The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2) Page 15

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  But then, he'd been so busy trying to figure out how to tell Avery how he felt at the time, it would have been easy for him to have no clue what was going on around him.

  At that thought, Jameson realized something. Before, when he reflected on the past, especially when it came to Avery, he would always feel a stab to the heart. This time, he didn't. It was like a regular good time memory.

  He was finally starting to get over Avery. Huh. That had a funny way of sneaking up on him.

  It was a good thing. He couldn't spend the rest of his life pining over her. She would never be his again. She was happy with Lucas, and about to start a new life with him. Avery Callimer deserved everything she ever wanted. Jameson would always love her, but it was good to know he could begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel without her. It had taken awhile to get there, but he was definitely on the right track.

  This was definitely turning out to be a better day. The things that had been dragging him down for so long were slowly starting to work out for the better.

  "Okay, so when do I get to hear some music from my favorite singer?" Blaine asked, grinning at Avery.

  "Favorite singer? Really, when did that happen?" Avery giggled. Jameson waited for her to blush, which always happened. She'd always had a modest approach, especially when it came to her musical talent. She would never have any idea just how amazing her singing was.

  "Since that first time you and Jameson performed for us right outside on that porch." Blaine's eyes sparkled, smiling at the memory. "I knew you loved music, and while you sang around me, I never really truly heard it until that day. You both surprised me." She turned her gaze to Jameson. He didn't fail to notice the tear in her eye. "Those were the days," she said softly.

  Jameson nodded, swallowing. He'd had many of those memories himself. The days where their father had been alive.

  "I'm surprised you kept your nickname as your band name. I always remember you weren't fond of continuously being called Baby Stetson." Blaine lowered her tone.

  "I wondered about that name," Melody said. "I've heard Jameson and some of the other band members call you that."

  A silence fell over them for a bit. It had been a while since Avery had to explain the nickname.

  "It's okay. It's a little easier to talk about now that I know things." Avery broke the silence. "I've had the nickname since childhood because that's how I was found. A baby in a Stetson hat … the name stuck. Jameson called me that throughout the years, and because he's Jameson, I let him. When we started the band, it was suggested because it was an interesting name, so I went with it." She shrugged. "Some things you just can't get away from, but at least it worked out."

  "Wow." Melody sounded shocked.

  Jameson squeezed her hand again and she met his stare briefly.

  "I am just so happy you finally learned about your past," Blaine said softly. "I wish I'd been around to pay better attention. So, I need to hear your music, guys!"

  It seemed everyone had finished eating, so they shuffled into the garage. Jameson followed Melody, wanting to reach for her again, but left it alone. "How are you doing?" he asked her before she entered the garage.

  She faced him, the corners of her lips lifting slightly. "I'm getting by. This has been comforting, actually. I don't feel so alone. Thank you for listening to me, about everything." With little warning, she bent up and kissed his cheek. It was brief, and over before he knew it, Melody whirled and found a place to sit. Jameson touched the spot where her lips just were, stunned and a little startled.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Just when she thought she could stay away, Melody had to go and kiss Jameson's cheek. It had been just a friendly peck, but damn it, the reaction she had made her want more. It sent shock waves through her gut and straight down below, and that was wrong.

  At least she could keep her space from him now, as she settled herself into the chair she enjoyed sitting in while hanging out in the garage with the band. Blaine snagged the one next to her, and Lucas grabbed another stool while the band set up their instruments to play.

  Would Jameson still suggest they play the part of her song? Part of her wanted to, so much, and the other part worried and dreaded it. This wasn't her band, or her life, no matter how much she secretly wished she could be a part of it all. When she sang with Jameson on the roof the other night, she had no idea it could feel that good.

  But it wasn't like she could just go on stage and put on a show. She had other things to deal with. Why did the universe have to throw a glimpse of a life she could get used to when it was beyond her reach?

  Maybe I could. I could still go home and tell the authorities what I know. So I ran. Could they do anything to me?

