The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2) Page 26

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "So do I." She choked back a sob. "I'm so sorry, Jameson. I think I'm going to have to tell the Callimers what's going on, just in case-"

  Jameson squeezed her hand. This had to be hard for her. Especially if Anthony was here and had any part of why no one could find Lucas. "Baby, don't apologize. I should have kept you safe. Now everything is becoming insanely chaotic."

  He pulled the Callimers' car as close to the door as possible. Hand in hand, he ran back into the inn with Melody.


  "I suppose I'll have to jog your memory, since you apparently have forgotten who I am, Lucas," Shelly's boyfriend snarled as they entered the small building. The intense scent of feces slammed into Lucas's nostrils. He wrinkled his nose, fighting the urge to be sick. Belinda was in front of him, and he had to help her walk a few times as her knees buckled beneath her. Now inside, the gunman slammed the door behind him. It was the only doorway and he blocked it, holding the gun out. His eyes were cold and emotionless as he slid his gaze from Lucas to Belinda. "You ditched us that night, Lucas."

  "What the fuck are you talking about? You keep saying that, but it doesn't help me remember. I'm trying to, but I've got nothing!" Lucas yelled, curling his fists.

  "Think about it, you idiot! Who was with you the night you never came back from her house?"

  Lucas thought back to the people. The only one he'd ever really watched out for had been Sam. He'd been young and as tough, but Sam had been just a child at the time. Lucas had felt the need to protect him, even though he failed miserably. But Sam wasn't with him that night. Not when he broke into Belinda's house and never walked back out.

  Then it hit him. There were two others with him that night. Damn, how had he managed to block that out of his head for so long?

  "Ethan." Lucas bit his lip. Holy fuck. Ethan!

  "Well, your memory isn't that dull after all. Took you long enough, though I go by Mark these days. I had to shed that old name when I had everything from my teen years wiped clean. You know, after working so hard to show that I wasn't a delinquent anymore." Ethan laughed bitterly.

  "So why now? What do you want with me?" Lucas tried to understand his reason for resurfacing. "Have you been the one sending me those threats, the photos of Sam? The rock in my window?"

  "Smart man. Or not, depending on which way you look at it. We were family, Bennett. How the fuck could you get sucked into living with some rich woman and getting swept up into that world? Now look at you. Gonna be a daddy, marry the daughter of a famous singer. You forget where you come from, Lucas. You're street trash. Always will be. All your little problems were taken care of. You shot the kid you made promises to."

  "It's not like I shot Sam on purpose! I had no idea that was him that night!" Lucas yelled. He needed to calm down. Ethan was just trying to get him to react, and it was working. "You don't think I hate what I did every damn day? I know I made a promise to Sam, and I know that I screwed that all up. Trust me, I pay for that all the time. I should have done things differently. Yes, I made a better life for myself, but that took years, Ethan. Years! It wasn't easy. Sometimes, it still isn't. But I worked damn hard to be the person I am now. Nobody did that for me."

  And what, Ethan wanted to take all that away from him now? For what reason? What scared him most was that Ethan followed Shelly here. That had to be more than a coincidence. Had she been in on his plan or something? Maybe they did have a plan to get money. They'd just had a baby. Neither of them looked like they'd been doing well financially. "What do you want, Ethan? I don't understand this. Why are you doing this to Belinda, and to me?"

  "A little retribution. Why should you have gotten away with shit? Do you know the kind of things I had to live with? You were like a brother, Lucas. You were the strong one. You led us, guided us in a fucked up kind of way, and then one night, that was it. You forgot about your real family. For what, Lucas? What did you gain from it?"

  Lucas looked over at Belinda. She huddled in the corner, her eyes never leaving his face. Her skin had paled so much he thought she would pass out. She wrapped her arms around herself.

  "I didn't gain a damn thing, Ethan. This woman strung me around and used me. I lived like that for years. You think I suddenly had a life of privilege? No. That's where you're wrong. It wasn't until I met the woman I fell in love with that things changed for me. I had to make those changes. I still fight my inner demons every day. It doesn't mean I forgot about any of you. I was still a lost, stupid ass teenager. When I shot Sam that night, I should have manned up, but I was stupid. I should have visited him, but fear got the better of me. I wasn't the one that physically caused Sam's death, but I feel like I'm the one originally responsible. I let him down. I know that. How's that for retribution?"

