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by Tabitha Black

  Crawford frowned. "Where do the other pink petticoat gems live?"

  Sapphire giggled. "With their husbands, mostly."

  "Lucky them." He ran his fingers through her curls. "I know this is all happening fast. And if you ask me to be more patient, I'll try, although God knows that is not a virtue of mine."

  She kissed his cheek by way of a reply, waiting for him to continue.

  "But the feelings you and I inspire in one another, the way we fit so perfectly together, right down to our physical desires… I just know that it feels right. I can't imagine being without you now, nor would I want to be." He gave a deep sigh. "There's a lot about me you still don't know, and I imagine you still have some secrets of your own. But I don't see that as being an obstacle. We have all the time in the world to get to know one another… inside and out. And as for Madame Jewel, I saw how rushed off your feet you and Ruby were last night. If you hadn't been able to fill in for Silver, I don't know how they would have managed."

  "They would have asked a different gem to fill in." Sapphire laughed.

  "Just promise me you'll at least talk to her about it. Please."

  His beseeching grey eyes were fringed with thick, black lashes, and she once again had the thought that she would never be able to resist him. "I will. I promise," she said.

  "That's my good girl." He brushed her lips with his own and she fought the urge to cling to him and kiss him until he picked her up and threw her down on the bed. Instead she turned and went back to her dressing table.

  "There's something else I need to tell you," he said, resuming his former position on the edge of her mattress. "Actually, two things."

  "I'm listening," she said, blending the rouge with her fingertips.

  "One is the continuation of what I started to tell you last night. That can wait. The other matter, however, is more urgent. Jebediah is giving Rebekah the same information, and between you, we'd like you to notify all the gems, as well as Madame Jewel, Mr. Gabe… everyone."

  Sapphire put down the pot of rouge and turned to face him once more. "It sounds serious."

  "It's just a word of caution. There's an outlaw by the name of Rufus Brewer, who may be on his way through Culpepper—if he hasn't come through here already. It's a slight chance, but he's extremely dangerous, and women, especially unaccompanied women, are most at risk from him."

  Her throat went dry. "What does he do to them?" She wasn't sure she really wanted to know.

  Crawford hesitated. "Bad things. That's as much detail as anyone should have to hear. In any case, we're running a warning in the Culpepper Daily, and there's also a picture of him up in the sheriff's office. Until he has been apprehended, or we at least know for sure he's far away from this place, I don't want any woman or girl travelling through town alone. That applies to you as well, darlin'."

  "Of course." She shuddered. "Well, that explains why you're so adamant about men no longer coming up here."

  "Believe me, it's one of only many reasons."

  "I understand."

  He shoved a hand through his shaggy hair. "If anything were to happen to you, now that I've found you at last, I don't know what I'd do."

  Walking over to the bed, she put her arms around him. "I promise I'll be careful. Please don't worry. Just focus on trying to catch the bastard; I'll be sure to tell Madame Jewel and the others to be on their guard. Now, speaking of which, I'd better finish getting ready now if I want to ask her about switching to a pink petticoat."

  "Starting tonight?" The man was an enigma, Sapphire thought, watching his usually stern, chiseled face light up with an almost boyish hope. It was only by becoming this close to him that she'd even seen beyond his usual surly demeanor and learned that there were so many other facets to him as well; a playful side, a sense of humor, a deeply nurturing, loyal side, and a strange vulnerability which was completely at odds with the darkly sadistic way he behaved in bed with her.

  "Yes," she said, kissing his cheek. "Starting tonight."

  Chapter Ten

  "For goodness sake, girl, stop chewing your fingernail and spit it out!"

  Sapphire stared at Madame Jewel. "My fingernail?"

  The madam laughed. "Of course not! Whatever it is you're obviously desperate to ask me, for which you're trying to get up the courage. Just ask me."

