Cosmic Cabaret

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Cosmic Cabaret Page 35

by SFR Shooting Stars

  My body is screaming at me to let him continue, and so he gets them down to the middle of my thighs before I cry out, “Wait!”



  “What is it?! What’s wrong?” I yelp, pulling my hands from her body as her dance shorts hit the floor. Afraid that I’ve pushed her too far too fast.

  She whips around to face me, her face clouded with uncertainty. The emotions rolling off of her just as chaotic and uncertain. And it feels like we’re perched on the edge of a precipice, like whatever happens next will determine if this is the beginning of something…or the end of it.

  I lower my hands to my sides, my eyes never leaving hers. “Nalani, if you don’t want to do this that’s fine, really. I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to, you know that right?”

  She runs her teeth nervously over her bottom lip. “It’s not like that, it’s just…”

  Something occurs to me as I watch her anxiously shift her weight from foot to foot. “Wait, is this your first—?”

  “Of course not,” she answers, sounding offended.

  “Than what is it?”

  “Have you…” her voice trails off as if she can’t bring herself to ask it.

  “Been with another daemon? No, you would be my first.” Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Was that what you were worried about—that you wouldn’t be special? Because I can tell you right now you’re more special to me than anyone I’ve ever been with—”

  “Ugh, it’s not that,” she huffs in exasperation.

  “Then what—?” I don’t get the whole question out before Nalani grabs my wrist, yanking the IdentiBand up my arm to reveal my purple rabbit tattoo.

  “Is it real?” she asks in a strange voice.

  “Of course it’s real. You know conventional contraceptives don’t work on Toresha Astari daemons. Look, I might be rather cavalier about my sex life, but not when it comes to the safety of my partner. I mean, I’m not anyone’s definition of responsible, but I’m not that level of ass—” Nalani practically tackles me, and we slam into the coffee table. “—hat.” The blown glass vase tips over with a loud crack, spilling its contents as it rolls over the edge of the table, and hits the plush rug. I look down at the vase as the water starts to drip over the edge of the table. “You know, for someone so tiny, you’re awfully strong.”

  She grabs my left horn, jerking my attention back to her. “I told you not to call me tiny, Moon Boy.”

  I arch my eyebrows at her, smugly. “To be clear, you told me not to call you Tiny Dancer.” She narrows her eyes at me. “Okay then, what would you prefer instead?”

  “I’d prefer you shut up, and fekk me already,” she says in a hard voice, yanking her double slit maxi skirt the rest of the way down.

  A mischievous grin spreads across my lips. “With pleasure.”

  I lay her gently on the foot of the enormous bed, her boots the only article of clothing still covering her body. As I start to untie the sash belt of my hakama pants, Nalani sits up, leaning back on her palms as if taking in a show. I whip the sash free of my pants with finesse like a proper strip tease.

  Nalani grins at me appreciatively as she slips her feet up the side of the bed until the heels of her boots come to rest on the top of the bed, her knees spread wide.

  My pants hit the floor as she spreads her knees even wider, the invitation to join her more than clear.

  “On or off?”

  “I’m sorry, what?” I answer distractedly, not processing her question.

  “My boots. On or off?” she clarifies.

  “Definitely off. I don’t want anything between me and your body,” I answer unevenly as I shimmy out of my boxer briefs as fast as daemonly possible, and drop down to undo my own boots.

  As I rise back up, Nalani beckons me with a curled finger. Sliding further into the center of the unmade bed. I drop down onto it, moving across the bed on my knees until I’m before her.

  I reach out, cupping her face as I kneel between her legs. Savoring the taste of her lips as I guide her back down onto the bed until I’m forced to stop from the difference in our heights.

  Nalani looks down the length of her body at me, her chest rising and falling in anticipation. And I just watch her for a long moment, revelling in the sight of her knees spread wide in welcome before I lower myself between them.

