Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories Page 153

by Amira Bradford

  "Well that truly sucks. Flashlight old girl, looks like it's me and you until morning." Angela blew hair out of her face in disgust and went to turn around to make her way out of the basement. Trouble was, her left foot did not lift when her body told it to. It was stuck fast. Angela was puzzled by this and shined the light down and it appeared she stepped in some thick vine and somehow her foot got stuck within the vine. It was very unusual but not the end of the world. She tried to pull her foot out carefully so as to not hurt herself or to really hurt the vine. Wasn't the vines fault she stepped in it after all.

  Unfortunately the light pulling didn't work, as her foot was stuck fast. If she didn't know any better it almost looked like the vine had grown around her ankle or something.

  "Well isn't that just bizarre?" Angela commented to the darkness around her. How on earth could this have happened? She found herself becoming more than annoyed. She set the flashlight down on the workbench near her and she bent forward with her right hand to try to pull the vine back from her foot so she could get out. When she touched the vine it was actually a bit moist and was warm, and when she it touched it she could have sworn it actually quivered a bit.

  "What the hell..." Angela started but she didn't get to finish that thought. As her hand was touching the vine around her foot another vine like thing shot out of the darkness and wrapped around her right wrist. The vine grabbed hold of her and pulled her hand away from her foot forcefully. Angela quickly stood back up and the vine went with her, but was still firmly attached to her wrist. It was tight on her wrist but was not painfully tight, thank goodness.

  "What the FUCK?" Angela shouted as she pulled her arm back away from the wall and the vine like thing tightened and fought against the pull. Her mind was having a very difficult time comprehending exactly what was going on but her body knew that it wanted to be out of that basement, right now. She took a large step back with her right foot and grabbed onto the workbench with her left hand and started to pull against the things that had her stuck fast. The workbench was pretty solid and had some weight behind it and it did give her a little bit of leverage. All those months and days and years working out had to have their advantages sooner or later. She managed to move her trapped foot away from the way though the thing holding onto her was trying to pull her back. Her right arm was pulling forward and she could feel the vine like thing stretching. She figured if she could move just a few more feet it would have no choice but to let her go or be yanked from wherever it came from.

  It was a valiant effort on Angela's part but her struggles were truly in vain. After a few seconds of tug of war another vine like thing snaked its way up the workbench and snared her left wrist that was holding onto the bench and it pulled that hand free. Now both her hands were trapped and because she was leaning so heavily on that hand she lost her balance and almost fell. The things on her wrists kept her from falling though but she did have to move her right foot out to keep her balance and her foot moved right into the waiting coils of another appendage. Her mind was filling her head with all kinds of horror movie images as she cursed and screamed and tried to pull her arms and legs free. Eventually another limb wound its way around her waist and held her firm. She was unable to move at all and she really didn't like it.

  "Well..." Angela panted and said to the thing holding her fast. She was out of breath from fighting and cursing and was trying to gather her strength for another tug. " have me, congrats on that. What now?" She didn't really expect a response, and truth be told she didn't really want one. She did get a response but it was not a verbal response. The things holding her wrists jerked her suddenly and the vine around her waist twisted her so now she was facing the worktable. The faint glow of the flashlight lit up a small portion of the room, and she could barely make out the table not but a foot in front of her. Before she could say anything else the appendages on her wrists then pulled her forward and she found she was lying across the table on her stomach, though her legs will still on the ground. More appendages were slowly creeping up her legs, making sure that they were unable to move. These strange limbs all felt warm and spongy and had a very distinct odor to them. It wasn't unpleasant, just something Angela couldn't figure out what it was. She didn't really have time to consider what that odor was as she had other issues to deal with.

  As she lie bent over the table, still panting heavily she felt the things around her legs pull sideways, and try as she might to not move them she felt her legs being spread apart. Then another slow horror began to creep across her brain. At first she assumed she was going to be this thing's midnight snack, but now she was beginning to realize that it had other plans for her. Plans she imagined weren't really that much better than being eaten outright.

  "Now wait just a goddamn minute here, if you think you are going to..." Angela's angry voice was cut short as she felt another limb grab at the back of her shorts and begin to pull. Soon another limb joined the first and then several others. She could feel her shorts being torn away from her and she now visualized the position she was in. Bent over a long table, legs spread and unable to move...not the position one wanted to be in at all.

  The shorts offered little resistance and were quickly torn from her, exposing her bare ass to the night air. The thong she wore covered very little of her so she may as well have been nude underneath. Her mind was truly racing as she was trying to figure out what this thing wanted. Her brain was trying to formulate words to say that might make it stop, but she knew deep down the chances of that were very slim.

  Next the limbs that tore off her shorts began to rub her backside softly. This caught her off guard as she did not expect such light touches. The limbs moved backs and forth and were not rough at all. They were still warm and moist and had a very rubbery texture to them. Several of these...tentacles...began to massage her butt and it was not unpleasant at all.

