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Shadow Moon

Page 17

by KB Anne

  She launched a ten-foot spear across the courtyard. It soared through the air three hundred paces before sticking into the bullseye.

  “Well done, Caer. Well done,” Gallean said, clapping her on the back.

  Scott stared at her. She tingled again, but this time from the adrenaline that coursed through her as the spear had found its mark. It gave her confidence that she would succeed in her mission.

  If she wanted to survive, she’d have to.

  * * *


  Reviews are like dance parties. Sometimes awkward, sometimes spastic, but someone’s got to get them started!

  * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt of

  Oak Moon: The Goddess Chronicles Book Five

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  Read Clarissa and Carman’s origin story, The Druids Sisters of the Gallicennial, FREE by signing up for K’s Koven. Be the FIRST to find out about new releases from Best-Selling Author, K.B. Anne. PLUS, receive Newsletter Subscriber Only Bonus Content, insight on Celtic Mythology, Druids, Witches, Werewolves, and Magic, and so much more! Join K’s Koven today!

  Shadow Moon Tarot Card Index

  Caer’s Chapters are Tarot Cards. @Enchanted.Endeavors on Instagram pulled a card each day I wrote (or so it seemed.) The card always matched up with the scene with alarming accuracy. I considered adding them as a quote at the start of Caer’s Chapters, but I didn’t want to detract from her story. I also didn’t want to change Jayse’s words. Enjoy!

  Ace of Cups - A new family connection or blossoming romance. It is exciting – fluttery even – and you are so glad to have met someone with whom you can share a special connection. Give yourself permission to open yourself to giving and receiving unconditional love, and you will notice that affection flows effortlessly when you are in this loving state of mind.

  Nine of Wands – This card appears when you feel battered and bruised, having gone through huge struggles along your path. Just when you think you are making progress, you suffer another setback. This card asks you to trust that this is merely a test of your resilience, and know that every time you overcome an obstacle, you are getting stronger.

  The Nine of Wands encourages you to keep pushing – you are so close to the finish line. Even if you want to give up, this is your final challenge before you reach your goal, so don’t let go of your hopes and dreams when you are so close to making them a reality.

  Queen of Swords – This card combines the intellectual power of the suit of Swords with the maturity and receptiveness of the Queen.

  You may be approached by someone in your day who is seeking clarity. When interacting with others, you will not tolerate mistruths or excessive ‘fluff’. You prefer to get to the heart of the matter without engaging in chit-chat or gossip.

  You are a quick thinker and highly perceptive, piercing through the noise and confusion to get straight to the point. You are upfront and honest in your views, and you expect the same from others.

  Seven of Swords - Take care, you may be the victim of someone else’s betrayal. Others are not being candid with you, and you may be unaware of their lies and deception. You may trust someone who then turns out to be running their own agenda, leaving you high and dry. Look out for any sneaky behaviour and listen to your intuition when something does not feel right or seems too good to be true.

  This card also indicates that you are trying to escape from a situation you've gotten yourself into, instead of dealing with it head on, you are running from it, or pushing it to the bottom of the pile. This card suggests you need to take the time do deal with the mess before moving on.

  Six of Pentacles - this card suggests that you offer up your time, energy, love and support to those who are in need. Giving your time or your wisdom is often just as fulfilling as giving away money or gifts and the gift of your presence is received just as well, if not better. .

  You may wonder if you can truly afford to give to others, the advice of the Six of Pentacles is to trust that everything you do is appreciated and will come back to you times three.

  Six of Pentacles REVERSED - A little self-care will go a long way, especially if you have been in giving mode for a long time. This card also shows that you may be giving to others freely whilst not getting the same back.

  If you are struggling yourself, be careful that you do not over-commit yourself to others who seek your help. Take care of you, you are worth your own time.

  Two of Cups - This card suggests an entering of a new partnership, perhaps with a lover, friend or business partner. You are both focused on creating a relationship that is mutually beneficial, one that will create a win-win situation for both parties. You see ‘eye to eye’ and appreciate what each other can bring to the table.

  Two of Wands - You may be considering your longer-term goals and aspirations and are ready to plan for what you need to do to achieve them. You have already come so far, and now you feel ready for a change – this time with your long-term future in mind. You may be contemplating overseas travel, further education or a significant career switch to expand your horizons beyond your immediate environment. With careful planning and a moderated approach, you will set yourself up for success.

  The Hanged Man - This card can sometimes reflect that you are feeling stuck or restricted in your life. What is holding you in this ‘stuck’ position? What is preventing you from moving forward? On one level, the Hanged Man is asking you pause and take a look at things from another perspective which may show you another path.

  The Lovers - is often a sign that you are facing a moral dilemma and must consider all consequences before acting. Your values system is being challenged, and you are being called to take the higher path, even if it is difficult. Do not carry out a decision based on fear or worry or guilt or shame. Now, more than ever, you must choose love – love for yourself, love for others and love for the Universe. Choose the best version of yourself.

