Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Temptress [Men of the Border Lands 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Temptress [Men of the Border Lands 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  She moaned when he licked over her clit. He didn’t linger there, though. That was for later. First, he wanted her hot and needy before he let her come. He pushed two fingers inside of her sweet pussy and fucked her as he licked her slit from top to bottom. He curled his tongue to get as much of her juices as he could. She tasted like warm honey, and he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “God, Ronnie, you have the best taste in the world. I could make a meal off of you, and come back for seconds.”

  “I need more, Garrett. Please, I can’t stand it. Harder.”

  He grinned and pumped harder with his fingers then added a third finger. She hissed out a yes as he shoved them in and out of her. He continued to lick and suck at her pussy lips. When she was trying to ram down on his fingers, he curled them up and stroked her sweet spot deep inside. She came up on her toes and grabbed his head trying to push him toward her clit.

  Instead, he nipped her cunt with gentle teeth and continued to fuck her with his hands, then curl around and stroke that special spot. Finally, he took pity on her whimpering and crying out for more and sucked her clit between his teeth and nipped it. She exploded around him. He couldn’t lick fast enough to suck down all her cunt juices. He felt them bathe his face.

  When she’d calmed down enough that he could let her go without fear of her falling, he stood up and rinsed his face in the shower. He handed her the bath cloth to clean up again.

  “You always make me fly, Garrett.”

  “I love it when you come all over my face. I know I’ve made you feel good.”

  They climbed out of the shower and dried off, then headed to bed. It was too hot to do much of anything but hold hands. They slept without a sheet and without clothes to try and stay cool. They had started leaving the windows open at night to catch any breeze that blew up.

  Garrett was used to the heat, having worked out in it while out scavenging, but he wasn’t so sure that Ronnie did well in it. She tended not to want to eat much when she was hot. He could tell she’d lost some weight, and it worried him.

  Finally, he drifted off to thoughts of how it could have been with Brice living with them.

  * * * *

  Several weeks passed, and the garden needed weeding and watering on a regular basis. They tended to get brief showers, but not really enough to soak the ground well. He hauled water to the hay field, though Ronnie said she had never done it before, and it did all right. He wanted to make as much hay as possible. She used the hoses to water the garden. He was glad he’d remembered to get them for her when he and Brice had gone to Sky Line. She had to carry water the last few years. Now she just turned it on and laid it in the center aisles for a couple of hours each evening.

  “Let’s sleep downstairs tonight. It’s cooler down here than up in the bedroom.” Ronnie handed him a glass of tea, then poured one for herself.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me, too. We can use that blow-up bed I brought back, so we’ll be fairly comfortable.”

  “I’ll get a sheet so we aren’t sticking to the plastic. Do you have to blow it up by mouth?” she asked.

  “No, it has a foot pump.” He grabbed her arm when she turned to go upstairs, and planted a kiss on her mouth.

  “What was that for?” she asked with a grin.

  “Just because.”

  She giggled and wrapped her arms around him even though they were both sticky and dirty. They’d take a shower together later, and then relax to sleep.

  Not long after he had the bed blown up and they had spread the sheet over the bed, they took a cool shower and walked back downstairs nude to settle down for the night. Garrett looked at his watch. It was only nine, but they tended to get up early to beat as much of the heat as possible.

  The sound of a vehicle pulling up the drive had them both scrambling to pull on the clothes they kept near them when they slept nude. A door shut outside and then there were footsteps on the front porch.

  “Go upstairs and stay there until I call for you.”

  “You might need me, Garrett,” she argued.

  “Don’t argue with me about this. Go upstairs now, Ronnie,” he said in a stern voice.

  She nodded and ran up the stairs. He waited until she was out of sight and then crossed to the door to wait for a knock. When it came, it was more of a pounding than a knock. He called through the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s Brice, man. Let me the fuck in.”

  Garrett quickly unlocked the locks on the door and let his friend in. As soon as the other man crossed the threshold, he pulled him into a bear hug.

  “How the hell are you, Brice?”

  “Okay, missing the two of you. Do you think Ronnie would let me move back?”

  “I don’t know. You’ll have to take that up with her. You know I want you back, but she was really hurt that you left.”

  Brice winced and nodded. “I thought it was for the best at the time, but I miss her so much. She completed me. Without her all these months, I’ve been surviving instead of living.”

  “Let me call her down. I sent her upstairs because we didn’t know who it could be.”

  “Sorry I scared you. I sure didn’t mean to. I probably should have waited until daylight to show up, but I was in such a hurry to get back, I didn’t stop to think.”

  Garrett closed the door and relocked the locks before ushering Brice further into the living room.

  “Sleeping down here now?”

  “It’s hot upstairs, so we thought we’d try this tonight. It’s a little cooler down here.” Garrett crossed to the stairs and called up for Ronnie to come down.

  She walked down the stairs with a disgruntled expression on her face but it soon brightened when she saw Brice. Then she closed down, and her expression turned neutral.

  “Hi, Brice. How are you?”

  “Missing you and Garrett. Can I have a hug, baby?” he asked in a quiet voice.

  “Are you leaving again?”

