Hidden Agenda: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Code Book 2)

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Hidden Agenda: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Code Book 2) Page 10

by Bethany Jadin

  “Needed? Hell, the night is still young.”

  Zoey looks at her phone. “Uh, it’s close to midnight.”

  “You have to work in the morning?”

  “No,” she admits, “but I have a feeling I should stop while I’m ahead. I got started early.” She lifts her wine glass in the air and eyes it suspiciously, but then takes a big swig, and her gaze drifts over to the other guys. “Christ, they’re like the best maid service ever. Think they’d wear uniforms?”

  I nod, watching as Trigg rinses dishes and hands them to Jude. Then Jude washes and passes off to Jax. Then Jax dries and turns to Daniel. In the center of them, Emma is bussing dirty dishes to Trigg and directing Daniel what goes where. It’s a good team. “I’m sure I could convince a couple of them to put on a Speedo and bow tie.”

  “Really? Even Jude?”

  “He might need a couple more drinks, but yeah, that guy’s an exhibitionist when he’s tipsy.”

  “I think we need to get him tipsy.”

  “I think we do.”

  It’d been over a year since I’ve seen him in that state, but he was about two ounces of Jack and Coke from joining Jax and I with our date in a hotel room. Hot damn, that would have been hot.

  Speaking of Jax, he’s sticking awfully close to Emma. And she’s giving him this look that has me thinking about the kind of activity I’d like to substitute for dessert tonight. After my motocross outing with Emma, I made it a point to have that talk with Jude he’d been trying to get me alone for. And holy hell, what a bombshell he had for me. I almost got a woody just from him telling me the barest of details. Jude assured me Emma’s no shrinking violet when she wants something. Then I asked if he sank the torpedo, and fuck if chief didn’t look like he was going to punch me.

  But it was worth it. Because now I know there’s no holding back. It’s an all clear on Miss Emma Collins. And I’m raring to go for it, especially after my talk with Trigg the other day. My best friend believes she needs the kind of let-loose and hot-damn I specialize in. Maybe with a little help from a friend.


  “Hmm?” I lean toward Zoey, trying to catch what I missed.

  “Jude in a Speedo, okay?”

  “On it.” I clap my hands, gathering everyone’s attention. “I have an idea.”

  “I’m not sure we want to hear this,” Daniel says.

  Trigg sloshes some dishwater at him. “Let the man speak.”

  “Two words.” I hold both my palms up, pausing for effect. “Strip. Poker.”

  “I can’t believe I let you convince me to do this.” Emma flings her cards down, shaking her head with pout, but I see the spark in her eye.

  “It’s time you all got a turn,” I say, giving a narrow glance around the table.

  “Why start with me?” Emma protests, waving an accusatory hand at Daniel. “He has a vest and tie on, for crying out loud. He’s wearing way too many layers for this to be a fair game. You should have made him strip some of that off.”

  I shrug unapologetically. “Yeah, but he doesn’t have boobs.”

  Jax laughs while Jude just shakes his head at me.

  Emma rolls her eyes and begins to unbutton her blouse. “I’ll have Zoey’s hide tomorrow for abandoning me halfway through this game.”

  I watch with rapt attention, but I’m not the only one. Eyebrows are raised in anticipation around the table. Daniel is pretending to focus on gathering the cards to shuffle for the next deal, but his eyes keep darting as she unbuttons past her bra. To hell with that; I’m openly staring. I won this round, finally, and I’ve earned it.

  From the very first hand, these fuckers ganged up on me. Even Emma and Zoey got in on it, giggling when I lost five times in a row and had to strip off one piece of clothing after another. Zoey went to bed a few hands ago, but Emma stayed planted in her seat, plotting with the other guys to take me out. And they’re damn close to succeeding.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” I warn Daniel when he pulls the deck of cards close to his chest. “In the open where I can see.”

  “What? You don’t trust me?”

  My voice goes up a couple octaves. “Hell no! You’ve been counting cards the entire time.”

  “I don’t cheat, good sir.” He purses his lips and gives me an offended look, but I’m not buying it.


  “You’re just a sore loser,” Trigg says.