  I ease in slowly, bit by bit, watching her face for any hint of discomfort. But her expression shows the exact opposite of discomfort. And so I continue to press further until my pelvis bumps up against hers.

  Nalani sucks in a sharp breath, grasping the fabric of the bedsheets in her fists as her body arches upward. And a smug grin spreads across my lips. I love this moment. The one where it begins to dawn on them just how much fun they’re about to have. That searing moment of anticipation where their wildest desires could really happen.

  And I also love to draw it out as long as daemonly possible.

  I lean forward, brushing my lips teasingly across her skin. Loving the way her breath hitches every time my lips press against her. And the tiny spasms it sends through her body.

  “Will you just—?”

  “What?” I ask before trailing kisses across her skin. “If you want me to stop, ask me to stop. Otherwise stay easy. I’m in no hurry to be anywhere, but here with you.”

  Her body shudders beneath me as I trace patterns across her skin with my lips, her chest rising and falling more rapidly. “Do you have somewhere better to be right now, Na-lan-i?” I ask, punctuating her name with kisses.

  “Nooo…” she answers unevenly.

  I nip the bottom of her breast and she jumps, clearly not expecting it. I smile at her wickedly, deciding where to strike next. But she throws me a furious look, and I decide not to chance it.

  “Fine,” I say in mock exasperation as I straighten my arms. “We’ll save that for next time.”

  I start to move my body slowly against hers, exploring the way we fit together. Nalani’s so much shorter than anyone I’ve ever been intimate with, and that’s sure to make things a bit different.

  “Mmm…” she murmurs appreciatively as I start to pick up the pace. Sliding across her skin like a perfectly crafted machine.

  As we fall into a steady rhythm, Nalani extends one of her legs. Curving it inward until her heel brushes the small of my back. My body jerks away from her touch—momentarily startled—and my pelvis slams roughly into hers. I open my mouth to apologize, but the moan that escapes hers as our bodies collide, silences me.

  Oh is that how you like it? I reach back and grab hold of Nalani’s foot, extending it until I can loop my arm over her leg.

  “What are you—?”

  I grin impishly at her. “Trust me.”

  “I trust you,” she states, and my heart skips a beat. Because no one has ever said those words to me quite like that. Like they meant them with absolute certainty.

  “Let me…let me know if you need me to stop,” I say unevenly as I start to bend her leg slowly forward.

  She nods as she tips her head back into the pillow, her eyes sliding closed.

  I ease back into the rhythm as I continue to press her leg closer and closer to the surface of the bed. Nalani moans softly, her lips staying parted. And gods, I wish I could kiss her right now, because she feels so impossibly good against my skin. And I’m not even sure if it’s because she’s daemon or if it’s because I’ve taken the time to get to know her better than the others. But what I do know is that she’s gotten me there more quickly than usual and…and… Oh gods I’m close.

  I press in harder as her toes brush the headboard, and she gasps. Her body arching up into mine unexpectedly. And I pause for a moment, afraid that I’ve pushed her too far. “Do we need to sto—?”

  A loud smack rings out as Nalani brings the flat of her hand down hard on my ass. “Don’t you dare stop!”

  I grin through clenched teeth. My fingers digging into the fabric of the bed sheet
s as a delicious shiver runs through me. My body screaming for release.

  “Thrusters on full then.”

  I start up again, steadily increasing the tempo and force of my body against hers, wanting, needing to push her over that precipice along with me. And the result is nearly instantaneous. The powerful muscles of her thighs clamp against my side as her breathing becomes more erratic. Her whole body trembling beneath mine.

  “Kea…lan…I—” As her words cut off in a moan, I can feel us finally tip over the edge.

  Nalani cries out with every thrust as if she has been holding something in for an eternity, and now it’s finally breaking free. And I finally let go, joining her in the intoxicatingly, primal release.

  As her body stills beneath mine, I pull back. Releasing her leg and burying my face against her neck. Kissing her like I couldn’t before, because of the difference in our heights.

