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3013_ALLEGIANCE Page 7

by Laurie Roma

  Xavier and Thorn used magic to create platters and trays of food, and the scent beckoned everyone toward the tables. The Dragon Warriors used magic around the Tarins all the time, so it didn’t bother them much anymore. Well, most of them had gotten used to it, and they especially appreciated whenever food was provided.

  Surprisingly, a few of the males lingered around the group of females, escorting them at a more sedate pace. The females appeared to enjoy the attention, even if some were still quite shy. And thankfully, they seemed one step closer to finding the peace they all deserved.

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?” Reva observed. “They’re healing, and there are a few romances brewing, although, they are taking it slow. Some of the others still have a difficult time being around males, and a few of them won’t leave their rooms yet, but I have hope.”

  Amari nodded. “They will need more time, but some will never be healed fully. It is just the way of things.”

  “The new wing you created at the palace has been helping the females we’ve taken in. Eden mentioned that she might expand their section while we are gone. Speaking of, the females you sent over earlier are fine...” Malik trailed off before asking, “You...aren’t pissed?”

  “About the party?” Amari asked with a laugh as they walked toward the tables. “Nay, I already knew about it, which is why I had you handle the females without me. I did consider hurting you, though.”

  He grinned. “I’m glad you didn’t.”

  When they were all seated, everyone filled their plates, and the sounds of laughter and voices filled the air as everyone ate. Soft music played in the background as if whispered on the breeze, and conversations flowed as freely as the wine and ale.

  “Are you all set to leave next rising?” Brydan asked.

  Malik nodded. “We’re ready. I wish we knew how long the damned meeting was going to last.”

  Reva rolled her eyes. “Neither of our esteemed chancellors want to go. I don’t know why since this meeting should be interesting and informative.”

  “I don’t want to go either,” Darius muttered from down the table.

  “Well, you are,” Malik said smugly. “You are tasked with watching out for Reva while I am stuck with the other chancellors.”

  “Hey, I thought that was what I was for,” Lazio pouted.

  “I can watch out for myself,” Reva argued. “You’re both just coming to keep me company.”

  “Darius will watch over you and Lazio,” Malik commanded. “And make sure he does not cause a war between worlds.”

  “Hey, I resent that—” Lazio protested.

  “I am sure you will all enjoy yourselves,” Eden said, cutting him off. She let out an exaggerated sigh. “Unfortunately, I must remain here to welcome our friends.”

  Amari scoffed. “As if the Vypers need you for anything.”

  “You are just annoyed that I am not going to the meeting instead of you.”

  “I have realized that it is better this way. I live in terror at the thought of you speaking for our race in any capacity. The fallout could be catastrophic.”

  Eden laughed before taking a sip of wine.

  “We have asked our family about the Vypers. It has been a long while since anyone has heard that name,” Galan commented.

  Amari shrugged. “Their mother was Ilius, and their fathers were born amongst the stars. Their family had been travelling for millennia. Jade and her three brothers, Zarik, Kayn, and Rycor, fought in the war when the Zyphir attacked the humans, but I believe that was the only time they traveled to this part of the universe. I am not sure how they knew Earth was in trouble, but they arrived in time to help end the war.”

  “What?” Alexis gasped. “Stars, are you talking about that Jade? That Dragon Warrior that Jade City was named after is coming here? I thought she was just a myth! Why didn’t you tell us this before?”

  Eden tilted her head to the side as she studied them. “We thought you knew. When we mentioned they were coming...well, they are very real.” She chuckled. “And if the humans did not like us being on their space stations, I cannot wait to see what the Vypers do when they get here.”

  Jaden frowned. “That...sounds ominous.”

  She smiled sweetly. “I think you will enjoy their company.”

  “I cannot wait to meet them. And in a few months, my cousins will be visiting,” Katra said as she reached for another thick slice of roasted boar. “Soon, we will have as many Dragon Warriors here as Tarins.”

  “Oh, gods...” Malik, Darius, and several other warriors groaned as one.

  Xavier’s eyes narrowed. “Which cousins?”

