'Til I Kissed You

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'Til I Kissed You Page 15

by Pam Howes

  ‘He still is. I called him. Ed doesn’t know where he is either. He said he may have gone to see the accountant. But I usually organise all that sort of stuff. Anyway, Ed said he’d get him to call me later.’ Sammy picked up a pastel to finish the design she’d abandoned. ‘Thought Jess was finishing this? Where is she?’

  ‘Showing Ruby the wedding dress sketches,’ Jane replied.

  Sammy nodded and turned to her easel and Jane stared thoughtfully at her back.


  ‘What are your plans for later?’ Livvy asked as she and Roy drank their coffee, snuggled under the duvet.

  ‘I’m recording with Ed. What are you doing with the rest of your day?’

  ‘I promised Sean I’d go in to work later,’ she said, putting down her mug. ‘Jon’s taking the afternoon off. When are you and Ed going to finish that other song for me? You’ve been working on it for ages.’

  ‘It’s ready. I’ll arrange for you to come over next Monday and we’ll record it. We’re in London sometime soon, probably later this week, so it won’t be before then. It’s a shame, because I wanted to take the solo tape to the studios with me. If I can get you a recording contract, I’ll manage you.’

  Her face lit up. He stubbed out his cigarette and drained his mug. ‘That old dog you mentioned earlier, he’s ready to perform tricks again!’

  ‘You’re an insatiable beast,’ she giggled as he pulled her down beside him.


  Sitting by the music room window, Eddie watched as Roy’s car bumped carefully up the private lane. He took a deep breath, ran downstairs and threw open the front door.

  ‘Morning, Roy.’

  ‘Hi, mate, how’s things?’ Roy grinned as he strolled into the house.

  ‘Oh - fine,’ Eddie replied, scanning Roy’s face for signs of guilt, but there were none. ‘Sammy’s been trying to get hold of you. Where’ve you been?’

  ‘Home in bed. I didn’t hear the phone.’ Roy followed Eddie into the kitchen. He pulled a chair from under the table, turned it round and sat down, straddling his long legs either side of the seat. He leant his arms over the back.

  Eddie spun round. ‘Don’t lie to me, Roy. You and I have been mates forever. You’ve never lied to me before, why start now?’ He picked up the coffee pot, poured Roy a mug, pushed the milk jug towards him and sat down opposite. ‘And you’d better know this; Sam went home from work this morning. She rang to see if you were here.’

  Roy’s eyes opened wide. ‘What did you tell her?’

  ‘Well, seeing as I wasn’t sure where you were at the time, I said maybe you’d gone to see the accountant. She knows you’re dressed up, because she looked in the wardrobe, and she’s curious because you never dress up in the day. She also saw your car near Jackson’s Heath. I know where you were. I drove to Livvy’s place and saw your car parked next to hers.’

  ‘Oh!’ Roy stared at the floor. ‘Well, there you go then. I nipped in to see Livvy to chat about the new song, that’s all.’

  ‘Yeah, sure!’ Eddie raised a disbelieving eyebrow. ‘She told me she hadn’t seen you when I called. I knew she was lying. Why would she do that if your visit were legitimate? Did you shag her again?’

  Roy said nothing and sipped his coffee.

  ‘Roy, I know you fancy the arse off her. Did you screw her?’

  ‘It just kind of happened,’ Roy confessed. ‘You know how these things are.’

  ‘These things?’ Eddie exploded. ‘In all the years you were with the group, all the girls you could have had, you never touched them. Of us all I thought you’d be shagging left right and centre, but you didn’t. You left that to Phil Jackson. You’ve never been unfaithful to Sam. So what’s so different about Livvy? Why do you want to risk everything for some twenty-two-year old bit of skirt?’

  ‘Livvy’s not a bit of skirt.’ Roy’s eyes darkened. ‘I love her, Ed. You of all people should know how that feels.’

  ‘Oh come on, you can’t compare my awful marriage to Angie with yours and Sammy’s wonderful marriage. You’re a fool, Roy. Sammy will go mad. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes when she finds out.’

  ‘She won’t find out,’ Roy replied smugly. ‘No one knows except Livvy and you.’

  ‘Well I sussed you out easily. While I think about it, where were you last night? You said you were tired and going home when you left me? Sammy said you were home late and slept in the spare room.’

  ‘I went to John Grey’s,’ Roy mumbled, lighting a cigarette and offering one to Eddie.

