Cowboy Legend [Bear County 5] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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Cowboy Legend [Bear County 5] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 3

by Lynn Hagen

  He turned the faucet on, splashing cold water on his face and neck. He prayed the fire that burned inside of him was caused by some sort of fever and that the deep, aching need that was beginning to unwind, making him want things he had never even thought of craving before tonight, was just a symptom of the illness.

  * * * *

  Legend stood there listening to the water run in the bathroom. What in the hell was wrong with him? He was being paid to guard the son of an old friend, not molest the man. A pang of guilt seized Legend at the betrayal as he walked out to the balcony, gazing over the city streets.

  Since first setting eyes on Gabe, Legend had felt a connection, an undeniable attraction. But he couldn’t allow himself to explore how much Gabe had obviously enjoyed being spanked. Legend closed his eyes as he thought of how Gabe’s eyes had glazed over when the heavy hand had landed on his ass.

  Let it go. You have a job to do. Keep your distance and keep him safe, nothing more.

  He was angry with himself for the way he’d thrown Gabe on the bed, thoughts of seducing the man playing out in his imagination. Legend had never mixed business with pleasure and he wasn’t going to start now. He was a professional and he needed to start acting like one.

  His team leader, T-Rex, would have Legend’s head on a platter if he knew the wicked thoughts that occupied Legend’s mind. T-Rex was all about business. Their unit had retired from the marines, but they ran a protective service—Executive Bodyguards—that paid well. Their last assignment had taken them to the jungles of Columbia to rescue a kidnapped male.

  After that, Sparrow had convinced T-Rex and the rest of the unit to set up base in Bear County. This was Legend’s first assignment since then. T-Rex had volunteered to take this one, but Legend had grown bored in the small town and wanted to get away for a while.

  Now he wished he had stayed.

  The bathroom door opened, but Legend kept his hands curled around the metal railing, refusing to turn around. Gabe Summerville was a temptation he couldn’t afford to indulge in.


  His muscles quivered at the sound of his name on Gabe’s lips, spoken so demurely that the dark need inside Legend reared, listening, craving things Legend couldn’t have. “What?”

  “For the record, if you ever spank me again, I’ll shoot you.”

  The side of Legend’s mouth twitched but he suppressed the smile. It had been a long time since such a threat had been issued to him. “Go to bed, Gabe.”

  “Screw you.”

  Legend heard rustling and turned to see Gabe sitting on the side of his bed, his arms crossed over his chest in a show of defiance. It was Legend’s father who had been close to Maxwell Summerville. Legend had grown up listening to stories of how great the man was. But he’d never heard any mention of the man having a son.

  A sexy, stunning son.

  His bear growled for a small taste. His beast tried to convince him that if he fucked Gabe, he’d get the man out of his system. Legend wasn’t falling for that. Gabe was an assignment, nothing more.

  Knowing he wasn’t going to get any more sleep tonight, Legend took a seat on the bistro-style chair, scanning the streets as he watched Gabe out of the corner of his eye.

  The man had hair the color of the sun, cut short in a business-type style. His eyes were so pale that the blue was nearly transparent. Gabe was any man’s walking fantasy. He had a swimmer’s build and the top of his head only reached Legend’s pecs.

  He was perfect and that only pissed Legend off.

  But what really threw Legend for a loop was the man’s scent. When Gabe had stepped into Maxwell’s office, it was as if Legend had been thrown into a field of wild lilies. His heart had hammered in his chest and his canines had threatened to lengthen.

  Gabe Summerville was a man who Legend needed to steer clear of, sexually at least.

  Legend sighed when he spotted Gabe eyeing the door. The man was going to try and run again. He understood Gabe’s reluctance to leave his father behind, but Maxwell had been right. He couldn’t handle his business and worry about Gabe at the same time. It was up to Legend to keep Gabe safe and out of harm’s way.

  He stood and strode back into the room. “Give me your clothes.”

  Gabe’s head snapped up as his pale-blue eyes filled with mistrust. “Why would I do that?”

  Because I’m a perverse man who wants to see more of your naked skin. “If you want to run, then you can do it in your underwear.”

  “I’m not giving you shit.”