  “Jecca and Jaya. They contacted me yesterday.”

  “And you did not tell us?” Xavier growled. “They have been traveling with barely any contact. We have been worried about them!”

  “Well, they have cut their journey short to come visit.” Katra took a bite of the meat, then chewed thoroughly before adding, “I would remind you that our cousins are older than you, so you can just calm your thrusters. They do not answer to you.”

  “Age has nothing to do with it. I am still furious they refused to take guards with them when they left our home world,” Xavier growled. “I am surprised we have not heard of worlds exploding since they have been gone. Those two are mischief magnets.”

  Brydan chuckled fondly, then explained to the rest of the table, “Jecca and Jaya call themselves the surplus twins since they are in line for the throne. Though, they have made it very clear that they have no interest in ruling.”

  “They would rather cause trouble,” Galan accused. “And that is why we worry.”

  Thorn shook his head when some people looked at him. “I am staying out of this.”

  Katra rolled her eyes. “You males cause more trouble than we ever could. And they have been in contact, with their mother, fathers, brothers, and myself. They have not wanted to talk to any of you. The last time Jecca spoke to Galan, she received one of his famous lectures.”

  Galan’s eyes widened in feigned innocence. “What? I do not lecture.”

  “Aye, you do,” Katra countered. “And, as I have been the recipient of many of those lectures, I would know. Our cousins have had enough trouble with their brothers over the centuries, they do not need it from you bone necks, too.”

  Alexis barely stifled a giggle. “I think you meant boneheads.”

  “I’m just glad your other brothers aren’t visiting again.” Jaden winced when Katra elbowed him in the side. “I just meant, they were just here.”

  “Ryker and Killian would probably just piss me off right now, and I already have you to deal with,” she said, looking at her brothers. Leaning over, she kissed her mate. “You will like Jecca and Jaya, and you will learn to love my brothers and cousins...over time.”

  Galan grinned. “Admit it, we are growing on you.”

  “Yeah, like mold.”

  “Funny,” Thorn said dryly. “Are Malachi and Braxas coming as well?”

  “I’m so confused. Why do all of you have a million siblings and cousins? Who are Malachi and Braxas?” Reva asked.

  “They are Jecca and Jaya’s elder brothers. They are the future kings of the Palace on the Isle of Mist. And nay, they will not be coming to visit until...” Before she could say anything else, she let out a loud pain-filled gasp and rested her hand on her belly. “Uh oh...”

  “What is it, and why in hellfire are you blocking me?” Jaden growled.

  “I believe...” Katra panted out, “the twins are not going to...wait for Jecca and Jaya’s arrival. They are coming. Now!”

  “What?” Jaden yelled as he jumped to his feet, knocking his chair over in his hurry. “Fuck! No, this can’t be...this—it’s too soon!”

  Most of those present got to their feet, forgetting about the meal as Jaden pulled at his hair. He continued to sputter incoherently but focused long enough to help Katra out of her chair. She slapped at his hands when he tried to pick her up, then braced a hand ag
ainst the table as another contraction hit her.

  “We have to get you back to the palace,” Jaden insisted. “Just—stop it. You have to hold them in.”

  “I cannot believe you just said that. Besides,” she panted. “Why would we leave when all of our friends and family are here?”

  “You want to have the babies here? In the middle of the fucking forest?”

  “Do not swear at me!”

  Tension filled the air, mixed with a healthy dose of excitement and concern. Amari and Reva remained sitting across the table from one another while they watched the others. Xavier and his brothers were equally as panicked as Jaden, and it was amusing to watch Katra ignoring all of their frantic orders.

  Reva took a large gulp from her goblet of wine. “Nope. Give me a battle to fight, and I’m fine, but I don’t do well in situations like this.”

  Amari chuckled. “You will have your own situation soon enough.”

  All the color drained from Reva’s face. “Soon? Shit, are you telling me I’m pregnant?”

  “Nay, but you will be someday.”

  Sighing, Eden said, “By the gods, if everyone just keeps standing around, Katra will end up having the babes on one of these tables.”