  The messages were on her phone. She had proof that at least he'd done something shady. Then, once things were cleared, she really could start over. She had no idea what kind of possibilities there were with Jameson, nor should she be thinking about that. At least she'd be free to pursue a new start. She would be more than willing to do that here, in Harmony's Echo.

  Enough of that. Enough overthinking things.

  Blaine rubbed her hands together. "I can't wait to hear what you have!"

  Melody tore her thoughts away from the what ifs and managed to keep from staring at Jameson and his guitar. He stood to the right of Avery.

  The music began. When Avery's voice serenaded the room, Melody closed her eyes and thought about what it would be like for Baby Stetson to play her song. She was sure that once they worked on their demo and sent it in, they would have no problem getting noticed. The harmony of Avery's voice with Jameson as back up, the lyrics, everything about this band had such an appeal. They had a fresh sound, and the music really came from the heart. Even carrying an extra weight of another little life, Avery could still hit some powerful notes.

  When the song ended, Blaine shot to her feet, clapping and cheering. Melody joined her, and Lucas wasn't far behind.

  "Good lordy, woman, I missed your voice!" Blaine rushed toward Avery and hugged her.

  Avery laughed. "Well thank you."

  Jameson strummed the guitar in a familiar tune, at least, only to Melody. His eyes lit up as she whipped her head to watch him. Heat rushed to her cheeks and that nervous pit formed in her gut. He really wanted to play this right now, didn't he? Even though it wasn't finished?

  Avery turned to him as well. "New song, Jameson?"

  "Yes it is. In fact, it's something that I've been working on with Mary." His grin widened. "I coaxed her into letting me put some of her words to music, and I like the result. It's not completely finished, and I hope she'll come up here and sing with me like she did the other night. I really want to play what we have so far for you guys."

  Melody froze. This was the moment.

  Avery waved her over. "Now I have to hear this. Don't be shy, Mary." Her voice was warm and welcoming.

  Jameson was right. Why had she been so worried about Avery's reaction to her writing a song with him and playing it for the band? If Avery still distrusted her, she didn't act like it.

  Now everyone chanted her name, egging her on. "Mary, Mary, Mary."

  She laughed and raised her hands in defeat. "Okay, okay! I'll come up and sing with you. Thanks, Jameson," she teased. She switched places with Avery, standing front and center beside Jameson as he started to play again. Melody closed her eyes to avoid staring into the faces of Avery, Lucas, and Blaine. She didn't think she was ready to meet anyone's stare right now as all eyes were on her. She could turn and face Jameson. Watching him play seemed to have a calming effect on her.

  That's what she'd do. She'd look silly if she stood with her eyes closed. If she faced Jameson, that would be better. When she did, he shot a sweet grin her way, his fingers strumming over the guitar. "Just like we did the other night," he said softly. "Ready?" His gaze connected with hers, and it was like they were the only two in the room. Melody breathed a sigh of relief. She nodded as he launched into the song. She
let herself get lost in the music. Jameson's sexy voice touched her heart.

  Then it came time for the chorus. She inhaled right before her cue to join in. She pictured herself up on the roof under the stars, just as they had been the other night. That helped. She was able to get through the chorus without her voice wavering, and with each line, she grew a little more confident.

  An uncomfortable silence followed the end of the song. Melody's hopes fell. Did they like it? Hate it? Somebody needed to say something quick!

  "That was amazing! You guys sounded great together! The words, the music- wow! Mary, I'd love to see what else you have. If you don't mind sharing, I mean." Avery bubbled with excitement.

  Melody smiled, feeling the heat rush back into her face. "You like it? Really?"

  Avery nodded, grinning. "I loved it! What a great surprise. Thank you for playing that for us tonight."

  Jameson slung his arm around Melody's shoulders and gave her an affectionate squeeze. "See, I told you it would all be okay."

  She wanted to hug him.

