Cosmic Cabaret

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Cosmic Cabaret Page 69

by SFR Shooting Stars

  He brushed the thought aside. Why the hell was he considering the staff uniforms instead of scanning the perimeter? Sure, Pitannah had grown into a beautiful woman, but he shouldn’t see her any differently than any other female he regularly came in contact with.


  “Are you angry with the girl all of a sudden?” Ruby asked. “Did she spill java in your lap while I wasn’t watching?”

  “What? No. Why?” he asked.

  “One minute you were smiling then you looked as if you wanted to stab something. What ever were you thinking?”

  “Nothing.” He flipped the menu over to read the other side and to partially hide his face. “The uniforms have gotten a bit daring, don’t you think?”

  “They’re the same uniforms they’ve used for the last three years,” Ruby pointed out.

  “Oh. Well…” He cleared his throat. “What are you having this morning?”

  She chuckled. “I think I’ll have the porridge and fruit cup then see if anything else appeals to me after we’ve read through the news.”

  “I need something more substantial than that.”

  “Of course you do. You need to keep that glorious form of yours at optimal working condition.”

  He groaned.

  “Oh, there’s Matleon and Kenin.” She waved at the couple who had just entered the dining room. “I’d wondered when they would make an appearance.”

  Their server approached the table. “Good morning, Ms. Ruby. How are you today?”

  “Wonderful, my dear. My friends may be joining us. Will that be a problem?”

  “Not at all.” The server waited while Ruby greeted her friends then took their drink orders and hurried off to fulfill their request.

  Vordol shook hands with both men then listened to their chatter with only half an ear. As it turned out, the men had been aboard Quantum for most of the week. They had decided to take an extended vacation and the talent search would be the culmination of their week.

  As they ate, the men shared the latest gossip with Ruby and warned her about a series of thefts.

  “If you brought any of your fabulous jewelry, you’ll want to keep it locked away so it doesn’t wander off during your stay,” Kenin cautioned her.

  “Were items taken from guest rooms?” Vordol asked the men.

  Kenin shrugged then reached for his cup. “We’re not certain. We haven’t been able to speak to any of the victims directly.”

  Matleon added, “I’ve heard that Quantum security is beside themselves over it.”

  “I’m sure they are,” Ruby said.

  As they chatted on, Vordol’s attention was drawn to the center of the dining room. A guest gestured in their direction and began speaking loudly about how they didn’t want to eat in the same room as a known traitor.

  He watched Pitannah rush to help the server who was trying to calm the guest. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but from their movements he guessed they were trying to relocate the guest, but the guest refused to move.

  Another member of the staff, likely a supervisor, joined the group.

  “What’s going on?” Ruby asked.

  “I think that guest is unhappy about something,” Matleon said.

  “Probably got picklepear jelly instead of the starberry.” Kenin and Matleon laughed but it didn’t distract Ruby for long.

  She looked to Vordol for guidance.

  “Just stay where you are and ignore it for now.” He activated his comm unit. “Zak. Yranac. Dining room. Stand ready.”

  “On the way,” came the response in his earpiece.

  The guest got to his feet. “How can you sit here eating knowing there is a traitor in your midst?” he demanded of the other guests sitting nearby.

  “Sir, there are no traitors here. If you would come with me, we’d be happy to have your meal delivered to your room so you can enjoy it in peace.”

  “Why should I leave? I’m not the traitor.” The guest gestured wildly, knocking the tray out of the server’s hands. “Get out of my way, you little bitch.”

  Pitannah, in an overly dramatic display of trying to get to the other server, tripped over the chair she had been standing by and launched a pitcher of some kind of drink onto the guest. As she and the manager attempted to blot the liquid off the guest, they both pulled back in horror.

  A child at one of the nearby tables exclaimed loudly, “Momma, his face is melting off!”

  The entire room gasped as the guest’s blue-green skin was revealed from under its disguise. A Terridine.

  “Get down,” Vordol commanded. He pulled Ruby to the ground beside her chair.