  ‘And that’s what you told Sam?’ Eddie lit the cigarette and drew deeply.

  ‘Yeah, it’s the truth.’

  ‘John and Margaret are in Portugal. Have been for the last two weeks,’ Eddie replied. ‘We got a postcard today by second post. You’ll probably get one, too, if you haven’t already.’

  Roy’s jaw dropped. ‘Fucking hell! I picked up the post this morning and threw it on the worktop. I didn’t bother to look through it. If Sammy’s been home and seen it, she’ll know I lied about last night. Ed what can I do?’

  ‘Go home, check if it’s there. It may come by the late post, which Sammy probably won’t have seen. She told me you slept in the spare room. To be honest with you, she also told me you’d been at John’s and lost track of time.’

  Roy nodded. ‘I didn’t want to disturb her. She’d have had a go at me for being so late back.’

  ‘So, I presume you went to Livvy’s?’

  Roy smiled, his face showing no signs of remorse. ‘She’s wonderful, Ed. Makes me feel alive again. We fell asleep afterwards. That’s why I was late home.’

  ‘I don’t want to know. What I don’t know I can’t lie about. How can I face Sammy now you’ve told me this?’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, mate, don’t say anything to Jane,’ Roy pleaded.

  ‘I won’t. Now go home, see if the postcard’s arrived and hurry up. We’ve got loads to do before the end of the week. I’ll get everything set up in the music room. Ring Sam now before you go.’ Eddie picked up the phone, dialled the factory and handed the receiver to Roy.


  Sammy was on the factory floor chatting to Ruby when she heard Jane calling that Roy was on the phone.

  She ran into the office and grabbed the receiver. ‘Roy, where the hell have you been? I was getting really worried. I popped home earlier to surprise you. I thought we could spend some time together.’ She stopped as he spoke. ‘Oh, right - and everything’s okay? Listen, do you fancy going out tonight with Jane and Ed? - I’ll book us a table then. Italian or Indian? - Okay, see you later. - I love you, too.’ She hung up and sat back on her chair, smiling as Jane hurried back into the office.

  ‘Your mum’s gone. She didn’t want to disturb your call. She said goodbye and she’ll see you tomorrow. Is everything alright?’

  ‘Yeah, he had a call to go and see the accountant urgently. Something about a document that was missing his signature from when the books were done. He’s with Ed now. He fancies Italian tonight. Is that okay with you?’

  ‘Fine by me. Ed will eat anything. I’ll call Jon. Ask if he’ll baby-sit tonight. Late nights are too much for mum during the week.’

  Livvy answered the phone to Jane’s call. ‘Hi, Livvy, it’s Jane Mellor. Is Jon there please? Oh, right. Yes, now I come to think of it, he mentioned he was going out. Damn!’ Livvy had just told her that Jon had taken the afternoon off and he and Helen were going to The Apollo to see The Eurhythmics tonight. ‘It’s so chaotic in the morning. I have difficulty remembering my name, never mind anything else. I was hoping Jon could baby-sit for us while we go out for a meal with Roy and Sammy.’

  ‘Can I help? I’m not doing anything tonight.’

  ‘Livvy, you’re an angel. That would be lovely. We’ll pay you for your time of course. Will seven be okay? Brilliant. See you later then.’ Jane said goodbye and hung up.

  ‘Jon got a date?’ Sammy asked.

  ‘Yeah, but Livvy’s offered her
services. Wasn’t that nice of her?’

  ‘She’s a lovely girl,’ Sammy said. ‘I can’t understand why Jess doesn’t like her.’

  ‘Jess can be a funny bugger at times,’ Jane said. ‘She says there’s something about Livvy that she doesn’t trust. I think she’s jealous because Nick pays Livvy attention.’



  Roy hurtled through the front door. Nothing on the mat. Damn! He heard loud music blasting from upstairs as he made for the kitchen.

  ‘That you, Jase?’

  Jason popped his head over the banister. ‘Hi, Dad. Why are you all ponced up?’

  ‘I’ve been to the accountant’s. Was there any post when you came in?’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve put it on the worktop with the rest. There’s a postcard from the Greys and a few bills.’

  Roy dashed into the kitchen, grabbed the card and shoved it in his inside jacket pocket. He ran upstairs to get changed then popped his head around Jason’s door to say goodbye. Jason was sitting on the floor, sifting through records. Jules was sprawled on the bed, sporting a new hair style, dark brown with a blonde stripe down the centre.

