The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2) Page 4

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

"Almost seven years. My dad and I started learning guitar together when I was younger, and then I started writing songs with Avery. We used to sit in the courtyard of the inn, or here on my front porch, playing and singing. One night, I coaxed her into doing an open mic night at a local diner, and that's where we met most of the other members of our band." Good memories. They'd formed the band long before he and Avery started dating. It was their bonding over music and the band that had brought them closer together. He had loved her long before that. He'd just never wanted to say anything. The last thing he ever wanted to do was lose Avery if things didn't turn out the way he'd hoped.

  "I have an odd question. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to." Mary held her water bottle in hand, took a sip and then fidgeted with the lid.

  "Shoot. I'm pretty open."

  "Well … that first night, I heard that woman at the desk in the hospital mention you used to date Avery. What's that like, being friends with an ex?"

  That was an odd question. Jameson didn't expect that one when she mentioned odd.

  "Like I said, you don't have to answer. I've never been friends with an ex." Her voice grew low.

  "No, that's okay. I don't mind answering. Avery and I grew up together. We've always been friends. She was always here at my house with my sister and I, or we were over at the inn hanging out. My parents were friends with Avery's, so we were always doing something together. We started dating over five years ago, but something happened and her feelings changed. Avery's the kind of person that always tries to make things right, even when she's been the one wronged. Neither of us wanted to lose that friendship. It was awkward and difficult at first, but we worked it out. I never imagined I would become such good friends with her fiancé, Lucas, but we all stay pretty close. And the music, our band is very important to us."

  "That's such a foreign concept to me."

  "You asked me a question, now it's my turn, and I hope you'll be as open." Jameson met her gaze. The moment of truth. What would she tell him?

  "I- I can try." That seemed to catch Mary off guard.

  "What's your story, Mary? I have this feeling you're running from something. One doesn't just jump on a bus without a plan. I want to help you, but I don't know how if you don't tell me something."

  Her eyes welled with tears as she paled. "Why would you want to help me? You don't know me."

  "Call it my nature. You don't have to be afraid."

  A dark shadow crossed her face.

  "You can't help me, Jameson. I can't even stay here in town. Somehow, I have to go." She trembled.

  He knew it. Something was wrong.

  "Mary, what is it? If you just open up to someone, maybe you don't have to run." Was she wanted for something? She didn't look the type to kill someone, or commit a crime, but really, it could happen. "Try me. I can handle anything."

  Mary looked down, keeping her eyes away from meeting his. He reached across the table for her hand. She gasped and pulled away before looking up at him.

  "I'm not going to hurt you, though someone must have." Jameson searched her gaze. Her eyes were filled with fear. "What are you afraid of, Mary?"

  "I can't … I can't talk about it, Jameson."

  Chapter Three

  Melody wanted more than anything to let Jameson help her. She'd never experienced such intense concern from a stranger. His blue eyes blazed, filled with questions and interest, but she couldn't tell him. Hell, she could barely wrap her mind around everything that had happened before she left as it was. How could she find the words to explain to him the hell that had been unleashed on her life? The whole situation reminded her of a suspense movie, and most of those ended terribly.

  This town seemed like a great place to live. Under better circumstances she'd love to stay, but she couldn't. The paparazzi swarmed this place in search of a story. Of course, they weren't aimed at her, but because she managed to find the people they were after … No. She couldn't risk it. If they found her here, who knows what would happen? And Melody didn't want to be responsible for anyone else getting hurt. She didn't want anything to happen to Jameson, Avery, or anyone else here.

  She had to get the hell out of here, but how? She had nothing. No money, no means to go. Nothing.

  Jameson looked at her expectantly. Melody averted her gaze again. She could easily get lost in those blue eyes. The wood patterns on Jameson's kitchen table caught her attention. They swirled around and forced her to squint until she tore her eyes away from it.

  She couldn't afford to do that. Stop it! Stop it now!

  "Mary?" He tried again.

  What could she do? She could stay silent, but that was just rude. Damn it. She sighed.

