Only You

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Only You Page 11

by Ancelli

  She sat up, “Answer it.”

  “Really, babe!” Shane sat up too, watching her. “I wouldn’t mess around on you,” he lovingly gazed at her.

  Larissa giggled, “That’s the last thing that crossed my mind.”

  “If it makes you happy, I’ll answer it,” Shane said, being sarcastic, and swiped his finger on his cell.

  “Good morning!” A woman screamed. Startling them both, “Oh God… Vickie, he looks like you,” Olivia squealed.

  “Hi,” Vickie smiled waving her hand, “I’m Vickie,” she said, “that’s your sister Olivia, that’s Abby, and that’s Diana,” she pointed at each one of them, but Shane and Larissa already knew his sisters from all the pictures he had. “And this is your niece Victoria or nephew Xing,” she leaned the phone down and rubbed her bulging stomach.

  Shane couldn’t help but laugh at his sisters.

  Larissa’s heart melted watching the way his face lit up after he realized it was his sisters. A family, that’s one of the things he’d always yearned for since his childhood, and he finally found it with her and his newfound family.”

  “Olivia, stop crying,” Abby handed her a Kleenex.

  “So…” Diana squinted her eyes staring at him, “you’re our baby brother, huh?”

  “Yes, yes I am,” Shane combed his fingers through his hair, trying to get it neat.

  “We didn’t believe John at first, but he has proof,” Abby chimed in. “You are a Morgan, it’s in your eyes.”

  “Welcome!” Diana chimed. “We don’t know you, however, we love you.”

  Shane swallowed, trying to fight back the tears welling in his eyes. He didn’t like showing his emotions in front of others.

  “Shane,” Vickie lovingly gazed at him. “You have us now. Can’t wait to give you a hug. Hi, fiancée,” Vickie waved.


  Larissa tried to hide under the sheets. She looked a mess with her scarf wrapped around her head. This isn’t how she imagined meeting his family for the first time. “Hi,” she wiggled her fingers.

  “Girl, please,” Diana voiced. “You’re family now, we don’t care how you look.”

  She crawled under the covers to the foot of the bed, and rushed to the bathroom. Shane laughed at his sisters. “You chased my girlfriend away.”

  “That’s not a first,” Abby added. “These three make anyone want to run.”

  “What’s her name?” Diana asked.

  “Larissa,” Shane glanced over at her, combing her hair.

  “Different,” Diana said.

  “Larissa!” Vickie yelled, “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Te…al…” she answered, brushing her teeth.

  “Great, we’re getting together the details for your wedding. John said you wanted something simple,” Olivia said.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Shane added. “We were going to get married at the courthouse.”

  “Shhh… we want to,” Olivia said to him. “It’s already done. We’ve missed out on so much of your life already, please let us share this special day with you.”

  “We were thinking,” Diana spoke. “Maybe you guys can drive down here on Wednesday and we can have a family dinner on Thursday, so you can meet our families, and then have your big day on Friday. What do you think?”

  Larissa returned feeling refreshed, “We would love to,” she answered for him. “Grayson will be over the moon to meet his new cousins.”

  “How old is Grayson?” Abby asked.

  “He’s almost four,” Larissa said proudly. “Very intelligent.”

  “He’s a Morgan, of course he’s smart,” Vickie chimed in. “I can’t wait to shower him with kisses,” and then she got serious. “If his mother puts another hand on him again, I will personally pay her a visit.”

  “We travel in groups,” Olivia mentioned.

  “You won’t have to travel, ladies, because she will never hurt Grayson again,” Larissa said in a stern voice.

  “I like you,” Vickie chuckled. “Welcome to our crazy family, Larissa.”

  His sisters were asking them so many questions they had his head spinning, and Larissa couldn’t stop laughing. They even scolded him a few times because of his cussing. “I’m working on it,” Shane grinned.

  “I hope you don’t cuss around my nephew,” Olivia raised a brow. “Larissa, does he?”

  Larissa placed her fingers to her mouth, making the universal sign of silence, zipping her lips. “I’m pleading the fifth.”

  Shane snuck away as Larissa and his sisters talked about the wedding preparations. He strolled into the bathroom, and grabbed his toothbrush, starting his morning ritual as he washed out his mouth. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. The man looking back at him had changed. Shane’s life had changed for the better, starting with his wonderful kid, and an amazing woman. He bowed his head, feeling overwhelmed with everything that was happening in his life at the moment. A tear dropped in the sink, and he stared at it. He hadn’t shed a tear in years.

