The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2)

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The Melody In My Head (Love and Music in Texas Book 2) Page 31

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  A bitter laugh escaped her throat. "What kind of question is that? After what I saw? And then all those threats? You hurt me physically that last night, Anthony! What astounds me is how I was so blind to everything." Come on, come on.

  "It's not like I wanted to kill someone, Melody. I got myself into a bad situation, and found it hard to get out. You know how mistakes can be."

  Was he actually making excuses and pleading with her? How sick!

  She shook her head. "That's just wrong. You know that, don't you?"

  "I loved you, Melody. I gave you the world."

  "You couldn't even give me the truth of what kind of person you really are!" she shouted. Blood roared in her ears and she had to clear her head.

  "It was a mistake! If you hadn't run, we would have worked it out! I wanted to marry you." His voice had an edge to it, and he even sounded a little fearful. Standing just a few feet away from her, a frown spread across his face.

  "Where's my father, Anthony?" she asked, dreading the answer. "I heard your messages. What did you do to him? Why did you terrorize my family?"

  He threw his hands up in the air. "I took care of him! He got what was coming to him, Melody You gave me no choice! I-" Anthony stumbled forward, yelling out a curse. Melody jumped up from her seat on the bench, unsure why he'd lurched at her. But then she realized he was clutching his hand to his chest as he fell to the ground. "You bitch! You set me up, didn't you?" he seethed.

  "I didn't do anything!" What the hell had happened? Did the cops shoot him? He hadn't even made any threats, so that didn't make sense! Then everything happened at once. Shouts rang out, one of the voices belonging to the man who'd set this up. On the far side of the park, she saw a couple of shadows running and more shouting.

  Anthony reached a hand out, hoarsely calling to her for help.

  "I'll never help you! You killed someone, and you hurt my family! I hate you!" Rage consumed her, and without any thought she picked up a large rock, ready to throw it right at his head. She may not have been the one to shoot him, but she would never help him. She wanted him to suffer. Not that any kind of fate would ever make him hurt more than she'd hurt because of his wrongdoings.

  "Melody, no!"

  That voice. It belonged to … but no, it couldn't be!

  "Jameson?" she whispered, shaking. The rock fell from her hand and landed close to her foot. She turned away from Anthony, just for a second, to try and comprehend why she'd just heard Jameson's voice. Her eyes had to be deceiving her. Both Jameson and her brother ran toward her. She forgot about Anthony and everything she was supposed to do until a hand grasped her ankle and pulled her down. "Let go!"

  Anthony had crawled over and reached for her. Now he bent over her, a sneer on his face. A bright red blood spot stained his shirt on his abdomen and he grunted. "You should have never run. I wouldn't have had to watch him die," he hissed.

  Melody reached out and slapped him, screaming obscenities at him. She went for his jugular with her fist and shoved with all her might. Police officers rushed over, one of them grabbing Anthony, and she heard them read him his rights. The wail of sirens in the distance grew louder and Melody's knees buckled beneath her.

  "You all right?" The officer asked her.

  She nodded, about to collapse. She stared at Anthony, her eyes narrowing. All she wanted to do was hurt him, the way he'd hurt her and her family. Blind rage pumped through her veins and she moved toward him again, until a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She whirled around to face the person. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Chris!" she cried, rushing into his arms. "You're alive! How did you- what-?" She didn't care. She sobbed on his shoulder, clinging to her brother with all her might.

  He held her to him. "I missed you, Melody. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused by pushing you to run. It's okay now," he soothed.

  "Anthony- he … Daddy!" she sobbed. She had the answer she needed, and all it did was anger her deep inside. She wanted him to pay for every single thing he did. She pulled away from her brother to look that way again. "What happened? Who shot him?"

  People surrounded her. Joelle, the private investigator, and Jameson. Melody stared blankly at everyone, trying to comprehend what happened. Feelings were swirling around inside her that she couldn't fight off anymore. She broke down in uncontrollable sobs. The next thing she knew, she was in Jameson's arms as he kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair. The spot she'd been hit on the night in Texas felt tender and she let out a hiss as Jameson's hand accidentally grazed the area.