  Then, by some magic or miracle, someone knocked on Jameson's back door.

  Thank you, thank you!

  Perfect. A diversion.

  Jameson frowned. "Crap. I forgot to call the band, and they're here." He stole one more glance at her before he jumped up from his chair to answer the door. "Hey guys. I meant to text you, but you're here now. So it doesn't matter. Avery's here, but she fell asleep."

  "I'm awake now, Jameson." Avery's sleepy voice drifted from behind them. "I can't believe I fell asleep! I'm sorry about that, Mary."

  "It's okay. I'm guessing you needed it." Melody smiled in what she hoped was a reassuring way at Avery.

  "Morning, Baby Stetson." A dark haired man waved. Then everyone's attention turned on Melody.

  Well, crap.

  "Guys, this is Mary." Jameson made the introductions.

  Melody waved, glad for more people. That way, Jameson wouldn't have time to try to get her to talk. And maybe by the time this evening rolled around, she'd have a better plan of what to do.

  "You up for a little music, Baby Stetson?" Jameson asked Avery. She'd taken the seat near Melody.

  "Did you save any lunch for me? I think I want to try to eat something, and then I'll be up for music."

  Jameson nodded. "I made sure to save you some. I didn't want to disturb you. You looked like you needed that nap."

  "I guess I did."

  Jameson turned to Melody. "So, are you interested in sitting in on our music session?"

  She remembered the songs Jameson had played last night. She loved the way Avery's voice sounded. Plus, it would be hot to watch Jameson play the guitar.

  Oh no. Really? Why were those thoughts creeping around in her mind?

  "Absolutely. Sounds good."

  They sat around the table for a few minutes while Avery had some lunch. Jameson grabbed water bottles and after a few moments, he led everyone into the garage. Melody took a seat in a reclining chair in the corner and watched everyone take their places. Avery pulled up a chair and settled herself in it. Jameson grabbed his guitar and put the strap over his shoulder. What a beautiful guitar he held. He shot a smile at Melody before focusing on the instrument. After a few minutes of joking around, the band was ready to play.

  Her eyes stayed on Jameson and admired the way his fingers moved over the strings. He was intense!

  Then Avery's voice filled the room.

  The moonshine is my spotlight

  There's a million stars in the sky

  Sleep eludes me again

  So tonight I sit here and write

  I'm filled with need to understand

  I hate how I know it's not all right

  My mind is like an overflowing dam

  Some days I lose the will to fight

  I sit right here and watch the people go

  I wear a smile but it's for show

  My heart will never comprehend

  How you left to go and that was the end

  There won't be a day that goes by

  You won't be far from my mind

  There was a choice you had to make

  You'll never know those hearts you break

  Melody listened to the music. She felt the words in her heart. The way Avery sang it, the band backing her with the perfect rhythm stunned Melod
y. Goosebumps broke out on her arms and she stared in awe at the band as they finished up the song.

  She couldn't help it. When the last note played, Melody jumped to her feet, clapping. Everyone turned their attention to her, and she stopped short. "I'm sorry. That was just, wow. You guys are amazing! And those words … I'm in awe."

  Jameson smiled, still playing a few notes. "Thank you, Mary." He set the guitar down and reached for his water.

  "Who wrote the lyrics?" Melody played them fresh in her mind. Something about those haunted words got to her.

  Avery lifted a hand. "That's me."

  Melody turned to her. "What a voice you have. And your song writing, wow. I know I'm acting like a fan girl." She let out a laugh. "I always hear songs on the radio, but this is the first time I've really known a singer, or someone in a band. And to see how you guys are, it's just really inspiring. I'm sorry … I'm interrupting and probably driving you crazy."

  Jameson laughed and smiled. "No, it's okay. Trust me, we get that all the time, especially lately."

  "Okay, well. I'll be quiet the rest of practice. I want to hear more." Melody returned his smile. Why did her stomach go a flutter when he sent a smile her way? This wasn't good.

  Not at all.