  Legend clamped his jaw tight. “You have five seconds before I remove them for you.”

  Gabe stretched out on the bed and tucked his hands behind his head, glaring at Legend. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  Legend raked his gaze over Gabe, head to toe, giving the guy a try me expression. “Five.”

  Gabe’s smirk disappeared.


  “Now wait a damn minute.” Gabe shot off the bed, his fists curled at his sides.


  “Come near me and I’ll hurt you.” The threat was laughable.

  Gabe glanced toward the door as he inched further away from the bed. The man was going to run.

  That only excited Legend, something he didn’t need right now. Not when he was already fighting his deep attraction toward the human.

  He stopped himself from baring his canines. From what T-Rex had told him, the Summervilles were ignorant about shifters. T-Rex and Shott had been as well until their Columbia mission. Those two were still pissed at Legend, Sam, Colton, and Stripper for withholding that tidbit of information from the human members of their unit.


  Gabe shot toward the door and Legend gave chase, his bear roaring in excitement. He yanked the man off his feet and hauled him back to the bed. “One.”

  “You asshole!” Gabe shouted as Legend ripped the thin pants from the man’s body. Next he tore the T-shirt free, balling the material in his hands. He stopped himself from moaning when he saw that Gabe wasn’t wearing underwear. The man lay there naked, on display for Legend to appreciate.

  Gabe grabbed the sheet, yanking it over his groin as Legend walked over to one of the man’s suitcases and shoved the torn material inside.

  If Gabe wanted clothes, he’d have to go through Legend to get them.

  “I’m going to tell my father about this,” Gabe said. “The only job you’ll get after this is mopping floors!”

  Legend tossed Gabe’s suitcases under his bed before reclining back on his mattress. “Your father is the one who told me to use any means necessary to keep you safe.”

  The room grew silent as Legend turned over, giving Gabe his back. He was fighting like hell not to go over to the man’s bed. The scent of lilies was strong and Legend’s bear was snarling to get to the small man.

  “Do you think I have a problem walking out of here naked?”

  Why couldn’t the man just go to sleep? He quelled the urge to turn over, to take a peek at the pale skin and dark nipples. Legend ground his teeth as his cock became half-hard.

  “I’m pretty sure the paparazzi would love to get a picture of that,” Legend replied. He had made sure no photographers were around, that he and Gabe were tucked away in a remote location. But Legend needed some leverage over the stubborn man. He was not about to spend the rest of his night chasing Gabe around, especially when the man was naked.

  He had a hell of a lot of control, but a man could only be tempted so much before he went after that which was taunting him.

  “You wouldn’t let that happen,” Gabe said with confidence. “Your job is to keep me hidden.”

  “My job is to tie a gag around your mouth if you don’t shut up and go to sleep.” Legend sighed, angry with himself for painting such an erotic picture of Gabe bound and gagged.

  “You’re not a nice man,” Gabe said.

  Legend gave in and turned over, glaring at Gabe. “Go. To. Sleep.”

  To his relie
f, Gabe stretched out on the bed and closed his eyes. Legend forced himself to look away as he settled back down and tried his best to catch a few more hours of sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Gabe moaned as the dream continued.

  He was lying in a field of lilies, naked, writhing under Legend as he begged the man to touch him, to pleasure his body in ways he never thought imaginable. His cock was hard and Gabe gripped himself, teasing Legend, trying to coax the man into sucking him off.

  Legend refused. He was naked as well, the head of his erection sliding over Gabe’s thigh as he spread Gabe’s legs wide.

  Gabe panted as his hand gripped his cock tighter, moaning at what Legend wanted from him.

  “Put your hands over your head,” Legend said. “Submit to me.”

  “No,” Gabe replied.

  Legend’s amber eyes seemed to glow with intensity as he grabbed Gabe’s hands and manacled them above his head. “You will do as I command.”

  Gabe squirmed, excitement filling him at the deep, husky tone. “Please, Legend,” he begged. “Do something. I can’t take it.”


  Gabe’s eyes fluttered open to see Legend standing over him, gazing down at him with a smoldering expression. His broad chest heaved as he gnashed his teeth. The man’s muscles tensed, as if he wanted to pounce on Gabe.