  When Kadan and Gideon began crying in confusion, they hurried over to their fathers, and Galan and Brydan lifted them into their arms.

  “I have to take you home! Stop blocking me from transporting! My stupid magic is broken!” Jaden yelled. He lifted Katra into his arms, then he turned in a circle. “We need more time! We aren’t ready to have the babies yet!”

  “Put me down! Hellfire, I think my hearing is impaired now.”

  Alexis chuckled. “And trust me, we do not get to choose the timing of any of this. We need somewhere to put her. Something comfortable and private.”

  Xavier and Thorn both nodded, then got to work. They created a maroon tent on the open space of the clearing, and Jaden rushed Katra inside the tent as soon as it was completed. Eden and Alexis hurried after them, followed closely by three Tarin females who lived in Tor Palace. No sound could be heard from inside the tent, and no one moved as they waited outside.

  Xavier blew out a breath before saying, “So, now we wait.”

  After a few long moments, Brydan began to pace, while everyone else wisely got out of his way. Thorn went to fetch Kadan from Brydan, but the other male did not want to let go of their son.

  “You are making him dizzy, and you need to get your sh— control of yourself,” Thorn stated impatiently. He took Kadan into his arms, then walked over to where Galan held Gideon, so the twins could be close. “Shh, now. Auntie Kat is fine. All will be well.”

  Jaden’s second-in-command, Calum, stood near the entrance of the tent. His own heavily pregnant consort, Gianna, had gone inside to help, and his face had gone pale with worry.

  “You don’t look so good. Perhaps you should sit,” Darius said after he walked over to join the Tor warrior. When a chair appeared behind Calum, Darius shoved him down onto it and hastily stepped back. “Don’t throw up on me.”

  Thorn smirked. “That one will not fare well when his own babe is born.”

  Calum just closed his eyes and groaned.

  “We should go in. They might need us,” Brydan growled. He began to walk towards the tent, but Xavier stepped in front of him. “Get out of my way!”

  “As much as I hate it, we cannot interfere,” Xavier growled. “This is for her mate to handle. We must wait until they ask for our aid.”

  “That is utter bullshit! What if Jaden does not—?”

  “Enough!” Xavier snarled. “You know, this is really fucked if I have to be the voice of reason. She told us she did not want us in there, so we wait!”

  “Is Brydan okay?” Lazio whispered to no one in particular. “He seems—”

  “Crazy?” Galan supplied cheerfully. “Aye, he is that. Ever since we discovered our mate is carrying again, he has been demonstrating intermittent empathic surges.”

  “What in blazes does that mean?” Malik asked.

  “That he is having the same volatile mood swings as our mate,” Xavier explained. “It is rare, but with our emotional bonds, sometimes it does occur during pregnancy. Brydan got the short stick.”

  “I think that’s—never mind,” Reva murmured.

  “Do you think they would mind if we eat while we wait?” Lazio flinched when Malik smacked the back of his head. “Ouch. What did I do now?”

  Malik shook his head. “How can you think of your stomach at a time like this?”

  “The food is just sitting here, and we didn’t finish the meal.”

  “Stop talking,” Brydan snarled low in his throat. “Amari, go in there and help them.”

  She stared at him for a long beat of silence before saying, “There is nothing in the universe that could make me go in there.”

  Reva shook her head when the males glanced at her. “Oh, no. Don’t even bother asking me. If I have to see what’s going on in there, someone is going to die.”

  “I did warn you that the first younglings of a Dragon Warrior and Tarin pairing usually come early,” Amari reminded.

  “I remember,” Galan stated. “Unlike our five, the Tarin gestation period can fluctuate between one and three months, so we are well within that timeframe.”

  “I beg of you, don’t mention gestation,” Lazio muttered before gulping down some of his wine. “Damn it, the damage is already done.”

  “We are all worried about Katra,” Galan stated. “She has never been one to hold back with us, so she will let us know if she needs us. Besides, she might murder you if you go in without her permission.”

  “True,” Brydan, Xavier, and Thorn voiced together.

