The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4)

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The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4) Page 14

by Marianne Morea

  Remy eyed him. “I don’t need to. I already know.”

  Ignoring the other elder, Sébastien looked at Bette for explanation. “Well?”

  “It’s not a hunger strike, Sébastien. You should know better than to accuse Abigail of being vindictive. I told you. She’s ill.”

  “Ill? With what?” No sooner did the words leave his mouth than his lips parted in stunned silence. He sunk down in his chair.


  Rémy got up from his seat, pressing a quick kiss to his wife’s temple. “Get Sean on the phone. There’s no time to lose.”

  “No.” Sébastien’s voice was low but firm.

  They all gaped at him.

  “What do you mean no?” Rémy’s surprise and doubt warred on his face. “Abigail is your only remaining progeny. Would you see her die the same horrible death as Amélie? Maybe worse since this strain is unknown?”

  “The animals insulted me. I will never call them.”

  “Then I was correct,” Remy countered, anger in his soft voice. “You don’t care. Not even for your own blood.” He turned away from Sébastien. “Bette, have Abigail taken to the private exit. Jenya and I will drive her to the Compound in Maine. The wolves will see to her there.”

  Bette shook her head. “I can’t. She won’t go.”

  Sébastien’s gaze shot up from his folded hands. “Why not?”

  Bette licked her lips, her fingers twisting inside her pocket. “She blames herself for the deaths at the infected shadow house. The donor she fed from is already dead. She refuses to feed now because of the chance of spreading the virus. She is ready to die as you ordered. Same as the others.”

  He stood. “The illness is that advanced?”

  Bette nodded. “She wants you to be the one to end her life since you gave her this existence.”

  Jenya eyes were severe as she looked at Sébastien. “It’s very easy to give a faceless death-order from behind your desk, but very hard to watch someone you love die by your command. Think carefully before you speak next, Sébastien. Immortality is a long time to carry regret.”


  “No. He attacked you.”

  “He tried to attack me, Sean. You came to my rescue.” She paused. “Not that I needed it. Plus, after you nearly crushed his shoulder, he’ll think twice before doing it again.” Lily shot back over her shoulder.

  “That’s not the point.”

  She stood in front of her closet, boots in hand, the knee length shitkickers ready with the rest of her packed clothes. “Then would you mind telling me what is the point?”

  “Stop packing. We are not driving to New York.” He didn’t look up from his brooding in the bathroom doorway, is eyes on the low fire in the grate in the bedroom.

  She put the boots by her suitcase and shoved her hands onto her hips. “They need us, Sean.”

  “The vampire council cannot snap their fingers and expect us to jump. What kind of precedent does that set for me as Alpha of the Brethren? Weres do not bend to vampires or any other race,” he replied, but seeing the frustration and disappointment in her face, he yielded a bit.

  “We tried, Lily.” He shrugged. “However, a one-sided compromise will never work.”

  Lily sunk onto the edge of their bed. “I get that, but don’t you think the more important precedent is that your hunters know they come first? Not your pride?”

  He looked over at her. “That’s not fair.”

  She flung her hand toward the bedroom door. “Dash is downstairs waiting for you to decide, as are Rémy and Jenya. Hell you’re going to have to buy a new area rug with the way he’s pacing if you don’t get off your gorgeous ass and do something.”

  Sean’s eyes narrowed. “When did you talk to Rémy?” He turned, lifting one hand. “You know what? I don’t want to know.”

  Lily looked at her husband. Sean was the bravest man she’d ever met, dedicated and loyal to a fault, but once crossed he’d sooner rip your throat out as look at you.

  “You’re right. I should have talked to you before contacting Rémy. It’s not fair, but Dash loves her.”

  “Who?” Sean asked, annoyed.

  Lily just looked at him

  “Abigail?” the alpha scoffed. “You can’t be serious. She’s a vampire.”

  “Now you sound as pig-headed and prejudiced as Sébastien. What happened to not buying into old taboos?” she countered.

  “It’s not the same thing and you know it. Since Mitch left to claim his position as Alpha in the Canadian North, Dash is in line to be my second. Gehrig is too young, however talented a hunter. Dash is not going to risk himself or his position shacking up with an undead bitch queen.”

