Hidden Prey

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Hidden Prey Page 3

by Cheyenne McCray

  “Did the men say anything?” Landon asked.

  “Yes.” She struggled to remember what the men had said. Her thoughts jumbled together and she wrinkled her forehead in concentration. “The one with the gun shouted a Hispanic name.” She frowned before it came to her. “Mateo. The man he shot was Mateo.”

  She put the heel of her palm to her forehead. “Mateo said something and called the man with the gun by a strange name…also Hispanic.” She struggled to remember, but it lay just out of reach. “Damn. I can’t remember what Mateo called him.”

  As she spoke, Landon straightened, a granite-hard look on his face she couldn’t read. “Mateo. You’re sure that’s the name of the man who was shot?”

  She rubbed her palms on her jeans. “Yes.”

  “Shit.” Landon pulled out his cell phone. He appeared both concerned and furious as he punched in a number and turned away.

  “Language.” Teresa shook her finger at Landon.

  Landon didn’t seem to have heard or to have seen her shaking her finger at him. He walked through an archway, out of the kitchen, and into another room.

  “Where are you from?” Teresa spoke to Tori in a strongly accented voice.

  “I’m originally from Bisbee.” Tori slumped in her chair, glad for the reprieve from thinking about what she had witnessed. She reached for her water glass with both hands, sliding her fingers through the condensation. “My parents are Josie and Henry Cox.”

  Teresa looked thoughtful. “You grew up on Temby Avenue?”

  “Yes.” It did not surprise Tori that Teresa knew. Tori’s family had been lifetime Bisbee residents.

  The woman tapped her forehead. “I may be nigh on ninety-six, but the mind’s still sharp.”

  Tori cleared her throat in an effort to speak. “Do you know my parents?”

  “I knew little Josie Nuñez since childhood. Back before she married that no-good Cox boy.” Teresa met Tori’s gaze. “Is he drinking like a fish, same as always?”

  Yes, the woman was blunt, but Tori didn’t mind the truth. “As far as I know he’s still a regular at St. Elmo’s.”

  Teresa shook her head. “A real shame.” She eyed Tori. “You don’t seem to have come out any worse for it.”

  “My dad didn’t hang around the house much.” Tori clenched the glass tighter, trying to focus on Teresa’s questions. “Mom mostly raised me.”

  Teresa frowned. “Josie was a good girl. A real good girl.”

  Landon walked through the archway, into the kitchen. “I’ll be right back.” He opened the kitchen door and let himself into the evening.

  Moments later, he returned. “I need to get to the scene.” He looked at Tori as she held her hand to her throat. “Police are there now, so you’ll be safe in my vehicle. Likely the men are long gone. The police will question you and so will I.”

  “You?” Tori lowered her hand. “Why?”

  “I’ll explain once we leave.” He shrugged out of his white overshirt and handed it to Tori. “Cover up that tattoo and your shirt. If anyone is hanging around and watching from any number of vantage points, we don’t want them to recognize you.”

  Tori stood to take the shirt and slip her arms into it. The shirt hung loosely on her, well past her hips to her upper thighs. She buttoned it up and rolled up the sleeves, concentrating on each task. He pulled a ball cap out of his back pocket and adjusted it for her smaller head.

  When he’d guessed the size, he gave it to Tori. “Put your hair up under this.”

  She took it from him. She wondered if her hands would ever stop shaking. Her chin-length hair took a little extra effort to push under the ball cap. “Can you tell me what’s going on? It’s something more, isn’t it?”

  “Questions can wait.” Landon turned, bent, and kissed Teresa’s cheek before giving her a one-armed hug. “I’ll do my best to stop by at the end of the week, Grandma.”

  “Sooner better than later.” Teresa studied him with her watery blue eyes. “I won’t be around for long, you know.”

  “Sure you will.” Landon gave her a boyish smile that rubbed away some of the rough edges on his features. “I always knew you’d live forever.”

  Teresa harrumphed. “Get going, boy.”

