Starship Genesis

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Starship Genesis Page 10

by Linda M. Miller

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Cass yells.

  “Yes!” Deonna laughs. The two women climb up to the waterfall.

  “Look, it has a cave behind it. This is perfect. We should camp here for the night. And we can get cleaned up as well.” Cassie tells them.

  Noah just goes into the heart of the fall and drenches himself.

  “Oh...that’s cold water.” He yells. “But great for drinking.”

  Korban and Talon join him.

  “Whoa. That is cold.” Korban yells.

  “Well, I’m not in the mood for cold. How about you, Deonna?”

  “Not my preference.” She replies. “But I really want a bath. I’ve been combing my hair for days and it’s horrible.”

  “Maybe we can build you girls a tub or something.” Talon states.

  “Yeah.” Deonna smiles. “That would work. Hmmm. ‘farmer’ or ‘builder’” she tells Cassie.

  “Korban, I think Cassie’s idea to camp here is a good idea.” Noah comments.

  “Well, the sound of the water might keep us awake.” I reply.

  “I like the sound of water. It’s not like an ocean. But it’s comforting after all of that wind.” Deonna adds.

  “Alright. Anyone opposed?” I ask. “Then we’re all in agreement.”

  “I can hear birds in the trees also.” Cass comments. “It’s so peaceful. No one here but us. No large crowds.”

  “No walls from a cramped ship.” Deonna continues. “I like it.”

  I gather up firewood and build a fire in the cave. I feel so happy that Cass and the others like it here. It’s not paradise. But Cass is right. It’s peaceful.

  “Korban, there’s a lot of granite stone in this area.”

  “And...” I encourage him.

  “We could cut the stone in to blocks and build a pretty nice compound with it. I brought my lasers and levitational tools with me. The only thing we need is time.”

  “We need a good building site somewhere close to water.” Noah adds.

  “Yes. I could add running water into the compound and kitchen with canals.” Talon suggests.

  “I’m starved,” cries Noah. Korban pulls out a small pot and captures water from the waterfall.

  “I’ll make us some matee to go with our craepons.”

  We camp for the night with a good fire and eat more craepons. The thought about more craepons is starting to disgust me. I think I’ll try my hand at spear fishing on the morrow. Cass and I sit outside the cave next to the waterfall and stare at the night sky.

  “Oh, Korban. Look at that. I can’t believe that’s where we came from. Look! A shooting star.” She kisses me. “That’s for good luck.”

  “I think I’d like some more of your good luck.” I add. “Cassie, I love you.”

  We settle back and gaze again. “See that one group of stars up there, Cass.” I outline the shape for her. “It’s simple... imagine it as a beautiful woman sitting back in her chair...graceful.”

  “Hmmm....and what of it?” She asks.

  “I’m going to name that constellation, Cassiopeia. After you.”

  “Really? make me so happy.”

  We kiss again, much longer.

  “Let’s get some sleep.” I tell her. “We still have another hike.”

  “I feel like I’m already home at the moment.” She says. I pull her along back into the cave in our covey hole. The cave is large, but it’s still damp. Everyone is bedded down in their own corners around the fire.

  The next morning I search for a long stick about five parsecs long and I carve the end into a sharp point. I head down towards the stream at the bottom of the waterfall where I spotted fish the day before. I wait. The quietness is broken by a slight wind in the trees. I see a small rodent with a bushy tail that climbs through the trees, and note that it’s probably another possible food source.

  I spot a school of fish and cast my spear. It goes through two fish. What luck! I step in the water and pull the two fish and place them on a clean rock. I cast the spear again, and I miss. The fish all scatter. I wait. Another school passes by and I throw the spear again. I spear one more fish. That should do, I think.

  I grab a cooking pot and debone the fish, cast away the head and tail, and fry them in a small pot. I also make some matee. Finally, we all gather and dine on the fish.

  “This is great, Korban!” Noah exclaims.

  Cassie just eats and closes her eyes.

  “Now this is food.” She says.

  “Korban, you can cook this every night.” Deonna says.

  We finish the fish and start to pack up for our next leg of the trip. So far, this has been a nice camping trip. My kind of vacation. Even Cassie seems pleased.

  We depart the cave and falls, noting the granite that Talon pointed out. We follow the river for a few more miles and finally arrive at the mouth of the canyon. It opens up to a large lake in the distance. The weather has greatly improved at the foot of the mountain. I find myself staring from a cliff or shelf on mountain bench overlooking a valley.

  “Down there.” I point. “That area looks like a promising location to build our compound.”

  “Yes,” Talon agrees. “It’s near the stream and it has trees in the area.”

  “Let’s go recon the area and see what’s down there.” We all proceed. The area is on a shelf-like crevice that over sees the valley.

  “Nice location, Korban,” Deonna comments. It has appeal with the view and all.