  “You were talking in your sleep.” Legend’s voice was rough, his brows drawn tight.

  The sleep began to fade and Gabe gazed down at his body. His hand was wrapped tight around his hard cock and the sheet was nowhere to be seen. He was lying in his bed, exposed, and Legend had just told him that he’d talked in his sleep.

  Mortification filled him, but he couldn’t seem to move. He was frozen to the spot as Legend stood over him, his hands opening and closing. His expression said the man wanted to eat Gabe alive.

  As Gabe gazed up at Legend, the man seemed to be struggling for some kind of control. Behind those blazing eyes, there was so much going on. The moon shone on Legend’s features, highlighting the tight lines of his face.

  He wanted to feel Legend touching him. The mere thought made his body vibrate with need so strong Gabe suspected he might allow Legend to do anything the man wanted.

  Legend’s gaze descended and rooted to Gabe’s hand. Gabe began to slightly shake as he wondered why Legend hadn’t moved. He continued to stare at Legend’s bare chest, packed with rigid muscles.

  Gabe broke the silence first. “Please.”

  He felt his skin heat at the way he had just begged. He was ready to cover his shame when Legend crawled into the bed next to him.

  “I heard you begging me, saying my name.” Legend brushed his lips over Gabe’s. “Were you dreaming of me?”

  Gabe flushed, averting his gaze—which fell on Legend’s flat stomach, on the dark line of hair trailing from his navel. Gabe had the mad urge to nuzzle it.

  “Why can’t I stop thinking about what I want to do to you?” Legend peeled Gabe’s fingers from his cock—which he’d been strangling—then pressed Gabe’s fingertips against his face.

  Gabe’s fingers traced Legend’s jawline, scraped over the thin beard and over the thicker hair under the man’s lower lip. Legend’s skin was smooth. Gabe gasped when Legend moved closer, pressing his groin into Gabe’s hip, allowing him to feel Legend’s sizeable erection.

  “I–I don’t know,” Gabe answered.

  Legend buried his face into Gabe’s neck, sniffing him, inhaling his scent. “Tell me to leave your bed. Tell me you don’t want any part of me touching you.”

  That would be a damn lie. Gabe knew he should say the words Legend had just challenged him to utter. It would be the right and sane thing to do. He shouldn’t be attracted to this man. Legend was the opposite of what Gabe usually went for. He’d never been attracted to rugged men. Gabe tended to be drawn to men and women who were smaller than him, which was a feat considering he wasn’t that big himself.

  He also didn’t bottom, for anyone. Yet his body strained and his ass ached to be filled by this man. It was as if Legend’s closeness was a drug, making Gabe’s thoughts hazy.

  He moaned when Legend’s nails scraped along his side. Gabe was on the verge of an orgasm and he was ready to beg the man to ease the growing storm inside of him.

  “What if I don’t want you to go?” Gabe asked.

  Legend’s hand rested on Gabe’s hip. “Then we are both doomed.” His tone was foreboding, yet Gabe’s cock was pulsing in anticipation. “Is this what you want?”

  “I’m not sure,” Gabe answered honestly as he licked his lips, struggling to make sense of it all. “But I can’t stop thinking about you either. You’re sexy, I’ll admit that, and you have a killer body that my fingers tingle to touch.”

  Legend pulled back, his firm lips parted. He shook his head, as if to dislodge whatever idea had just taken hold. “Do you know what I want to do to you?”

  In a whisper, Gabe said, “Tell me.”

  Why in the hell was he so turned on? The sight of Legend lying next to him was so damn erotic that Gabe thought he was still dreaming. The man excited him and that scared Gabe, but he couldn’t tell the man to go.

  Legend pressed his lips to Gabe’s ear. “I want to do filthy and wicked things to your body, sweetness.”

  Gabe shuddered. Good fucking god, this man was going to make Gabe orgasm just from that confession alone. He began to wonder what it would be like to let Legend do those filthy and wicked things. Gabe ran his hand over Legend’s chest and the man inhaled sharply as his muscles rippled under Gabe’s touch.