  Shane did something else he hadn’t done in years, he prayed. “I thought you had abandoned me years ago. I remember praying on Sundays, begging you for a new family, parents who would love me, and I assumed you didn’t answer. I blamed so many people in my life for all the bad things that happened to me, but now I see it was me that abandoned my faith in you. Through my pain you’ve still blessed me. You gave me my most precious gift, my son. You allowed Larissa to be in my life, at a time when I had given up on myself. She helped build up my trust in you again, she made me see all the things you’ve done for me throughout the years. I got out that house, went to college, earned my masters, a great paying job. I have my own house, car, and money in the bank. I never thought I would be where I am, but I’m here because you’ve never forsaken me. Thank you for being there through my pain and anguish, when I didn’t deserve it. Thank you for giving me a chance to be a good father,” Shane stared at his reflection in the mirror, and smiled, wiping the lone tear. “I have a family, it took years but my prayers were answered. I have a woman that loves me, a son that looks up to me, and newfound siblings. Thank you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Shane had a lot on his mind as he pulled up to the gun range. He should be content, because a few things were going his way. His captain called him before they left Larissa’s condo. He said that the administrative suspension had been lifted, and he could come back to work.

  “When are you going back to work?” Larissa twisted the engagement ring around her finger.

  He glanced her way, and rubbed the back of his neck. “A week after our wedding.”

  Larissa’s lips curved to the side. “We should go away for our honeymoon.”

  “I don’t think we can leave the state,” Shane turned into the parking lot.

  “We can do something here, maybe stay at a hotel, and get pampered.” Larissa rubbed her hand on his thighs. “I think we all deserve some relaxation.”

  Shane gave her half a smile, “What about Grayson?”

  She squeezed his leg, moving her fingers up and down. “He’s coming along. When I marry you, I’m also marrying your son.”

  “That sounds weird,” he smirked.

  “You know what I meant,” she slapped his thigh.

  Shane cracked his neck as he parked. He opened his door, and jumped out of Larissa’s Dodge Ram 1500. He walked over to her side, opening the passenger door. Larissa hopped out in to his arms. “I have to ask again,” he took her hand in his. “Why would a little bit like you have a big truck like this,” Shane closed the door. He was over six feet tall and he had issues getting in and out of her truck.

  “Haven’t you noticed,” Larissa’s lips curled up in to a naughty smile. “I love big things,” she stepped in front of him, and palmed his crotch.

  Shane chuckled, “And you handle it so fucking well.”

  “Yes, I do,” Larissa began playing with his manhood, stroking her hand up and down the growing bulge in his pant
s, making his dick jerk.

  Shane clutched her wrist, “Baby, don’t start something we can’t finish in this parking lot,” he looked around the area. There were too many people around to give her what she wanted.

  She giggled, “You started when you mentioned I loved big things.” Larissa winked at him, and started walking away, swaying her ass. She looked back at him, “Come on, honey,” she placed her index finger in her mouth teasing him, “teach me how to handle your gun,” she chuckled.

  He grabbed the bag with the items they needed for the range from the back of the truck. Larissa was in a frisky mood, but he had other things on his mind, like making sure she knew how to protect herself. Liza’s brothers would be fools to come over his house or mess with his family again, but better safe than sorry. Shane caught up with her. “Have you ever shot a gun before?”

  “Long time ago,” Larissa opened the door to the building. “It’s like riding a bike, right?”

  “Something like that,” he let her go in first and then he followed.

  “Officer Morgan,” the attendant behind the counter said. “It’s been a while. How you doing?” He asked in his southern accent.

  “Need to get some stress out,” he placed the bag on the counter. “AJ, this is my fiancée Larissa.”

  “Nice to meet you,” the older man extended his hand, and she shook it. “Do you know what you’re getting into marrying this guy?” he joked.

  Larissa’s lips curled into a smile, “We’re two of a kind.” She entwined her fingers with Shane’s. The attendant gave them all the necessary safety items, and they walked over to the last lane. She started singing, Bonnie & Clyde by Jay Z and Beyoncé, while she slipped on her shooting glasses.

  Larissa was in a good mood for someone who just lost her job. He’d turned her life upside down in just a few weeks. Why didn’t you let her walk away? He asked himself, taking out her gun and loading it. Because she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you, that’s why. He waved at the Range Safety Officer.

  “Morgan, you need anything?” He asked.

  “No,” he didn’t need his help. “Harold, this is my soon to be wife Larissa.”

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Larissa,” he bowed his head. “You’re in good hands,” Harold walked away checking the rest of the lanes.

  Larissa watched him closely as he hung up the target, tapping her fingers on the wooden surface. “Shane, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he gave her a fake smile, grabbed their guns and ammo, placing them on the table in their range.

  “You’re too quiet.” She clutched his arm, stopping what he was doing. “Babe, I know you. Everything is going to be okay, stop worrying.”

  “Is it?” Shane gently pulled away from her touch, making her pout. “I placed you in an impossible situation. I haven’t even asked you if you’re okay being a fulltime stepmom?”

  “Shane,” Larissa raised her head, brow furrowed, thinning her full lips. “I can’t believe you asked me that shit. I love your little boy like he was mine. Liza will not make me change my mind. I apologized for having a weak moment weeks ago, you fucked me senseless and I couldn’t think,” she chuckled.

  Shane smirked. “You don’t need to apologize for shit, baby.”

  “I love you,” she placed his safety glasses over his eyes. “I will never regret us, so stop feeling sorry for me. I’m happy.”

  He smiled, “Are you?”