  Nalani moans, the sound reverberating against my lips. “If you keep kissing me like that, you’ll make me want you again.”

  I can feel myself start to go rigid at the suggestion of more. “I’m game if you are?”

  Nalani pushes against my chest, and I roll off of her with a sigh. Stretching out on my back beside her. I suck in a deep breath, letting it out slowly, my eyes sliding shut. Which is why I’m completely caught off guard when she suddenly straddles me.

  My eyes flash open as her knees slide outward until the whole of her weight is resting on my upper thighs. “This time I’m on top,” she states in a commanding voice.

  I run my hands up along her hips, yanking her abruptly toward me. A pleasurable gasp escapes her lips as our bodies slide together as perfect as an airlock seal. “Gods, I was hoping you’d say that.”



  I put my hands on the floor, stretching out my legs and back. My body a bit sore from the night’s exploits. Maybe that last time was a mistake. But even as I think it, memories of Kealan’s naked body sliding against mine flood the front of my mind with tempting sensuousness.

  I let my eyes slide closed, reliving the intimate moments. “Yep, definitely not a mistake.”

  “Are you sure about that?” he says suddenly, and my eyes flash open.

  I look at Kealan upside down from between my legs, expecting to see his normal cocky smirk plastered across his face. But instead I’m greeted with something far different. “What’s wrong?”

  “I woke up and you weren’t there,” he answers, folding his arms across his chest. His black hair is a disheveled mess, and for the first time outside the showers and the room last night he’s without a long coat of some kind.

  I let out a heavy sigh of relief. “And? I had a bazillion things to do for the opening tonight.” I straighten back up, arching my spine and stretching my arms. “I thought you of all people wouldn’t mind.”

  I turn toward him, and my face falls as I see the expression on his—the hurt clouding his cobalt-blue eyes. And realize I’ve made a terrible misjudgment. “I thought you were just being you last night when you said those things,” I admit, my heart starting to beat rapidly. “If I had honestly thought you—”

  “Meant it?” he finishes for me. Derision coating his tone. “You know I thought we had something special, but apparently you’re just like her. Just another girl looking to have a good time before choosing someone else.”

  “Her? Her who?”

  “Nothing. Forget it, I’ll see you later,” he says, turning back toward the entrance of the cabaret.

  “Kealan, wait!” He turns back toward me as if to say something, and I can see the truth painted clearly across his face. A truth I was never expecting to see. “Someone hurt you,” I state slowly, realization hitting me. “That’s why you jump from bed to bed.”

  His head jerks back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “What did she do to you?”

  “That’s none of your business,” he says in a hard voice.

  “The fekk it isn’t! The stunts in this show are dangerous if we can’t trust each other completely. So I’m not letting you on this stage until you tell me what happened.”

  He raises his chin defiantly. “I think you’re forgetting that you’re the one who needs me here.”

  “And I think you’re overestimating your importance in this production. I was doing this long before you arrived, and I can do it without you if you force me to.”

  He snorts, the sound ugly instead of playful. “Thank you for making it so plainly clear just how little I matter. I really needed that.” He turns and starts back toward the edge of the stage.

  “That’s not what I—Kealan, will you please just tell me what happened? It couldn’t possibly be worse than—”

  He whips back around as I reach out for him. “She left me, okay?! She was the only person I ever loved, and she ran off and eloped with my twin sister!”

  I freeze, my hand still extended toward him. “Kealan, I…I’m—”

  He turns his back to me, and I can feel him trying to suppress his emotions. “Don’t. Don’t pretend like you care. We had a grand night together, let’s just leave it at that,” he states, his voice sounding as if he is forcing the words out.

  Kealan takes a step away, and I grab his wrist, holding him firmly in place. “And what if I don’t want to leave it at that?”

  He turns slowly back toward me, and I can feel the chaotic energy rolling off of him. “Let. Go,” he practically growls.

  “Make. Me,” I counter defiantly.