  "Oh great, I am going to be fucked by a basement octopus." Angela had no choice but to laugh that last sentence out of her mouth. Her mind was on the verge of snapping altogether with the insanity of the entire situation. However her mind didn't get to wander too far, as the tentacles that were caressing her suddenly pulled back and then proceeded to smack her exposed ass very hard.

  "Ouch! For fuck's sake!" Angela twisted her head around to try to see what was going on but there was no denying it, the tentacles were now spanking her. Rhythmically they swatted one cheek after the other, side to side and keeping the slaps even. Her mind was focused on the pain and she couldn't believe what was happening. She could feel her skin on her bottom getting very hot quickly and she knew her flesh was turning pink and soon would be red.

  Worse yet, her mind suddenly reminded her of another sensation that she was feeling she hadn't noticed before. The heat from her bare skin was slowly making its way to her front area. She felt herself getting wet, very wet, and her breathing was becoming a shallow panting. No! It can't be! She closed her eyes tight and bit her lip and tried to focus on anything but the pain. She was able to blot some of it out but she still felt the waves of energy coursing through her, and she felt her body betraying her with liking it. Just as it seemed as she might have calmed her body down a bit the tentacles were one step ahead of her.

  From in front of her a few small tentacles shot forward over the table and onto her t-shirt. Before her mind could make out what was happening they were literally pulling the shirt off of her front, exposing her large chest and lace bra to the tentacles before her. One tentacle each encircled her breasts and began to squeeze while another set began to rub across her nipples, much like they had her ass.

  "Oh no, nooooo..."Angela moaned at this new onslaught and she knew she was in deep trouble. The squeezing of her breasts and the playing of her nipples over her bra felt very, very good. The spankings behind her mercifully stopped, and the tentacles began to massage her ass again. She could feel her whole body becoming alive and she was still fighting it in her mind. Other tentacles began to caress her shoulders a
nd naked back and over her thighs, and she let out a large shudder of pleasure. Her body was quickly losing the fight to these invaders, and her mind was dangerously close to going as well.

  Then the tentacles began to really not play fair. One of them slowly worked its way up her leg and found itself in between her legs. It felt her soaked panties and how hot she was and it began to rub back and forth, right on the spot Angela loved to have played with.

  "Oh no you don't!" Angela let out a yell at this very personal touch she just felt and a surge of adrenaline shot through her. She struggled with all her might to get free and was determined to not give into this thing's touching and pleasuring her.

  "No no no no no no no no" was all she could say over and over as she tried to get to her feet and to break free. To snap these inhuman bonds and to run up the stairs and lock the door behind her was all she could think of.

  But it was no use.

  The rubbing on her throbbing clit got faster, and in her panicked state of mind she felt her bra being removed in front of her. Now her breasts were free and clear for all to play with and many tentacles descended upon them. Several wrapped around her tits and new tentacles came up and began to play with her nipples. These seemed to have tiny little suction cup type mouths on them and they tugged and sucked and teased her nipples until they were rock hard and truly ready to explode. Those little mouths were sending wave after wave of hot sensations that went right to her clit, which in turn was now being very masterfully massaged by another tentacle.

  Panting, out of breath, and turned on like she had never been before, Angela's mind finally gave it to the struggle. Her mind mentally threw up its hands in defeat and told her to just relax and enjoy the show. She had that wild thought that if this thing was going to eventually eat her at least she was going to enjoy it.

  Once Angela mentally gave in and accepted her fate, things began to happen more quickly. She could feel an orgasm building inside her and it did not take long for it to hit. It was quick and sharp and she cried out in pure delight. It faded quickly and she was catching her breath when she felt the tentacles easily rip the thong off of her now sweaty body and they spread her legs even further for her. The tentacle around her waist pulled her back a bit and she knew exactly what was coming next.

  "Come on..." she panted. "Do IT!" The tentacles obliged her wishes and one of them made it way to the outer edges of her pussy and it began to rub back and forth slowly inside her. She moaned deeply and tried to push her hips back onto it. She had no way to describe it, but she wanted that damn thing inside her. It was tormenting her though, as it would go in just a little bit and rub back and forth, and then pull back out, making her cry out in frustration. Several other tentacles joined in on this game, as they would take turns going into her slowly and shallow like, and then depart only to have another take its place. This was the most maddening thing she had ever felt in her life. Her entire body was on fire and she couldn't take it anymore. She felt herself beginning to beg. The words were just flowing from her and she was begging this thing, whatever it was, to take her. She was begging it to ram its tentacles inside her and to fuck her all night long. She had never wanted it so badly in her life.