  The Magician - The time is now! Now is the perfect time to bring that plan, idea or thought into action! You have all the tools you need to make this happen, with a bit of work and belief in yourself you can do it!

  The World - A long-term project, period of study, relationship or career has come to completion, you are now reveling in the sense accomplishment. This could represent a graduation, marriage, the birth of a child or achieving a long-held dream. Everything has come together, and you are in the right place, doing the right thing, achieving what you have envisioned.

  KB Anne’s Challenge: Go back and read SHADOW MOON with these cards in mind.

  Freaky similarity, huh?

  Thank you Jayse, @enchanted.endeavors for your universal help with Caer’s Chapters.

  About the Author

  Evil author person causing book hangovers since 2018. Known to erupt into malevolent laughter fits while she writes urban fantasy featuring fierce females, swoon worthy heroes who actually listen, and explosive action because everyone needs excitement in their lives.

  She writes the best-selling urban fantasy series, The Goddess Chronicles and The Silver Fae Series. She adores Celtic Mythology and Eastern Band of Cherokee legends, so all her books include heavy doses. She also has a thing for wolf shapeshifters, so you’ll find lots of drool worthy ones in her books.

  She lives in Northeast PA with 3 goblins, a task master, and a hell hound overlord. To find out more about here visit

  The Goddess Chronicles and Silver Fae Series are ready for your consumption. Warning: May cause book hangovers.

  Visit her website for more information or to contact her at


  Join K’s Koven! Be the FIRST to find out about new releases from Best-Selling Author, K.B. Anne. PLUS, receive Newsletter Subscriber Only Bonus Content, insight on Celtic Mythology, Druids, Witches, Werewolves, and Magic, and so much more! Join K’s Koven today!



ntact info:

  Also by KB Anne

  The Goddess Chronicles

  Wide Awake: The Goddess Chronicles Book 1

  Blood Moon: The Goddess Chronicles Book 2

  Dark Moon: The Goddess Chronicles Book 3

  Shadow Moon: The Goddess Chronicles Book 4

  Oak Moon: The Goddess Chronicles Book 5

  Storm Moon: The Goddess Chronicles Book 6

  The Goddess Chronicles Books 1-3 Boxset

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  The Silver Fae Series

  Throne of Silver: Silver Fae 1

  Silver Fae Hunter: Silver Fae 2

  Heirs of Wings and Shadows: Silver Fae 3

  Court of Wings and Shadows: Silver Fae 4 Coming Fall 2020

  Oak Moon: The Goddess Chronicles Book 5


  Fire Is Friend

  Fire is friend. Or at least it seems to be at the moment. And so far it keeps Breas and the Fomorian witch in the form of my high school nemesis, Kensey, along with the rest of the mindless swarms at bay while I figure out what we should do next. My fire shield encircles us along with the entire coven and what’s left of Clarissa’s cottage.

  Alaric’s green eyes find me. Thank the gods that the nightlock-imbued crystal necklace I threw around his neck as the Oak Moon reached its apex kept him from turning into a werewolf and tearing out my throat. As a werewolf, he isn’t in control of his actions and would mourn killing me later. I’d mourn my death too, but still, stopping the change in the first place is much better. Why deal with the messy side effects? There’s got to be a way to tame the wolf side of him, but today is not the day to enter him into wolf obedience school.

  “As long as this fire continues to burn, we’re trapped here,” he shouts to me, scanning the fire shield to ensure it remains in place.

  “I know, but I can’t actually harm any living being, so until we figure out a Plan F.U., this is all I’ve got. Look on the bright side, at least I can create fire to keep our enemies out.”

  “Since returning from the seomra de rúin, I’ve had more than enough fire, thank you very much,” he grumbles.

  He’s so cute when he’s annoyed. Positively scrumptious.

  Caer stands at attention on the other side of me. “There are many enemies here, but it is nothing compared to what Scott and I faced earlier.”

  She’s not lying. The battle in the Shadow Realm reminded me of a Clash of the Titans–esque battle, with both Scott and Caer chopping off heads and not taking numbers. Medusa’s fighting skills had nothing on Caer. (Although Medusa’s stony expression packed a weighty punch reminiscent of Balor. The two should have a staring contest and save the rest of us a lot of trouble.)

  “Any ideas what we should do next?” Scott asks on the far side of Caer.

  Breas’s eyes fall to the handle of Scott’s sword. I got up close and personal with Scott’s sword during our seomra de rúin visit to the Shadow Realm, but I hadn’t noticed its ruby-encrusted handle. Where have I seen that before?

  Caer grips her own sword’s handle beside me, and I realize why Scott’s looks familiar.

  “Did you two purchase matching swords? It’s kinda adorable.”

  She arcs her blade through the air. “There is nothing adorable about a weapon that can slice an enemy’s head off.”

  Scott inches away from her, obviously familiar with her tendency to swing her sword around and probably not wanting to test their tenuous-at-best relationship—his words not mine.

  “The swords were wedding presents given to our godly forms,” he says. “They return to us in every reincarnation and in time of need.”