  “I’m losing because you’re cheating. All of you. By the way, do you have another napkin?”

  The bastard smirks at me. “Nope.”

  I look around the table, but everyone shakes their heads, barely holding back laughter.

  Jax leans over and glances under the table then rights himself. “If you’d taken your socks off, instead, your ass wouldn’t be so cold.”

  I adjust in my seat, for two reasons. Primarily, because my boxer briefs are hanging from the ceiling fan and my sock-covered feet are the only part of my body still covered in clothing. But also because Emma is removing her shirt, and the sweet curves of her breasts are peeking out from her bra. My little napkin isn’t covering much, and it’s about to cover much less.

  “I don’t know why you guys are ganging up on me when we could have a totally naked foxy lady at the table.”

  “Tsk. Tsk. Your manners are straight from the Viking Age,” Daniel says, dealing out a new hand.

  “Are you calling me a brute?” I lift my right leg and rest my heel on the rung of his chair. “Call me a barbarian. Do it. I’ll lose the napkin, I swear to God.”

  Daniel shields his view. “Jesus Christ, put that away.”

  “Nope. You’re the reason my boxers are up there.” I point at the ceiling then luxuriously recline in my seat, wiggling my ass to find a comfortable position as Daniel doubles down on dealing the next hand, trying his best to keep his eyes on the table.



  I sit next to Emma, absolutely loving how comfortable she is sitting in her bra with a roomful of guys. Maybe she’s taken our conversation the other night about being herself to heart. Maybe it’s the free flow of wine.

  Either way, I’ve been by her side all night, and I have no desire to leave any time soon, even though the guys are starting to clean up after our card game.

  Gunner’s the designated whipping boy of the evening, and he’s in the kitchen, fulfilling the penalty of losing our strip poker game in spectacular fashion. As he washes our wine glasses, he looks over his shoulder at me, that apron he’s wearing not doing a thing to cover his naked ass. He makes an exaggerated sexy pout. “You going to bring your glass over here, or do you want big daddy to come get it?”

  Emma and I both laugh at the guy. He has a real way with words, that one. “I’ll come to you, big guy. You just keep that fine ass at the sink.”

  Gunner does a little butt shimmy dance while rinsing a bowl of cheesy tortilla chip dip and tosses a wink over his shoulder. “Oh yeah, that’s right — tell me where you want me.”

  I know Emma’s side-eyeing me as I watch him at the sink. Gunner has one hell of a body under that skimpy apron, and Emma’s been checking him out all night, too. I’m pretty sure we’ve done him a favor by getting him naked in front of her. He wanted to do the dishes in the buff, but Jude made him put on the apron ‘for decency’s sake.’

  “Would you like me to give it to Gunner?” I ask Emma, and she tears her attention away from Gunner’s chiseled rear end.

  She does a double-take before she realizes I’m pointing at her wine glass, but not before it’s obvious how incredibly salacious the thoughts running through her mind are. “Oh, yes. Please. Thank you.”

  “Or would you like more?”

  She blushes, shaking her head as if trying to clear her thoughts. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I get up and move to the sink, handing the glasses to Gunner. He gives me this huge grin, and I look back at Emma while deliberately giving the big man a goose on his naked ass.

>   “Yaow!” Gunner starts and jumps, but he quickly recovers, hitting me with an elbow square in the chest.

  I lean in for a whisper. “Say hi to the foxy lady. She’s been inspecting that ass ever since you stood up.”

  Gunner leans back and gives her a toodles-type finger wave. Sure enough, Emma jerks her eyes from his toned backside, nearly falling from her chair. She recovers as the other guys gather around her, asking if they can do anything for her before they head up to their respective penthouses.

  I take the moment of distraction to conspire with Gunner. “Want to stay behind for a while? I don’t think Emma’s done with the evening.”

  He takes a much more serious appraisal of the situation, lingering over Emma with the same kind of hunger I’ve been fighting all night. “Are you game?” he asks.

  I tilt my head and give him a what-the-fuck-do-you-think look. I’ve been ready since the first moment I laid eyes on her.

  Jude beckons to us. “You guys coming?”

