Riley's Pond (New Adult Romance)

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Riley's Pond (New Adult Romance) Page 21

by Harley Brooks

  I traced the angular lines of the proposed entrance with my finger. “Impressive. Your dad’s done a good job.”

  “He’d like to think so. I just hope they bring some good stores in. Your mom’s place is the only decent shop in town.”

  “Her friend, Pam, buys the stuff. She lives in New York and keeps up on the popular trends.”

  An uncomfortable silence took over. I moved from behind the desk, closing out the space between us, but when I tried to touch her, she stepped out of my reach.


  She walked to the floor length windows on the other side of the room. Something in her body language told me I wasn’t allowed to follow. Keeping her back to me, she offered an explanation for her standoffish behavior. One that blindsided me.

  “Jax, I’m with Brandon, now. We’re even talking about maybe getting married in June.”

  I dropped my eyes when she turned to face me, not wanting her to see the tears forming. “Oh,” I responded, almost inaudible. When her shadow threatened to cover me, I assumed my stalwart stance, minus the salute. However, the whine in my voice didn’t match my posture.

  “Brandon? Why? He’s a player, Ally. He’ll end up cheating on you.”

  “Like someone else we both know?”

  “I never cheated on you that way.”

  “So there’s degrees of infidelity? Some more acceptable than others? You let a teenage girl give you a blow job, Jax!”

  “No, I didn’t! She tried, but I wouldn’t let her. You’ve got to believe me, Ally.”

  “Believe you.” Stated, not questioned. Her arms crossed over her chest. “I don’t think so, Jax. Been there done that, remember? Like I said. We’re done.”

  “Yeah, I heard you. Tell me, sweetheart, is it different going down on Brandon?”

  “Get out!” she screeched, throwing a book from the corner of the desk at me.

  I paused in the doorway, moving slightly to avoid the second literary projectile aimed my direction. “Don’t worry, I’m out of here. You can have your miserable life, Ally. You and Brandon deserve each other.”

  My reflexes were right on. I whirled around and clenched her wrists, stopping her fake nails from raking across my face. Lost in my seething jealousy, I dropped one last bombshell.

  “Oh, and by the way, let me give you an engagement present. Your ‘truly beloved’? He was in the backseat the night of the accident letting Shar Richards get him off while I fought the demon child in the front seat. I’m surprised she didn’t bite his dick off when Kaylee jerked the wheel and slammed the marquee.”

  Her arms went limp. I regretted my immature and hurtful revelation when I saw the pain in her eyes. “Sorry. That was cruel. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “Is it true?”

  “Yeah. But, no one knows. I didn’t want Brandon, or even the girls to get in trouble, so I took the blame. Please don’t say anything. It’s over now.”

  I released my grip and she stepped back.

  “Brandon owes you. I could care less what happens to the ‘baby bitches’. Sorry, Jax, I just assumed…”

  “It’s okay. I’ve heard the rumors.” I opened the front door and stepped onto the porch. “I ship out in three days. I only wanted to stop and say goodbye. I also wanted to say I love you and apologize for being an asshole the whole time we’ve been going out.”

  “You weren’t an asshole the whole time,” she smiled.

  Her kiss was soft, but quick, and not followed by an invitation for another. “Take care, Jax. Come home safe. You’re family needs you.”

  “What about you, baby? Will you ever need me again?” I already knew the answer and the tear rolling over her cheek and dropping off the frown on her lips, confirmed it. “Guess not. All the same, I want you happy, Ally. With Brandon, or whoever. Be happy.” I hugged her tight and kissed her cheek. “Take care.”


  I pulled into the driveway, buried my head in the gym T-shirt I’d left on the back seat, my tears reviving a sweaty stench. Riley dropped into the passenger seat, surprising me.

  “Your dick fall off, ‘Nancy’?” he jibed, poking fun at emotional state.

  I looked over at Riley whose eyes were also rimmed red. “What’s your bra cup size up to ‘Alice’?” I retorted.

  “Size C. I’m growing big ones.”