  ‘Alright, Jules,’ Roy said. ‘Nice hairdo! You’ve a look of whatisname from Kajagoogoo.’

  ‘Limahl,’ Jules said and jumped up to shake Roy’s hand. ‘Thanks, Mr Cantello.’

  ‘Roy, please.’ He turned to Jason. ‘How come you’re not at college?’

  ‘We’ve a couple of free periods. We thought we’d come and listen to some sounds. Jules is a fan of sixties music. I’m playing him some Raiders outtakes.’

  ‘I really enjoy your music, Roy,’ Jules said politely. ‘Mum was a big fan and I’ve grown up with your songs.’

  ‘Good stuff. Right, I’m off to Ed’s. See you later, Jase; see you again, Jules.’

  Roy ran downstairs shaking his head. Sammy was right. The New Romantics had a lot to answer for. Jules was wearing gold earrings and he could have sworn his eyes were rimmed with kohl. The new hairstyle was far more elaborate than Jason’s and that was saying something.

  Mind you, he thought as he got into his car and shot down the drive, The Raiders had sported shoulder length locks in the late sixties. Not to mention flowery shirts and velvet flares. So who was he to criticise?


  Eddie tapped his fingers agitatedly against his chin and paced up and down the music room. He’d called Jane five minutes earlier, only to be told that Livvy was baby-sitting for them tonight. Why was life so bloody complicated? He might suggest they meet Sammy and Roy at the restaurant, but he didn’t think the suggestion would go down well.

  When they went out as a foursome they always left from The Lodge in one car, coming back for a nightcap. Best play it by ear, though God knew how he would be able to stop the conversation from getting round to the Grey’s holiday and the post-card. Margaret had written that they were welcome to join them at the villa if they had a week free. There was no point in him hiding the card from Jane. Her mother had been round when it arrived. She’d read it and would no doubt mention it to Jane. So even if Roy had chucked his and Sammy’s card away, there could still be a problem.

  The Lamborghini screeched to a halt. Roy leapt out and let himself in. He ran upstairs two at a time. ‘Got it,’ he puffed. ‘I’ve hidden it in my jacket pocket. Right, let’s do some work while we’ve still got time.’

  ‘There’s something you need to know first.’ Eddie braced himself.

  ‘What now?’

  ‘Livvy’s baby-sitting for us tonight.’

  ‘What?’ Roy’s hand flew to his mouth. ‘Oh fuck! Why not Jon?’

  ‘He’s out with Helen. Livvy offered, Jane accepted. Nothing I can do about it. At least you’re prepared.’

  ‘Yeah, but will Livvy be? Does she realise we’re going out with you?’

  ‘I’ve no idea. This night out has nothing to do with me. It’s Sammy’s doing and from what Jane was saying, I think Sammy’s got more up her sleeve for you than just the meal. I reckon you’re in for a special treat when she gets you home.’ Eddie grinned, watching the colour drain from Roy’s face.

  ‘You bastard! You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? I’m absolutely knackered. I couldn’t perform again today if my life depended on it.’

  ‘Pretend you feel ill or something. Anyway, you’ve always found the energy from somewhere. You and Sammy shagged for England most days and nights!’

  ‘I was a lot younger then,’ Roy sighed.

  ‘Maybe this will teach you to stop playing with fire. Right, come on let’s get this bloody work done. We’ve wasted enough time today as it is.’


  Sammy put the finishing touches to her makeup and sat back, smiling. She felt relaxed after a long soak and was looking forward to the night out. Later, when they got home, she planned to leave Roy in no doubt as to just how much she loved him. The more she thought about it the more she was convinced the gulf between them was mainly of her doing.

  When the boys were babies she’d been so tired and was relieved that Roy was away for most of the time. When he was home between shows she’d always made an effort, knowing that if she didn’t there were hundreds of girls who would. But when The Raiders disbanded he was under her feet all week.

  He seemed oblivious to the fact that their sons needed her attention, too. When she and Jane set up Cantello Designs, Sammy had welcomed being out of the house. She threw herself into the growing business and raising her boys and although she tried to juggle everything, she was aware that she was neglecting Roy. He rarely complained, but she’d seen the looks of rejection cross his face when he’d pulled her into his arms and she’d pushed him away, telling him she was too tired. What bothered her now was that he’d stopped coming to bed until she’d fallen asleep.