  Melody tried to forget the way Jameson made her feel throughout the rest of their practice. She tried to focus on the band as a whole, but most times her gaze would flicker back to Jameson. She didn't think he noticed, not when he was playing away on the guitar, but she couldn't keep her eyes off him. His hands strummed with such intensity, how would they play her?

  Oh, hell no.

  Now she really had to stop.

  What on earth would possess her mind to keep thinking like that?

  She couldn't stay here. She couldn't allow herself to think about things, to want things that she flat out couldn't have. A normal life wasn't in the works for her right now, especially not here.

  Just wishful thinking.

  The next hour went by quickly. Melody enjoyed every last song they played. What an amazing thing, to be able to make music.

  She wished she'd had the courage to do that. Maybe one day, when things settled down, and she didn't have to hide.

  If that ever happened.

  Who knows what her future held anymore?

  "Take care, Baby Stetson," one of the guys said to Avery.

  If the band's name was Baby Stetson, why did they continuously call Avery by that name? Jameson had done it earlier, too.

  "Tell Luke hi for us," someone else said. She had a hard time keeping track of names. One of them was Marty, and that's about all she could remember.

  "Will do," Avery said, still resting on the seat. Jameson put his guitar in his case and stood near Avery.

  "Want me to drop you off at home? I've got to get to work in about an hour."

  That meant Melody had to figure out what she was going to do now.

  And she'd come up with nothing so far. She couldn't take another free night at the inn. Jameson had already taken care of last night for her.

  "It's probably the best idea. I'm not sure if I want to risk going back to the inn."

  Jameson, once again, turned his gaze to Melody. "And you?" he asked softly. "What can I do for you?"

  Her breath caught, and she didn't have an answer. Heart racing, she tried to come up with a response.

  "You don't have anywhere to go, do you?" Avery asked gently.

  Melody shook her head. "I'm stranded." The truth sounded so stupid.

  "How far were you from getting to your destination?" Jameson asked.

  Please don't let him come so close again. Melody wasn't sure she'd be able to hold it together if Jameson got any closer. "Pretty far. I needed to get to Georgia."

  "You could always try to call the company and see about getting you a new ticket, especially since the bus broke down and you did get off to help someone else," Jameson suggested.

  "I guess it's worth a shot." It couldn't hurt. Maybe she still had a chance after all.

  "Why don't you come back to my house with me?" Avery asked. "You can call from there. It's going to be a few hours before Lucas gets home, and I could use the company."

  Melody hesitated. If she was alone with Avery for a few hours, she might try and get her to talk. On the other hand, what other choice did she have? Grab her bag, hitch a ride, and hope for the best? At least at this point, she could come up with a better game plan. Finally, she nodded. "That sounds great. I really appreciate it."

  "It's not a problem." Avery rose, her hand covering her stomach protectively. "Oh! Gee, she's a little on the restless side today."

  "Maybe she's trying to tell you something," Jameson teased. "Like, let me out, let me out!"

  Avery scowled at him. "I think not, Jameson. It's not time yet. Stop being a brat." She swatted at him. Jameson moved away to avoid her, and bumped into Melody.

  "Whoops. Sorry." He held a hand on her shoulder, steadying himself, but waves of awareness shot down her arm. He needed to let her go, like now. Melody froze, her body tensing. "See what you did now, Baby Stetson?" His voice was light amd gentle. He didn't take his eyes off Melody's face.

  "Yeah, whatever." Avery laughed. "Sorry Mary."

  "It's all right." She broke eye contact with Jameson and stepped away from him. His gaze lingered on her for a little longer before he finally focused on something else.

  "All right, let's go." Jameson started for the door.

  A loud crash startled them all. Jameson muttered something and then bolted. Melody glanced over at Avery, who bit her lip. "What was that?"

  "Probably Jameson's mom." Avery shook her head and sighed.

  What was that all about? She heard a woman yelling, and then Jameson's voice. The tension grew thick.

  "You know what, I think I'm going to call Lucas to pick us up." Avery reached for her phone. She kept looking over toward the sound of the voices. Melody couldn't hear what Jameson said, but he sounded really upset.

