Mission Made For Two(Romantic Suspense)

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Mission Made For Two(Romantic Suspense) Page 6

by C. R. Hill

  He walked toward her. She stood her ground. He walked past, grabbed a robe she’d left on a chair, and shoved it into her hands. “Put this on.”

  “Screw you! You don’t seem to get that I don’t take orders from you.”

  Jake grabbed her arms and she found herself in the same position against the wall she’d been in moments ago. “Don’t push my buttons, Sierra. I’m not happy that I’ve already broken my rule about not getting involved with another agent and even more unhappy that you’re involved with Diaz.”

  That was Jake’s problem. People didn’t push his buttons often enough. He was too damn used to getting his way. “No, what you’re unhappy about is that you’re not in control of everything.” Sierra shoved against his chest, loosening his grip, even though he wasn’t hurting her. “You can’t control me, Jake. I think for myself.”

  Jake closed his eyes, his mouth set in a hard line. When he opened them, he released her. “Will you put your robe on please?”

  The words came out through clenched teeth, but at least he was making an effort to ask instead of order.

  Sierra chuckled, even though there was nothing humorous about what she was feeling. “Certainly.”

  Jake ran a hand through his short, dark hair and turned away from her while she slipped into it.

  He pulled on his jeans and turned toward her.

  He was a fine specimen of a man, standing there bare-chested with his jeans still unzipped. Muscle rippled across his abdomen as he leaned down and retrieved his shirt, then pulled it on.

  “I have no intention of sleeping with Diaz,” Sierra blurted.

  Jake ran a hand over his eyes and frowned. “I know your tough, Sierra. Hell, I’ve seen you in action…but I’ve seen what Diaz can do to a woman. And he likes to share his sex partners.”

  His words did cause a moment of trepidation to skitter down her spine. Sierra had no doubt she could handle herself, but she was going to have to go in with no weapons, other than herself. She was good, but no match for four of five armed men. The thought of being gang raped created an image of those old spy movies where the spy had a poison capsule in their mouth to end things if they got captured.

  She shoved the image away. No way was she backing down now. “That’s why we need to work together. You’re my back-up.”

  “I’m not used to working with anyone.”

  “Maybe not, but in this instance a partner is an advantage. With any luck we can find out who’s selling us out, the location of the children and take Diaz out.”

  Jake seemed to consider that a moment. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I figure I’ll be there at least through the weekend.” She walked to her bag and pulled out a small kit. “I brought communication equipment. With you watching over me, I should be able to search for information. You have thermal gear?”

  Jake nodded. “Diaz has a safe. It’s hidden behind a big picture of himself in the hall outside his office. My guess is any info on the mole will be in there.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Don’t suppose you know the combo?”

  Jake’s lips twitched. “No, but even if I did he changes it every week.” He walked toward the window and picked up a small black bag she hadn’t noticed. Of course, why would she have noticed it? Jake had pounced on her as soon as she’d walked out. She knew better than to leave her window unlocked.

  He tossed it to her. “I’d planned on searching it myself, but since you’re determined to be in the middle of this…”

  She caught the bag and looked inside. She recognized the small box that would decipher the combination when attached to the safe. It gave her some satisfaction to know he’d already resolved himself to her involvement before he’d come here tonight. “You just can’t admit that my presence will make things easier.”

  Jake crossed his arms over his chest. “Nothing about you is easy, Sierra. You’re impulsive, stubborn and fearless.”

  “That’s exactly why Trent recruited me.”

  Small furrows speared Jake’s forehead. “I still don’t like this. There’s a chance that whoever is giving Diaz information will feed him info on you. The fact that Trent’s put out the word you’re on R and R doesn’t mean everyone will believe that.”

  Sierra decided to cut him a break. After all, she’d just had the best sex of her life with the man. She walked to him and rubbed a hand across his cheek. “I promise to be careful. I won’t take any unnecessary risks.”

  Jake’s eyes darkened. “If things start going south, you’ll get out of there?”

  She nodded. “Promise.”

