The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2) Page 2

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "Come on, let's go. Do you want something to drink before we go to the hospital?"

  Melody shook her head. "I think I'll be okay." His hand on her arm, he led her to his own truck, which was bigger than the one she'd just been in. It would be nice to sit in a vehicle and not be so crowded.

  "Don't mind the mess. It's been the least of my concerns lately." Jameson put her bag in the backseat.

  He wasn't kidding. The inside was a bit of a mess. He shot a sheepish grin her way when she clicked her seatbelt in.

  "I'm so sorry about all this. I'm sure you've had a long day."

  "Don't worry about it. I'm a night owl anyway." Jameson started the truck. "I'm just glad you got here when you did. Who knows what could have happened?"

  "Yeah, good timing," Melody muttered, letting her mind wander.

  What the hell was she going to do?

  No place to stay, no money, no one she could trust.


  Maybe, if she went to a pay phone, she could call-.

  No. No way. She'd be traced. God, but it killed her to not know what was happening back home.

  She sighed.

  "Are you all right?" Jameson asked.

  Whoops. She hadn't meant to do that out loud. The last thing she needed was a sexy stranger's inquiry about her.

  "Yes, I'm fine. It's just been a long night. Long ride." She ran a hand through her tangles, wishing she had something to pull her hair back with right about now.

  A country song played softly from Jameson's stereo. The female singer's voice caught Melody's attention.

  "Wow. Who is this?" Melody pointed to the radio.

  Jameson turned it up and smiled. "Do you like it?"

  Melody was entranced. "She's amazing!"

  Jameson stopped at a red light. "That's my band. The singer is Avery."

  Melody widened her eyes. "You're in a band?" Avery … that was the name Lucas said earlier. His fiancée. That must have been what Jameson meant when he'd mentioned practice. Band practice. And a show. They had played a show earlier?

  Jameson nodded. "Yep. I'm the lead guitarist for Baby Stetson. I've been listening to the tracks because we're working on our demo. When you saw us at the inn, we'd just come back from a few shows out of town."

  "Wow. I've never met anyone in a band before." Melody leaned back in the seat, allowing herself to get lost in the song.

  Music had always been a part of her, but Melody never let anyone know just how much she wanted to go into music. How many song lyrics did she have stashed away? She'd been writing since she was a teenager. Being in a band, or even just bringing her music to life, had always been a far away dream.

  "It's a blast. We play a few shows a week, and now we're trying to spread our wings a little bit. Though right now, our lead singer is about six months pregnant, so we aren't going to be playing as often."

  "Well the best of luck to you. I love the music, and her voice!"

  "Avery definitely shocks people when she opens up to sing. She's stunning all the way around."

  There went that tone. What was the history between Jameson and Avery? And did Lucas know about it? Not that it was any of her business. It was just interesting.

  "We're almost at the hospital," Jameson announced after a few moments.

  "I hope Shelly's doing okay," Melody said softly.

  "I'm sure she is. It's a great hospital. They take care of everyone. Are you ready?" Jameson killed the engine.

  She looked over at him. "You're coming with me?" He didn't have to. It was kind of him, but Melody didn't expect it.

  "I'd like to find out how she is, too. And what are you going to do, stay here all night? I could take you back to the inn after a while."

  Melody looked down.

  "Mary?" Jameson's voice was low, questioning.

  "I'm not sure what I'm going to do," she finally responded, tears filling her eyes again. "I didn't expect any of this. I don't have extra money for a place to stay. I couldn't just leave Shelly, and the bus broke down."

  "You're in luck. I know the people that run the inn. I can help you get set up for a night, and then you can take it from there. Take it easy, don't cry." Jameson reached for her hand. Melody looked up at him, into his eyes and the concern she saw there made her want to cry more.

  "Thank you. I don't want you to have to go out of your way, I-" She couldn't even get the words out. She had to admit, a night in a warm bed sounded good. The town seemed decent enough, but it just wasn't far enough away.