  "Lucas? Can you do me a favor? Come to Jameson's and pick Mary and me up. He was going to take us back to the house, but I think his mom is having another episode. Okay. I'm going to say good bye to him and then we'll be out front. I love you too." When she was off the phone, she gestured for Melody to follow her.


  "Mom, this isn't good for you. You've got to snap out of this!" Jameson said to the closed door. Once again, she'd made a mess, had a fit and locked herself in the room. Go figure, she had to do it with Avery and Mary here. She was getting worse. What the hell was he supposed to do? Damn it, he had to get Avery home, and then get to work.

  From the corner of his eye, Jameson spotted the women coming from the garage. Avery met his gaze, her eyes filled with sadness. She hurried to him and wrapped him in a hug.

  "Lucas is going to come pick us up. Take care of your mom. Call me later and let us know how things are?" She let him go.

  Jameson nodded. What would he do without her? "I'm sorry for this."

  "It's not your fault, Jameson. Just … don't be afraid to ask for help every once in awhile, okay? Lucas and I- we're really worried about you."

  "I'm fine, Baby Stetson. Really, I am." He brushed it off.

  As much as he appreciated their concern, Jameson didn't want or need anyone's pity. Even from his best friend.

  Another loud, starling sound came from the bedroom, and Jameson had to fight the urge not to bust that door down right now. Why did his mother continue to do this to herself? He understood the pain, damn it, but she was letting herself go. Hadn't it been enough that Jameson had to watch his father die, and now his mother was slowly doing it to herself, knowing that she still had two adult children that needed her in their lives?

  Damn Blaine. Why the hell couldn't she just come back for even a short period of time? How fair was it to leave all of this on his shoulders?

  Avery lingered for a moment longer. She wanted to say something more to him. Jameson knew it, but for whatever reason,
she didn't. He hated shutting her out like this, but she had enough of her own troubles to deal with. He didn't need to add his to the mix. He loved that she cared so much, he did, but it just wasn't right to drag her in the middle of his problems.

  "Mom, let me in. Open this door," he said firmly, watching as Avery and Mary left. His heart sank. Sometimes, he felt so alone. Avery and Lucas had each other, even though both of them always included him in things, whether they were together, or when Jameson hung out with them separately.

  "Leave me alone, Jameson." His mother's muffled voice came through the door. She was in tears again. Probably drinking and feeling insanely sorry for herself.

  Enough was enough.

  "I can't keep watching you do this to yourself, Mom. Don't you think we've all been hurting? Do you know how this makes me feel, watching you kill yourself day after day? It has to stop." Jameson's voice broke. He rattled the doorknob again. It was no use. She wasn't going to let him in. What the hell was she doing behind that door? Argh! Jameson slapped the door jamb. Pain shot up from his arm, all the way to his elbow. "You need to get help. Don't you think Dad would want you to live your life better than you are?"

  "What would you know about it, Jameson? Nothing! So stop trying to talk about it. Just let me be!" Something slammed into the door.

  He knew plenty, damn it. Why did she insist on doing this?

  Jameson backed away from the door, defeated. He needed to go to work. If she wanted to hole herself up in the room all day and have the pity party, what more could he do? He just feared one day he would return home, and there would be nothing. Nothing left of her.

  That scared the shit out of him.

  He had to do something.

  I don't know how to help her.

  Jameson was so tempted to run outside, find Avery and Mary and leave with them. Not look back. Get away from the house that he used to have such fond memories of.

  Now everything reminded him of what he'd lost.

  Chapter Four

  All day, Melody allowed herself to get lost in the world that made up Harmony's Echo, Texas. The people she'd met in the town so far had been amazing. They all had their share of problems, but they were still such happy folks in general. Most of the time, her mind went back to Jameson and that scene in the house just as they were about to leave. Jameson even pushed Avery away, when it seemed like he always let her in. Something was wrong, and it hurt him. Melody saw that. He didn't want to go in the house right away when they first got there, and he'd been distracted and quiet inside, other than when he played the guitar.


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