  Eventually one of the tentacles stayed within her, and began to now push deeper than it had before. She found herself gasping and tears formed in her eyes as it felt so damn good. The tentacle pushed itself deep into her and she felt stretched, much like she had when she first played the giant monster dildo. The tentacle held itself inside her then began to pull out slowly, and she felt another tentacle begin to tickle and tease her bare clit. The sensations were too overwhelming and she had another orgasm right then and there. It completely caught her off guard and she loved it. By now the tentacle inside her had pulled out and a smaller one took its place inside her. She didn't feel as full with this one but it still felt really good. It began to work her in and out at a quicker pace and she moved her hips up and down in time to keep up with it. Soon another tentacle joined the first so now two were inside her. She had several fingers put inside her at once in the past, but nothing like this! One tentacle would plunge into her while the other pulled out, all the while several tentacles played with her clit on the outside. It was an orchestra of orgasms and she was but the instrument to be played. Those tentacles worked back and forth faster and faster and in perfect harmony, and her body responded beautifully. The first orgasm hit her in this manner and her whole body rocked, and then another hit, and soon after another. It was truly the most incredible thing she had ever felt and after four or five or six (she lost count and who could blame her) she was laughing and crying and screaming and truly not believing it was all happening.

  Eventually she was truly out of the breath and the tentacles slowed down enough to let her catch up. Her body was now entirely quivering and while her breasts were still being played with her clit was allowed to rest for a bit and the tentacles pulled out of her completely. She panted heavily for a few moments and within a minute or so got her breath back and felt much better. That was incredible! Her body was still very much alive and she could feel her juices running down her legs and to the hungry tentacles below.

  For its final act, the creature had one last card to play. As Angela laid her head to the side and was breathing quite contently she felt a small tentacle head begin to rub around the rim of her anus. Her mind started to protest this when another tentacle slid across her face and into her mouth. The tentacle pushed its way passed her lips so quickly it truly caught her off guard. She half-gagged for a moment and tried to spit the tentacle out, but it was in her mouth and moving back and forth. Her mind recoiled at the expected taste of such a foul thing but instead was very surprised that it had a somewhat light and sweet taste to it. The thin membrane on the outside skin of the tentacle was very soft and as it rubbed up against her tongue her tongue began to feel warm and very good.

  All the while the tentacle behind her had now pushed its way slowly into her ass, and while her mind was focused on the tentacle in her mouth this other tentacle now was trying to push into her other hole. She quickly tried to clench up but it was no use as it pushed passed that initial resistance and was inside her. The feeling was amazing. It was very different than when her pussy was being penetrated. She had done some light anal play in the past but never really worried about it much, and now this tentacle was working back and forth out of her ass, and another one was fucking her from the front. She was feeling new and weird sensations build up within her, and she felt her clit getting all hot and bothered again and juices started to flow from her once more. More tentacles joined the fun as her clit started to get teased again and that first, thick tentacle that went into her now was back inside her pussy, and it began to move back and forth within her. Soon all the tentacles were working faster and faster and her body couldn't get enough. She was begging them to keep pounding, keep pushing, keep using her. In her absolutely wild and passionate rage she caught her shadow on the wall from the flashlight behind her. She saw her body in an L shape and all kind of long, thin and thick shadows around her and in her and it mesmerized her to watch this. She was being used in every single hole, and it was the best experience of her young life.

  Eventually her body built into one of the most powerful, mind-blowing orgasms she had ever had. Her entire body seized up and she truly was frozen in time for those few moments while it hit. She shrieked as best she could with a tentacle in her mouth and the whole world exploded in a shower of lights and colors and pleasures she had never thought possible. It reverberated throughout her entire core down to her soul and in that brief moment she connected to the creature that was responsible for such pleasures. For that moment she knew it and it knew her, and it was beautiful.

  Alas though, the human body, no matter how strong, was not meant to take all such pleasures at once. Angela slipped from consciousness with the best orgasm of her life still ringing in her ears. Instead of falling headfirst into pitch black however in her
mind she was in a blinding white light that was soft and warm and that was the last she remembered...

  The creature sensed that the female had lost consciousness and it extracted its tentacles from her slowly and carefully. Other tentacles began to lick all the juices from her, not sparing a single drop. It was absolutely ravished with hunger from its many years of sleeping, but this female had sated its hunger many times over. By far the best "meal" it had ever had in its long existence. When her body was clean of her juices it lowered her softly onto a pile of its own coils so she would be safe from the ground. It kept its tentacles around her so if she awoke suddenly in a panic she would not hurt herself. She slept very deeply however. Very deeply, and very contently.


  Light came down through cracks in the boards of the cottage above and danced across Angela's eyes. She opened her eyes slowly to find she was still in the basement and was naked and she had several purplish tentacle like things around her, keeping her safe. She was afraid for a second that it had all been a dream, but seeing the tentacles on her quickly chased that thought away. She smiled lightly and felt very weak, but very, very good. Her body was still buzzing from the actions not too long ago. She patted the tentacles tenderly in thanks. The creature sensed that she was awake and it slowly pulled all its tentacles back into the well on the far side of the room. In a few moments Angela was alone in the basement and completely naked. At that she just had to laugh. That was truly the best night of her life.

  Then, she had a rather wicked thought cross her mind. Next week two of her oldest modeling friends, Channa and Dawnielle were to come visit her at the cottage. She glanced over to where the tentacles had disappeared into the floor and a slow smile spread across her face. Oh yes, she thought to herself. They will be going down to check out the basement when they arrive. Images of her and her friends being used by the tentacles flooded her mind, and she could not stop smiling....


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