  Time seemed to slow as the Terridine pulled a blaster from its pocket and aimed it in Ruby’s direction. Vordol launched forward to get between Ruby and the Terridine and prepared himself to take the blast.

  Before the Terridine could fire his weapon Pitannah slammed the edge of her serving tray onto the Terridine’s arm. The blast hit a table not far from them instead of his target. Pitannah spun then hit the Terridine in the face with the broad side of her tray, knocking him backward and making him loose his grip on the blaster.

  The Terridine scrambled to his feet and yelled at her in Terridian. You will die too, bitch.

  Vordol leapt over two tables and around the patrons huddled on the floor. With a single thought, he triggered his tech to pump additional adrenaline into his system as he plowed into the Terridine. The need to keep the Terridian from attacking Pitannah overrode everything else. In a matter of seconds, he landed multiple punches to the Terridine’s face. Blood pounded in his ears blocking out everything around him.

  “Vordol!” Pitannah shouted. “I think he’s out.”

  He looked down at the Terridine he straddled in disgust. It seemed to be unconscious. The temptation to make sure it never woke up again rode Vordol hard.

  “Come on, big guy. You did your part. Let security take care of him,” Pitannah suggested.

  Vordol scowled at her before climbing off the Terridine. He couldn’t decide who he was angrier with, the Terridine for attacking innocent people or Pitannah for putting herself in danger. He drew in several deep breaths to calm himself. Yelling at Pitannah wouldn’t do anyone any good right now. “Are you all right?” he asked gruffly when he drew close to her.

  “Yes. I— I’m fine.” She reached for his hand and inspected his knuckles. “What about you?”

  “I’m fine.” He looked for Ruby. While he’d been subduing the Terridine, Zak had taken up position by Ruby and Yranac stood ready not far behind the Terridine. He nodded to both in thanks.

  Quantum security rushed in. The one in charge—ensign something—announced to the room, “If everyone will remain where you are while we sort this out, we would greatly appreciate it.” The dining room supervisor rushed to speak to the ensign. He pointed to the Terridine and then to Vordol.

  The ensign motioned two of his men to the Terridine. Those men applied restraining cuffs to the Terridine’s hands and feet. That simple act eased some of the tension holding Vordol rigid yet he remained on watchful alert. It would take a while for the effects of the adrenaline to wear off.

  Pitannah cleaned the cuts on his knuckles with a napkin soaked in water. “You don’t have to do that,” he told her even though he didn’t really want her to stop.

  “I know but I need something to do before I collapse.”

  “Why would you collapse?” He grasped her arm and scanned her from head to toe looking for injuries. “I thought you said you weren’t hurt.”

  “I’m not. I just…” She waved her free hand around in the air. “Now that the moment is over, I see how close we both came to being killed and I don’t know what to do with myself.”

  With a sigh of relief, he pulled her into his arms. The tremors running through her tiny form disturbed him. “You’re fine. I’ve got you.”

  She grabbed onto his shirt and nodded against his chest. He looked over her head toward Ruby. Zak had helped
her up and into her seat. Ruby waved to him to let him know she was fine.

  “Sir, I understand you are with Ms. Ruby?” The ensign asked as he approached.

  Vordol relaxed his hold on Pitannah. “That’s right.”

  “If you don’t mind, we would like to speak with you and Ms. Ruby.” Ensign Rutland—at least that’s what his name tag displayed—said to Pitannah, “Miss, if you and the other young lady would go with your supervisor and Officer Jinaro. We need to get your statements on an incident report.”

  She stepped out of Vordol’s embrace. “All right.”

  Vordol fought the impulse to keep his hold on her. “I’ll check on you later after I have Ruby settled,” Vordol promised her.

  She nodded then followed Officer Jinaro toward the employee entrance.

  Other servers had flooded in and were assisting guests to areas of the room that had been previously undisturbed. Security personnel questioned guests and one by one then released them.