  Gunner starts to snicker, and I whack him on the shoulder. “I’m going to help Gunner put the last few things away. Go ahead.”

  Emma sees the guys to the door, and by the time she’s back in the kitchen, my cock is stirring in anticipation. That look on her face tells me everything I need to know. She’s biting nervously on her bottom lip, but her eyes are full of confidence as she sizes up the situation, her gaze moving between Gunner and I.

  “Well, I’m all finished here,” Gunner says. “Meaning I don’t need this anymore.”

  True to form, he whips the apron off with a flourish and smacks it down on the counter, standing hands on hips, completely unabashed in his nakedness. Emma’s jaw drops. I don’t blame her. Not only does the big guy have one hell of an impressive physique, but the growing erection between his legs is an absolute beast. Nothing about Gunner is moderate.

  Silence settles into the apartment as Emma blushes, and when Gunner bounces nervously on the balls of his feet, I know he’s about to barrel forward with something that should probably take a little more tact. Or a lot more.

  I put my hand on his bare shoulder. “Emma might not be ready for full frontal nudity. Maybe she’d like you to put your pants back on?”

  We both look at Emma, who is frozen in place at the edge of the island countertop. She doesn’t say anything at first, but rather drinks in Gunner’s expansive form.

  “Oh my,” she finally breathes, and a hint of the fire stoking inside of her fans across her face. Maybe she is ready.

  “Want to join us over here?” I ask, holding a steadying hand on Gunner to keep him from moving too quickly in his excitement.

  Emma swallows, her eyes dancing from Gunner’s body to my face. “Okay.” She rounds the corner, approaching us cautiously, like a cat slinking up to something it’s fascinated by but doesn’t quite trust. “This is... um, not what I expected to see in my kitchen this evening.”

  “A nice surprise? Or should we head out and let you go to bed?” I ask, even though I can see the answer written all over Emma’s face.

  Her eyes trail back down Gunner’s chest to his growing erection. “It’s... nice. Really nice.” She clasps her hands together, her wrists twisting, and I can tell she’s dying to touch but doesn’t want things to move too fast.

  I whisper to Gunner, and he nods. “Go ahead, touch all you want,” I tell her. “He’ll keep his hands to himself if you want to explore. Won’t you, Gunner?”

  The big guy looks at me askance, his erection full now. The difficulty of practicing a restraint he is unused to is evident in those wild eyes of his, but he says, “Yes.”

  Emma bites her lip, a smile at the corners of her mouth as she looks at me. “While you’re watching?”

  The very question makes my cock pulse, but I manage to say, “If you want, or I can step out.”

  “Stay,” she says, her eyes fixated on me for an intense moment. “I want you to watch.”

  A satisfied grin pulls at my lips before I can help it, and she looks down and away, a flush spreading across her skin. My heart skips several beats as I think about tracing that pretty pink blush with my lips and tongue, all the way down her neck to her breasts. I decide I’m not done with drinks just yet and reach for the bottle of whiskey Daniel brought down.

  Her eyes keep flitting back and forth as I pour a few fingers of the amber liquid, but she’s slowly reaching for him. Gunner is breathing just as heavily as she is now, and if I didn’t know he has marathon level stamina, I’d swear he’s already about to blow. I take a leisurely sip, watching over the rim of the heavy glass as Emma’s fingers make contact with Gunner’s chest.

  Gunner closes his eyes, his lips parting as he reaches behind himself to grip the counter. His breathy groan gives Emma confidence, and she flattens her palm against his skin.

  “How does he feel?”

  Emma wets her lips, scanning Gunner’s naked torso. “Solid. And warm.”

  I smile, knowing exactly what she’s talking about. “There’s a lot of energy in that body. Keep going.”

  Hell. The sight of those two. Gunner, completely naked and on the edge of losing control. Emma, her breasts swaying as she steps nearer to him in only her bra and a pair of slacks. My jeans tighten, and I reach to adjust myself. Emma has two hands on him now, her palms smoothing up his chest and around his big shoulders.

  Gunner grunts, his cock twitching. “Can I touch her now? Please?”