  Talon takes notice.

  I’ve never seen Talon gaze at a woman before. I’ve known him for a long time. And Noah as well. Both are reliable and true friends. I also know how lonely each of them is; even though they do not speak of it. Both of them are shy when it comes to women. I wonder which of them will end up with Deonna. Still hard to tell. Perhaps they are giving Deonna space to deal with her losses.

  “This is a good flat area for camp, Korban. It’s shaded by these trees. We can build some huts from the thickets for temporary shelter.” Talon comments.

  “Let’s begin.” I say.

  The three of us cut and gather tree branches and thickets to build the main hut. Deonna and Cassie help by gathering grasses. It’s a type of grass that can be made into a rope and utilized to tie and secure the tree branches together to build frames. We then anchor the corners into the ground and test for sturdiness.

  Next, we build an inclined roof with enough grasses and reeds to provide a dense shield against rain and wind. This process takes us all day.

  Cassie and Deonna went down to the stream to try spear fishing. They return with seven fish.

  “We’re going to have a feast,” Cassie yells.

  “Perfect.” Talon remarks. He builds a fire to the side of the hut they just built. And this time Cassie and Deonna clean and cook the fish.

  “It’s messy, but tasty,” Deonna laughs.

  “We should do a recon of the area,” Talon remarks. “To make sure there are no natives in the area.”

  ‘It’s a good idea.” I answer. “But one of us should remain to protect these two.”

  “I’ll stay,” Talon volunteers.

  “We’ll be gone for about 24 hours. We’ll only scan to the north on this

  trip...about 10 miles. We should leave at daylight.” We sleep on the ground this night in the hut and dream about better quarters. I hold Cassie as she goes to sleep.

  “So this is our new home.” She comments. “We can carve out something wonderful.” She contemplates.

  The next morning Noah and I leave after having a quick breakfast of craepons and matee. Cassie sleeps longer as does Deonna. Talon is up drawing plans of the compound he wants to build.

  Noah and I head west at first light to explore the area. I make two more spears for protection for us to carry. We plan to circle north in a ten mile radius to canvass the area for resources and security.

  We head two miles down by the stream, cross the stream and head north. We co
me upon a trail.

  “It seems to lead off towards that canyon,” Noah comments.

  “I think that is another trip.” I respond. “I don’t want to go too far from the camp on this recon. But it seems like we may have company given this trail.” We continue on our roundabout and go a couple of more miles.

  “Look at these large berries.” Noah exclaims. “Do you think these are edible?”

  “Probably. But we should have Talon scan them first. Let’s gather some and take them with us.” I cut a branch of the berries and just carry it. We cross a small ravine and all of a sudden we hear something coming toward us. It’s attacking us. We both quickly grab a low lying tree branch and lift ourselves into the tree.

  “What was that?” Noah asks.

  “I don’t know. But it’s coming back.” The animal is short and has horns on its nose. It sniffs the ground.

  “It’s a wild pig, like pigs from TerraNorre.” I whisper. “Shhhh....”

  I drop down from the tree behind and it comes towards me in a frenzy. I spear its head and turn it on its side. Noah completes the kill by driving his spear into its heart.

  “Dinner.” I add. “Let’s get this back to camp.” We return to camp with the pig, both of us carrying it with spear run through and using our shoulders. We walk into camp and we throw the heavy pig down on the ground.

  “What is that?” Cassie asks.

  “Dinner.” I respond. “Wild pig.”

  “We found these berries, Talon. Can you tell us if they’re edible?”

  Talon scans the berries with a tool from his medical kit. “They’re okay. Nothing poisonous. Let’s try one.” Talon eats the berry.

  “I think I want more of these. Delicious. Ladies...?” They each try one.

  “ good. I’ve never had anything like this.” Deonna says.

  “Look Korban. We’ve been experimenting with making clay for pottery. We’ve made bowls.”

  “I’m impressed.” Noah comments. “Maybe you could make some cups and plates.”

  “Exactly.” Deonna replies. “We’ll need to build a kiln.”

  “And Talon has created a table top from the logs he cut.” A table stands before them with logs to support it on each side and logs have been cut to make chairs.

  “It’s a little rough.” He comments. “But I think I can do better with some stone.”

  “We will dine well at our new table tonight, Talon! I’ll dress the pig. Noah, do you mind building a fire?”

  “Why don’t I make a roaster for the pig and we can cook it suspended over the fire?” Talon asks.

  “Sounds like good cooking, Talon” I reply. I skin the pig and gut it. I remove the head as well. Talon runs the dowel through the pig. It is rough, but sturdy.

  “Not bad.” I think out loud.

  Deonna watches Noah build the fire.

  “Ugghh. I can’t stand to watch him skin that pig. So messy! But with the shelter, we’re almost civilized.” Deonna tells Noah.