  Sapphire sighed. They were sitting on opposite sides of the desk in the office; the place where Madame Jewel and Mr. Gabe preferred to talk to—or discipline—the gems. As a result, just entering the room always made her uneasy. "Do you need any more girls to work downstairs?" she blurted at length.

  "I'm not sure I follow."

  "A pink petticoat. I was wondering whether I could swap my red petticoat for… for a pink one."

  Jewel's fine features were still uncomprehending. "For tonight, you mean? Are you still so upset over that man that you feel unable to work upstairs?"

  "Yes. I mean, no, not exactly. Yes, for tonight, but no, I'm not upset. He and I are actually, well, we worked out our differences, and now we're…" Sapphire trailed off. She had no idea how to explain her current situation with Crawford. She still barely understood it herself.

  "An item?" Jewel said helpfully.

  "That's one way of putting it. We want to spend more time together. See how it goes."

  To Saph's surprise, Jewel was beaming. "That's just wonderful!"

  "It is?"

  "Of course it is! After we had that little talk, I was so hoping things would work out. It was so obvious to me how much you care for him, I couldn't help but pray that he would reciprocate. That he would have a good reason for behaving the way he did, and be man enough to explain it to you. Did he?"

  "Yes, ma'am." Sapphire was unable to keep the smile from spreading across her own face at Jewel's obvious delight.

  "And now he has a problem with you continuing to wear a red petticoat every evening. Or rather, he doesn't like what that entails?"

  "It's not just that." Sapphire paused, wondering how best to explain it. "Of course he doesn't want to share me, but he's also worried for my safety."

  "In general, or because of that Brewer fellow we've been warned about?"

  "You already know?"

  "Rebekah told me the moment she arrived here today. I must say, it's a very frightening thought, that someone like that could be on the loose around Culpepper. I was going to make an announcement to all the gems in a moment, before we open. And tomorrow, I'll be sending you all out—in groups of three or more, mind—to the sheriff's office to take a good look at the poster so you know what that scumbag looks like."

  "The deputy told me the picture will be printed in tomorrow's newspaper," Sapphire said.

  "Excellent." Jewel got up from her chair with fluid ease. "That takes care of that, then. And honey, as for Crawford wanting you to be safe, that's perfectly understandable. So is his reticence to share you. Men tend to all be the same when it comes to things like that. Most of them, anyway." She pulled a wry face and patted a stray hair back into place. "Gabriel can get very cross if he thinks I've done anything to endanger myself."

  Sapphire watched the madam's hand stray to her backside, and wondered whether she herself had ever been on the receiving end of Mr. Gabe's brand of discipline. As if Jewel could read her mind, she nodded.

  "If you're currently asking yourself whether I myself have ever been the recipient of Mr. Vasquez's strap, the answer is oh yes, honey, I certainly have. If anything, he's even more strict with me than with any of you gems." Despite her admission, Jewel was smiling, her eyes alight at the mere mention of Gabe's name. "Like I said, men are often the most hard on the women they love. But that isn't necessarily always a bad thing. And as for you wearing a pink petticoat, at least for the time being, I'd be happy for you to."

  "Thank you, Madame Jewel!" Sapphire clasped her hands together. "I… are there any rooms available for the girls who work downstairs? Will I have to move out of my room tonight?"

  "Oh, dear girl, try
not to worry so much! I would be delighted if you would stay on as a gem and work downstairs. You did so well yesterday… although you did vanish for a little while."

  Sapphire blushed to the roots of her hair. "I'm so sorry. It took far longer than I had—"

  "It doesn't matter," Jewel interrupted her. "As I was saying, you did brilliantly yesterday, and as we're seeing more and more people come in every night, to drink, play cards and dice, and so on, I'm sure Ruby and Silver would be glad of the help. Of course, you do realize your earnings might not be quite so high if you no longer go upstairs."

  "I did consider that, yes. I don't mind."

  "Well, if you're sure. And as for your room, of course you don't have to move out immediately. Gems who wear pink petticoats all get a room down here on the first floor, and now that Silver and Charlie have moved into a bigger room, there's at least one down here that is currently vacant. But we can sort all that out later. Right now, I need to go and make the announcement. So shall I inform everyone about your new position while I have their attention?"