  "Melody, oh baby," he whispered. "What were you doing out here with him? What's going on?"

  So many voices, so much chaos. Melody stood in the midst of it all, but yet it felt like she wasn't fully here. Was this what going into shock felt like? Like all of her emotions went numb. She couldn't speak anymore, couldn't move. But the rage … that still flowed like an avalanche. Slow and steady, until it grew wild and out of control.

  The words Anthony said and the way he acted so proud about the things he'd done, especially to her father, echoed in her mind. She'd been so far away, living a different life, and the entire time her family went through hell because of someone she'd dated and loved. That wasn't fair! She flailed her arms out, pushing Jameson away and turned on him.

  "I can't! I can't be around you! I stayed in Texas and allowed myself to get distracted … all the while my family was torn apart. No. I-"

  Jameson sucked in a breath and backed away.

  Another hand on her shoulder. Chris. Melody faced him. "You made me run! I had no idea- I- now we've lost Daddy. We're orphans. I-" She crumbled to the ground. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she choked back the sobs. Everything and everyone faded into the background.

  "Melody, you don't mean that." Jameson's voice sounded so far away, even though she could see he'd crouched down and held a hand out to her. "You're in shock. You're upset. You-"

  "Go home, Jameson! I can't do this! Go back to your life!" she screamed. She pushed at his hands. "Just go. All of you!"

  While Jameson moved away, he didn't leave. Melody couldn't remember what happened next.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Jameson tried to wrap his mind around the unfolding events. The last thing he'd expected was to find Melody talking to Anthony. It wasn't until the police and Melody's friend Joelle explained it to him that he could grasp the idea. She'd put herself in harm's way, but he understood why she did it. Her eyes were sullen and her face ashen all night as she talked over and over to the cops. She didn't look her brother in the eye, nor would she even give him another glance.

  She's grieving. She's in shock.

  It hurt him to see her that way, especially because he knew how grief messed with someone's balance. But she wouldn't let him in. Hell, she wouldn't let anyone in. He'd just have to give her time. She'd come around once all the chaos ended and things went back to normal.

  The paramedics had checked her over. Jameson overheard her say something about her thinking she was pregnant, but he hadn't heard anything about it afterward.

  This morning, after just a few hours of sleep, Jameson was ready to face Melody and hopefully get her to talk. He just wanted to hold her and comfort her. What were her plans now? What would happen? Would she want to go back to Harmony's Echo with him?

  Being in the same house with Melody and not being able to hold her drove him crazy. He'd tossed and turned all night, wishing she would knock on his door, crawl into bed with him and nestle in his arms. That's where he wanted her to be.

  Someone rapped lightly on the door. Jameson hurried to open it, but Melody wasn't the face he saw on the other side. Her brother stood there instead, a grim look spread across his face. He didn't look like he'd slept well either. "Morning."

  "Morning. How is she?"

  "She won't talk to me, only to Joelle. I hate this. Why the hell did they ever allow her to provoke him, especially when no one expected someone else to come around and shoot him like that
." Chris clenched his fists, eyes narrowing into thin slits.

  From what they heard last night, Anthony's lies were far more twisted than anyone had imagined. Jameson shuddered at the thought of the cops here putting Melody in danger like that. At least no harm came to her. Not physically, anyway.

  Emotionally, she'd shut down.

  "Allow me?" Melody's voice drifted from across the hall. Jameson turned his attention to her. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest and glared at them. "No one allowed me to do something. I chose to. It wasn't easy, but I had to do it! And if you hadn't stopped me, I probably would have..." Her face paled and she trembled.

  She would have killed him, or hurt him. Melody didn't have to finish her sentence for Jameson to know exactly what she thought. He made his move and crossed the hallway to her. He hoped she'd let him hold her, because that's what he intended to do. Jameson reached for Melody and was surprised when she didn't push him away. Careful not to touch the spots on her scalp that he knew were still tender, he pulled her into his arms. "Shh. Baby, it's all right. It's over. The worst is over."