  “Depends on if you’ll have me back or not.”

  Garrett watched her seem to think on it for a few seconds. Then she grinned and ran and jumped in Brice’s arms.

  “You promise? You’re back for good? No more slipping off?”

  “No more slipping off. I’m back for good. I was miserable without you two. Nothing meant anything without you two to share it with.”

  “There’s a lot of work involved,” Ronnie warned him.

  “With three of us it should be a bit easier than with just two.”

  “I’ve missed you so much, Brice. It hurt when you left.

  “I know, baby. I’m really sorry.” He drew in a deep breath and let it out. “I’m going to be harder to live with than Garrett is. He pretty much lets you do as you want. I won’t be that way.”

  She smirked and raked her nails down his pant leg over his cock. “I think I can handle you.”

  Brice swallowed and Garrett laughed at his friend’s discomfort. She would put him through his paces before she let him back into her heart. She’d had enough heartache. But things were looking up and soon would be back to normal.

  “Might as well get naked and make yourself at home. We are very informal here in the summer because it is so freaking hot,” Garrett told him.

  “Is there going to be room on that bed for the three of us?” he asked, eyeing the contraption.

  “If not, you can sleep on the couch,” Ronnie was quick to point out.

  * * * *

  Brice couldn’t believe he was back. He hoped he would be able to call it home soon. Right now, he felt as if he was on probation, and maybe he was. Ronnie wasn’t going to welcome him back with open arms like Garrett did. He’d hurt her, and she hadn’t forgotten it. He only hoped she would forgive him sometime in the future.

  He climbed the stairs and took a cold shower. He was tempted to jack off so he wouldn’t be so obvious about his lust for Ronnie, but decided she needed to know how badly he wanted her. He would just have to suffer the night w
ith a stiff dick. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been doing it for months now.

  When he made it back downstairs, they were already on the blow-up mattress curled up against each other. He climbed on and instantly felt uncomfortable, since he wasn’t touching her. He started to get up and get on the couch, but she reached out and took his hand.

  “It’s really too hot to sleep close to each other. We’re going to spread out too in a minute. Hold my hand until we go to sleep, Brice.”

  He didn’t hesitate but took her hand and brought it to his lips, then settled it between them. A few minutes later, she and Garrett spread out some, and once again, they all were together.

  “I hope you know that cow-milking duty is yours for the week,” Ronnie warned him.

  He groaned then laughed. “Poor cow. I hope you realize it’s her you’re punishing.”

  “She’ll get over it.” Ronnie laughed. “Besides, you need to keep up your skills. You never know when I might not be able to do it for a day or two.”

  “What have you been doing with yourself, Brice?” Garrett asked with a yawn.

  “Same thing we used to do, but on my own. Barter Town is even worse than it used to be. Lots of under-the-table stuff going on there now. They are dealing more and more with the black-market slave trade. They even have auctions in the open.”

  “Fuck, the world isn’t screwed up enough, we have to have women treated like cattle.” Garrett huffed out a breath.

  “It gets worse. They’ve started a sort of gang of sorts to administer justice to anyone caught helping a female escape their man or men. They’re whipping them, Garrett. I couldn’t stand it, I had to leave.”

  Ronnie stilled. “What if Carl shows up and tells them I ran away from him? Oh, God, what’s going to happen to me?”

  “Shhh, Ronnie. Nothing is going to happen to you. You’re with us, and we won’t let it.” Garrett pulled her back in his arms.

  The fact that Garrett had included him as being there to help protect her made him feel good inside. He would do anything and everything to make sure nothing happened to her.

  “I doubt Carl will show up out here looking for you. More than likely after all this time he’s forgotten all about you, Ronnie.”

  “I hope so. I’m scared, Garrett. Brice, how do they find out about the women?”

  “The man or men turn them in as runaways and the gang searches for them. They charge them with being a runaway and administer the whipping right then and there.”

  “So they’re judge and jury,” Garrett commented.

  “Well, don’t worry about it, Ronnie. Carl won’t find you here. I have to doubt he would travel all the way out here.” Brice squeezed her hand and brought it to his lips again. This time he gave her palm a kiss. “I’ll protect you with my life, Ronnie.”

  “Please don’t let it come down to that. I don’t want to lose either one of you.” She licked her lips and shuddered.

  “I think it’s time to get some sleep. Dawn comes early, and we want to take advantage of all the cooler morning hours that we can.” Garrett leaned over to the light and doused it.

  Brice felt the complete darkness settle over him like a cloak. He was used to the stars and moon shedding their light on him when it wasn’t raining. Still, some of the moon’s light sifted through the curtains and left a sliver of light to knife through the room to the staircase.

  The more he thought about it, the more he was sure he’d made the right decision to come home. Now that he’d been reminded that Ronnie had run away from a man, the more worried he became. What if Carl showed up and accused her of running away? What could they do against a gang of men? He would have to discuss it with Garrett once Ronnie wasn’t around. He didn’t want her to worry more than she already was.

  He squeezed her hand and went to sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Brice rose early the next morning while it was still dark outside. He tried to get up off the mattress without waking the others but didn’t manage to do it. First Ronnie woke up stretching. Then Garrett was rolling out of bed as well.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. It’s hard to get off that damn thing without making waves.” He chuckled.