  Gabe felt light-headed, taken over by delirium. He was wild for whatever Legend had in mind. When Legend slanted his head and sealed his lips over Gabe’s, Gabe became dizzy, boneless against Legend’s hardened body. Their tongues tangled and dueled until Gabe’s lungs hurt for oxygen.

  Legend’s cock pressed harder into Gabe’s hip and Gabe felt wetness. The man was leaking pre-cum, obviously just as excited as Gabe. Legend broke the kiss, his lips swollen.

  “Turn onto your stomach,” Legend commanded as he pulled back.

  Gabe obeyed, though he couldn’t stop himself from shaking. Did he really want to do this? Was he really willing to relinquish control to Legend? His ass was exposed to Legend’s gaze and Gabe had an urge to grab the sheet and cover himself.

  “Perfect,” Legend growled before he moved to settle between Gabe’s legs. His hands kneaded Gabe’s ass as tension coiled in Gabe’s stomach. Legend leaned forward, kissing the nape of Gabe’s neck as he worked his own underwear off.

  Gabe’s mind screamed for him to stop this, to tell Legend to back off, as Legend’s cock brushed the inside of Gabe’s thigh, leaving a moist trail along his inner leg. He wasn’t ready for this. Gabe had never been fucked and the thought terrified him.

  What had he gotten himself into? Why had he begged Legend to do something?

  Legend’s hands massaged Gabe’s tight shoulder muscles as Gabe tried to breathe. The man’s hands were skilled, working the hard strain until Gabe became boneless. Legend’s hands moved further down, kneading Gabe’s lower back.

  He stiffened when Legend parted his cheeks.

  Legend lowered himself until his face was inches away from Gabe’s most intimate spot. Before he could say a word, Legend’s tongue delved into his ass, forcing him open. Gabe cried out, fisting the fitted sheet as Legend tongue-fucked him.

  Pleasure boggled Gabe’s brain and his protest was shut down. Legend massaged his ass as he licked and laved at Gabe’s entrance. He had never known anything could feel so damn good. Gabe moaned, feeling Legend’s fingers gliding closer to his hole.

  “Christ,” Legend growled as he licked Gabe harder. A finger nudged at Gabe’s hole before sliding in to the first knuckle. “So tight.”


  “You can take this from me.” Legend licked around the muscle as his finger went deeper, making Gabe’s body vibrate. He was going to come. Gabe was
going to climax from having Legend’s finger buried in his ass and the man’s tongue laving at his backside.

  Legend’s free hand clamped down on Gabe’s waist, pinning him in place as he brought Gabe closer and closer to orgasm. The tension was building as Gabe ground his teeth.

  “Come for me, sweetness.” Legend thrust his finger sideways, touching something deep inside Gabe. Gabe stiffened and then shouted, writhing in place as his cock pulsed and his seed spurted between him and the bed.

  His body bowed, his teeth gnashed, and Gabe saw stars as Legend continued to finger-fuck him. Before he could come back down, Legend reared over him, pumping his cock until he shouted, his seed hitting Gabe’s ass in pearly-white trails.

  Gabe lay there panting, his entire body tingling.

  Legend cursed and pushed from the bed. He walked into the bathroom and slammed the door. Gabe lay there, blinking. What in the hell had just happened?

  * * * *

  After spending the entire day driving away from Louisiana, Legend felt his eyes burning from exhaustion. He’d barely gotten any sleep the night before and now he was starting to see double. If he had to push himself, he could stay awake. But he wasn’t on the frontlines where it was imperative that he didn’t fall asleep. He was babysitting, so he decided to get a room.

  They were in the middle of nowhere, hardly another soul on the road. An occasional lit-up truck passed them by, but other than that, darkness surrounded them. Not even the moon helped, hidden as it was behind a bank of clouds.

  Legend yawned.

  Gabe was passed out beside him, his seat reclined, drooling slightly. Legend was still angry as hell at himself for giving in last night. Hadn’t he lectured himself that Gabe Summerville was off-limits? Hadn’t he vowed to keep his distance from the man and to keep this assignment professional? Yet he hadn’t been able to stop himself from climbing into that bed and pleasuring the man.

  Even now, Legend was growing hard just thinking about what he had done and what he still wanted to do.


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