  Roy walked out of the bathroom, dark hair glistening from the shower. He dropped his towel onto the floor in a heap as usual. Sammy bit back the words, about not leaving damp towels lying around for her to pick up. Instead she stared hungrily at his body. He was still sexy and so handsome, he looked leaner lately and it was good on him. She shivered, realising that if she thought he was sexy then so would other women.


  Roy caught Sammy staring at him and grinned. ‘See anything you fancy, Madam?’ He walked over, pulled her to her feet and into his arms. Her satin camisole was cool and smooth against his skin. He rained soft kisses on her eyes, nose and lips. She responded, flinging her arms around him. He slid the shoestring straps of her camisole off her shoulders and let it fall. He pushed her gently onto the bed, lay down beside her and peeled off her French knickers. Sammy caressed his instant erection and slid down the bed to take him in her mouth. He moaned as her lips closed around and her tongue teased.

  ‘Christ, Sammy,’ he gasped. ‘I love you!’ Thoughts of Livvy left his mind as they made love with a renewed passion.

  Afterwards, as they lay holding one another, Sammy traced around his face with her fingertips. ‘I want to carry this moment in my mind forever,’ she whispered. ‘I love you.’

  Roy kissed her tenderly. ‘Sam, I love you, too, more than you know.’

  ‘Well don’t sleep in the spare room again,’ she said. ‘It makes me think something’s wrong. I don’t care about being woken up or whether you’re drunk, stoned or whatever. I want you in bed with me. We spent enough nights apart when you were touring.’

  ‘We did, and I promise not to do it again if you promise not to yell at me if I accidentally wake you. We’d better get ready. We’re really late now. I’ll call Ed. Let him know we’ve been delayed, while you re-do your hair and put your knickers back on. Why are you blushing, Sam?’

  ‘You’re a bugger, Cantello. But don’t ever change.’

  ‘And don’t you.’ He lifted the receiver and dialled. Jane answered. ‘We’re running a bit late, Jane. No, everything’s fine, honestly. Sam had to have my body before we left. See you soon.’ He hung up, dodging the pillow Sammy lobb
ed at his head.

  ‘Swine!’ she muttered, opening the wardrobe. ‘Wear your Versace, Roy, and that new black and cream silk shirt I bought you last week. You’ll look nice in those.’

  ‘Black trousers as well?’ he said.

  She nodded, slipping a black and white silk dress, with a low cut neckline and gently flaring skirt, over her head.

  ‘You look good in that dress,’ he said, head on one side. ‘Mind you, you look good in anything.’


  Roy’s stomach looped as he pulled up outside Hanover’s Lodge. Livvy’s Mini was parked on the drive. He took a deep breath, stopped the car and leapt out to help Sammy.

  ‘Evening, Jane,’ Roy greeted her as she invited them in.

  ‘Evening, yourself.’ Jane kissed him on the cheek and hugged Sammy. ‘Go through into the lounge. Have a drink with Ed. He called the restaurant and asked them to change the time of our reservation. We’ve half an hour to spare before we need to leave. I’ll just go and finish getting ready.’

  Sammy walked into the lounge beaming. She greeted Livvy, Katie and Dominic, who were sitting on the rug, playing a very intense game of Junior Scrabble, with Katie changing the rules to suit.

  Sammy flopped down on the sofa and Eddie handed her a gin and tonic. ‘Well, that was a rush, to say the least!’ she said, catching sight of Eddie’s raised eyebrows.

  He smiled and held out a glass of whisky to Roy who took it with shaking hands.

  ‘Sit down,’ Eddie ordered, pushing him towards Sammy.

  Livvy looked up at Roy and smiled. ‘You look tired, Roy. Had a busy day?’

  He nodded. Shit, why was she asking him that in front of Sammy? She knew full well what sort of day he’d had. He took a swig of whisky and avoided her eye.

  ‘Yeah,’ he replied. ‘Ed and I worked hard this afternoon. So it’s been quite hectic. And you?’

  ‘Oh, I’ve had a lovely day. I worked this afternoon. But this morning I was lucky.’ She looked pointedly at him. ‘I got to spend it in bed, catching up on my sleep.’

  Roy could feel his cheeks warming. Was it the whisky, the guilt or the frantic sex he’d just had with Sammy? He signalled to Eddie with his eyes and sensing his friend’s discomfort, Eddie came to his rescue.


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