  Jake pulled her against him and kissed her hard. Lord the man was lethal. When the kiss ended, he still didn’t look happy about anything. “I need to get to work on some things.”

  He zipped his jeans and slipped into his shoes, reached down and retrieved a coil of rope beside the window and then was gone—using the door this time.

  Sierra walked to her window and looked out. The hotel was only nine floors, child’s play for someone of Jake’s experience to scale from either top or bottom. She shut the window and locked it.

  After, shedding the robe Jake had made her put on, she climbed beneath the soft sheets of the bed. Her body still tingled from making love.

  She snorted. Jake’s claiming of her body wasn’t exactly the soft, sweet first union of two people making love. It had been hot, hard and damn satisfying.

  Sighing, she rolled over and plumped her pillow. She’d told Jake it was just two people working off sexual energy. Sex. That’s all it should have been. All it should be.

  So, if it was just sex then why did she have a strange flutter in her chest? Why did she feel like nothing would ever be the same again? That sex with anyone else would pale in comparison?

  She may need to face the cold hard truth. This might be one time she wouldn’t be able to hide her emotions.

  Chapter Eight

  Jake dropped anchor far enough out that his small fishing boat wouldn’t draw attention from Diaz’s guards. He raised his binoculars and scanned Diaz’s compound. He knew the place well. Had spent several weeks there before he’d been sold out.

  These last three days and nights, he’d watched the guards and Diaz, figuring out the best way and best time to go in.

  Three stories, the house had a flat roof and always one guard on top. Two more roamed the grounds, with two inside on duty. Diaz employed ten guards in all working in shifts.

  Lowering his arm, he set the binoculars on the seat and pulled his ball cap lower on his head. He grabbed a couple of fishing poles and cast them out, setting them in the holders of the rented boat. He looked like just another tourist.

  Sierra should be arriving anytime and he meant to keep a close eye on things. Her earrings had transmitters in them, so he’d be able to hear everything that was said as long as he didn’t get too far away from her.

  He rubbed the tense muscles in his neck as he thought about last night. Damn it! He shouldn’t let her get under his skin. She was too good at it.

  Sleeping with her was a colossal mistake. Personal feelings had no place in this business. Hadn’t he already learned that lesson once in his life? But Sierra was a force like nothing he’d ever encountered.

  He’d read her file not long after he’d come to work at USOI, his curiosity over the tall, exotic woman with the big brown eyes getting to him. Plus, the fact Trent had done nothing but sing her praise to him.

  Jake knew she’d been raised in foster care, and had joined the army right out of high school. The foster care probably explained some of her toughness. He could almost imagine her as a young girl, all tough talk and piss, no doubt trying the patience of every adult in her vicinity. A child shouldn’t have to grow up that way.

  He shook his head. Reaching inside the cooler he’d brought, he retrieved a bottle of water, unscrewed the top and took a long swig to cool him off. It wasn’t that hot out—mid eighties—but his body had been on fire ever since he’d left Si
erra’s bed.

  The thought of Diaz pawing her put a kink in his gut. And that was stupid. She was involved in this now by her own doing. This is what she’d set up and as much as he hated it, it would probably work. Diaz had a weakness for beautiful women.

  He’d known Diaz would head to town to gamble last night. He did it every Friday night he was on the island and rarely came home alone. Every man liked the thrill of the chase, but Diaz wouldn’t chase too long before he’d take what he wanted.

  Thinking of Diaz hurting Sierra made him physically ill. He wouldn’t let that happen.

  Shit! She had him tied up into such a tight knot, he was having trouble thinking of anything else. So many years of keeping his emotions in check. Of keeping his personal feelings out of his missions.

  Of working alone.

  All to be blown to hell by a feisty, smart-mouth…extremely incredible woman. He still had images in his head of being in that South American warehouse, hearing her voice, then looking into those chocolate brown eyes. Feeling the tenderness in her touch as she’d massaged the feeling back into his arms, then examined him and helped him to his feet.