  “He loves her. I know it, Sean.”

  Sean pointed a finger at her. “Ah ha! He never said he loved her. You just assume.”

  She shook her head. “No. I know.”

  Lowering his hand, he stared at his wife. “Lily, what have I said about tap dancing inside my hunters’ heads? You can’t trespass on people’s thoughts simply because you have the psychic ability.”

  “Now who’s not being fair? I didn’t trespass.” She crooked her fingers into quotation marks. “Dash is broadcasting his feelings so loudly I didn’t have to. I can practically taste his ache, and let me tell you that boy has it bad.

  “Gehrig is infatuated, too. He likes the dark-haired flapper vamp, but his connection is more physical than anything else. He’s the one we need to worry about when it comes to addiction. Dash is in love. Full blown, tail wagging, face-licking love. He’s not going to become dependent.”

  Sean scrubbed his face with his palm. “I don’t know, Lily.” He let his hand drop to his side, his eyes finding hers. “What about Abigail? You know as well as I she’s a callous predator to the core. Loyal to Sébastien and not exactly a fan of the fanged and furry.”

  Pride swelled in Lily’s chest. Even with his silly pun, the torn look in his blue eyes and the set to his gorgeous jaw, told her he’d do the right thing.

  “It’s all a front. Abigail loves Dash as much as he loves her.” Heat climbed up her cheeks at his suspicious look. “Okay, so I trespassed a little. But only in Abigail’s head.”

  “How? They’ve only know each other a short time.”

  Lily shrugged. “When it’s right, it’s right. Abigail fought it hard to admit, even to herself. Trust me. This is not exactly her dream scenario, but like it or not, she loves him.”

  Sean grumbled a low consenting growl and nodded. “All right, you win, but only for Dash’s sake and I will make certain the master vampire knows that going in.”

  She got up from the bed and went to him standing beside the bathroom door. She dragged her hands over his arms and muscled shoulders, twining herself around his neck.

  “Thank you,” she murmured, going up on her toes to press her lips to his.

  “You’re only saying that because you got your way,” he replied, circling her narrow waist.

  “That’s not all I’m getting.” Twisting in his arms, she took him by the hand and led him toward the shower.


  “Abigail—” Dash pushed past the vampires at the door to her room, ignoring the argument behind him.

  Stunned, he looked down at her motionless form. She was a flicker of the woman who held him entranced just weeks before.

  Lush curves had wasted to a bony frame and her cheeks were hollowed and sunken. Even her luxurious strawberry blonde hair hung in dull, lifeless strands. And the smell. Like decay.

  It was clear. Her body was deteriorating at an unprecedented rate.

  “Lily called you weeks ago.” Dash glared at Rémy. “What does it take for you vampires to act? A congressional caucus?”

  Rémy eyed the wolf, but there was no resentment in his regard. “Under the circumstances, I did what I could. If the decision was mine, you would have been summoned that very day. Unfortunately, Abigail’s fate is Sébastien’s to decide. She is his progeny.”

His progeny?” Dash mimicked Rémy’s French accent.

  “That’s enough.” Sean’s eyes flashed and a flicker of yellow in the alpha’s natural blue was a warning to the younger wolf. “Whatever your feelings, Dash, Rémy is not to blame. If it weren’t for his influence, Sébastien would never have relented and Abigail would have no chance. I suggest you channel your emotions into something constructive or I will have you removed.”

  Sean’s words were no joke, and he stared down the angry hunter, driving his point home.

  Disbelieving, Dash glanced from Abigail’s wasted form to his Alpha. “Look at her, Sean. One more day—” He couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Rémy put a hand on Dash’s shoulder ignoring the wolf’s immediate reaction to jerk away.

  “Your sentiment for Abigail does you credit. She is near delirium, which means she has been in and out of lucid consciousness. We must work fast and we must work together if we are to help her at all.”

  Heavy truth behind the Rémy’s words was too much and Dash’s shoulders slumped. The vampire tightened his grip before steering him to the opposite side of the bed.