  Was anywhere? She wouldn't be at ease until she knew how things were back home. Maybe it was better to not get someone involved. Maybe she should find away to flee. Keep going east.

  "Really, it's no trouble." He looked at her strangely, but said nothing more.


  What a night. Jameson walked briskly with Mary and kept glancing over at her. She was fidgety, nervous and very reserved. What was her story? If Jameson didn't know any better, he'd think she was running from something. Or hiding something. He'd noticed that same kind of attitude when Lucas came into town, and look how that turned out. But at least it worked out. He wasn't sure about Lucas at first, especially when he and Avery hit it off, and was surprised when they became friends.

  Something was certainly off about this woman, but it didn't mean he wouldn't help her.

  Jameson led Mary into the hospital and just as he went through the sliding doors, memories slammed him. He'd been to this hospital too many times in the past year. First, his dad, and then just six months ago, Avery had been brought here after that hell of a storm.

  God, he hated hospitals. If he never had to see one again, he would be fine with that.

  Jameson headed toward the information desk and cleared his throat when the woman didn't look up right away. "Hi. A woman was just brought here a little while ago? Pregnant and in labor? Her name is Shelly. This woman here is a friend of hers and Shelly had asked her to be here." Jameson pointed to Mary.

  The woman's brows raised. "Oh, I know who you are talking about. There have been a few reporters here asking about you."

  "Me? Why?" Mary's voice squeaked, raising an octave. Jameson turned his head to look at her. Mary's face paled and she began to tremble.

  Okay. That was a sure sign something was wrong.

  She was most definitely hiding something.

  Damn it, what the hell had he gotten himself into now?

  "Nothing is wrong, ma'am. It's a small town, and they're just looking for a story. We don't usually get big news here, except for the media frenzy we had over one of our locals a few months ago."

  Jameson shot the lady a look, wishing she wouldn't bring that up now. The media had finally started to leave Avery and her family alone.

  "Sorry. I forgot you used to date her," the woman said, cheeks flaring red. She looked away from Jameson.

  Mary's stare burned his skin.

  "Your friend is in the delivery room. I'm afraid right now you won't be able to go in. If you want to wait, go down that hall and make a left. I can let a doctor know you are looking for her."

  Mary hesitated. "I just want her to know she's not alone. But I'd rather avoid the reporters, if all possible."

  "Oh, security has already forced them out, but I wouldn't be surprised if one was still lurking around somewhere." The woman pointed. "If you go down that hall, all the way to the left is where you'll want to go."

  "Thank you." Jameson nodded and turned to Mary. "Do you want to hang out here for awhile and see if you can find out about Shelly?"

  Mary bit her lip, eyes wide. "I should." It sounded like she had something else to say, but didn't continue.

  "Come on. We'll see if we can at least find out how she is."

  She nodded and followed him. "Okay." When they walked through the double doors, Mary grasped his arm and pulled him to a stop. "Wait," she whispered, peering around him as if expecting the boogey man.

  It grabbed his curiosity, for sure.

p; Jameson's phone went off, signaling a text message. He pulled it from his pocket and read Lucas's text.

  Are you at the hospital? Is that woman and baby all right?

  Jameson typed a response.

  Here now. Don't know how the mom and child are. The other woman sure is fidgety. She's got something to hide.

  Jameson waited for a response while he sat with Mary in the waiting room. "As soon as we see a nurse or someone, we can ask them. If you still can't go back, then if you want, I'll get you settled at the inn and maybe come back in the morning."

  Mary huddled in the chair, still looking around. Color had finally returned to her face. Something was off. Way off. His neck tingled.

  "Are you running from something, Mary?" he finally asked.

  She glanced up at him, her eyes wide. "What makes you think that?"

  "Well, you are nervous, you seem to not want reporters or anyone else to see you. It was just a guess. You don't have to tell me a thing, but if something is wrong, I'd like to know if there's anything I can do to help." Why did he go and say that? What a stupid move. Damn, he wished he'd just gone home earlier instead of staying around with Lucas. He'd agreed to help out with a couple projects at the inn that Lucas had been working on, and Jameson could have easily walked home. Then maybe he wouldn't be here right now, wondering what the hell this woman had to hide.

