Scorpio's Lot

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Scorpio's Lot Page 85

by Ray Smithies

  At what seemed around a lapse of three minutes, the light reappeared but from a different location. On this occasion the bearer of the torch had moved two passageways around the gallery. The resultant transition was having a baffling effect. To Forbes’ surprise the light beam was not concentrated on the balcony floor, but rather, to the side gallery wall. Across the bluestone face the beam weaved its path, zigzagging with repetitive motion as if in search for something. Predictably the light source was then suppressed and near darkness had once again prevailed.

  By now Forbes was utterly confused and had no idea where this little game was heading. He realised patience had to be maintained. Having persevered for so long, any last-minute mistake to scare away the offender would be nothing short of a disaster. He desperately hoped his men would not become careless, for the lure to retrieve the hoax note continued to lay in wait.

  The mystery person had demonstrated he was a master of silence and deception. Not the slightest sound could be heard to disclose his whereabouts. The blighter seemed to be playing a cat and mouse game. The SOG troopers continued to scan the entire gallery perimeter with heat sensing units, but their efforts still proved futile.

  Suddenly the torchlight reappeared a further two passageways to the right, its beam concentrating on the wall directly across. To everybody’s astonishment something totally unexpected transpired, catching the constabulary completely off-guard. The light source from the torchbearer had found its chosen target. The projecting beam caught an inconspicuous mirror mounted high on the opposite bluestone wall, transcending the beams to further strategically placed mirrors throughout the gallery. As each path of light bounced off the trail of reflections the transition was nothing short of spectacular. In an instant the light source had gathered up all its intended destinations, transforming the balconies and gallery into a well-lit conservatory.

  The sudden presence of brightness seemed to emphasise the sanctum was from a bygone era. Bluestone walls set amidst darkened mortar stood solid and majestic, offset by a mixture of granite and sandstone applied to the surrounding balcony. Entrances leading into the recessed passageways were arched in monolithic rock and occasional quartz, the contrast accentuating a degree of artistry by the craftsmen of the time. The transformation was impressive. Although bold and serviceable in its theme, it was nonetheless quite grandeur.

  The awaiting entourage still remained undetected given their camouflage from within the many exiting corridors. Forbes looked across to the immediate balcony and could see the incriminating paper resting on the stone floor. He was confident of the correct location, remembering well from where the traitor had yelled his obscenities. Providing the offender maintained the influx of light, it would also serve well to assist with identification and arrest.

  Forbes knew it was only a matter of time before the culprit was revealed. But from which corridor would he emerge? Logic told him the passageway from where the traitor had appeared, for this was the quickest route to redeem the document. Forbes purposely had no one posted within this pathway, enabling the Piedpiper to arrive at the balcony none the wiser of his threatening surrounds. The torch continued to throw its light, not once deviating from the initial mirror. Forbes could only assume it had been laid to rest on some ledge, allowing the intruder freedom to move around. So close and yet so far, the inevitable could only be a moment away.

  True to the detective’s word, a lone and unfamiliar figure cautiously emerged from the anticipated corridor. Wearing a balaclava and sporting a near full length overcoat, the identity was still a mystery. The physique appeared to be of average build, perhaps made larger by the sheer size of the trench coat. Height was more difficult to assess, possibly a tad short of six foot. The person paused appearing to hesitate and then casting an eye to both sides of the balcony, walked across to the railing and peered down on the gallery. Satisfied there was no imposing threat, the ominous figure then turned to where the note lay in wait. Five steps forward and the impending arrest seemed like a formality.

  Cautiously, but deliberately, the person proceeded to pick up the incriminating document with his left hand, while the other remained firmly entrenched inside the coat. Unfolding the paper to read the apparent contents, the reaction was initially one of shock and obvious exposure. This was payback time for Forbes, having purposely written the intimidating message. Your game’s up, Piedpiper, he said to himself.

  Dropping the piece of paper, the hooded figure then looked up in the direction of the voice. Forbes had come forth to reveal his presence in announcing the warranted but overdue decree.

  ‘You’re under arrest, Piedpiper!’ Forbes shouted.

  The criminal’s right hand aimed a gun directly at Forbes from within his coat pocket. Arrest may have been imminent, but the policeman instead chose the direct and exposed approach, much to the surprise of his men.

  This was the moment Forbes had longed for, but it was not the time to apprehend without first checking what weaponry the regional head maybe carrying. Despite being armed in his approach, Forbes had suddenly become vulnerable should the Piedpiper decide on the ultimate exchange. It was a foolish act and a gross underestimation of his nemesis.

  ‘Reveal yourself!’ he called. He had no sooner declared his intent when he noticed the conspicuous shape from within the Piedpiper’s coat pocket.

  The two now faced each other directly, both poised with their respective armory in a stalemate. Forbes raised his hand to the constabulary indicating that all firearms remain visible, but held pending a further order. The men above instinctively knew that any hasty exchange would more than likely result in their superior being gunned down. None were more aware of this than the SOG troopers themselves. Patience and opportunity would invariably become their guiding judgment.