  "You've got to finish that song!" Avery started again, leaning on Lucas. Her eyes danced with excitement.

  "I'm glad you approve. I was hesitant about playing it for you. I think it fits Jameson's voice so well, but I know that you're the lead singer..." Melody babbled. She hadn't meant to say any of that. Jameson's arm lingered over her shoulder, and she felt the jolts of awareness sizzling through her body.

  Avery raised a brow. "I'm not opposed to Jameson taking the lead on a song at all! He's never mentioned wanting to." She darted her gaze to him.

  Great, now Melody had Avery worrying. She hadn't meant to do that.

  "I never thought about it before. It was Mary's prodding that I sing this one, and it turned out great," Jameson affirmed.

  "Okay, good. Because if you'd wanted to take the lead on a song and never said anything-"

  "Really, Avery. It's all right." Jameson laughed. "Geez, both of you are worriers," he teased, pulling Melody closer.

  "I'm just checking!" Avery protested with a laugh.

  "Well, you do like to worry." Lucas kissed her on the cheek. "I have to agree with Jameson."

  "You would." Avery shook her head.

  As the night wound down, Melody enjoyed the sense of belonging. It's like she fit in without the worry and haunting thoughts. She allowed herself this one night to enjoy this, and would regret the crash of reality the next morning that this wasn't her life. She would miss this when it came time to leave. She'd miss Jameson and his sweet smile, the way he played guitar with such passion. Here was a guy that put his heart and soul into his music. He put his heart into everything he cared about. One day, when Baby Stetson played on the radio, she would have to stop whatever she was doing just to recall the memories of the brief encounter she had with this band and its members. And maybe by then, Jameson will have found happiness.

  Would she ever find her dream? Have happiness of her own? Or would it always be about running? She hated lurking in the shadow and not fully living. Damn it, why did things have to turn out this way?

  The dull ache in her head continued to grow to an unbearable throb. She winced and blinked, willing it to just go away.

  By ten thirty a few of the band members had already left. Avery was yawning and fighting sleep as she talked about music with Melody and Jameson. Blaine and Randy were lost in their own conversation.

  "I think it's past someone's bedtime." Jameson teased Avery as she tried to hide another yawn. He sat beside Melody, their legs brushing against each other. He'd shifted those blue eyes her way many times. When he wasn't holding her or touching her, she longed for it.

  She found it harder and harder to even want to keep her distance. Each touch only made her ache more for it.

  Damn it.

  "Oh, you be quiet," Avery shot back with a smile. "Although this is the latest I've been able to make it up in a long time."

  Lucas leaned over and kissed her. "Maybe we should head home and get some rest. Jameson, want me to help with cleanup?"

  "No, I think we're good." Jameson climbed to his feet. He held out a hand to Melody. "Are you ready to get up?"

  She nodded, wishing the headache would fade. As she stood, a wave of dizziness made her knees buckle. Jameson noticed this and wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her steady.

  "Are you okay?" he asked softly, keeping her close. The concern was touching.

  "Headache," she mumbled. She needed darkness and quiet. Maybe even a good night's sleep. Hopefully by morning the pain would fade away.

  "I've got a remedy for that. Let me walk Lucas and Avery out and I'll see what I can do, okay?" They walked out of the garage, his arm around her waist.

  "It was fun, guys," Avery said at the door, turning to hug Jameson. He let Melody go for a moment to return the hug. She was surprised when Avery reached for her as well. "You've got something there, with your lyrics. Thank you again for letting us hear them."

  Melody hugged her back, feeling slightly awkward, but happy that Avery had been receptive of her song.

  "Thank you. It's always been one of those hidden passions. Your persistent guitar player doesn't let up."

  Avery laughed. "Yeah, he's like that. Good night guys."

  The next few minutes were a bit of a blur. Lucas and Avery left. Blaine and Randy were outside on the porch. Melody could hear their talking and laughing. That just left her with Jameson again. He took her hand and pulled her to him, right there in the middle of the dining room.

