Tempted by the Wolf

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Tempted by the Wolf Page 12

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Eww, gross! And that’s different,” she reasoned. “And Connor would pound your face in. In his mind, I’m still his virginal little sister.”

  “Obviously, I’m not well-versed in female relationships,” he said. “But, you need to stop discussing such things with other people.”

  “I’m not taking out an ad in the New York Times,” she said in an exasperated voice. “Did you want to forget last night happened? Is that it?”

  Before he could answer, thundering footsteps going up the staircase to the inner lab caught their attention. Daric sighed inwardly in relief, not quite ready to answer her question. For both their sakes, they should forget what happened last night. But his cock had other ideas, and he shifted uncomfortably.

  “Meredith, are you in here?” Quinn’s face popped in through the door.

  “Quinn? How did you get here?” Meredith asked, frowning.

  “We got that Alynna chick to take us here. By the way, your scientist best friend is hot!” Quinn said with a grin. “I’m digging the naughty librarian look. She just needs the glasses.”

  “And I’ll be digging the way you’ll look burned to a crisp,” Meredith retorted, rolling her eyes. “So, what’s up?”

  “We just got a call from Merlin,” her brother said in a sober voice. “They found Sven. He’s in the hospital.”

  Daric felt a strange sensation, like his gut instinct telling him something important was about to happen. “We should go see him now.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The New York Downtown Hospital was unusually busy for a weekday morning. The three Lone Wolves, Meredith, and Daric walked right in without anyone stopping them. They made their way to the elevator and Killian pressed the button for the eleventh floor. “Merlin said he’s in 113A.”

  As soon as they reached the floor, they filed out, following the directions posted on the walls to the right room. Quietly, Meredith opened the door, walking in first into the near-empty semi-private room. Two of the sections had their curtains drawn, and after peeking behind the first one and seeing an older woman sleeping, she signaled to the rest that Sven was in the other bed.

  They approached the bed at the end, carefully slipping between the drawn curtains. A blonde man, probably in his late twenties, was lying very still on the bed. His face was covered in bruises, and a tube was stuck down his throat.

  “Looks like he was nearly beaten to death,” Quinn said as he looked over the chart at the foot of the bed.

  “What else do we know?” Meredith asked.

  “Not much,” Killian said. “Apparently, Sven had no other relatives or friends in New York. They called Merlin’s because he had the phone number written down on a piece of paper in his wallet.”

  Daric’s eyes narrowed at the young man. Something about him seemed familiar, but he couldn’t say where he had met or seen the man before. He surely would have remembered, though with his face in his current state, who knows what Sven really looked like?

  “Daric?” Meredith asked, a concerned look on his face. “Are you all right?”

  “Something about him…” he trailed off but moved closer to the man. “I need to know.”

  “Know what?” Killian asked.

  He paid the Lycan no mind, but instead, took a deep breath and placed his hands on Sven’s arm. Instantly, a jolt of energy rushed through him, and the visions filled his head. Tall cliffs. Greenery. Clear water. Wildflowers on a hill. Suddenly the vision changed. An older man in a hat, falling fast. Another man, dark haired, pushing him off the side of a building. And then blood everywhere.

  Daric let go of Sven, staggering back.

  “Daric!” Meredith cried as she grabbed onto his shirt. Connor gripped his shoulders to steady him.

  “What did you see in your vision?” Meredith asked. “Was it Archie?”

  He grew quiet but nodded. The first vision was strangely familiar, like a place he had been to before, but it was from a different perspective. That vision felt like it was all Sven’s, rather a memory. The second one, however, was different. That was not the man’s memory. It was one that was shared or sent to him, and the feel and colors of that particular vision were not only familiar but also known to Daric. “Let’s go back to Fenrir,” he declared. “We have much to discuss with the Alpha.”

  “Hold on, you can see the future?” Killian asked. “Did you see who killed Archie?”

  “Not quite,” he said and explained to the three Lone Wolves about his seer powers.

  “The man in the hat,” Quinn frowned.