  "That doesn't mean anything. Maybe I'm just tired. I've been on a bus most of the last day and a half." Her face reddened, and she looked away.

  Okay. She was edgy. So either she was running from someone, or maybe she really could be just exhausted.

  He had a feeling it was much more than that.

  A doctor entered the room, not really paying attention to them, but Jameson waved him over. "Excuse me? We're looking for some information on a woman that was brought here awhile ago? Her name is Shelly."

  The doctor looked up at them. "Are you family?"

  Mary shook her head. "No, but she wanted me to be here. We were riding the bus together when we got stranded here and she went into labor. I have no idea who her family is."

  "I'm afraid I can't let you back there, but she has been asking about a woman with your description."

  "Can you at least let us know how she is? She was so frightened, and she said she wasn't due for another six weeks or so. And maybe give her a message that I at least tried to stay with her?"

  The doctor hesitated, then nodded. "She's still in labor. We're trying to stop it, being that it's so early, but she's so far along now, she may have to deliver. It's pretty intense. If you give me your name and information, I'll at least let her know. That's the most I can do."

  Mary nodded. "My name is Mary. Just let her know I'll come see her when I'm able."

  The dark haired man shot them a sympathetic look. "I'll let her know." Then he rushed through the corridor and left them alone.

  Jameson turned to her. "I guess that's that. Do you want to go get a room at the inn?"

  "Are you sure about this? I'd hate to take advantage of you."

  Jameson put a hand on her shoulder. She gasped at his touch and pulled away, flinching. Okay, so that was a bad move. He quickly retracted his hand, stuffing it in his pocket. "First off, you're not taking advantage. I want to help."

  "You don't even know me."

  Jameson sighed. Stubborn, too. "You're right, but it doesn't mean that I can't lend a hand to someone in need."

  She nodded, finally looking up at him again. He saw the deep color of her eyes, and they welled with tears. "I'm sorry. I'm running on very little sleep and my adrenaline is winding down."

  "More reason to get you to a place to rest. If you'd like, I'll come back in the morning or early afternoon and bring you back here to see your friend."

  "You'd do that?"

  She sounded so surprised. Someone must have done a number on this woman.

  "Sure. I don't work until late in the afternoon, so my morning is free. Come on, let's get out of here. I'm not very fond of hospitals." Jameson stood, ready to leave.

  "I really appreciate this, Jameson," she said softly.

  "It's no problem."

  The ride back to the inn was awkward. Even with the music on the radio, Jameson felt the tension in the air. He had so many questions he wanted to ask Mary, but frankly it was none of his damn business. He had no reason to become invested in what was going on with her.

  Why did people come to town with secrets lately? They just led to a lot of trouble.

  Chapter Two

  Melody had the best sleep in ages. Nine full hours. Holy crap! When she opened her eyes the next morning, it took only a second to remember everything. She was in Texas. For the life of her, she couldn't remember the name of the town. It was made up of two words, but that's about all she could recall.

  Now that she had a night of good rest behind her, today she had to figure out just what the hell she was going to do. She worried about Shelly, but she also worried about her next move. She couldn't just hide out here. It was still too close. She was supposed to be in Georgia.

  Damn it!

  Last night, that kind man Jameson had paid for her room. Melody tried to protest, but he waved her protests away. Why was he being so nice to her? What reason did he have? Melody learned a long time ago that someone didn't do nice things for nothing.

  If that weren't true, she failed to see any proof.

  So what in the world would Jameson want?

  Maybe he doesn't want anything. Did you ever consider that?

  Someone knocked on her door. Her breath hitched, heart racing a minute until she realized it was probably just Jameson. He did say he would come by later today to check on her.

  Every time she heard a strange sound, she was going to wonder if they were coming to get her. That fear wouldn't go away until she knew what was happening back home.

