Betting on the Wrong Brother (What Happens in Vegas)

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Betting on the Wrong Brother (What Happens in Vegas) Page 5

by Cathryn Fox

  “I…do,” she murmured. Her gaze dropped again and her eyes dimmed with want. Nice.

  He touched her chin, lifting it until their eyes locked. “I know you said you weren’t one of those wild women who manhandled the beef, but how about this? I’ll let you touch mine if you let me touch yours.” Her mouth opened in a shocked little O, but no words came. So he said, “Or maybe you’d rather I touch myself.” He stuck his thumb into the elastic bands of his boxers and gave a tug. Her gaze dropped as heat bubbled between them. She visibly quaked, and he bit back a grin.

  With her gaze latched on his cock, her chest rose and fell quicker. “You want to…?”

  He took one small step until their bodies were touching, his cock pressing against her stomach. “What I want, Andi, is to touch you, every sweet inch of you. With my hands, my mouth, and my cock. But you should be warned. Once we start this, there’s not going to be anything gentlemanly about it.” He gestured toward the unmade bed. “I’m going to toss you onto that mattress, and take you like you’ve never been before.”

  She was trying so hard to maintain control, but her fingers shook as they smoothed back her hair. “Pretty confident, aren’t you?” she asked.


  “After carrying my luggage and sending dinner, I thought you were a gentleman.”

  “If you wanted a gentleman, you came to the wrong room.”

  She went quiet, then said, “I never knew this side of you.”

  He stiffened. What the hell was she talking about? They’d only met a few hours ago and she had no idea what he was like behind closed doors. Bad might be new to her, but it wasn’t to him.

  He was about to ask what she meant when she said, “So, you’re up for the challenge, then?”

  “Challenge? As in living up to a romance writer’s expectations of great sex?”

  “Yeah,” she breathed out.

  He’d read her book, knew what kind of men she wrote about. “Maybe you’re the one who should be asking yourself that.”

  Beneath the thin bra, her nipples tightened, and like Pavlov’s dog, his mouth watered in response. Christ, he couldn’t wait to get one between his teeth. His body thrummed in anticipation.

  She inched away and walked around him, trailing her fingers over his body, torturing him with her light, barely there touch. Her scent reached him, sweet citrus, and something uniquely Andi.

  As heat arched between them she ran her finger over his shoulder from behind, and he flinched, air hissing from his lungs.

  “So tense,” she said, continuing to push his buttons as lust exploded inside him.

  His blood pulsed hot, every muscle in his body rippling beneath her hand. The need to taste her, touch her, have her at his mercy prowled through him. Like a tethered lion, he waited to pounce, biding his time until he had her right where he wanted her.

  He turned to face her, and she nudged him backward as he gazed at her near nakedness. Her long hair fell over her bare shoulders as she followed him to the bed, and all he could think about was how it would look sprawled across his pillow as he sank into her.

  The backs of his knees hit the mattress, and a second later, he was flat out on the bed staring at the most gorgeous woman he’d ever set eyes on. A sweet yet sexy woman he wanted in the worst fucking way. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he wanted her in a way he’d never wanted another. She stood over him, her hands lingering on the bedpost. She hesitated. Was she having second thoughts? Perhaps it was more like she wasn’t quite done playing with him.

  Too bad. Playtime was over. She’d had her fun. Now it was his turn.

  Chapter Five

  Walk away, Andi. Just walk away.

  She looked at the gorgeous man on the mattress, his erection straining against his boxer shorts and beckoning her touch. A thrill raced through her. She had him exactly where she wanted him. Now all she had to do was turn around and walk out the door.

  So why wasn’t she leaving?

  He crooked his finger, the gleam in his eyes exciting…frightening. A shiver of want wracked her body, and a little moan caught in her throat. There was something undeniably raw, almost primal about him as he beckoned her closer. Big hands pushed his mussed hair from his forehead, the move making him look rugged, irresistible.