  “Sit beside her. Take her hand in yours,” Lily encouraged as she moved toward the bedside.

  Rémy looked at Dash pointedly. “You will need strength, both physical and emotion, to do what needs to be done. Abigail is not herself, and though she looks weak, her body will use whatever reserves necessary to protect itself against a perceived threat. Vampires do not die easily.”

  The vampire turned, gesturing for Lily. “Her fate is in your hands now, ma petite sorcière, or more exactly, in your veins. Work your magic. Touch her mind if you can. Reassure her.”

  Lily moved beside Rémy, her fingers brushing the ruined side of his face. “Your anxiety is so loud in my head you’re deafening my ears.”

  He looked at her. “The contents of my thoughts are not your concern today, little witch.” He took her hand from his cheek and moved it to Abigail’s arm. “Focus your talents, here. She needs you. I do not. Have no fear.”

  Lily gave him a soft smile. “What lies beyond holds no fear for me. Neither should it for you.”

  Without a word, a dusky shadow crossed the vampire’s eyes and his jaw tensed.

  Clearly, her words touched a vulnerable nerve, but she didn’t push the issue. Instead, she nodded to Dash. It was time.

  He scooted closer on the bed, and stroked her pale cheek. “Abigail? Can you hear me, love? Open your eyes.”

  No response.

  “Abigail—wake up. Look at me.” He tried again, giving her a gentle shake.

  This time she moaned, turning toward the sound of his voice. Her papery lids lifted and Dash cringed.

  Her once sultry eyes were sickly yellow and marbled with bloody streaks—and not the uninhibited crimson he’d seen when she was angry or aroused. Abigail was no longer Abigail.

  Her blank stare met his, so he tried again. “I’m here love and I’m not going anywhere. I’ve brought help.”

  Lily tried to probe her mind, but a curtain of black and red mist blocked her vision. She glanced at Rémy and shook her head.

  “She needs blood before I can reach her mind. It’s a confused jumble, but a cloud of rage is brewing, same as what this virus produced last spring. We need to work fast.”

  Sean moved to Lily’s side and slipped a hand around her waist. “Lock your mind with mine. I won’t let you do this without some kind of tether.”

  Lily shook her head again. “I’m fine. We are a long way off from that. Body first, mind later.”

  He kissed her temple. “Do it anyway. For me.”

  She nodded, opening her mind to his and locking their intimate mind path.


  He nodded. Go for it.

  Rémy lifted Lily’s wrist to his mouth and kissed the soft underside. Watching the harsh line of Sean’s lips, he bit down, careful not to pull from her veins and risk the alpha’s wrath, however tempting.

  Blood pooled, and Rémy reached to turn Abigail’s head. Lily held her wrist a few inches above her mouth, letting her blood drip onto Abigail’s parched, retreated lips. It coated her teeth, dribbling from either corner onto the pillow.

  “Drink, love. Please,” Dash encouraged, squeezing her hand.

  “Oui. Mon cher. S'il vous plaît,” Rémy added. “Please, dear one. Drink.”

  The vampire opened her jaw, careful of her fangs. He massaged her throat, but seconds bloomed into minutes and minutes into longer.

  No one spoke, and the quiet drip, drip of Lily’s blood was the only sound for what seemed like ages.

  “Try her mind again. Maybe some of your blood got through,” Dash suggested. Eager hope palpable in his voice.

  Lily closed her eyes.

  Abigail? I know you’re in here. Talk to me. Yell at me for old times’ sake. Tell me to go to hell.

  A voice muffled back, the response far away and unintelligible, but an answer, nonetheless.

  “She’s in there,” Lily said with a nod, “but she seems lost, muddled. Distant.”

  “Let me link with you. She might not answer if you call,” Dash pointed out. “You’re not exactly her favorite person. No offense.”

  Rémy looked at Sean. “The wolf cub has a point.”

  Dash exhaled. “For the last time, Rémy. I’m not a cub, I’m a full grown Were, and one of the Sean’s elite hunters. What is it with you vampires? You demand respect, but feel it unnecessary to give any in return.”

  Rémy opened his mouth to reply, but Lily shushed them, lifting one finger. “Wait. I saw something.”