  She reeled back. "The worst is not over! I have to bury my father. I have to figure out what to do with my house. I have to-" She buried her face in her hands and cried again.

  "Melody, we'll handle it. I'm sorry I pushed you to run," Chris said as he came up behind Jameson. "I can't ever express how sorry I am."

  "Both of you just stop! I have to go. I still have to- there's so much to do." Once again she avoided looking at the two of them and bolted down the stairs.

  Jameson sighed. "What kills me is I've been right where she is. I know this stage of grief, and there's nothing I can do for her because she won't let me in." Realizing he'd spoken so much out loud, he turned to Chris. "I know you don't know me and that probably sounds weird to you when you're her brother."

  "Honestly, I'm glad she's got another person looking out for her," her brother said softly. He looked in the direction Melody had just run to. "I'm just as much at a loss for what to do right now, too."

  Joelle rushed up the stairs and stopped at the top, watching the two with a frown. "She'll come around. She's been through a big shock. I know you both want to do something for her, but the best thing you can do is let her sort through it. She loves you both, and she'll talk to you when she's ready. I've got breakfast cooking, if you're hungry. It's going to be a long, grueling day and everyone needs their strength."

  Jameson followed Chris and Joelle down the stairs, still unsettled about Melody's distance. What could he do but follow the woman's advice?

  The day dragged on. Night arrived, and Melody had come back to the house. She shut herself off in her room.

  Jameson checked in back home. He wouldn't be able to stay much longer. He had to talk to Melody, figure out what happened next. He'd spent most of the day talking to Chris and learning a lot more about Melody and her family.

  "Hey, have you see Melody? She's not in her room." Alarm filled her brother's voice as he appeared in the doorway.

  "What? No, I haven't seen her." Jameson shot to his feet. Where could she have gone? He raced out of the room toward her door. Even though Chris had said she wasn't there, he had to go there anyway. He stopped at her door and held his hand on the doorknob. He didn't want to just intrude. Then, he heard something. Resting his head against the door to hear better, he cracked a smile. "I know where she is. What's the easiest way to get on the roof?"

  Chris shot him a bemused look. "What kind of question is that?"

  Jameson chuckled. "I might have had a slightly strange influence on your sister. I hear the guitar, and I think she's gone up on the roof."


  Melody had never taken the time to climb up on the roof here, or at home. She'd sat on the balcony many times, but this spot had a much better view. She let out a teary laugh. Jameson had rubbed off on her.

  What a long day. She had spent so much time at the police station, going over and over again everything about Anthony, what she saw, and everything else. Then she finally got the confirmation she needed.

  Not pregnant. She wasn't carrying Jameson's child. She'd have to tell him before he left. It wouldn't be right to leave that hanging in the balance.

  She stopped playing the guitar when she heard footsteps to her right. She turned her head to see Jameson carefully walking on the roof toward her. Her heart swelled at the sight of him. She loved Jameson for being here, but this wasn't the time for them. She had so much to do here. But the way she'd reacted to him last night- it hurt him, and she knew it. Was this the kind of grief he'd felt when he lost his father?

  "How's the view?" He turned up his lips slightly. "Mind if I sit down?" He hesitated beside her.

  The view is great when you're in it. That's what she wanted to say, but couldn't get the words to form on her lips. "You're welcome to sit," she said quietly.

  He eased himself down beside her and cast those beautiful eyes her way. "Melody, I-"

  "I'm not pregnant," she blurted. There, she'd said it.

  His eyes widened.

  "I went to my doctor today to find out for sure. Negative."

  He nodded. "Well, that's good to know." Was he relieved? He'd kept his tone so neutral, she had no idea what he thought. "I mean, good to know the answer. I wasn't trying to say- Oh hell."