  "That was great tonight," he said in her ear. "The song went over so well. I hope we can get a chance to finish it."

  She put her arms around him and leaned on his shoulder. How could she feel so safe right there, with his touch? "I'd love that," she whispered.

  "Come here. Let's see what we can do for that headache, hmm?" Releasing his hold on her, Jameson reached for her hand. He led her to her room. She wasn't even thinking about it, and closed the door behind her. "Want me to rub your temples?"

  It was tempting. She'd give anything for his fingers to be on her skin. Each time he touched her, her skin tingled underneath the places his hands went. Yes, she wanted more of that, so much more.

  She nodded, not allowing herself to speak. Who knows what she'd say if she opened her mouth right now? Probably something that would get her in trouble. She couldn't trust her heart or mouth when it came to Jameson.

  He sat on the bed and pulled her to him. "Here, rest your back on me. I'll turn down the light, just close your eyes and relax, okay?" His voice was low and tender. Melody's breath hitched as she settled comfortably on him. The back of her head rested right on his chest, and his arms surrounded her. When he began rubbing her temples, she let out a moan. "Is it too much?" he whispered.

  "No, it feels good," Melody replied softly, closing her eyes. Her eyelids were heavy with sleep, but she tried to fight it. The last thing she needed was to fall asleep against Jameson. It felt right. Too right. Insanely perfect.

  Too bad sleep won.


  Jameson cracked an eyelid open, not fully sure where he was or why. His neck throbbed from lying in an awkward way. He felt a weight on him. Opening his eyes a little more, he realized exactly where he was. Shit, he'd fallen asleep with Melody. That's right. He had massaged her temples last night. He hadn't been ready to just let her go and wanted to make things better. What this draw to her was, he didn't understand. His heart was a mess, but the time they'd spent working on her song and those kisses sure had a way of playing with his mind. It was wrong to want to start anything with her, even physically.

  He couldn't convince her to stay. Unless she owned up to what she was running from, she must have felt like she'd never be free. Jameson understood that all too well, but her situation was a hell of a lot worse than his had been. Slowly, he found himself detaching from the pain of his past mistakes and moving on. It didn't hurt so damn much anymore.

  What would hurt would be his fe
elings if he didn't find a way to stop wanting Melody so much.

  Not ready to wake her up just yet, Jameson wrapped an arm around her and cuddled up beside her. She'd moved to the inside of the bed and had curled up under the blanket. She stirred slightly when he moved, but didn't wake up. He rested his head on the pillow and wondered what it would be like to have her, to be with her in a loving way.

  Slowly, Melody had begun to open up to him. When he first met her, she was fragile, like something would easily cause her to break. That seemed to ease up after awhile. She used to flinch at his touch before, just the slightest, friendly gesture had sent her into a panic.

  No, he didn't know that much about Melody, but it didn't stop him from wanting to. Jameson reached out and ran his fingers through her fine hair. She mumbled, shifted and turned to face him, her eyelids slitted open slightly. He was surprised when she put her arm around him and moved closer.

  Why did he have to get himself all riled up for something that couldn't be?

  She must have come to reality, because she jerked awake suddenly, moving away from him.

  "Hi," he said softly, wishing she'd come back in his arms. "Sorry I fell asleep last night."

  "I was out first. I think you must have magic or something." Melody yawned. She didn't move further away, but she also didn't move closer.

  "Do you feel better? Did you sleep okay?"

  What he should have done was get out of that bed right now and distance himself from her. All he wanted to do was take her in his arms and kiss her.

  "I slept better than I have in a long time." She lowered her lashes, and when she lifted them again, he noticed a tear. "I don't know why I feel so safe with you. I shouldn't let my guard down so much. There's something about you, Jameson."

  He reached for her hand under the covers and squeezed it. "I'm glad you feel safe with me. I don't want to hurt you. In fact, I want to take all your troubles away. I know I can't, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to."


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