  Belinda must have been in a state of shock. She sank to her knees, her eyes on Lucas.

  I'm sorry for the harsh words, Belinda. I don't want him to think anything ever came easy. I'm not trying to blame you anymore.

  He wished he could say the words out loud to her right now. Please let her understand. He really had been trying to put his anger toward her in the past. For himself, for Avery, and for their unborn child.

  "Both of you should pay for what you've done!" Ethan raised the gun, his finger so fucking close to that trigger.

  "Don't!" Lucas shouted as a shot rang out. He flew to the ground, shielding Belinda with his own body.


  Melody followed Jameson back into the office, prepared to tell everything. With a heavy heart, she let out a deep sigh. She fought hard with her feelings before she gathered her wits to say something. "I have something say. I think I know where-" Melody gasped, startled by who stood near Avery and her parents.

  Shelly. And she seemed terrified and very upset. She kept biting her lip and had her arms crossed over her chest.

  "What were you going to say, Mary?" Mr. Callimer asked.

  "Nothing, never mind." What was going on? Jameson slid an arm around her waist, a comforting gesture she so desperately needed. "Shelly, what are you doing here? I thought you went home."

  "I did. I tried calling you with a warning as I drove down here," Shelly said in a tearful voice.

  "Why, what's going on? Was that you crying earlier? I tried calling back, but no one answered."

  Shelly nodded. "It's Mark. I wanted to- it's too late, isn't it?"

  What was she talking about?

  "You're Sam's sister?" Avery asked. She gasped for breath, her eyes set on Shelly. "You've been threatening us?"


  Jameson stiffened beside her.

  "No! Avery, it wasn't me. I swear to you. I had no idea of Mark's intentions. He knew about my past when we first started dating, but he left it alone. I'd heard about my brother when all the news stories hit about you, your mom, and Lucas. Mark was with me. He got really upset, which I didn't understand, but then that was that. He got over it. Or at least, I thought he did. Until I stumbled across his storage unit, filled with letters, photos … Oh my god, he's been collecting things of Sam's that I still had. I don't know what his infatuation with it all was. When I left him that first time and got on the bus, I'd hoped to learn more about Lucas, since he had been one of the people Sam associated himself with after running away. Then I went into labor and my priorities changed. I called Mark to let him know I was okay, since I did have his child. I didn't expect him to come down here. I wish I hadn't told him where I was. Maybe then-" Her voice broke, sobs wracking her body.

  So she'd already planned on stopping in Harmony's Echo. Shelly would have headed here anyway, but her early labor pushed Melody into helping her. Not that she regretted things, other than not knowing her brother or dad's whereabouts. So, Anthony had nothing to do with Lucas and Belinda's unknown whereabouts? That still didn't explain the photo she'd found.

  If she hadn't stayed, she wouldn't have met Jameson. As naive as she'd been about Anthony, Melody had to force herself not to trust so easily. That didn't happen with Jame
son. She gave in to him too easily. Then her heart followed.

  Jameson carried a piece of her, and he always would.

  I think I love you, Jameson Grant.

  She loved his humor. She loved his passion for music and the guitar. She loved his big old heart, the way he looked after everyone he loved and cared about. She loved that he'd taken her in, so willing to help, and opened himself to her. He'd held her, caressed her, and kept her safe when she thought everything was going to fall apart.

  Now wasn't the time to reflect on Jameson. Melody shook it off, coming back to the reality at hand. Lucas and Belinda. Avery.

  She needed to do something.

  "I think my water just broke," Avery whispered. Panic settled in.

  "Just keep breathing like you're supposed to, Baby Stetson." Jameson's voice softened. "We're going to get you to the hospital and I promise you, we're going to get Lucas. Okay? Do you believe me?" He turned to Melody. "Will you help me get her to the car?"

  She nodded and moved to help lift Avery to her feet.