  “That’s all right. We usually are up about this time anyway. I’ll get the eggs and you get the milk,” she teased.

  He watched her dress even as he climbed back into his old clothes. She wore jeans and the frilly underwear they’d gotten her back in Sky Line. She didn’t bother with a bra but put on a work shirt. She handed him the bucket, and she took the basket. They walked outside together and walked side by side until they reached the chicken coop. Then she unlatched the door and opened it for the chickens to spread out around the yard. She threw out some feed and added a few piles here and there. Then she started egg searching.

  Brice realized he’d been standing there for nearly five minutes watching her when he should have been milking the damn cow. He carried the stool over and sat down. Then he and the cow had a talk, and he started milking. He realized it was like riding a bike. You never really forget how to do it. It all came back to him fairly quickly. Before long, he had a half bucket of milk. He carried it into the house and went ahead and strained it for Ronnie. Then he set it down in the cellar where it was cooler. It would spoil soon, so he poured a glass and drank it.

  When he walked back outside it was to find Garrett waiting on him. “We’re going to check the fences today. We have three new calves, so we want to be sure everything is tight.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll help any way I can.”

  Brice walked the fence line with Garrett and helped repair a broken wire, then continued on their path.

  “Garrett, I’m worried about this Carl person coming after Ronnie. The gang is more serious than I was letting on. They are taking cases. If someone lost a woman, they describe her or produce a picture of her, and the gang is looking for them.”

  “Fuck, that’s all we need. Is there any way to find out who they might be looking for at any given time?”

  “Not that I’ve figured out. All we can do is be on the watch out for them or this Carl person.”

  “Hell, one of us needs to be close to the house at all times,” Garrett said.

  “Teach me everything you can, and I’ll work the fields while you watch after her.” Brice wanted to be the one to care for her, but knew he wasn’t all the way back into her good graces yet.”

  “No, we take turns.”

  “If you’re sure. I’m happy to do whatever you need me to.”

  “All I care about is taking care of Ronnie. Whatever it takes.”

  “Let’s get back to the house and work out what all needs doing and divide it up so that one of us is always near her and the house.” Garrett led the way.

  Brice had to walk fast to keep up with the big man. He was obviously in a hurry. Brice didn’t fault him for wanting to get back to her. He did, too. He had a bad feeling that Carl was going to end up being a problem.

  “Hey, Ronnie! Where are you?” Garrett called out as they walked into the yard.

  “In the garden. Is something wrong?” She came running out.

  “Nope, just wondering where you were. We’ve finished the pasture for the day. Getting awfully hot out here. You ready to go in until it cools off some?”

  “In a few minutes. I’m almost finished picking butter beans. We’ll have them for supper tonight.” She turned around and walked back into the garden.

  “I’ll go keep her company,” Brice offered.

  “Sounds like a good idea. You can try and get back in her good graces,” Garrett said with a chuckle.

  Brice followed Ronnie back into the middle of the garden where she was pulling the beans off the vine and dropping them into a bucket.

  “Need some help?” he asked.

  “Naw, I don’t have much more to go. Plus, you might not pick the right ones.” She smirked at him.

  “You’re probably right.” He laughed with her.

  “Why did you come back, Brice?”

  “I missed you and Garrett. I realized that my home is here with you, if you’ll have me back.”

  “You’re always welcome here, Brice. I just need to know if you plan to stay or not. I can’t wonder from day to day if you’re going to leave again.” She continued picking beans.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I care for you very much. I don’t know. Maybe it’s even more than that. I just know that my life was empty without you in it.”

  “I guess we have to take it one day at a time for now.”

  “That’s all I can ask for.” He picked up the bucket when she stood up.

  “I want to make a detour by the tomatoes to see if there are any ripe yet. I’ve wanted a tomato sandwich for days now.”

  “After you. I don’t know where they are.” He followed her around to the outside where there were two rows of tomato plants. She chose several that were ripe or nearly ripe and added them to his bucket.

  “Now for the okra.” She walked up to the stalks and cut off a handful and tossed them in the bucket as well. “I guess that’s it for today.”

  “You look exhausted, Ronnie. Why don’t you take a cool shower and then take a nap?”

  “That sounds like heaven.”

  “Will you let me bathe you?” He hurried on when she looked ready to say no. “Just bathe you, nothing more.”

  She seemed to think about it as she separated the vegetables on the cabinet. She bit her lower lip and nodded her head.

  He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

  She climbed the stairs to the bathroom with him right behind her. He waited as she gathered her bath supplies and turned on the water, then he helped her undress. Once she was nude, she helped him undress, and they both stepped into the shower together.

  He’d forgotten how perfect her body was, rounded, heavy breasts with a slightly rounded belly and a plump ass. He loved looking at her. He soaped up a cloth and began bathing her from neck to toes. He paid special attention to her breasts, but she didn’t complain or pull away. He became a bit bolder and spread her legs slightly so he could clean her pussy. He soaped her up then rinsed her before probing her sweet cunt with his fingers. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.


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