sending her she-wolf howling with pain. No, he was right, she told herself. Too many complications. There was an entire sea of complications if they went down that path. She had to focus on the task at hand and Daric would just be a distraction.

  With a sigh, she picked up the discarded candy and DVDs, sweeping them back into the paper bag. She couldn’t help but feel touched by the gesture, even if Daric was acting like a dickweed right now. God, she threw herself at him. Did she have no shame? She was gorgeous, had a killer body, funny, and had an amazing personality. She could sleep with any guy she wanted, given the chance; she didn’t need the attentions of a certain warlock who would just mess up her head and her life.

  She plopped back on her bed, considering taking a shower. She should at least change her underwear, as she had sacrificed another pair of panties to the sex gods, thanks to Daric. Rolling over and burying her face on her pillow, she groaned. His scent was sticking to her, and it wasn’t just because she had chocolate all over her bed. She should really wash it off, but the scent felt too good on her skin and clothes. God, what was she going to do tomorrow and for the rest of the time she had to work with him?


  “Meredith!” Archie’s voice was strained as he called her attention. “Stop daydreaming and think.”

  “But I’ve tried everything!” She stood up and threw the tools on the ground. “This is stupid!” She kicked the heavy old safe, but only succeeded in hurting her toe. She let out a string of curses.

  “Meredith needs to put like, twenty bucks in the swear jar!” Quinn laughed.

  “Shut up!” She grabbed a wrench and threw it at Quinn, who ducked out of the way. He stuck his tongue out at her.

bsp; Killian shot him a warning glare. “You can do it, Mer. We all have to go through it.”

  Connor gave her a confident nod, and then hit Quinn on the head, which made the younger man cry out in protest.

  The old man let out a sigh and walked towards her. “Meredith. You must learn patience. You’re young, I understand that, but you must try.”

  “Why do I gotta learn how to open this stupid old safe! No one uses these anymore!”

  “My dear, I’m trying to equip you with all the tools you need to survive. Lock picking, pickpocketing, safe cracking, self defense, your gymnastics training and dance lessons - all of these are tools you may need some day,” the old man explained. “What kind of mentor would I be if I let out you into the world without proper training and guidance?”

  “But this safe—”

  “Is an exercise,” he interrupted. “Patience and critical thinking. You can’t rush into jobs without a plan and you certainly need to be prepared when things go sideways. Now, go.”

  Meredith let out a groan. “Fine.” She kneeled down in front of the old safe and began to work on the old safe again.

  Sweat poured down her face as she tried to remember everything Archie had taught her. She knew the type of safe it was and the model, and based on that, she knew how many numbers there were in the combination. Placing the stethoscope in her ears, she took a deep breath and carefully turned the dial, listening for the soft click that indicated the right number.

  Twenty minutes later as the last number clicked into place, the heavy metal door opened.

  “I did it!” Meredith said, raising her fists in the air.

  “I knew you could do it!” Killian said, rushing over to her. “And you did it faster than Quinn or Connor did.”

  “Really?” she asked, her face breaking into a wide smile. “But not faster than you?”

  “No one is faster than me,” Killian teased. “Except Archie.”

  Archie strode over to them and clapped Meredith on the back. “I’m proud of you, Meredith,” he said. “For not giving up. Never give up. There’s always a way out of any situation.”


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