  Her heart fluttered. Maybe she’d bitten off more than she could chew. Common sense dictated that she’d accomplished her mission and it was time to go, but need overshadowed sensibility so instead she stood still, her entire body burning as she visualized herself under that hard torso, exploring the sparks between them.

  Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t fight her attraction to him. She wanted him today every bit as much as she did all those years ago. But her plan was to entice him and then take him down, not to fall into bed with him, no matter how appealing that sounded. Her thoughts whirled, and she couldn’t seem to move, to force herself to hightail it out of there. All she could think of was the ache inside her, and how Ryan could satiate it.

  Leave, Andi. Pick up your damn feet and walk to the door.

  She blew her hair off her face, willing her body to move, but Ryan grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of him, calling her bluff and complicating her mission. He rolled until she was under him, then gripped both of her hands in one of his and pinned them above her head. A gasp caught in her throat as he took control from her.

  She should put a stop to this. She needed to put a stop to this before she got in too deep again, but God, it felt good to be caged between his hard body and the soft mattress. His eyes never left hers as he shifted his weight, his thumb sliding under her bra strap.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy you are?” he asked, his eyes focused on her mouth.

  He ran his knuckles along the strap, going from the outer edge of her breast to her shoulder and back again. Pleasure like she’d never before experienced hit, and he’d barely even touched her yet. What would it be like if she stayed in this bed, let him caress her stomach, her legs, the needy spot between her thighs? She could stay and take what the boy of her dreams denied to her all those years ago.

  How tempting.

  “Ry—” she began, but her words were lost on a moan the second his lips closed over hers. He tasted like mint and rum, and long hot nights of sexual satisfaction. Her body burned as his tongue slipped inside and tangled with hers. His groin bumped hers, as his kiss fueled her hunger. His lips pressed greedily, hard enough to leave his mark on her and effectively shut down her brain. A whimper escaped her lips and suddenly all she could think about was this man and what he was doing to her.

  He broke the kiss, and his mouth curved as his glance met hers. He brushed his thumbs over one nipple, the rasp of lace caressing her sensitive flesh and sending warm shivers straight to her core.

  “Such a bad, bad girl, coming into my room and tormenting me with this sexy lace number.” The smile fell from his mouth, his eyes darkening with hunger. “Look at you now, though. Completely at my mercy.” His lips crashed down on hers again and he devoured her mouth like a man who knew what he wanted, and planned to take it. As his tongue slashed against the side of her mouth, demanding she give him everything, her nipples tingled, and her sex moistened—all from a kiss. Good God, no man had ever done that to her before. His hand went to her thigh, and he ran it up, tracing her curves, and hips, going higher until he reached her breasts. He fingered the slip of material.

  “In case you didn’t know. Black lace is my favorite. The second I saw you in it, you were done for, sweetheart.” He pushed his cock against her thigh. “I let you have your fun, but this is my room, my rules. Now we’re doing things my way.”

  Oh God!

  He shifted lower, moving his mouth to her cleavage. His nose pressed against her skin and he inhaled deeply. “Oh yeah, baby. You are so fucking done for.” He gripped the cups of her bra, and without so much as asking, he pulled them down to free her breasts.

  His warm breath was
hed over her bare skin, and he leaned in for a taste. The soft blade of his tongue swiped one nipple, then he blew, the contrast of hot and cold taking her to a whole new level of pleasure. A quiver moved through her, her body practically vibrating beneath him. He gently bit down on her nipple, hard, then rolled it between his teeth. Her body flushed hotly as he nibbled. Pain and pleasure swamped her, and she reveled in the sensations. A growl rumbled in his throat as he released her nipple, circling it with his tongue, to ease the sting.

  Shaky, unstable, and wanting more…everything…she bucked against his leg, her breathing changing and becoming a little more erratic.

  He looked at her and grinned. “Oh, you liked that did you?”

  “Yes,” she cried out, wiggling her hands in an attempt to free them so she could grab his head and force his mouth back to her breasts. “Please…” She arced into him.