  “God, we’re pathetic.” I regarded Riley when he didn’t have a flippant comeback. “You okay little bro?” He shook his head and looked away. “Riley, Dad’s got this you know that, don’t you? He won’t let you down.”

  “He won’t let you down either, Jax.”

  “I know. We’re damn lucky. Hell, I’m even going to miss the old man.” Riley remained too somber. I elbowed his shoulder. “But I won’t miss you.”

  “Sure you will. The minute you say ‘Sir, yes Sir, Sergeant’ and spit on an officer, you’ll think of me,” he laughed.

  My new lisp had become Riley’s favorite attack spot. I reached out to playfully punch him, but gathered him into my arms instead. We didn’t say anything, just clung to each other, shouldering each other’s burdens for a few seconds.

  We parted, both of us flicking away wayward tears. I grabbed my crotch. “Just checking,” I teased.

  “Hey,” Riley sighed. “Act surprised when you go around back. We’re celebrating your birthday, too, because you’ll be gone when it rolls around.”

  “Ugh no! Really?”

  “Yep. You’re getting the pony you always wanted.”

  “Forever the smart-ass, aren’t you?”

  “No, just smart. You do ‘ass’ much better.” He was out of the car before I could reach him.

  Mom’s gaze over my shoulder when we rounded the side of the house looked confused. I couldn’t tell if she felt sad or relieved I hadn’t brought Ally back. However, my eyes left hers and met Brandon’s immediately. By the grimace on his face, he knew where I’d come from and the fact he didn’t have the balls to tell me, brought a rush of anger close to the surface.

  Riley stepped beside me. I’d given him an overview of what happened at Ally’s as we walked to the back yard. “Well, this should get interesting. I’m not big on the whole advice thing, but remember Brandon’s been around a lot longer than Ally. Plus Mom will be majorly pissed if you spoil this for her. Keep your cool, Jax. You can duke it out with Brandon later.”

  After some uncomfortable and not deserved praise for my so called choice to join the Army, we were allowed to eat. Somewhere between the baked beans and the grill steaming with steaks, Brandon cornered me.

  “Jax, can we talk?”

  “Nothing to talk about. Ally told me. Wish your gonads were bigger and you’d told me yourself. Shit, Brandon, we’ve been friends since third grade. I’ve covered your ass more than once. The least you could have done was tell me you were banging my girlfriend.”


  “Whatever, dude. We never made it official. By the way, I told her about the accident. Everything. Including Shar.”

  Brandon paled and he yanked me away from any eavesdropping ears, although our private conversation in the corner of the deck met with more suspicion than if we’d kept arguing and spooning salads.

  “Why the fuck did you do that?” he snarled.

  “Relax. Believe it or not, Ally wasn’t that upset. Maybe she really does love you. But take my advice, keep your tongue in your mouth until you’re sure,” I laughed.

  Suddenly, Ally being with Brandon didn’t hurt so much. I did love her with all my heart, but if she was happier with Brandon, then that’s what I really wanted for her. He would probably end up making a lot of money, winning her dad’s approval. Something I never achieved in the two years we dated.

  “We okay, Jax?” he asked pensively.

  “Just don’t hurt her, dude. I want her to be happy, so if you’re really my best friend, make it happen. Otherwise, I’ll kick your ass when I get back.”


  The sun star
ted its decent in the western sky, and any food not consumed had been stacked in the refrigerator. Brandon left to spend the evening with Ally, sending a jolt of jealousy straight to my broken heart. I dumped the trash and returned to the backyard, where Mom gave the Hendersons a tour of her rose garden while Dad paced, cell phone plastered to his ear.

  In the distance, Riley slowly walked toward the thicket where the pond lay hidden. I reached into the tin tub of ice and pulled out a beer. Dad’s brows knitted.

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ve got a surprise pee test waiting in the morning. I don’t want anything but Mom’s lemonade on the dipstick.” I gestured toward the disappearing figure and my dad shook his head, his glower darkening. “Okay, then this is for me.” I pulled a long sip and stepped off the deck to follow Riley.

  Waiting until he cleared the rise, I followed, undetected. I watched from atop the small hill as Riley skipped stones across the pond, sending sparkling ripples over water that resembled gold glitter with the setting sun peeking through the treetops.