  Vordol followed Ensign Rutland to where Ruby was seated. Matleon and Kenin fussed over her and were even more animated than before while Zak looked on with a semi bored expression on his face.

  “Ms. Ruby Rose?” the security leader asked as he approached. “I’m Ensign Rutland. I need to ask you a few questions.”

  “Please have a seat, Ensign.”

  “Thank you.” He pulled out the chair closest to her and sat down.

  Vorol moved next to Zak. “She okay?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Shook up, but fine. She was more worried about you,” Zak told him.

  Vordol listened while the ensign questioned Ruby then took a seat to answer those Rutland had for him.

  “And neither of you had seen the attacker before?”

  Vordol shook his head.

  Ruby told him, “No. Not that I’m aware of.”

  “All right.” Ensign Rutland looked to Vordol. “You’re both free to go but I may contact you again if anything comes up.”

  Vordol nodded.

  “That’s fine. We’ll be here for three more days,” Ruby added.

  “So, you’ll be staying then?” He glanced at Vordol. “Today’s incident didn’t scare you off?”

  “Of course not.” Ruby’s tone indicated she was offended he had even thought it. “It will take a lot more than one Terridine for me to abandon my talent search.”

  “My apologies.” Rutland smiled. “Most people would be overwhelmed by what you experienced today.” He gestured to the room in general. “I expect half of these guests to check out before long.”

  Ruby sniffed indignantly.

  Vordol helped Ruby from her seat. He told Rutland, “I’ll check in with your department after I escort Ruby back to her suite. I’m sure she needs to dress for tonight’s activities.”

  “Of course.”

  Vordol gestured for Zak and Yranac to go with them. On the way to Ruby’s suite she asked, “Do you still think all the good women are extinct?”

  He grumbled under his breath, “Pitannah shouldn’t have gotten involved. She could have been hurt.”

  “But she wasn’t. And she probably saved both of our lives.”

  “Without a doubt she did.” He didn’t want to think about the danger she put herself in but Ruby was right. He would probably be dead.

  When they reached the suite Vordol unlocked the door. He motioned Yranac ahead of him to check the space while Zak guarded the hall. Once they were satisfied it was safe, they allowed Ruby to retire to her room.

  Vordol, Zak, and Yranac reviewed the day’s events. They all agreed it was likely a single incident but that they should remain alert to another attack. Yranac promised to keep tabs on the security reports in the system to ensure the Terridine remained in custody until it was transported off Quantum.

  After Zak and Yranac left, Vordol sent a message to Solir, one of his brothers, asking for intel on Pitannah—everything since she left for University. He also asked him to dig up anything he could on Harec’s death.

  Then he headed to the suite bar. It was a little early to start drinking but damn if he didn’t need one.


  Pitannah had never been so happy for her shift to end. With all the excitement in the dining room and so many guests checking in and out, Quantum management had called for all-hands-on-deck. Daloya and Trenna had been messaging her all day after they found out she had been right in the middle of the Terridine attack. There would be no way to avoid giving them details of the incident.

  Despite the urge to crawl into bed and forget the day, she headed to Tavern Lounge to meet the girls. In truth, after the day she had, she needed some time with her best friends.

  Pitannah ran into Trenna when she stepped into the darkened foyer of the bar.

  “You look like you’ve been put through the wringer, girlfriend.” Trenna wrapped Pitannah in a hug.

  “I feel like it too,” Pitannah admitted as she returned the hug.

  “Come on. You need a drink.”

  “So much,” Pitannah agreed.

  They found Daloya seated at the table they often used in the back of the bar. Pitannah groaned as she sank into the chair next to Daloya.

  “That bad, huh?” Daloya asked.

  “Pretty much,” Pitannah said.

  “You sounded like it on the comm earlier. That’s why I went ahead and ordered a pitcher of star berry buzzers.”

  “I love you,” Pitannah said with a sigh.

  The server set the pitcher and three glasses on the table. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Just our usual orders?” Trenna suggested.

  Pitannah and Daloya both nodded.

  “Got it. I’ll be back with your food quick as I can,” the server said then disappeared into the galley.