  She walked up to the door, placing a hand on the knob. "Who is it?"

  "Mary? It's Jameson."

  She heaved a sigh of relief and opened the door.

  "Good morning," he said with a smile.

  Now that she saw him in the light of day, she admired his smile. He wasn't as tall as Lucas or as muscular. And his hair! Those blond curls! She could just imagine running fingers through them.

  What the hell am I doing, checking him out like that?

  The last thing she needed to be doing was checking out a guy. Sheesh.

  "Morning. Thank you again for all you've done. If you'll give me a few minutes, I'll be ready to go, unless you've changed your mind."

  He shook his head. "I haven't changed my mind. I called the hospital before I got here. Shelly ended up having her baby, and she's settled in a room. She is allowed visitors. I bet she'd be real happy to see a somewhat familiar face right now."

  Melody nodded. He was right. "Okay. I'll be ready in just a few. I got up a little while ago." She closed the door softly, rushing to get dressed. At least she didn't have to repack, because she'd never taken anything out of her bags. That way she would be ready to go if she needed to make a run for it.

  Her reflection in the mirror registered a face that looked a lot older than her twenty nine years. She shuddered and turned away quickly.

  Less than ten minutes later, she re-opened the door, her purse and bag slung over her shoulder. Jameson wasn't the only one standing there anymore. Melody recognized Lucas from last night, and next to him stood a blonde woman with a rounded belly. Ah. That must be Avery. Why in the world were they all standing outside her door? Did everyone want to get a glimpse of the girl that caught the attention of some of the town last night? Damn small towns and their wildfire-like news that seemed to make everyone curious. The blonde eyed her strangely.

  "Um, hi." Melody stopped short. She had no idea what to say to them.

  "Mary, you remember Lucas from last night. This is his fiancée, Avery. Her parents run this inn." Jameson smiled.

  Melody nodded a hello at Lucas and met Avery's stare. Why would
n't she stop watching her with that look in her eyes?

  "I just wanted to see how you were this morning. I hope you found everything to be comfortable," Lucas finally said. He had an arm around Avery's waist.

  "It was nice. I slept better than I had in a long time. Do any of you happen to know if any arrangements for the bus were made? I know some people came to the inn last night, but when I went to the hospital with Jameson and came back, I was so tired that I lost track of how things went." If there was a chance that bus was still there, or they could still get a new one, she had to jump on it. Even if it meant she had to skip saying hello to Shelly. She couldn't afford to miss her opportunity.

  Lucas frowned. "The bus left this morning."

  Melody gasped. Her knees turned to rubber. She was screwed. Oh damn, damn! What did she do now?

  "Are you all right?" Jameson asked. He reached out to steady her.

  She shook her head. "I needed to get on that bus." She ran a hand through her hair.

  "I'm really sorry about that. If I had known..." Lucas trailed his voice off.

  Melody shook her head. "No, it's not your fault. I should have paid better attention."

  "I'd better go. I promised your parents I'd do a few things for them. Are you going back home?" Lucas asked Avery. At least she finally stopped giving Melody the evil eye, but she hadn't said anything yet.

  Avery sighed. "I'm getting a little restless."

  "Honey, I know. But the doctors said..."

  "I know what they said, Luke. But I'm going stir crazy. I do feel better this morning. I can't hide forever. Other than the concerts, I took it easy on the trip."

  Melody wished she could be somewhere else right about now. This was a bit awkward.

  "Luke, Avery can come with us for a while, and then I'll hang out with her until I have to go to work. I'll make sure she doesn't over do it," Jameson said. He looked quickly at Avery, then at Melody.

  Great. So now Avery would be hanging around, and she didn't seem to like her. Oh well. What could she do about it?

  "I am right here, you two." Avery gave a small smile.

  "I know where you are, sweetheart. I can see you. I'm not trying to be a pain, but I'm worried about you. I wish I could do something more." Lucas hugged her. "I've got to go. Take it easy, and try to eat something. I love you."


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