  “Love you, Grandma.” Landon opened the door and Tori followed him outside into the near darkness.

  Chapter 3

  Landon strode to his Explorer with Tori beside him. He’d come out moments before to make sure it was clear with no one in sight who might be after Tori.

  His blood thrummed in his ears. Mateo was Miguel’s undercover name. The cartel had killed him? God, he hoped not, but considering Miguel hadn’t shown up to the meet, there was a strong chance he was the murdered man.

  The summer evening had cooled and a light breeze ruffled the hair at Landon’s nape. His skin felt hot and tight and he had the feeling he would explode under the right conditions. If someone had murdered Miguel, Landon intended to take down the man responsible for killing him.

  With fury burning in his veins, Landon opened the passenger side door of the SUV. He had to pause a moment to toss a pair of his western boots behind the front passenger seat and placed his Stetson on the bench seat in the rear. He’d throw everything in the trunk of the vehicle later.

  Helping Tori into the vehicle, he then hurried to the driver’s side and swung himself into his seat. He slammed the door at the same time he crammed the keys into the ignition then drove out away from his grandmother’s home. He’d backed into parking spaces so he’d be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. It was a cop thing.

  If it he hadn’t gone out to his vehicle earlier, he would never have seen the brunette running up the hill, terror in her expression, and wouldn’t have caught glimpses of the two men following her. He hadn’t been able to get a good look at the men in the snatch of time he’d had to grab Tori.

  After getting Tori to safety, he would have gone after the men if he hadn’t been concerned they would see him leaving his grandmother’s home. Putting Grandma Teresa in any kind of danger wasn’t an option.

  Landon’s mouth grew tight as he shot a look at Tori. She had her bottom lip between her white teeth and worried it. The gorgeous woman had big dark eyes, as well as the dark hair she’d tucked under the cap.

  “Why were you walking up the hill?” he asked, his tone harder than he’d intended.

  She blinked at him, pausing as if she’d been lost in thought. “I just got into town. The shuttle dropped me off by the convention center and I had to walk the rest of the way.”

  He frowned as he maneuvered his vehicle on the narrow street down toward the location where she’d said she’d seen the shooting. “You don’t have any luggage, not even a purse.”

  Her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide. She lowered her hand. “I dropped my bag when the men chased me. I can’t believe I forgot. My purse was in the bag. Everything is in it—my driver’s license, passport, credit cards, everything.”

  Beneath his breath he swore. “No question they took it. They know who you are.”

  “Oh, my God.” Her eyes seemed impossibly larger. “Will they come after me?”

  “Probably.” Landon didn’t believe in sugarcoating. “Where were you going? Home?”

  “I was headed to my parents’ home on Temby.” Her voice wavered. “I live in Tucson. I took the shuttle here because my car is in the shop.”

  “Is your parents’ address listed in your belongings?” Landon asked. “Anything that would tie you to them?”

  She bit her lower lip then shook her head, saying, “I don’t think so.”

  He glanced at her as she dug in her jeans pocket and pulled out a cell phone. A number scrolled across the lit-up screen, the phone vibrating in her hand. She stared at it and her lips formed a thin line before she sent the call to voicemail and shoved the phone back into her pocket.

  When she didn’t volunteer the name of the person who had called, he asked, “Will your parents be concerned abo
ut you?”

  She shook her head. “They didn’t know I was coming.” Catching him glancing at her, she looked away and added, “I needed to get away from Tucson.”

  He wondered what she’d run from, but she’d made it clear she didn’t want to talk about it. He thought the call she’d received might have had something to do with her running.

  The vehicle jolted back and forth over the uneven pavement. Blue and red strobes flashed ahead, the lights from emergency vehicles bouncing off surrounding structures in the growing darkness.

  Landon glanced at Tori. “Have you remembered the name of the shooter?”

  She hesitated then shook her head, the hat falling down over her forehead. She pushed the brim up, a pinched, worried expression on her face. “Not yet. I’m trying hard to.”