  Forbes’ directive drew the Piedpiper’s attention to the surrounding balcony, an ominous sight reflecting eight officers whose firearms were ready and waiting. It was now decision time for the Scorpio leader. The ultimatum was two-twofold. To exchange shots would mean instant death and to reluctantly surrender would come the indignity and public humiliation bestowed on such a person. The latter option would indeed be the wiser choice, unless the thought of rotting in jail for the remainder of one’s life was to become the decisive factor.

  The lone figure surrounded by law enforcement agents was a pathetic sight. Now having been stripped of any possible volte-face, the criminal mastermind simply stood motionless with one decision to make. Gone was the refuge of adjacent passageways and the ability to transfer prosecution. With the absence of syndicate reinforcements and no apparent escape, the Piedpiper’s reign appeared to be at an end. Scorpio was now all but defunct thought the detective. How ironic for the ever cautious and clever Piedpiper to be caught out by such an outsmarted and gullible ploy.

  Believing surrender would now become a mere formality, Forbes’ premature and foolish conduct had grossly misjudged his enemy’s intentions. How naive to think the Piedpiper would simply accept defeat without some form of resistance. This was no two-bit hoodlum he was dealing with, but a mastermind of the criminal world who undoubtedly had a trick or two up his sleeve.

  Whilst maintaining a firearm stalemate, the drug felon unexpectedly produced an ominous-looking object from his left side coat pocket. The sight of this oblong shape promptly threw caution to the wind. About the size of a cigarette packet, its sheer presence had an immediate impact on the pompous detective. He stared at the dubious device wondering what possible purpose it served. Did it possess a threat to his men and was it possibly the Piedpiper’s final declaration of defiance?

  Forbes cautiously took a step forward. His adversary stood motionless holding the contraption close to his body. Still mindful that the Piedpiper had hold of a gun, the detective decided to improve his vision by slowly directing his torch on the disturbing object. The powerful beam caught sight of a remote control, which explained why the push button device was being held close at hand. To raise the unit at arm�
��s length would only encourage a sniper to take aim. But what was its underlying function?

  Forbes decided to question the intent. ‘What’s that remote in your hand for?’

  The hooded figure remained unmoved. Not a word was spoken. Was his game to become a hindrance or hoax?

  Forbes hesitated, realising he could no longer underestimate his assailant. He had the good sense to back peddle a couple of steps to lessen the threat and ponder over the possible consequences. Was the device intended to self-destruct the subterranean network, whereby the entire underground complex would commence to disintegrate at the Piedpiper’s command? Perhaps his imagination had got the better of him, when in reality the remote control had lesser repercussions. But then again he couldn’t dismiss the scoundrel for having catastrophic intentions. After all, the blighter had nothing to lose and possibly for all intents and purposes it was his plan to take all before him to a deep-lying grave.

  Forbes was becoming agitated with the continuing stalemate. There was need to make an arrest and reveal the Piedpiper’s identity once and for all. He envisaged the hooded man’s gun to be the lesser evil, sensing the control now took precedence in this insane standoff. If only he could take possession and destroy the bloody device before some predicament disclosed its ominous scheme. Growing impatient, the detective took a step forward. The tight-lipped felon responded by raising the remote forward and placing a finger on the control button. The mood had become decisively tense. The remaining entourage looked on the confrontation with a degree of nervousness. Forbes decided to call his bluff by taking a further step.

  The menacing crisis was sufficient to entice the Piedpiper into carrying out the inevitable. A button on the keypad was immediately pressed. The entire constabulary was aware of the done deed. With bated breath the desperado’s audience waited for the resultant aftermath. No sudden surprises were forthcoming, but all that was about to quickly change.

  Following a short time lag, the distinct sound of the air compressor had recommenced its laborious motions. The unexpected noise startled the police and in particular that of Forbes. What could the Piedpiper possibly have in mind? The detective had had enough of this nonsense and again stepped forward. A second remote control button was pushed. The policeman ceased his advances. With a tilted head as if trying to improve his ability to hear, he listened intently for any new sound. The compressor was proving to be obtrusive, for any pending noise was quite possibly being drowned out by the annoying mechanics.

  Waiting, waiting for the inevitable. Something would undoubtedly manifest itself. Then, as if on cue, a strange and imposing sound greeted Forbes and his men. A rumbling noise of some sorts was detected. It grew distinctly louder with each passing second, as if picking up momentum on its approaching course. Forever drawing nearer, the surging intensity had now rivaled and surpassed that of the compressor. Its growing loudness was beginning to have an intimidating effect. The awaiting and hesitant entourage appeared notably uncomfortable, wondering what sinister presence would ultimately be unveiled. Nervously they stood in expectation of some confronting hostility.

  ~ * ~

  I had been watching the unfolding drama from the rear of the balcony Forbes appeared at a loss on how to handle the situation in light of this unforeseen dilemma. His vulnerable position had not helped matters and I could sense the Piedpiper was gaining the ascendancy in this absurd stalemate. The frightening reality of this approaching pandemonium then suddenly manifested itself with all its intended fury.