  She was full of spit and fire, but beneath was a woman. One who felt things, but fought like hell to hide it and didn’t like to admit weakness. Not even a simple fear of snakes.

  Diaz’s limo pulled in front of the estate. Jake grabbed his binoculars. Sierra stepped out. Her newly colored and cut blond hair pulled into a low ponytail. She wore a fitted red dress that bared a considerable amount of her gorgeous legs.

  Red. She had to pick red. Waving the cape in front of the bull.

  His gut clenched. Hell, they’d better work fast. If she managed to hold Diaz off even a day, she’d be lucky.

  And no way was that bastard getting to her.


  Sierra proceeded up the steps to Diaz’s house. A short, burly guard met her at the door and allowed her entrance. She didn’t recognize him from last night as one of the body guards, but he apparently knew who she was. He took her overnight bag from her. “Señor Diaz is in his office. I’ll show you.”

  She smiled and hitched her purse farther up on her shoulder. The two-inch heels of her sandals clicked against the tile floor as she stepped into the foyer. She took note of the floor plan on her trek.

  A hallway just to the left of the doorway, a staircase beside that. All if it feeding into a large room with floor to ceiling windows all the way across the front. Diaz’s house sat on a point, so the ocean surrounded three fourths of it. The view out the windows was of the rolling ocean waves. Several sofas and chairs were arranged in the center of the room around an enormous rug.

  Another hallway was on the other side. The guard turned left and stopped outside the first door they came to. Sierra looked across the hall. The portrait of Diaz, Jake had told her about, hung on the wall. Her fingers itched to break into the safe and see what he hid and be done with this charade.

  She heard Diaz’s voice through the office door. He was talking to someone in Spanish and he didn’t sound happy. “¿Dónde está él?”

  The guard pushed the door open. Diaz looked up, his dark eyes narrow, but he nodded and motioned her in. She’d laid the groundwork last night, asking him to teach her a few phrases in Spanish, so he assumed she couldn’t understand anything he said. Perfect.

  Sierra settled on a soft chair in the corner of the office and examined her manicured fingernails.

  His words told her he was looking for Jake. Still pissed that he’d gotten away.

  Sierra had to force herself to appear uninterested. Especially when she heard Diaz’s next words. He’d just arranged a pickup of some children from an orphanage in Paraguay for Wednesday. The image of the little girl in the picture Michael Toraz had shown her and Daniel popped into her head. The child’s sad brown eyes had told their own story.

  Diaz ended his call with an order to find Jake and stood.

  Jake would be thrilled to know how pissed off Diaz was that he’d gotten away.

  Sierra smiled and stood to greet him. He took her hands. “I’m sorry to have to do business. But some things can’t wait.”

  She waived her hand at him. “That’s okay. I completely understand.”

  “Did you sleep well last night?”

  Images of her heated encounter with Jake assaulted her. She’d hardly slept at all after he’d left. “Quite well, thanks. You?”

  His eyes darkened. “Not so well. I had visions of you in my head.” He lifted her hand and kissed her palm.

  Sierra had to push down the wave of nausea at his words. She bit her bottom lip. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a romantic, Dominic.”

  He chuckled. “You must bring out that side of me. Shall we have lunch before we go snorkeling? Something light of course.”

  She nodded. “That sounds lovely.”

  He held his arm out. Taking it, she continued her mental inventory of the house. They turned right. There was a closed door directly beside Diaz’s office. The hallway wasn’t long and she realized it joined up with a hallway running the backside of the house and then to the one she’d passed just inside the front door.

  One of the doors was open and she noticed a bed. Quarters for the guards most likely.

  Diaz turned right and she found herself inside an industrial sized kitchen. A woman busied herself at the counter, chopping vegetables.

  “Luisa, we’ll be eating on the veranda,” Diaz said.

  The woman nodded. Diaz continued through the bright airy kitchen and a set of French doors out onto a tiled veranda.

  “Your house is beautiful, Dominic.” Which at least was a true statement. It was not only beautiful, but had a breathtaking view.