  He looked at her trapped hands. “What?” he questioned in a soft tone. “You want to touch me?”


  “You’ll get your turn. Right now it’s mine, and I have so much more I want to show you.”

  She caught the sexy, bemused expression on his face. Oh God, he was toying with her, playing with her the same way she’d played with him. “Ryan…” she cried, praying to God that he at least planned to finish what she started.

  He shifted, and put his hand between her thighs to spread them. Her lashes fluttered shut, then opened to find him looking at her.

  “Are you hurting for it baby? Is that why you came to me tonight? So I could make the ache go away.”

  “Yes,” she said, her body so needy, so aroused, she was ready to climax from the sound of his voice alone.

  “There might not be any place for chivalry in the bedroom, but don’t worry, I believe in ladies first, and I’ll give you what you need. I’ll soothe that ache, even if I have to kiss it for hours on end.”

  Holy hell!

  She had no idea Ryan would talk so dirty in the bedroom, but damned if she didn’t like it. Heck, she could use those exact words in one of her books. Wouldn’t a naughty talking, alpha hero shock her readers, especially when they were used to getting beta guys from her, compliments of her boring, vanilla sex life. Damn, she needed to play the sex kitten more often if it resulted in such delicious results.

  His soft chuckle fell over her as he turned his attention back to her breasts. Thank God. He paid homage to her other nipple, drawing it into his hot mouth. Warm and wicked sensations bombarded her as he sucked hard. Heat reverberated through her blood, taking her higher and higher, to a place beyond her wildest fantasies.

  Every nerve in her body came alive as his fingers dipped into the tiny waistband. She wiggled, needing him to touch her and end the sweet torment. His mouth moved over her breasts as his hand dipped farther into her waistband. She quivered under his touch.

  “Mmm,” she murmured, writhing beneath him. She tried to free her hands, desperate to touch him all over, but he tightened his hold, keeping them above her head, letting her know he was the one calling the shots for now.

  He brushed his thumb over her pubic bone, circling slowly as his hand went lower and lower. She writhed, but he pressed one leg over hers to still her. A popping sound filled the air as he released her breast from his mouth. He gripped the thin lace on her hips and she gasped as he gave a quick tug, tearing them from her body.

  “I’ll replace them,” he murmured as he rained kisses down her body and tossed her panties to the floor. His mouth was so hot against her skin, it burned everywhere he touched. As he slid lower, he released her hands, and she reached for him. She tangled her fingers in his hair and held him until he pulled away from her body and went back on his heels.

  Please don’t stop…

  Breathing became difficult, as the charged air around them grew heavier, almost suffocating under the weight of their attraction. He gripped her legs, and pulled them open, and a quiver raced down her spine. Her gaze dropped to his cock, and the way it was straining against his shorts.

  “Come here,” he growled.

  He wrapped his hands around her wrist and tugged until she was sitting up. Ryan pushed her legs together, and went up on his knees on either side of her thighs. He freed his cock, and threw his head back when she wrapped her fingers around him.

  He thickened even more in her palms, and seeing him this aroused, knowing she—her, the self conscious nerdy bookwork no man wanted—could make him this way, filled her with a new kind of heat. Confidence bolstered, her chin lifted, until they were staring at each other. The need in his eyes as they moved over her face triggered a craving inside her, and her body became that much more eager to feel his hard length inside her. Never in her life had a man looked at her with such passion.

  “My turn again,” he growled, pulling his cock away from her hand. He gave a push to her shoulder and she gasped as she fell back onto the bed. His heated glance raked over her, and she cupped both her breasts.

  “Nice,” he said, his gaze latched on the action. He widened her legs again, stroking his thumb over her lips before spreading them. His gaze left her breasts, and slid over her bare skin.