  A flood of raging water had burst through the adjoining passageways leading into the gallery below. The roar of the watercourse was deafening as the torrent flow smashed its deluge against the bluestone walls. So intense was its delivery, that any unfortunate soul located below would be instantly washed down the tunnels and lost forever. It had become an instant flood. In the space of a minute the gallery was literally covered, the water level now commencing its frightening ascent. Everything from lower level three and beyond would be on course to be submerged. Fortunately the balconies were situated some five metres above the flood, but with the constant water rise threatening to engulf the upper level, complacency would now become a dangerous game.

  So how did this happen? What could possibly trigger such a vast amount of water to engulf all before it? I could only surmise the compressor to be the source of energy, which in turn engaged some remote mechanism to perform its duty. I then pieced together the drug felon’s cunning logic and blunt intentions. Water on this scale could only derive from the sea and Sapphire Bay. The air compressor had assisted in moving some barricade that separated the subterranean network from the ocean. This had become the Piedpiper’s final hope to create diversion and subsequently seek refuge amidst the confusion and evacuation the floods would bring. He was undoubtedly relying on Forbes to announce that their escape should be a case of each man for himself. His own retreat would follow suit and with an intimate knowledge of the network, a triumphant getaway appeared a mere formality.

  On the assumption this was to become the regional head’s plan, he had made a gross error in judgment. Sapphire Bay was currently experiencing a high tide and therefore by the laws of nature, water levels would soon commence their receding path. Logic told me the floods had already reached or were near full capacity within the underground. Water would soon begin to subside creating a déjà vu situation with the Piedpiper in mind. The criminal would therefore be back to square one with a pending arrest and ultimately this torrent water flood would be destined for failure.

  I could see that Forbes was stunned by this outrageous attempt to create such a deplorable situation. Whilst the entire assembly continued to stand on dry ground, water levels had now climbed to within a couple of metres from the gallery’s surrounding balcony. Forbes was becoming decisively uneasy Despite the criminal’s apparent weaponry, he had to make a move and restrain the Piedpiper before this deluge engulfed their very presence. Maintaining the stalemate from a short distance, he indicated to his men to step forward and surround the scoundrel. This standoff had gone way beyond its expiry. Besides, the time was right for the immediate water had settled to a moderate influx, in stark contrast to the roaring sound from beneath. Possibly the crater being inundated with mega volumes of the damn stuff I thought.

  I decided enough was enough with this pending deluge. There stood the Piedpiper a short distance away and I was still restrained for some bloody unknown reason.

  ‘Can someone take these handcuffs off?’ I called, wondering when the police would come to their senses.

  Forbes simply gave me a passing glance, appearing to be preoccupied with the water encroaching on the balcony walkway. The man was a bastard at the best of times, but this blatant disregard for my predicament was inexcusable.

  Then, without warning, an incredible surge of undercurrent quickly raised the water level above the balcony floor. In an instant the platform became immersed. With the deluge continuing to rise, it was Forbes’ cue to vacate the immediate surrounds. He signaled toward the appropriate exit, ensuring the Piedpiper followed suite at a respectable distance. His four troopers brought up the rear to deny the criminal any avenue for escape.

  Realising my dilemma with the worsening crisis, Marsh quickly stepped forward and released my handcuffs as we commenced our exodus. I was grateful that some common sense finally prevailed.

  The sudden gush of ascending water had caught the Piedpiper off guard. This excessive influx was not anticipated. I looked across at the blighter and for a brief moment I sensed the drug lord was contemplating the use of a firearm. It quickly became apparent that the hooded felon thought the wiser of his options. Through his own doing he was left with no choice but to accompany the constabulary to higher ground. To remain behind would invariably acquaint to drowning, and besides, the gallery had reverted to subdued lighting with the felon’s torch falling victim to the unrelenting flood.

  The roar of the torrent from below had drowned out all other sounds
, including that of the compressor. Communication had become a shouting match in the desperate struggle to flee this worsening crisis. They proceeded down a darkened corridor, their one saving grace being the helmet lights. The overflow continued to rise rapidly around their bodies. Now waist deep in these murky waters, the stairway to level two was still fifty metres away. Exhausted, with many beginning to choke from water intake, the struggle to maintain an upright balance was proving a challenge, particularly with the torrent sweeping from behind. The subterranean river was now approaching chest height, the burden made more difficult by the weight of heavy clothing and boots. The air had become stifling as oxygen was starting to deplete. The distance between the water and passageway ceiling was noticeably reduced.

  I couldn’t help but think what a bizarre set of circumstances was before me. Here I struggled to maintain an upright balance, while the pompous Forbes continued in search of a nearby stairway. Additionally, public enemy number one was sandwiched between the constabulary in our plight to rid this godforsaken place. Circumstances had momentarily put differences aside since survival now commanded priority. With the increasing surrounding dangers I was beginning to think that someone would invariably fall victim to these ascending water levels. The struggle was intense as the entourage slowly progressed in advancing pairs.


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