  “That was Archie,” Connor supplied.

  “Possibly,” Daric said. “I didn’t see the dark-haired man’s face, but I know someone who might.”


  “My mother. It was her vision, which somehow ended up in this man’s head.”


  As they drove back to Fenrir, Killian called Grant and explained what happened. After getting clearance from Jared, Grant’s admin, they were able to take the private elevators to the penthouse executive level of the Fenrir Corp headquarters. Once there, they headed straight to the Alpha’s office, where Grant, Nick, Alynna, and Alex were already waiting for them.

  “So, this Sven,” Grant said after they arrived. “He’s somehow connected to Archie’s killer, and to your mother, Daric?”

  The warlock shrugged. “It seems like a coincidence.”

  “I don’t believe in coincidences,” Alynna interjected.

  “Neither do I,” Daric agreed. “Which is why I need to talk to Signe, she’s the only one who can shed light on the situation.”

  “I’ve spoken with Vivianne Chatraine, the leader of the New York Coven. Unfortunately, she won’t allow three Lone Wolves, especially ones unfamiliar to her, into their compound.”

  “Will Signe come here?” Killian asked.

  Grant shook his head. “She refuses to leave and wants Daric to come to her.”

  “Then how are we supposed to see her?” Meredith asked.

  “Daric should go to the compound,” Alynna said.

  “Meredith can drive him there,” Alex suggested.

  “What?” The blonde Lycan looked from Alex to Alynna to Daric.

  “It makes sense,” Grant said. “You’re friends with Vivianne’s daughter, and she already knows you. I’m sure she’d be willing to give you permission to come along. Daric, does that sound good?”

  “If I can see my mother, of course, Alpha,” Daric agreed.

  “Wait, you’re just going to let us go on a road trip?” Meredith looked at the four Lycans suspiciously.

  “I think you’ve proven yourself trustworthy and you’d still be in New York Territory,” Nick said, making Meredith’s jaw drop in shock. “Besides, you know you can’t really get away from us,” the Beta remarked, eyeing the ever-present tracker on her ankle.

  “It’s only three hours one way,” Alynna added. “If you leave early in the morning, you can be back by midnight. You’ll even have time for a leisurely lunch and maybe a quick dinner stop.”

  “It’s settled, then,” Grant said. “Take one of the cars and drive up to the coven compound. Talk to your mother and find out about the visions. If Archie’s death is connected to Stefan, then this is our best chance of finding out how.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Did you manage to get him, Victoria?” Stefan asked. “I told you this was an important job.”

  “He will not be able to talk, Master,” Victoria assured him. “Our men made sure of that.”

  “But he’s still alive?”

  “I—I’m afraid so.” Victoria bowed her head. “They said that the police came and they were spooked. But don’t worry, I’ll personally see that he will not live to see another day. Who is he, anyway?”

  Stefan rubbed his chin, and his eyes narrowed into thin slits. “I’m not sure, but our ally said that we had to get rid of him. The man was following him and had witnessed something important.”

  “Did he say w

  “I can only guess,” Stefan pondered. “Wait. Is there more?”

  “The place where he worked, it was a place where witches frequented. Merlin’s. And apparently, a couple of Lycans had paid a visit as well.”

  “What?” Stefan asked. “Were they after the man, too?”

  “We don’t know,” Victoria confessed. “We will keep an eye on him. If the Lycans show up again, we’ll know.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Meredith supposed that she was lucky this was only a day trip. It wasn’t like this was a big vacation or road trip. This was a job, the last job she would be doing for Archie and the most important one.

  It felt weird, being in the car with just Daric. Thank God for music streaming services, and she could at least listen to the radio at full blast as they sped down the highway. Whether Daric was disturbed that her road trip playlist included songs like Highway to Hell, Airbag, and Killer Crash, she didn’t know. The warlock hadn’t said more than a few words since they left Manhattan over three hours ago. Instead, he stared out the window, his face a neutral mask.