  "It's okay Jameson. I know what you meant. To be honest, I think it's good that I'm not. This isn't the right time to bring a child into the world, and I don't know what happens next."

  He slid an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. Damn him, he smelled so good. She just wanted to melt into his arms and forget about everything.

  No, no more of that.

  "Baby, I need to know where we stand. I know you've got so much to do here, and I understand that. I wish I could stay the entire time and help you, but I can't do that. I just- I need to know if you would consider at some point coming back to Harmony's Echo. Come back to me and start a real life. Is that something you would want?" His voice was thick with love.

  She did want that, more than anything. She sucked in a ragged breath. "Jameson, I can't think about this right now. I have to deal with all of this. The police. Anthony. Finding my dad and b-, God I can't even say it!"

  "I know." Jameson pressed a kiss on her temple. "I'm not trying to push you. I just don't want things left open-ended. I love you. I love you so much, Melody Roland, and I want to give you the world."

  He never failed to make her heart thunder louder in her chest. He made her weak in the knees with his words and his action. Melody leaned into him, loving the closeness she felt right now. He always had a way of making her feel safe, right from the start. Damn it, she loved him too.

  She leaned up to look at his face. "I'm sorry about the way I freaked out last night. I said some not so nice things."

  "I'm not mad at you for that. I've been there, done that, remember? And I've said my share of things I wish I'd left unsaid recently, too."

  "You haven't said anything to me that wasn't the truth." Melody brushed his cheek. "How is everyone? Avery? Lucas? The baby? Belinda?" She missed them all.

  "They're good. Well, as good as can be. And I kind of yelled at Avery before I came up here."


  "You know that anger that kept building? Well, it finally exploded."

  "And you let it out at the wrong person. You wanted to yell at me."

  "I didn't want to yell at anyone. Not you, not Avery. The words just came out of my mouth before I could stop them. Right now, I want to talk about us. You and I." His thumb caressed her cheek, then lowered to her chin as he beckoned her to look at him.

  "I love you, Jameson Grant," she whispered, leaning in to kiss his lips. "But I don't know what to do right now. I have to be here and sort through this mess. I don't regret meeting you or falling in love with you, but I have to deal with the mess my running caused. I need some time."

  Jameson nodded. "I understand that. You know there's alw
ays a place for you. I meant what I said that day. It will never change. I will wait for you." He clasped her hand in his and held it to his chest. She could see a tear in his eye. "I flew out here on Belinda's private plane, but I'm going to have to go, probably tomorrow. Talk to your brother. He's hurting too."

  Her eyes welled with tears as he lifted her hand to his lips.

  "I'll always have and need the Melody in my head."

  Whatever it took, she'd have to find a way to get back to Harmony's Echo and to Jameson. No matter what. She belonged with him. Silently, they held each other as the night sky sparkled with stars.

  Chapter Thirty

  December 31st

  "Have you seen the size of that stadium? You guys, this is a sold out show!" Avery burst into the room. Her hair was down in waves, and she'd picked her hat tonight.

  "Oh, don't tell me our fearless leader has stage fright," Jameson teased. To be honest, he sure as hell did. This was by far the biggest crowed they'd ever performed in front of. Hell, even if only a quarter of the people showed up tonight, this was still larger than any of the venues they'd played for. Excitement hung in the air as show time was only an hour away. For forty five minutes, they would play for the crowd as the opening act for Belinda. It was going to be amazing.

  "Wasn't that sound check awesome?" Randy asked.

  It sure was. They got their first glimpse of the stage, the set, how things would go, and it was an experience they'd never forget.

  "I have to get used to that sound." Avery laughed. "But it was … wow! I'm so glad you all are here!"

  Lucas sailed through the door at that moment. "Okay, Mommy. Laura said Emily is doing just fine. Feel better now?" He took her in his his arms and kissed her, twirling her across the floor.

  "Excuse me? I think it was you this time that needed reassuring." Avery laughed, swatting his backside. "Don't you go blaming it on me."


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