  He pulled a cushioned wicker chair out from the table for her to sit. “Thank you. This is my favorite place in the world.”

  He’d no more settled into a chair himself, then Luisa, carrying a tray, walked out and set two glasses in front of them.

  “I asked Luisa to make iced tea for us. I thought you might enjoy a touch of America. Hope it’s to your liking.” He lifted his glass. “We will have wine from my private stock tonight.”

  Sierra smiled and sipped some of the drink. “This is perfect. You are very thoughtful.”

  “I try. Last night you said you were from Chicago.” His left eyebrow hitched up. “But I don’t think you ever said where you live now.”

  Setting her glass on the table, she ran her finger around the rim, watching the condensation run down the sides. “I’ve lived in New York the last three years.” She’d pulled one of her alter egos for this mission. One she knew would stand up under intense scrutiny. Even pictures of Leah would show a green-eyed blond. No doubt, Diaz would have one of his goons run a check on her while they were out snorkeling. “Before that, I lived in Texas. Dallas.”

  “A woman who likes the big city?”

  She shook her head. “Hardly, but I’m an account executive for a large firm. They move me around as needed. I much prefer a setting like this.”

  “Yes, it’s quite tranquil here.” Diaz chuckled. “I also don’t believe you told me your last name.”

  She met his gaze. “I thought men liked mystery.”

  Luisa came back out with her tray filled again. This time with salads, silverware and linen napkins. She didn’t linger, but retreated with her head down.

  “I do like mystery. But I don’t like to be at a disadvantage.” His lips quirked. “You know my last name.”

  “Touché,” she said and smiled. “Tanner.”

  “Well, Leah Tanner, it is a pleasure to get to know you.” He picked up his fork. “Eat. Enjoy my hospitality.”

  Sierra did as instructed, knowing his hospitality wasn’t ever given without expecting something in return.

  She didn’t think he was going to appreciate what she planned to give him.


  Ensconced in a guest room next door to Diaz’s room, Sierra slipped into her bikini. After she
tied the strings of the little black triangle top, she opened a concealed compartment in her bag and removed the communication equipment. She slipped the small receiver and transmitter in her ear.

  “You there?”

  Jake’s deep voice answered, “Off shore fishing.”

  Hearing his voice sent a thrill through her. Now that she’d experienced the potent affect of his touch, things would never be the same. “Sounds fun. We’re getting ready to go snorkeling off the beach. With any luck, I’ll get a chance to snoop tonight.”

  “You better do it quick. I don’t think you’ll be able to keep Diaz at bay indefinitely. Especially the way your dressing.” His dry tone came across loud and clear.

  She chuckled. Just wait until Jake got a load of her bikini. “If I can find what I need tonight, I’ll be out. Oh, and did you hear Diaz ordering someone to find you? He’s still pretty ticked that you got away.”

  Jake grunted. “Yeah, I heard.”

  “And he was arranging a pickup of more children from an orphanage in Peru for Wednesday. I think you should call Trent and let him know.”

  “Already did. I’ll be waiting when you’re ready to go snooping.”


  Sierra removed the earpiece and hid it back inside the compartment. After pulling on a tee shirt and shorts, she slid her feet into a pair of white flip flops.

  Opening the door, she stepped into the hall. Diaz walked out dressed in swim trunks, his bronze chest bare. He was muscular, yet nothing like the cut edges of Jake’s physique. He looked at her and smiled. “Are you ready, querido?”

  “Can’t wait.”

  He walked to her and stopped. The darkening look in his eyes was her only warning before he tugged her against him and took her mouth in a heated kiss that totally nauseated her.

  She forced herself to respond instead of gagging. Luckily, he wasn’t intent on dragging it out. He released her and stroked her cheek. If she was an ordinary tourist and didn’t know what a slime he was, she might be charmed. Instead she’d like to punch him in the nose.

  Smiling, she stroked his cheek in return and gazed into his brown eyes. “You overwhelm me,” she whispered.


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