  “Not yet.” I take another sip of whiskey, and my friend draws in a sharp breath as Emma slides a hand back south, her fingers tracing the lines of his tightly packed abdomen. “You need a drink?”

  Gunner nods quickly, and I hold the glass to his lips as he keeps hold of the countertop. He doesn’t sip. He takes three big gulps, downing all the liquid. I place the glass down, debating whether to refill it or suggest we head to the bedroom where we can get more comfortable. Emma edges a bit closer to Gunner, her fingers pointed toward the floor as she nears the base of his cock.

  I gently push off from the counter and circle around Emma’s side, running my hand up her bare arm. I lean in and kiss her shoulder, eliciting a rushed intake of air. Her skin is soft against my lips, and the scent of her, it makes my cock throb.

  Working my way across her shoulder to her neck, I nibble gently then to whisper into her ear. “He has a big cock, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes, very.” Her voice is heavy with arousal.

  “You want to stroke him?”

  God, the things she does with those lips. Her tongue runs over them before she bites her bottom lip between her teeth. “If you join me.”

  I slide my hand down her arm until I reach her fingers, and together we move our hands down Gunner’s body the last couple inches. With one hand gripping his shoulder, Emma wraps the other around the head of Gunner’s cock as I grasp him firmly at the base.

  Gunner lets out a breath in a shattered cry. He tips his head back with his eyes clenched shut as Emma stokes up and down, meeting my hand then back up again.

  Without letting go of Gunner’s thick shaft, I slide behind Emma, and she leans closer to Gunner to make room.

  I brush her hair from the back of her neck and kiss her skin, tracing a line up around to her throat until she lifts her chin for me. Running my other hand around her hip, I pull her against my body until my firm erection presses against her ass. “You like playing with his cock?”

  Her response is barely audible. “Yes.” Then, still soft but more confidently, “And I like watching you touch him.”

  “Would you like to watch while I go down on him?”

  Emma’s breath catches, and I hear her swallow. She doesn’t have to answer, I can feel the shiver of delight run through her body at the suggestion.

  It’s Gunner who speaks first, his eyes pleading. “Please tell me I can touch her.”

  I shake my head no and whisper to Emma. “You’re making him so hard.”

  She nods, her gaze trained on our hands working in harmon
y on his impressive erection. She speeds up, her eyes flickering up to Gunner’s face, watching his reaction.

  He sucks in another breath and lets it out with a shaky voice. “Oh, fuck.”

  I release my grip on Gunner, and Emma immediately takes over, stroking the full length. I slide my hands up her stomach to her breasts. Gunner’s eyes go wide as I tease the cups of her bra down, exposing her tits to him. Emma arches her back, leaning her head against my shoulder, turning her face to mine. I brush her soft lips with mine teasingly as I rub her tits and gently pinch her nipples, pointing them right at Gunner.

  “Fuck, you guys,” he says, gripping the counter so hard to keep from touching her that his knuckles are turning white.

  I glance at him as I kiss her. He’s nearly trembling from anticipation as he watches us, licking his lips. I know he wants to suck on her tits so bad it’s killing him.

  He’s dying, and I love it.

  Emma closes her eyes and lets out a moan as I play with her breasts, and I can tell from the expression on Gunner’s face that she’s tightened her grip on his cock. I’m ready to strip those pants off her, press her against Gunner, and fuck her right here in the kitchen. It’s a damn good thing Zoey’s sleeping off a long day of drinking, because I plan to make Emma cry with pleasure.

  “Now? Fucking hell, please,” Gunner begs.

  We lock eyes, and I give him one nod. Relief floods through his features, and he reaches for Emma, taking her face between his hands and kissing her deeply. Emma’s free hand wraps around his neck as she sinks into his kiss.

  I release the clasp of her bra and press her body firmly between ours, her breasts rubbing against his chest. Gunner’s hands are on her tits immediately, rubbing and squeezing.

  Emma pushes her ass into me as Gunner kisses her again. Wrapping an arm around her stomach, I pull her in tighter, grinding into her as I move my other hand back to Gunner’s cock. Together, we stroke him firmly. He’s harder than I’ve ever felt him.


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