  “I think we’re almost there,” Meredith declared as they entered the town of Little Water, New York. After driving through the town, they followed the back country road for another 15 miles. They almost missed the turnoff that would lead them to the compound if Daric had not pointed it out.

  By the time they entered, two figures were waiting for them. One was an older, redheaded woman and the other was a tall, burly man wearing a plaid shirt.

  “Welcome, Meredith, Daric,” Vivianne Chatraine, leader of the New York coven, greeted as they exited the SUV. “How was the trip?”

  “Long,” Meredith said with a sigh.

  “Well, you’ll be happy to know, we have lunch ready,” the older woman said with a grin. “Hello, Daric.”

  The warlock stopped short, his eyes flickering in surprise. Intense blue-green eyes scrutinized Vivianne, and then he shook his head. “Forgive me for being rude,” he said with an apologetic bow.

  Vivianne shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Daric. I’m sure it’s shocking to see me, especially since Victoria and I are twins.”

  “But they’re nothing alike,” the large man beside her said in a gruff voice.

  “Oh, I’m sorry for being rude,” Vivianne laughed. “This is my husband, Graham Chatraine.”

  Graham eyed Daric suspiciously but gave the other warlock a nod.

  “Wow, this is Mr. C?” Meredith exclaimed. “But you…” she looked at Vivianne and back again at Graham. The witch had always seemed so classy and worldly. Meredith often joked with Lara that she wanted to be Vivianne when she grew up. And Graham? Well, with his white beard, he looked like Santa Clause, if Santa hit the gym every day the rest of the year when he wasn’t delivering presents. He was over 6 feet tall and had wide shoulders with thickly muscled arms straining under his shirt.

  The witch chuckled. “I know, I know. But trust me,” she said, giving Meredith a wink. “It works.” She turned back to Daric. “I’m sure you’re eager to see your mother. She’s been anxious and has been waiting for you. She’s back at the house.”

  “Thank you again, for helping her,” Daric said. “For that I owe you.”

  “We always help those in need,” Vivianne said. “You know that, Daric. You’re a warlock after all. Now, let’s go to our house.”

  Although Vivianne was chatting with Meredith, she only half-listened as she tried to sneak glances at the warlock. Daric remained quiet as they walked to the house at the end of the compound. What was he feeling right now? Anxious? Nervous? It had been years since he’d seen his mother, so she could only imagine.

  They entered Vivianne and Graham’s house and went straight into the kitchen. Next to the stove was a tall, but slight woman, stirring a steaming pot of what smelled like seafood soup. She had delicate, elfin features, and her closely-cropped blonde hair only made her look more pixie-like. As she turned to the newcomers, her blue-green eyes widened and filled with tears, and Meredith knew this was Signe.

  Signe dropped the spoon on the floor and then rushed over to Daric, embracing him in a tight hug. The warlock wrapped his arms around her, soothing her back as her frail body wracked with sobs.

  “Oh, forgive me, I’m sorry,” Signe hiccuped as she disentangled herself from Daric. “I’m just overcome with emotion.”

  “Yeah, someone’s been cutting onions around here,” Meredith said as she discreetly tried to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes.

  Signe’s gaze landed on the Lycan, her eyes scrutinizing Meredith. “Daric, who is your…friend?”

  “Mother, this is Meredith,” Daric introduced. “She drove me here.”

  Meredith bit her lip and balled her hands into fists to stop herself from smacking his stupid face. “Right. I’m the driver,” she said with only a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” She held out her hand, but Signe embraced her instead. Meredith was taken aback by the gesture, and she stood in the older woman’s arms awkwardly but sank into the hug after a few seconds.

  “Thank God you’re finally here,” Signe gasped, then shook her head. “I mean, thank you for bringing him here. For,” she looked at Daric, “driving my son here.”

  “No problem,” she murmured. “Just doing my job, ma’am.”

  “Call me Signe,” she said. She walked back to the stove and picked up the dropped spoon. “I’m so clumsy; please forgive me. I wanted to make some fiskesuppe for Daric. It was his favorite when he was a child.”