  A werewolf lunges at the fire shield. As his body hits it, he yelps in pain and gets launched backward, his body aflame.

  “We’re in need of all the help we can get,” Alaric says through clenched teeth, staring at the collapsed wolf.

  Apparently, I can inadvertently hurt a living being if he or she were to propel themselves at one of my fire shields, although I don’t feel as satisfied that I hurt someone as I thought I would be.

  I step over to Alaric. “Can you retake command of your pack? Tell them to fight with us instead of against us? It would increase our odds.”

  More wolf eyes flash on the other side of the flames. “The whole pack’s here,” he whispers.

  “And they’ve brought friends,” Scott says. “Or your pack is much bigger than I thought it was.”

  Alaric crouches into a more combative lunge. “No. Declan’s been recruiting.”

  My thoughts return to all the cells under the cavern. “Or Carman’s made more.”

  He stiffens. “She knows how to make them?”

  My gaze slides over to Maddie. He ever-so-slightly raises his shoulders in an I-guess-he-doesn’t-know kind of way. From what Maddie told me, Alaric bit and created most of their pack, but apparently he was spelled by Carman to do it and possesses no memory of it—which fit his claims when he first showed up in my room at Granda’s in the middle of the night all those weeks ago and acted like he didn’t know how he got there. His attraction to me probably made it easier for Carman to spell him.

  But Alaric was imprisoned in Brigit’s shrine with his father for weeks. He couldn’t have been spelled to create new ones.

  However, there was another child of Clayone available, and “recruits” could have been sent into the shrine via the tunnel.

  “Alaric, did anyone come to visit your dad while you were in the shrine?”

  He blinks in surprise at my question. “Not that I remember. And I don’t remember smelling anyone either.”

  “Was Lizzie there the entire time? Did she ever leave?”

  “Guys,” Scott says, “as much as I’d love to have a sit-down session to figure out how in purgatory’s name there are so many werewolves, we need to figure out a plan of attack or an exit strategy because—wait . . . is that Kensey?” His jaw slackens as he stares at my nemesis and his occasional hookup.

  “She’s a vessel for a Fomorian witch. I warned you she was a back-stabbing, hex-throwing witch, only now you can see it for yourself.”

  He shivers at the potential ramifications. “Well, whatever she is, she’s cooking up some type of curse that will be nasty.”

  All our attention shifts to Kensey. Her lips move as she palms dark smoke in her hands.

  “Carman’s not the only one familiar with Maleficium.”

  Witch Kensey smiles at me from across the flames. I can just imagine her saying, “I am going to enjoy this.” There are an exceptionally scary number of similarities between her and Carman—that’s probably what attracted Breas to Kensey in the first place. Evil attracts evil.

  “What should we do?” Scott says, shifting from foot to foot. “I’m not too keen on discovering how well Moralltach blocks curses.”

  “You named your sword?” Boys with their toys.

  “Swords of honor all have names. Mine is Freagarach,” Caer growls, her Fae canines flashing. “I say let’s fight.”

  The last time Scott and I fought a crazed Maleficium witch, Dad and Calliope died in the crossfire. Tonight, we’ve already lost Gallean and Clarissa. I can’t bear for anyone else to lose their life or risk injury. Caer might be ready to battle, but I’m not. Scott isn’t either.

  The shield bulges toward us as Witch Kensey starts pushing against it with her magical Maleficium smoke ball.

  “The protections are breaking, Gigi,” Scott says. “We have to get out of here. A portal would be great right about now.”

  Anna, Sam, Granda, and the rest of the coven nervously pace around the perimeter, chanting spells to keep the shields up.

  I’ve only portal traveled with Scott.

  “There are too many of us, and I won’t leave them behind.”

  “No, there aren’t. Join hands, everyone,” Caer shouts.

  The three of us take hands, further amplifying the power of the trí cumhacht. Alaric takes my other
hand, Maddie takes his, and the rest of the coven members quickly form a large circle.

  “Together,” the three of us shout, and a giant portal pulls us through.

  “No!” Witch Kensey and Breas roar, but the sound grows more and more distant as the portal removes us from the danger.

  * * *

  Portal hopping causes nasty side effects, especially when it’s your first time, and when you’re entirely human. The motion sickness can cause severe vomiting and dizziness—similar to riding a tilt-a-whirl by yourself five times in a row (and I speak from experience). Half the coven members collapse to their knees in exhaustion, clutching their stomachs. The other half crawl away on all fours, searching for some privacy so they can puke their brains out.

  Anna recovers much faster than the others. She’s portal jumped with Clarissa a few times. “Alysha? Bev? Are you okay?” she asks.

  Alysha and Bev moan to indicate they’re alive, but they still aren’t sure how or why they feel so queasy.

  “Milia, Chanti, where are you?” Sam, who also has some experience portal hopping with Granda and Clarissa, calls out.

  “Over here,” they sigh with considerable effort between dry heaves.

  “Granda, Granda!” Scott shouts as he rushes over to his collapsed frame.

  That’s when everything goes to chaos in a handbasket.


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