  After he parked as close as possible to the scene, he looked at her. “Do not get out of the Explorer. Understand?”

  At her nod, he climbed out and headed to the passenger side. When he reached it, he opened the door.

  He put his hand up to make sure she didn’t try to leave. “You’re going to wait here. It’s too dangerous for you to get out of the vehicle.”

  “But I’m disguised.”

  “Can’t take any chances.” He shook his head. “It may not be a good enough disguise.”

  “Okay.” She gave a slow nod. “Can I take off my seatbelt?”

  “If you promise to stay in the SUV.”

  “I promise.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at the scene and returned his gaze to hers. “From here you can look to see if you remember anything. Okay?”


  “Sit tight.” He stepped away, the Explorer door still open, Tori sitting sideways so she could watch from her vantage point.

  Lieutenant Liam Marks of the Bisbee Police Department stood a few feet away, talking with another officer. Marks gave a nod to the officer as they finished their conversation and his gaze cut to Landon. The lieutenant approached Landon. Out of professional courtesy, Landon would consult with Marks before jumping into the investigation.

  “Agent Walker.” Marks inclined his head toward the scene when he reached them. “What’s got the DHS interested?”

  “Is the victim dead?” Landon asked.

  “Sure as hell is.” Marks nodded. “Looks like a drug deal gone bad. Found coke in the victim’s vehicle and the registration is for a Mateo Torrez.”

  Landon’s gut tightened and anger burned beneath his skin. “If I’m right, the victim is one of ours, an agent who worked deep undercover. Mateo Torrez was his UC name. I need to see the body.”

  “Sonofabitch.” Marks shook his head. “Sonofabitch,” he repeated. He glanced at the SUV. “One of your agents?” he asked Landon.

  “Tori witnessed the murder,” Landon replied.

  Marks looked surprised and peered closer at Tori. To Landon’s surprise, Marks said, “Tori Cox?”

  “Hi, Liam.” From Landon’s observations, Tori struggled to calm her shaking nerves with difficulty.

  “Damn, Tori.” The lieutenant frowned. “It’s good to see you, but not under these circumstances.”

  Fear haunted her eyes. “I agree.”

  Marks glanced from Tori to Landon and back. “I’ll need everything from you, Tori.”

  Tori nodded but flashed Landon a look, almost as if she were scared—not of Marks, but of the men who’d chased her.

  Landon settled his hand on Tori’s shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be right back.”

  “Yes.” She crossed her arms over her chest as if holding herself tight.

  He squeezed her shoulder again before he turned away and strode to where the scene was being processed. He ducked under the yellow crime scene tape.

  The body lay beside an older-model, dusty white Toyota. Landon recognized the tag and the make as Miguel’s. Landon’s heart dropped to the asphalt when he saw the man’s build. He faced away, but Landon had a bad feeling in his gut that had grown worse since he’d been at St. Pat’s. The inside of the man’s wrist had the cartel tattoo, but Miguel had had the symbol tattoed on his wrist as part of his cover.

  Landon crouched beside the body and, despite the fact that the man’s face was mostly blown off, knew it was Miguel.

  Anger burned hot and bright inside Landon and he clenched his fists. “Fuck.” Then louder, “Fuck.”

  At that moment he wanted to slam his fist into something. Anything. But a broken hand wasn’t going to bring back Miguel.

  “Recognize him?” asked a young female officer who Landon hadn’t seen before.

  “Yeah.” Landon pushed himself to his feet. “I sure as hell do. He was one of ours, a federal agent.”

  The female officer shook her head. “Oh, shit.”

  Landon turned away, drew his cell phone out of his pocket, and punched the speed dial number for Sofia Aguilar, the Resident Agent in Charge.

  Sofia answered in her clipped tone. “Aguilar here.”

  Landon heaved out a breath before answering his RAC. “Miguel is dead.”

  “Miguel?” Sofia’s voice grew harder. “What happened?”

  “Appears the cartel executed him in Bisbee.” Landon tried to calm himself, to separate himself from what had happened, but it was impossible. “The face is unrecognizable, but I’m sure it’s Miguel.”