  Avery blew out a breath. "I believe you." Then she let out another scream. Melody felt her body stiffen.

  "Take it easy," she said softly. "Think about something relaxing. Think about music. You're on stage. Picture that in your mind. Just like earlier." That must have helped. Avery's body relaxed and she released a deep breath. "Good job, Avery. Just keep going to that place. The one that takes you away from the world."

  They eased her into the backseat of her parents' car. Melody pushed the door closed behind her.

  "You go with her," Mr. Callimer suggested to his wife. "Maybe it's best if I stay here and see what we can find out about Lucas and Belinda. Once you get to the hospital, just run in and tell them they need to get a wheelchair."

  "Keep me updated. I want to know what's going on." Mrs. Callimer kissed her husband and got into the car.

  Jameson kept looking back at Avery. "Luke should be here," he said softly. "Why do things keep happening to them like this?" The hurt in his voice made Melody ache for him, for all of them. As Mrs. Callimer closed the door, Jameson took her hands and pulled her in for a hug. "Hey. Why don't you go with? That way you don't have to try and explain things to the police. You can still keep hidden."

  She nodded. What a good idea. "But if he's out there-"

  "Shh. You go. Be safe. I'll keep you updated, and please let me know everything with Avery."

  Melody let him go, wishing she could just tell him right now what she felt. Her mind raced. She knew what she needed to do. She wasn't going to risk her own past catching up to her like this. So far, no one had been hurt, but she wasn't going to take that chance.

  "I'll go too." She looked at the Callimers for approval. Avery's mom had already climbed into the front seat and had rolled down the windows. Melody caught her sigh of relief. She went to sit in back with Avery, looking back at Jameson as a lump grew bigger in her throat. The time had come to face her own past.

  "Thanks for coming with," Avery said. She leaned her head back on the seat. "You were going to- ow! To say something earlier?"

  "It's a really long story." Melody sighed.

  "What a day. This isn't the first Thanksgiving I expected with Lucas or Belinda." Avery laughed between her short, raspy breaths.

  "I bet."

  "Hey Mary?"


  Avery turned her head to stare at her. "I'm really glad you found your way to Jameson. I wasn't sure about you at first, but I think you're really good for him."

  Her heart skipped a beat. Avery had to go and say that now, when she had her plan set in motion? God, that killed her inside. Avery wouldn't think that about her later. She wouldn't understand. "I- thank you for that, Avery. That means a lot," she said simply, leaving it at that.

  When they arrived at the hospital, it didn't take long for a nurse with a wheelchair to come to their aid. They wouldn't let her go back with Avery or her mom, but Mrs. Callimer promised to let her know something soon. Still, it had been a good idea to go with.

  Unsure what to do, Melody walked outside to get a bit of fresh air. She heard a man talking on a phone, which she thought nothing of until the name Melody came up. She froze, heart pumping faster as her pulse raced. She ducked behind a corner and peeked around to make sure he hadn't seen her. He still faced the other way.

  "Yes, I found her, but something is happening around here. I don't know. She seems okay. No, I didn't approach her. I didn't know you wanted me to."

  Oh God. One of Anthony's men? She should get out of here, now. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to come here after all. Was this the man she heard earlier?

  "I saw her earlier, until I got sidetracked by some wacko. Yeah, I had to get a little medical attention. Everything is fine, Ms. Compton. What is it you want me to do? Do you want me to talk to her, or did you just want to know she's okay?"

  Ms. Compton? Wait a minute! This guy wasn't working for Anthony? Joelle had hired him? But if that were the case … who had hit her? And why?

  When the man hung up the phone and turned around, Melody made herself visible and approached him. She'd never know unless she spoke to him. If Joelle had been the person behind this man's arrival in town, he couldn't be all that bad. She had to know.

  When he caught sight of her, the man frowned, but he couldn't keep his eyes off her either.

  "Why are you here?" Stupid question, considering what she'd overheard, but those were the best words she could muster all of a sudden. "And how the hell did you find me?"