  All eyes focused on Abigail. Her stare was still blank, but then she blinked and for a split second the blood cleared and her eyes were a lucid brown before sinking back into a yellow haze.

  “She’s in there. I know it. Maybe Dash is right and he should merge with me as well.” Lily looked between her husband and the elder vampire.

  She locked her eyes with Sean’s, and when she nodded he released his mindlock, allowing Dash’s mind to merge with Lily.


  The younger wolf’s chuckle feathered across her mind. This is trippy, but yeah.

  Call to her. Taunt her if you have to. Sean and Rémy will keep her from harming us from the outside, but it will be up to us to stop her from fucking with our minds in here.

  He nodded, surprised to find he could see Lily in the mist surrounding them.

  Abigail! Where are you?

  Scuffling echoed in the distance and Lily nodded, gesturing toward the thicker fog.

  She knows you’re here, Dash. Try again.


  Abigail walked through the miasma, but it wasn’t the confident, elegant vampire he knew.

  Who’s there? Show yourself.

  It’s me. Dash…Remember?

  She seemed smaller and almost fragile. Her hair hung long, to her waist and her manner of dress seemed colonial, almost puritan. She was dirt smeared and her skirts were torn and muddied a good twelve inches from the hem as though she had waded through a bog.

  Her lips and mouth were stained red, as was her linen shirt and rough corset. It was clear she was alone and had been for a while, fending for herself.

  I know no one by that name! Trickster! Who are you?

  Anger welled in Dash’s chest at Sébastien. The master vampire had taken Abigail’s human life, that much he knew, but from the fear in her eyes and her disheveled appearance, it was clear he left her to live or die without a second thought. Not even a crash course in vampire survival 101.

  Dash’s body shuddered with black rage. His mind churned with the need to avenge Abigail for what she endured. Sébastien forced this on her, and that she could still give him centuries of loyalty pushed him over the edge.

  Feeling the young hunter’s fury and the silent twist of coiled muscles ready to strike, Lily’s eyes flew to his in the mist.

  No! Dash. Look at me! You CANNOT phase. You’ll kill us both! Control yours

  Every muscle in his body ached, fighting his restraint. He clenched his jaw, biting back on the urge to kill.

  Dash…Sébastien can wait. Abigail can’t. Remember why we’re here. She needs us. Needs YOU!

  Lily’s words reached him and he calmed, letting his need to save Abigail cleanse his mind of his hunger for payback.

  Soft, muffled crying reached them and Lily motioned for him to go.

  It’s you she needs, not me. I’m here as a conduit and an anchor. What she needs from me her body is already taking. Like Rémy said, vampires don’t die easily. I can feel her pull on my veins even now. Sean is making sure she doesn’t take too much, and that means we don’t have a lot of time before I have to break the mind link. Go…now!

  Dash walked through the swirling fog.

  Abigail. Come back. Where are you?

  Stay away from me!

  I’m not going to hurt you. I want to help.

  Lies! That’s all I’ve been told. Lies!

  Dash stopped. The Abigail here in this psychological no man’s land was not his Abigail. She was the trigger—the same memory that caught Abigail back in her room the night she went ape shit.

  He turned, looking back toward Lily.

  She’s caught in some kind of memory loop. I’m not sure what happened after Sébastien left her, but it has something to do with a Were. He hurt her somehow, and she thinks I’m him.

  Tell her you’re not.

  He shot her a cynical scowl.

  Gee. What a great idea, Lil.

  Lose the sarcasm, fur ball. We have no time for drama. I’m already feeling light-headed, and I know Sean is going to pull the plug on this any second.

  I tried rationalizing with her weeks ago when her mind went AWOL in a fit of anger. Got any other suggestions?

  Lily chewed on her lip.

  If she won’t believe you aren’t this mystery Were, then BE him.

  No! Are you nuts?

  Listen to me, Dash. You said he hurt her. Well, it must have been very traumatic for the memory to have such a grip on her psyche. Maybe it happened shortly after Sébastien changed her. Use that, only this time apologize for whatever. Grovel.

  I don’t know any of the details or even the dude’s name.


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