  “So what’s the record,” I asked, startling him.

  He walked over to the tree where our pocket knives had carved the scores. “Hard to tell with the sap oozing out of the cuts. Looks like eleven, maybe? Has your initials by it, so it must be a lie.”

  “Nothing here was ever a lie,” I stated.

  We both stood in quiet reverence. Leaves rustled overhead and birds chattered in the pines at the far end of the pond.

  A heavy breath escaped my lips. “I still can’t believe we made this. I remember how excited I’d get when school ended, knowing we’d spend the summer working on it. Damn those were the best summers.”

  “Seems like a lifetime ago. When did life get so complicated, Jax?”

  “When our dicks reacted to boobs. I swear girls are descendents of the Devil. They’re a fucking amusement ride—one you’re scared to death of, but when it’s over, you’re addicted.” I handed him the beer. “Here. Thought maybe you could use one.”

  “Dad know?”

  “Do you honestly care?”

  “Not really.”

  Riley took a couple of long pulls, then poured the amber ale into the dark green pond water.

  “Hey, that’s my good stuff!” Dad brushed his pants off after he slid a few feet in the dirt. “Why are you pouring it out?”

  “Christening the pond,” Riley replied.

  “It’s going to a far more deserving place than the sewers of our fine city,” I joked.

  Dad let out a long noisy breath, his neck craning to take in the surroundings. “Can’t believe I let you boys keep this death trap. Tried the rope swing once and damn near tweaked the ‘family jewels’ off.”

  “You were naked?” We both shrieked. “EEWWEE!”

  “Just because I’m over forty doesn’t mean I can’t relive some of my youthful memories.”

  “I’m draining the pond,” Riley declared.

  “Burn the rope swing while you’re at it,” I added. Both of us looked at each other, thinking the same thought. Not touching it.

  “All right, I’m joking. I didn’t swim naked in the pond for the same reasons you’re thinking. I figured you two had already done disgusting things in that water,” Dad laughed.

  “Only Jax,” Riley proffered.

  The joviality died as fast as it rose and Dad scratched the back of his neck, nervously shifting his feet. “Jax? I need to talk to Riley, privately.”

  “No problem. See you back at the house.”

  I’d loved to have been a beetle tucked under a rock to listen to their conversation. Judging by my father’s demeanor, Riley was in for some bad news. He should have finished the beer.




  Jaxson left a little too fast and gooseflesh skittered over my arms. Dad perched on one of the boulders we’d dragged and rolled for “seating.” It was a wonder Jax and I didn’t suffer hernias or permanently damage important body parts moving the large rocks.

  I stared at the dirt, milk chocolate in color with different sizes and colors of pebbles jutting through the powdery imprints left from the soles of my shoes.

  “What.” The statement echoed, splitting the air.

  “The preliminary DNA tests proved positive on the sheets and panties. Based on what Taylor told you, the pictures, and the estimated time, uh, the alleged attack occurred, there’s enough evidence to support a rape charge against Michael Barnes. Lydia Daniels admitted to not being home, so Taylor was alone with him. The degree of color changes in the bruising also collaborate Taylor’s story, along with your eyewitness account of her physical and emotional state when you first saw her. I would guess you arrived within thirty minutes of when…”

  “The animal killed his prey. Taylor’s eyes were ‘dead’ when I saw her, Dad. Vacant. I should have known right then. If I’d been paying attention to something besides my stupid jealousy and that damn diamond, I would have…should have known something was wrong.”

  I lifted my eyes to Dad’s. “I heard her scream. Did I tell you that? When she called out my name after I said the cruelest things I could to her—just before I reached my truck. I didn’t even turn around. The door slammed and she screamed. The bastard punched, kicked, bit…hell I don’t know! But he hurt her while I stood a few feet away, self-absorbed and going ape-shit. I could have ran back, busted the damn door down and killed the asshole! I had a second chance to save her and I blew it. I. Let. Him. Hurt. Her!”

  Dusty tendrils curled into my mouth, covering my tongue with a gritty paste. I choked when the dirty mist strangled my breath, and rolled onto my side, coughing up Dad’s precious ale into a puddle next to my cheek. I never remembered falling to the ground.