  Sapphire couldn't believe how easy it had been. "That would be wonderful. Thank you."

  In her typical motherly fashion, Jewel reached out and touched Saph's cheek. "I hope you find every happiness," she said gently. "And I'm so glad you haven't decided to leave us altogether. The place is far more lively with you around."

  * * *

  It had been the longest damn evening of his life, Crawford thought ruefully, as he drummed his fingers on the tabletop and glared around the saloon. Sapphire seemed to be in her element as she whisked around, balancing trays and avoiding the occasional drunken grope with her usual fluid grace. Every now and again she would glance his way, her eyes lighting up, giving him the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen, and every single time, his heart clenched with love.

  She was so adorable. He'd noticed several quirks while quietly observing her. Spending the evening sitting in the saloon and waiting for her to finish work had been tedious in places, but also fun. She had a tendency to chew on her full lower lip when she was thinking. She always balanced the tray on her left hand, even though he knew she used her right for writing. She was open and friendly to anyone and everyone, and every time she made her way through the room, people flocked to be near her. And by God, did she make everyone laugh. Always ready with a witty retort, he thought he might burst with pride to regard her and think that she now belonged to him.

  If only they knew, he thought, allowing his gaze to linger on the blue ribbon around her pale neck. They know she's funny, friendly and yes, it's obvious to anyone with eyes that she's beautiful. But they have no idea what lurks beneath the surface. The passion her body can inspire—and absorb. The way she opens her eyes just a fraction wider when she's about to spend, how slick she gets when I tug on her nipples, bite her shoulder, whip her backside or grip her throat. His erection chafed uncomfortably against his trousers, and he wondered for the millionth time how much longer he'd have to wait before he could take her upstairs.

  At least she seemed safe enough working downstairs. Her delight, when she'd rushed to tell him what Jewel had said about being permitted to wear a pink petticoat, had been infectious. For his part, he'd felt mostly relief. And now, having had a chance to observe her in action, he was more at ease about her role on the first floor of the saloon. Besides, if working there was good enough for the sheriff's wife, it was good enough for him.

  Only one person had seemed to overstep the boundaries of good courtesy, a short fellow with beady eyes. The moment Crawford had seen Sapphire arguing with him, he'd gone over to help, but she'd promptly sent him away again, telling him she was perfectly capable of handling the situation. Not long after that, the little man had flounced out of the establishment as fast as his short, stumpy legs would allow, seemingly muttering under his breath. Crawford had not missed the way the man had glared at him as he'd passed, and it was then that he'd realized where he'd seen him before. It was Red Tie; the fellow he'd seen following Sapphire down Main Street, and the same one who had been so insistent upon a private dance with her the previous evening. Crawford made a mental note to ask her about him at the next opportunity.

  Whenever that might be, he thought glumly, wondering whether to join another round of poker. He'd won his last game, though he figured that might have had something to do with the fact that he'd forgotten to remove his badge of office before joining the other gamblers. He wouldn't put it past the punters to let him win in the hopes of winning favor with him, should they need it at some point in the future. It wouldn't work—Crawford Slade wasn't for sale—but they didn't know that.

  Soft fingers curled around his neck and he felt her breath on his ear before he heard her whisper. "I'll be through in just ten minutes."

  "Thank Christ for that," he said, resisting the urge to tug her onto his lap and kiss her soft, smiling mouth. "And will you permit me to join you upstairs once you're free, or have I whiled away these long, long hours for naught?"

  "Not for naught. You got to watch me all evening, after all, didn't you?" She winked and he didn't know what he wanted to do more: kiss her, or spank her for her impudence.

  "Excellent point, I did indeed. As did everyone else here." He waved an arm, indicating the few drunks and hardcore gamblers who remained, stubbornly refusing to leave.