  Daloya poured the bright yellow liquid into all three V-shaped glasses then each of the girls took a long sip.

  The cold liquid sliding down her throat left tingles as it went. Pitannah licked her lips savoring the tangy mix of sweet and sour. “That’s really good.”

  “Yeah, that really hits the spot,” Trenna said.

  “Okay, sweetie. I know you were pretty shaken up earlier. What really happened?” Daloya asked.

  Pitannah took another sip then recounted everything from the moment she walked into the dining room until Officer Jinaro let her return to work.

  “You really hit the Terridine with your tray?” Trenna asked. “Twice?”

  Both girls were wide-eyed with disbelief.

  “Yeah. I don’t know what I was thinking,” Pitannah admitted.

  “Um, that you didn’t want tall, dark, and sexy to get blown away?” Daloya’s tone held the implied duh.

  “Well, no, I didn’t. But, damn.” Pitannah took another long draw on her drink. “That Terridine was pissed at me.”

  “I bet he was,” Trenna said.

  “What did what’s his name do? Vordol? Did he fall down and kiss your feet for saving his ass?” Daloya asked.

  Pitannah snorted. “Hardly.”

  “Why not? He’s alive because of you.”

  “True.” Pitannah drew the word out. “I think he was little angry.”

  “Why would he be mad?”

  “I don’t know. Just a feeling I had after.” What if Vordol resented her interference? After all, it was his job to protect Ruby. She may have injured his pride by stepping in. She bit her lip. That had certainly not been her intention.

  “He was the guy your papa trained that summer before we left for University, right?” Daloya asked.


  “I’ve only seen him at a distance but what I’ve seen looks damn good. I don’t remember him being that hot before. If he was and you didn’t stake a claim on him back then I’m going to be forced to recall your girl club card.”

  Pitannah laughed. “He looked a little like he does now, but not quite.” She gestured to her own chest and arms with her hands. “He’s definitely bigger. And more….”

nbsp; “Sexy?” Daloya asked.

  “Muscle-y?” Trenna chimed in.

  “Yes, to both,” Pitannah admitted.

  Trenna raised her glass in a salute. “Here’s to sexy men. We thank God for them.”

  “Amen.” Daloya and Pitannah clinked their glasses against Trenna’s then took a drink.

  “He is pretty hot,” Pitannah said with a sigh. “And extremely protective of Ms. Ruby.”

  “I would hope so,” Trenna said. “He is her body guard, after all.”

  “No, I mean they’re closer than just boss-employee. That’s why I was surprised when he reacted the way he did when the Terridine started to attack me.”

  Trenna’s eyes widened in alarm and her voice dropped to a near whisper. “You don’t think he’s sleeping with Ms. Ruby, do you?”

  Pitannah’s nose crinkled. “Ewww. No. I’m pretty certain he’s not.” She waved the thought away. “He said she’s like an aunt to him because she and his foster mother were close friends.”


  “Did it occur to you that he might be protecting you?” Daloya pointed to Pitannah with her glass.

  “Why me? I’m not his client.”

  “No, but you are someone from his past. And it is possible that he cares about you on some level.”

  “Do you really think so?” The idea that he might made Pitannah’s heart flutter.

  “Only one way to find out.”

  Trenna nodded. “Ask him.” She shrugged. “Or just sleep with him. You know, whatever works for you.”

  Pitannah blinked as mental images of a gloriously naked Vordol assaulted her. Visions of him doing dozens of different naughty things to and with her. “I wonder if he….”

  “Looks good naked?” Daloya asked.

  “Has a double pronged penis?” Trenna asked.

  Pitannah and Daloya’s mouths fell open. Then, all three of them doubled over in another fit of giggles. Thankfully, the server arrived with their dinner orders before their conversation took a worse turn. When they’d finished eating, the girls insisted on going to Daloya’s room for a surprise.

  “What do the two of you have up your sleeve?” Pitannah asked as Daloya let them into her cabin.


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