  Dad’s arms scooped in my armpits, wrenching me upright and landing his foot ankle deep in the water when my body weight shifted in his arms.

  “Damnit Riley! Snap out of this!” He pushed me back onto the rock and slapped my cheek.”


  “Look at me.” His fingers gripped my chin, forcing me to stare at him. “This is not your fault. None of it. Nor is it Taylor’s. She’s an innocent victim of a deviant jerk who gets his ‘rocks off’ abusing girls. Just like you said. A monster. But one you’re no match for, Riley. Thank God you didn’t go back into that house. By being selfish, you may very well have saved Taylor’s life! Got that? If that asshole was okay with doing what he did to her in that short of time, who knows what he would have done if you’d pushed his anger over the edge.”

  “But what kind of a life did I save her for, Dad? How long before something worse happens?”

  Dad dropped to his haunches clamping my shoulders. “Riley, I’m fairly certain Taylor isn’t the only girl this Michael guy has hurt. This sick behavior didn’t just manifest itself one afternoon. My guess is, she’s not his first victim—just the one he wants to marry, or I should say own. If we can keep that from happening, we might buy some time to find the others. The more who come forward and accuse Michael, the longer he’ll stay locked up.”

  “But what does stalling their wedding do for Taylor? He’ll just keep beating her.”

  “Maybe. But based on what Lydia Daniels has told me about Michael, he’ll want Taylor to have a virtuous appearance and be unmarked for their wedding. Personally, I believe this ‘nut job’ fantasizes, Riley. He’ll want things to be perfect…including Taylor.”

  “And if you’re wrong?”

  My dad took the handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped my face. “Let’s pray I’m not.” He hoisted me onto my feet, handing me the cloth. “Wet that and clean your face. You’ll scare the hell out of your mother.”

  I looked at his wet pant leg and a half laugh burst through my caked lips. “And she’ll think you missed the bush or didn’t get your zipper down in time.”

  He looked down at his feet. “Damn. These are my good shoes, too.”




  We waited almost two hours before being seated for dinner. The law firm rented out The Landing, Marblehead’s popular waterfront restaurant for the celebratory dinner. Dad got his promotion and Michael got me. A merger benefiting everyone. Except ‘yours truly’.

  I wore a strapless cranberry dress, cut low enough in the front for Michael to leer at my chest, but high enough in back to cover the yellow-green bruise on my back. Luckily, the one on my arm shrunk and I covered it with make-up. I had no idea how I’d manage eating a full meal. I barely kept anything down because my stomach still hurt from where Michael’s fist made contact a couple weeks ago. Weight fell off me every day.

  The one thing I was grateful for? The bleeding. Constant bleeding. Turns out my period came right on schedule. Coupled with the side effects of either the morning-after pill or internal injuries, I’d been blessed with a two-week reprieve from Michael even attempting to get close to me. Apparently, he’s grossed out by the whole monthly “female issue.” Little did he know, this would be the longest menstrual cycle I could possibly contrive.

  Michael’s car had two seats with a long console that kept my body separated from his. He opened the top for the ride home and I leaned back, letting the cool air blow through my hair. A sliver of peace filled me.

  I made it through dinner, smiling and nodding when appropriate, pleasing Michael. He’d been attentive, handling me carefully so no one would notice me wince if he held too tight. The kisses he lavished on me frequently during the evening, were his “public showcase” kisses, keeping his tongue in check and pressing only lightly so he appeared the perfect gentleman.

  The façade worked. We appeared happy and excited about our pending nuptials slated for two weeks from tonight, thanks to Michael’s formal announcement, which trumped the congratulations intended for Dad. I held out hope for an October wedding, wondering if I could follow a Halloween theme and walk down the aisle as a ghost, because I felt like one.

  I blamed myself for the twisted change in dates. When we returned from Wellsville, I made the mistake of suggesting we hold off having sex until married so our wedding night would be “special.” I made the offer more enticing by explaining that by then, the bruises would be gone and my naked body would appear unscathed.


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