  “We have a good shelter. But no privacy.” Noah replies.

  “It’s better than sleeping in a cold cave.” Deonna answers. “Things can only get better.”

  “I like your attitude, Deonna.” Noah remarks. “It must be rough enough losing your family, let alone crashing on an unknown planet with no civilization.”

  “It could be worse. I realize that. But at least I have good company.” She smiles.

  “I’m glad you think that. If you need anything, I’d be happy to help you.” He replies.

  Talon and I go down to the creek to wash our hands of the blood from the pig.

  “Fire’s ready,” Noah calls.

  “How long will it take to cook?” Cassie asks me.

  “I’m thinking at least three hours. And we’re going to have to turn it a couple of times so that it cooks evenly.” I reply.

  Talon returns. “Hey, I saw this really large tree down by the creek. We could cut it down and make a couple of tubs out of it for bathing.”

  “We’ve got nothing but time. What are we waiting for?” Talon and I take the lasers and levitational tools down to the river.

  “Yeah, that’s quite big, Talon. How will the tubs stand on their own so that they don’t tip?” I ask.

  “Just square them off at the bottom.” Talon replies.

  “We need another hut just for the tubs, Korban.” Cassie suggests. “So Deonna and I can both bathe at the same time. Then the three of you can bathe at the same time as well.”

  “Make that three tubs, Korban.” Talon adds. “That’s going to be a very large hut.” I comment.

  Deonna sits at the table with Noah.

  “See that area over there?” Noah tells Deonna. “That’s where I’m going to plant a large garden. I brought seeds from the ship I’ve been using in the ship’s greenhouse.”

  “I know you spent a lot of time in that greenhouse, and we ate pretty well.” Deonna tells Noah. “I know farming is your passion. But your job was handling comms on the Genesis.”

  “The Genesis was a job for me.” Noah answered. “I tested quite high in electronics. Comms is where they stationed me when I signed up. But I have to have one leg in gardening. It helps me keep my sanity in space.”

  “Did you have family you left behind?” Deonna asks.

  “Just my Dad and I. He was getting on in his years. My Mom left him for another man. I never saw her after that. I’m certain Dad was still on TerraNorre when it went.” He stared blankly into the area around him.

  “I’m deeply sorry, Noah. I know how you feel.” Deonna puts her hand on his to show him sympathy just as Talon and I return with the huge tree trunk we levitated.

  “Hey there, Noah. Can you give us a hand?” I ask.

  Noah and Deonna look up. “Now that is a big tree.” he answers. “What’s it for?” Deonna asks.

  Talon replies. “This is going to be made into three tubs to bathe in.”

  “Tubs?” she asks excitedly.

  “Tubs,” Cassie replies. “Let’s heat some water!”

  “Well, don’t we need another hut for that?” Deonna asks shyly.

  “Well, Korban and I can bathe together!” Cassie answers. “So technically, we only need two tubs.” I answer. “Right.”

  Talon comments. “Let’s get to work.”

  “First I need to check the pig.” I respond.

  “Right.” Talon corrects himself. “Let’s turn the pig.”

  “Some pig.” Cassie comments. “It’s starting to smell good.”

  I cut into the pig to check the interior to see if it’s cooked. “Let’s give it another hour. We’ll have a feast very shortly!”

  “Then we have time to carve a tub.” Talon states.

  “Let me help you with that, Talon.” Noah volunteers. Talon grabs his laser and begins cutting the tree into two sections. We’ll use this section for the two tubs. He splits the large log in half. Each half sits about 4 parsecs until he carves the bottom exterior to flatten and prevent tipping. He also lasers the bark from the tree. Then he carves the interior section by section. Soon he has a good size tub that sits 2 parsecs high and the interior is about 5 parsecs long.

  “Now, I just need to smooth the interior and sand it.”

  Deonna and Cassie watch. I watch Cassie and she is smiling. Another part of civilization to her liking.

  I cut into the pig once more. “It’s ready!” I yell “What can I cut this on?’’

  “Try this!” Talon answers. It’s a large platter like piece of wood Talon has cut out from the hollowed tub. “And these can be plates.”

  We pull the roasted pig off from the fire and lay it on the platter Talon places it on the table. Then he takes his laser and cuts small steaks from the pig and places them on the makeshift plates he just created.

  “Clever!” Noah laughs. “Let’s eat.”

  We all sit at our new table and dine on the beast we cooked. “Oh, Korban! This is so good!” Deonna cries.

esssss!” Cassie agrees.

  “You can thank Noah! He was the bait.” I jest.

  “Thank you Noah!” everyone cries.

  “This is the first time we’re all going to go without being hungry.” Noah comments. “It was worth it.” He looks over at Deonna and laughs. Deonna has grease dripping from her chin. She tries to be lady like. But there’s no eating a juicy cooked pig without making a mess when you have no utensils.


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