  There is a heartbeat of tense silence, and I know one of two things is about to happen. Either he’s going to walk away and never come back, or we’re going to finally get past this. It all depends on what he does next.

  Kealan looks down at the hand I’ve got a firm hold on, clenching and unclenching his fist. My heart sinks as he rips his arm from my grasp. I should have known it would end like this. That a guy like him wouldn’t be willing to—

  He surges forward, pushing me roughly up against one of the eight pillars enclosing the circular stage. Catching me completely off-guard. As a shocked gasp escapes my lips, Kealan pins my hands above my head.

  “What more do you want from me? You’ve had your fun—just let me go,” he says unevenly, his chest rising and falling along with my own. His eyes wild and full of…


  And I know there’s just a gossamer thin barrier between us now. One tiny step farther and I’ll punch through that wall he’s erected around his heart. I could do it easily. Just one little kiss would bring the whole facade crashing down. But could I really do it? Do I really want to?


  I lean forward, gently pressing my lips to his. And I’m practically shaking as I pull away, because he’s not the only one who’s been hurt.

  “No. Some things are worth fighting for, and I intend to see this one through to the end,” I state defiantly.

  Kealan sucks in a sharp breath, and I see it in his eyes—the instant he breaks away from his past. He releases his hold on wrists as his lips find mine. And he kisses me like a desperate man seeking air in the vac of space. I’ve never been kissed like this—like I was the only thing in the galaxy that ever mattered.

  “I want you.”

  “Now?” he questions.

  “Yes, now,” I growl against his lips as I fumble with the sash belt of his hakama pants. Undoing the hastily tied knot, and yanking the sash free of his body. As his pants hit the floor I realize he’s completely naked beneath them. “Where are your—?”

  “I was in a bit of a hurry when I got dressed,” he answers as he grabs both sides of my dance shorts and yanks them off.

  I gape at him as my dance shorts hit the stage floor.

  “It seemed only fair, I mean you did deprive me of mine first,” he says with an impish smile, knowing full well that one typically doesn’t wear panties with dance shorts. And before I can say a word Kealan grabs my thighs, lifting me up. “Tell me to stop,” he comm
ands as my back bumps roughly against the stage pillar behind me.

  “No,” I counter as I wrap my bare legs around his waist.

  “Thank the gods,” he says breathlessly as he pushes into me, pressing me against the hard flat surface.

  “Ugh,” I moan as his body slides into mine. My head tipping back against the stage pillar.

  Kealan thrusts into me again and again. My ass beating out a steady rhythm against the pillar. And it’s not like the night before. No, this is hard, and fast, and oh so deliciously supernova. Like standing in front of a star engine, feeling the power of it thumping against your skin. Feeling it in your bones as they rev up the thrusters until it launches. And as we reach a fevered pitch, his fingers dig into the flesh of my hips. Pulling me closer, pushing him further. And as that intoxicating feeling washes over us I’m not sure which of us cries out louder.

  Kealan stares at me, his chest rising and falling, and I stare right back at him. He is every bit the lover he hinted he might be out there on the dance floor, and more.

  He opens his mouth to speak, but a timid voice interrupts from a short distance away. “Um…is that going to be in the show? ‘Cause if it is, we’re going to have to change your content rating for sure.”

  Kealan turns toward the stage manager—his hakama pants still around his feet and my legs still around his waist—and without missing a beat says, “No, sorry, this was a private performance.”



  I practically sashay up to the door of my suite—my hair still damp from my shower with Nalani—and extend my IdentiBand up to the sensor.

  “You’re awfully chipper for a dead guy,” a familiar voice states in heavily-accented Versal.

  I turn slowly. “Uncle Jaime?” I ask in confusion as someone much smaller slams into my chest.

  “My gods, we thought Kealan was dead!” my twin sister Kaela sobs in Daemotic into my shirt as she throws her arms around me. Her once-long black hair now a short bob in a riot of electric cranberry and purples.


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