  “I remember,” Daric commented.

  “Graham was kind enough to go fishing this morning, so it’s quite fresh.”

  “I’ve also been making a pot roast and other fixings,” Graham added. “We can eat in five minutes.”

  “Will you help me set the table, Meredith?” Vivianne asked, and the Lycan nodded.

  After everything had been set up, they all sat around the large kitchen table for lunch. Meredith had a bit of Signe’s fish soup, which frankly wasn’t her kind of thing, but she politely finished her small bowl. She was more of a meat-and-potatoes kind of gal, so she was glad Graham had made pot roast, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Yummy…Vivianne Chatraine was a lucky woman because the food Graham made was better than sex.

  “Uh, thank you?” Graham answered in a puzzled voice.

  “And yes,” Vivianne said, flashing her husband a naughty smile. “I am lucky.”

  “Oh fuck-nuts, I said that out loud, didn’t I?” Meredith slapped her palm over her mouth. “Sorry.”

  Daric gave her a disapproving look.

  Oh God, Meredith thought. I’m such an idiot. And Signe must think I’m a trashy, foul-mouthed ho. She wasn’t sure why she needed the witch’s approval, but Signe having a good opinion of her felt important.

  “So, Daric,” Vivianne said, quickly changing the subject. “You really can’t stay overnight? I assure you you’re very welcome as long as Signe is here. She’s staying in one of the empty cottages, so there’s plenty of room for you and Meredith.”

  The warlock shook his head. “Thank you for your offer, but the Alpha wanted us back in New York right away.”

  “It does seem unusual, you two traveling alone.” Vivianne looked to Meredith. “I hope you understand about me not allowing your brothers to come here. I have to protect my coven, too.”

  “No worries. I’m just glad I can drive Daric here,” she said sweetly while giving the warlock the side-eye.

  “Thank you again. I’m so happy he’s found you,” Signe said, then quickly cleared her throat. “I mean, I’m so happy he’s found someone to bring him here.”

  “Uh, you’re welcome.” At least Signe was grateful. Maybe the witch didn’t hate her.

  “Now,” Graham began as he stood up. “I have dessert. Chocolate cake and coffee?”

  “Yes, please,” Meredith said eagerly. “I love chocolate.”

  “That she does,” Daric replied, whic
h earned him a dirty look from the Lycan.

  “I’m fine, thank you, Graham,” Signe said. “If you really must leave, then perhaps we should spend some time together? We can take a walk in the woods out back. You probably will want to leave for New York before it gets too dark.”

  “Yes, excellent idea.” Daric stood up. “Vivianne, Graham, thank you for your hospitality and the meal. We will be back in a few hours.” He helped his mother out of her chair and led her out of the house through the back door.

  Meredith remained seated, unaware she had a scowl on her face until Graham placed a plate with a large slice of chocolate cake in front of her. “This should help,” he said gruffly.

  “Uh, thanks…” She took bite. “Oh. My. God. This is the best chocolate cake I’ve had. If you weren’t married already…”

  Vivianne laughed. “Sorry dear,” she said, patting the younger woman’s hand. “You’re gonna have to find one of your own.”

  “Ew, no,” Meredith grumbled through another mouthful of cake. She swallowed and took a gulp of water. “I’m never getting married.”

  The witch sighed. “That’s what they all say.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, nothing. Would you like another slice?”


  Daric followed Signe as she led them down a path to the woods behind the Chatraine home. The leaves on the trees were already beginning to turn, and there was that crisp and cool feeling in the air that signaled the beginning of autumn.

  They didn’t speak at first, merely enjoying each other’s company. Daric had so many questions in his mind he wanted to ask her but feared bringing up the memories of her captivity.

  Finally, Signe spoke. “I’m fine, Daric, you can talk,” she said as if reading his mind. “Being here, surrounded by other witches, has been good for me. You can relax.”

  “I can’t, Mother,” he said, gritting his teeth. “Not while he is still out there. He must pay for what he’s done to you. You were his prisoner for eighteen years.”


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