  "You're absolutely right, sir," she said. "You deserve more than that. So in answer to your question, yes, you will be permitted to accompany me upstairs. Assuming you want me."

  "You have no idea how much," he growled. "And very soon, I'll show you."

  "I can't wait," she whispered, skipping to one side to avoid his aiming a swat at her backside.

  As she sashayed back over to the bar to help clear up, Crawford was aware of the jealous stares of several of the men who were slowly lumbering to their feet and preparing to leave. They all want her, he thought, unable to keep the proud smile from tugging at his lips. But she's mine.

  * * *

  The moment they were back in her room, Crawford kicked the door shut and pushed Sapphire to her knees. "Are you going to be a good girl for me?" he asked huskily.

  "That depends." She gazed up at him, coyly. "What do I get out of it?"

  "Anything you want. But first you have to please me. Do you agree?"

  She pouted, looking up at him from beneath lowered lashes. "I don't already please you?"

  He gave a deep, rumbling chuckle before running a hand through her hair, swiftly removing the remaining pins that had managed to survive a night's work. "Very much so, sweetheart," he said. "But there's something I've been thinking about all evening, and as I've waited for you so patiently…"

  "It would be the least I could do," she finished for him, reaching for the buttons on his pants, undoing them with deft movements, knowing that when she released his cock, it would already be hard for her.

  "Wait a moment. How did you know what I—"

  Sapphire smiled to herself as she slid her lips over the head of his prick, swirling her tongue over the firm, smooth flesh, relishing the slightly salty taste of him, cutting him off mid-sentence.

  His fingers tightening in her hair, Crawford leaned back against the door, groaning as she caressed the insides of his broad thighs through the thick material of his trousers.

  Despite being on her knees, Sapphire felt a surge of power at the thought that she was currently the one in control… that she was steering his pleasure, able to prolong it or stop it at will, the way he usually did to her. And yet, always overriding that was the deep pleasure she took from pleasing him, from making him feel good.

  It wasn't long before he used his grip on her curls to pull her back, tilting her face up so she could meet his eyes. "That's amazing, sweetheart," he said gruffly, "but you forget who's in charge here. Open your mouth."

  Sapphire did so, the pounding between her thighs intensifying as it always did when he became overtly masterful. She was unprepared for what he did next and pressed her
palms against his thighs in a useless attempt to stop him as he slid his thick cock all the way into her mouth in one long, fluid motion—until the rounded tip nudged the back of her throat.

  "Relax," he said, his hands on her head soothing her, calming her. "You can do this."

  She did as she was told, allowing him to slip ever deeper, forcing herself to remain still as he began to fuck her mouth. There was no other word for it.

  It was humiliating; strands of drool soon began to slip from her lips, and she felt completely helpless on her knees before him, still fully dressed, his hands in her hair holding her in place as he thrust his cock in and out of her throat. Using her.

  Just like with anything he did to her, the very thought made her pulse quicken and her sex slick with desire for him.

  "Oh, darlin'," he crooned, "that feels so damn good. You're such a good girl."

  Sapphire wouldn't have been able to reply even if she'd wanted to.

  "One day, I'll have trained you well enough to be able to take all of it," he went on, sliding his cock back out and rubbing the tip over her lips. "But not now. I think it's time for your reward."

  Helping her to her feet, he set about removing her corset, skirts, petticoat, and bloomers, until she stood before him wearing nothing but the ribbon around her throat and the boots on her feet. "You'd better take those off, too," he said, pointing to her shoes.

  As she did so, he divested himself of his own clothing, and once again her breath caught at the sight of his broad, rippling shoulders, thickly muscled arms, and flat, hard stomach.

  "Get on the bed. On your back. Lift your knees up to your chest and keep them nice and wide apart for me," he ordered.

  The position was humiliating; not an inch of her body was hidden from his roving, steely gaze as she gripped the backs of her thighs to hold herself open, her face growing warm with shame as she realized he had never before seen her quite so exposed.


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