  “Jesus,” he murmured, his glance stopping on her sex. His muscles rippled as he leaned forward, and the second he buried his face between her legs, her hips came off the bed. An explosion tore through her at that first slow pass of his tongue. Feeling a little dizzy as the heat from his mouth fried her brain cells, she gripped the sheets beneath her to hang on for the ride.

  His tongue brushed her lips, escalating the tension inside her.

  “Feel good?” he asked.

  “Yes, please…don’t stop,” she cried out. She was about to hold his head, forcing him to finish, but stopped when she remembered his creed. Ladies first… Thank God.

  Her body shook with need, and while she wanted release, she didn’t want him to ever stop. It felt too good…too long in the coming.

  She flew higher and higher, as he worked magic between her legs. Need swirled inside her. This was way better than any fantasy she ever had about him. He took her to the edge of oblivion, and left her hovering there. But before he let her tumble over, he repositioned his body, going up on his knees. He slid his hands under her ass, and roughly tugged her up until her sex was once again pressed against his mouth.

  “Yes,” she cried out, as his tongue curled and rolled, using everything in his arsenal to bring her to climax. He plunged hungrily, and her breath hitched. He was right, there was no place for chivalry in the bedroom. In fact, after one night with him, she might never think, or write, the same way again.

  She went up on her elbows to watch, but fell back again, unable to concentrate on anything but the pleasure building in her. Cripes, when she set this scheme into motion it was to take Ryan down. In a way it worked. He was going down, all right, just not in the way she’d planned. She moaned when he switched tactics, increasing the pressure as he dipped a finger inside. Hips rolling, she rode his finger furiously as he continued to devour her with his mouth.

  “Yes…” she hissed, pulling on the sheets so hard, they came away from the corner.

  A fluttery breath left her lungs, as her body gave itself over to the building pleasure. Her muscles clenched and squeezed around his finger, gripping him hard. He stroked her, his touch softer this time as he drew out her pleasure, helping her ride the waves until the last subsided.

  He didn’t even give her a second to catch her breath. Instead, he climbed up her body, pressing her down with his weight. His lips found hers and he kissed hard. She gasped for air, but no reprieve was in sight. He slipped his hands around her and rolled until she was on top of him. The way he touched her with such giving hands was toe-curling goodness.

  “Up on your knees,” he commanded.

  She went up on her knees, and nearly fell backward. He jackknifed up, moving so fast it caught her off guard. His hands slipped around her waist, and he pulled her to his chest. Her nipples scraped over his hard
chest, making her hyper aware of how much more she still needed from him.

  “I’ve got you,” he murmured into her ear, and her heart wobbled in response. He held her for a moment until she was steady, and it was shocking how fast that intimate, possessive gesture made her feel all warm inside. But emotions played no part in any seduction—especially this one. She’d stopped loving him long ago, and thanks to him, never trusted a man enough to let him see who she really was. “You okay now?” he asked. Since a reply was beyond her she nodded, but he continued to hold her as she went up on her knees to straddle his thighs.

  One hand stayed on her waist as he grabbed his wallet from the nightstand. He pulled out a foil package and bit into it. In one swift move he pulled the condom free and sheathed himself. She watched, fascinated with the whole process and how intimate and exciting it felt to be with him like this.

  Both hands gripped her hips again, and his gaze latched on hers as he lifted her and positioned her above his shaft. They exchanged a long look, her heart pounding hard against her chest.

  “Just so you know, you got me so fucking hard, some of my other moves might have to wait until tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow? There was going to be a tomorrow?

  That thought flew out of her head the second he pulled her down onto his cock, driving himself so high and so deep it pushed out the last breath of air in her lungs.

  “Oh God,” she cried out, taking deep gulping breaths as he stretched her open, making her feel so gloriously full.

  She gripped his arms as he pounded into her, powering his hips forward like a man on a mission. She met and welcomed each thrust, and as they established a rhythm, she let her head fall forward, her hair spilling around her face.

  Ryan’s hand went to her face, and he pushed her hair back. Her heart caught in her throat, and something touched her deeply when she caught the way he was watching her.


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