  Malik sat back down next to Reva, then leaned in and whispered, “If they’re acting like this now, and they’re only the brothers, I pity what Jaden is going through. And look at Calum. He still looks like he is going to pass out.”

  Amari smirked at him from across the table. “Oh, I do not think you will do any better when it is your time.”

  “Stop with that talk,” Reva demanded. “You’re freaking me out.”

  Suddenly, a noise had everyone’s attention turning as Alexis, Eden, and the three Tarin females hurried out of the tent. Eden was grinning, while the other females had tears of joy streaming down their smiling faces.

  Brydan hurried over to Alexis, pulling her into his arms. “How is she? How are you?”

  “I am well, and Katra is wonderful. They’re just having a moment alone before they come out,” Alexis managed to get out as she wiped at more tears. “Damn these hormones. I can’t stop crying. The babies are so beautiful. Now, our boys will have cousins to play with.” She leaned into his chest and let go, and he held her while she cried.

  “He’s not going to start sobbing like that, is he?” Darius whispered.

  “How is this even possible?” Reva sputtered. “That was like five minutes. I could barely get my freaking pants off in that amount of time, and you’re saying she just had two babies? That is so not fucking fair!”

  “She is a Dragon Warrior,” was all the explanation that Galan gave her.

  “I don’t understand,” Alexis said as she pulled away from Brydan to lean on Xavier. “She wasn’t even in pain, but when I had the twins, it hurt like a bitch.”

  Brydan winced before saying “We told you, the pain could have been blocked.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” she hissed.

  He lowered his head in shame. “You did not believe us when we told you, even after the birthing. You shielded yourself and the twins when we tried to do it for you.”

  “You should have explained it better!”

  “Aye, that was clearly our fault,” Thorn hurried to say. “We planned to speak of this before you birthed again.”

  “Oh, well that’s just great...” Alexis muttered as Gideon and Kadan ran over. They slammed into her legs, then held on and looked up at her with worried eye
s. Smiling down at them, she said, “Everything’s all right, little ones. Your daddies are just really stupid sometimes.”

  When the tent opened again, Katra and Jaden walked out, each of them carrying a baby wrapped in soft, silver cloth. They cuddled their sons close, then shared a loving glance before looking out over the crowd.

  In a voice harsh with emotion, Jaden announced, “Behold the new lords of Tor Palace and princes of the Palace on the Isle of Mist...Maksim and Warryk Tor!”

  A cheer rang out through the clearing, and Maksim and Warryk let out wailing cries in response to the startling noise. Xavier pulled Kadan away from Alexis’ leg, then tossed him in the air until he squealed with delight. Next to them, Thorn hooked a laughing Gideon under his arm, and they strolled forward as a group to join the family and friends that surrounded Jaden, Katra, and the twins.

  Amari stood to join them, but she immediately sat down again as an overwhelming feeling swept through her. She would have time with them later, to meet the younglings and to congratulate the new mother and father. Until then, she needed to shake off the sudden sensation that had nothing to do with the joy and elation of the moment.

  This day was meant to celebrate life.

  Yet, whatever lay ahead in the coming days would bring death.

  And there was nothing she could do to stop it.


  Regent Roman Newgate hated New Year’s Day.

  That might have seemed odd to some since it was a joyous holiday usually celebrated with family and friends. Even on New Vega—the floating pleasure palace where every vice imaginable could be found—most people chose to take a break from duties or self-indulgences to enjoy the amusements of less sinful activities, for a few hours at least.

  The various restaurants on board held feasts in honor of the holiday, and smaller groups held private celebrations where they could be with the ones they loved. Others spent the day recovering from whatever merriments they participated in the previous night, while some just continued the festivities as if time meant nothing.

  Even though the New Year’s date was for the human calendar, the Adaro brothers—the Krytos who owned New Vega—still capitalized on the day through their shops, casino, restaurants, and other businesses. Races from all the known planets traveled to the floating city in the weeks leading up to the holidays, and they enjoyed the decorations that seem to become more elaborate each year while doing their shopping.


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