  Chapter Twenty Four

  It was like a scene out of a bad movie. Lucas wrapped his mind around the seriousness of the situation. Pain shot up his arm. Had he been hit? That damn bullet came so close, he couldn't be sure. His arm felt numb, but when he hit the ground his elbow slammed right into it. Belinda cried out beneath him. Lucas gained control of his erratic breathing. "Are you okay?" Stupid question. Of course they weren't okay.

  "I'm not hit," Belinda said quietly. Lucas quickly lifted himself off her, whipping his head around to see where the hell Ethan … Mark … whatever he called himself these days was. He caught a glimpse of him standing directly behind him, his eyes clouded with hatred and a sneer spread across his face to match.

  "There's better ways to do this, Ethan. Do you really want your son to grow up without his father because you carried out a plan to hurt people? What kind of life is that? Don't you want to set a better example than what we grew up with?" Ethan's parents had been worse off than his own. His mom was the resident whore from what he'd said, and his own father spent years in jail for a string of murders. Ethan had made it his goal to never become like them, and that's why he'd run away. Now, Lucas stared at the face of his haunted past and wondered what changed. Just because he'd escaped the streets? Because he'd gotten away from it?

  It wasn't meant to understand. Why did he feel the need to give a rational explanation for Ethan's actions. He'd lost it.

  "That's funny, coming from you. You hated rich people. You couldn't stand that they always wanted more and more, and now look at you. You dare try to talk me down?" The gun was aimed at him again. Lucas stiffened, bracing himself for impact.

  He held up his hands in defeat. "Take it easy, Ethan. Come on. I still don't like rich people."

  Belinda shifted behind him.

  "Oh, you don't? Why would you live with her then?" Ethan snarled. He didn't believe Lucas. That was fine. He still had time to do his best to convince him. Whatever he could do to stall. The guy was on the edge. He didn't seem to have a set plan. If Lucas could get it to work in their favor, he would do everything in his power to do so.

  "Come on, Ethan. Why does anyone do anything? For personal gain. You know me. I had planned on coming back, but things changed. I was threatened. I had every intention on making off with shit." Lucas's voice wavered, but he held his ground. He could be a good actor, too. Hopefully Ethan would believe him.

  "Why didn't you, then? Why'd you have to
leave us high and dry when we depended on you?" Ethan sounded like a child, pleading for someone to give him attention and not leave.

  "I took the rap for all or you. I had to make sure no one else would get in trouble." Lucas lowered his voice, darting a quick gaze at Belinda. Thank you for staying quiet. Let me handle this.

  "Prove to me that you don't like the rich bitches then." Ethan raised his gaze to Lucas's face, as if he were searching him for the truth.

  Lucas narrowed his eyes and waited for Ethan's response. What did he have in mind? He'd play along as much as he could. But he was afraid of the request Ethan would try to make.

  Reaching into his large jacket pocket, Ethan pulled out a coiled length of rope and tossed it at him. It fell at Lucas's feet and he hesitated. "Tie her hands behind her, on that post."

  Lucas froze, every muscle in his body tensing up. Okay. Tying wasn't as bad as he thought. He sure as hell didn't want to do it, but it could have been worse.

  "Well? Are you going to do it, or not?" The voice was like venom, nails on a chalk board, all screechy.

  Lucas bent, keeping his eye on Ethan and picked up the rope. He uncoiled it slowly as he turned to face Belinda. Her eyes filled with tears as she stared up at him. Lucas released a shaky breath and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to her. Not wanting his back to Ethan, he shuffled behind Belinda and took her hands, placing them behind her, around the pole. She was stiff, but she didn't fight him. Damn it, he fucking hated this!

  Just a little bit. Play along and get the hell out of this situation.

  Forgive me, Belinda. Forgive me, Avery.

  Lucas wound the rope around her wrists, making sure to tie it tight enough to where it wouldn't piss Ethan off if he decided to check, but not tight enough that it would severely hurt her. Now, Belinda was in tears and her sobs tore at Lucas. He tugged on the rope one last time before getting to his feet again, making sure to avoid looking down at what he'd just done. He fought down waves of bile as it rose in his throat.

  "It's done." Lucas brushed off his pants, waiting for Ethan's next move.


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