  Sofia let out an expletive—she was as good at them as any of her subordinates. “Any witnesses?”

  “Yes.” Landon looked back at Tori who had remained in the Explorer as he’d instructed. Her face was illuminated by flashing red, white, and blue strobes in the growing darkness. “Her name is Tori Cox. The men responsible went after her, but I got to her first. I have her in my custody.”

  Sofia had a grim note in her voice. “Do you think the woman will testify when we catch the bastards?”

  Landon frowned as he studied Tori, who appeared shaken and lost. He couldn’t blame her. “I don’t know.” He shifted his stance. “But I think there’s a good chance she will.”

  “I’ll have a team sent to the crime scene immediately and notify Miguel’s wife.” Sofia sounded on fire and he could hear the anger in her voice, anger at Miguel’s murderers. “In the meantime, we need to get our witness to a safe house. I’ll have Johnson meet you at the scene then escort you and the witness to the location.”

  Landon dragged his hand down his stubbled face. “Yes, ma’am.”

  When Aguilar disconnected the call, Landon got hold of Dylan.

  “Tell me you have something.” Dylan sounded as if he’d had a long day. “Did you manage to meet up with Miguel?”

  Landon turned away from Tori and studied the scene. “He’s dead.”

  “Jesus.” Dylan’s voice grew hard and much more intense. “What happened?”

  Landon spent the next few minutes running through everything that had happened from the time he’d seen Tori bolting from the two men, her story, and identifying the body.

  Dylan cursed. “Miguel was a damned good man. We’re not going to let the bastards get away with this.”

  Landon pushed his fingers through his hair. “The witness left her belongings, including all her ID, at the scene.”

  “So they know who she is.” Dylan growled another curse. “She’s not safe.”

  “I’m going to make sure she is.” Landon looked over his shoulder at Tori. While she talked with Marks, she rubbed her arms with her palms as if working to keep herself warm. “I’ll call you the moment I learn anything else,” Landon said to Dylan.

  Landon disconnected the call and headed toward Tori and Lieutenant Marks.

  “I’m one hundred percent sure that’s our UC,” Landon told Marks when he reached the pair. “My RAC is sending out a team now.”

  “Murder of a federal agent.” Marks frowned. “I’m sure you’re going to want to take control of the investigation, but we still have jurisdiction, as well.”

  Landon glanced back at the crime sc
ene before addressing Marks. “We’ll share anything we have and I’m certain you will too.”

  Marks nodded. “We’ll make it happen.”

  The thought that Miguel had been murdered barely computed, even as Landon made arrangements with Marks. “We’ll need to search the vehicle, collect Miguel’s things, along with the UC registration and whatever else we find.”

  Landon inclined his head in Tori’s direction as he continued. “I’m taking the witness into protective custody. I need to get her out of here.”

  Marks nodded and turned to Tori. “I’d say good to see you, but I wish it was at a reunion and not a murder investigation.”

  Tori sagged, her entire body showing how tired she must be. “Same here.”

  Marks gave her a concerned look. “Don’t take any chances.”

  She shifted on the passenger seat. “I don’t plan to. I’m already scared out of my mind.”

  “I don’t blame you.” Marks glanced at Landon. “Anything else I can do for you, Agent Walker?”

  Landon shook his head. “I’ve got it from here.”

  Marks nodded to Tori. “Take care of yourself.”

  She raised her hand in a parting wave just before Marks left and walked toward the body.

  Landon turned his attention to Tori. “Did you remember anything more than what you told me?”

  “I’ve been racking my brain, trying to remember the name of the man who killed Mateo.” She looked in the direction of the body and Landon saw her shudder. “It’s as if my brain is frozen. I feel numb. I can’t think straight.”

  “You’re suffering from shock.” He wanted more from her, but he knew he could push her too far if he wasn’t careful. He tried to keep his voice even. “I know I’ve been asking a lot of you, but you’re going to be faced with more.”


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