Her Heart's Promise

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Her Heart's Promise Page 24

by Carolyne Aarsen

  I tried to find the words that would make her understand as I wrapped my hands around the steering wheel staring through the window of Wierenga's garage.

  "So there's Cor DeWindt, regular at Terra's Cafe," I said lifting my pinky finger to point at the older gentleman leaning against the counter, frowning at Blane Wierenga behind the counter, his canvas coat covering his usual plaid shirt and crazy suspenders. "He pulled me out of Frieson's pond when my brothers dared me to skate across it. He told me to be quiet in church when I was a crazy teenager sitting with her friends. He loves to tease me about an especially touching moment of the Christmas program when I, as an innocent girl of five, lifted up the skirt of my best Sunday dress, displaying my underwear to my horrified family members and an amused public. And that's only him. There are at least a dozen other people who have some memory of me that is either unflattering or embarrassing. There are no secrets in this town for me. There is no mystery. No surprises."

  And a few bad memories.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.




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