  “Yes, so what else besides me have you bummed?” She gazed at him.

  Shane stepped back. “What if they take Grayson away from me?”

  “Why would they?” Larissa pulled her hair up into a ponytail. “You’re a great father.”

  He threaded a hand through his hair, “I want to be,” he sighed, “but I know I can be impulsive, stubborn, and hotheaded.”

  Larissa twisted her mouth, “You just now realized that? I think you forgot hardheaded.”

  Shane cocked an eyebrow, staring at her. “Really, Larissa.”

  “I’m just messing with you,” she cupped his face. “I love you just the way you are, even with your nasty mouth,” she got on her tiptoes and kissed his lips. “Sometimes I want to wash your mouth out with dish liquid, but I wouldn’t have you any other way.” She looked down the lane as the target moved, and then gazed back at him. “Don’t question who you are because of Liza. Any fool can see how much you love your son. You don’t let the past define you as a father. If you want to change, then do it because you want to, not to please anyone else. I for one think you are awesome.”

  “You do?” he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her forward.

  “Yes, I do,” she placed her hands around his neck. “Shane Morgan, you’re my badass. I wouldn’t want you any other way.”

  Shane cleared his throat, gazing at Larissa. When did he get so lucky? “I asked God for silver and he gave me gold,” he gave her a feather kiss on her forehead. “You’re my gold,” he circled his arms around her, hugging her tight. Larissa was his strength; it was hard for Shane to admit when he was weak, but he was for her.

  She embraced him, “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” Larissa slowly pulled away. “Now show me how to protect myself,” she inserted the earplugs, and then she placed the earmuffs over her ear.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Shane handed Larissa her girly gun. She took it from him, and without his help, she pointed the gun down the range, and slipped the safety off. Larissa held on to the gun with both hands, and pulled the trigger. He chuckled to himself; she was better than he thought she would be. She continued shooting at the target. She made sure she had no more bullets in her gun, and then she placed it down.

  “How did I do?” She raised her voice, and then she took off her earmuffs and earplugs.

  He pulled her target up, and was shocked all her bullets were in the head and neck area. “How long has it been?” Shane watched her suspiciously.

  “I told you it’s like riding a bike,” she took a few strides standing in front of him. “Babe, you don’t have to worry about me, because when I shoot, I shoot to kill. No motherfucker will ever come between us.”

  “Damn, woman,” Shane placed his hand behind her neck, pulling her forward. “You complete ever fiber of my being. You and me, we can stand up against any hillbilly motherfucker.” He kissed her full lips.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Daddy!” Grayson ran out the front door into his arms, he hugged him. “Daddy, I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, buddy.” Shane picked his little boy up, and walked over to his cousin’s house.

  “Where’s Rissa?” Grayson looked over Shane’s shoulder toward her truck.

  “Rissa is talking to her parents on the phone.” Larissa was filling her parents in on the plans for their nuptials.

  Grayson pushed himself down. Shane placed him down on the ground. “I want to say hi to Rissa.” He ran up to the truck. “Rissa! Rissa!” he jumped up and down.

  Larissa popped her head through the window, with a huge grin on her face. “Hey, buddy!” she squealed. “Mom, I’ll call you back,” she dropped the phone and then opened the passenger door. “I missed you, buddy,” she said hopping down, picking him up, and showering him with kisses, making him giggle.

  “I missed you too, Rissa,” his small hands hugged her around her neck.

  Shane shook his head, when Larissa and Grayson got together they were inseparable. He thanked God nothing his mother’s family did affected him. He still loved Larissa the same, maybe even more.

  Deborah came out of the house. “I thought he was staying with me until all that shit is cleared?” His cousin had the same foul mouth he had, maybe even worse.

  He wrapped his hands around her and kissed her cheek. “I was granted temporary custody. Liza can’t touch my son.” Shane stared at Grayson giggling.

  “Hi Deb,” Larissa waved her hand. “Thank you for taking care of my little buddy.” She took Grayson’s hand i
n hers. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Yes,” Grayson grinned, showing his pearly whites. “Rissa, I ready to go home.”


  “Do you think Grayson likes it here?” Larissa glanced at Shane as he stepped out of the bathroom.

  “Didn’t you see his face?” Shane dried his hair with a towel, and his abs bulged every time he moved. Damn the man didn’t have one ounce of fat. “When he opened his new bedroom door his face lit up.” He threw the towel on the side chair, and Larissa shot daggers at him. He chuckled picking it back up and taking it back to the bathroom. “He enjoyed going to the pool and playground. Grayson doesn’t want to leave. You’re spoiling him.”

  Larissa smiled, she loved having Shane and Grayson living with her. “I think you and Grayson should move in here.” She mentioned.

  Shane went over to the dresser and took out a pair of boxers, slipping them on. “What about my house?” He watched her.

  She leaned up on her elbows, gazing at him. “I know your home is sentimental to you, it’s one of the first things you purchased on your own, but we’re about to start a new life together as husband and wife, and we should start it right. Away from anything that can cause us pain.”

  “You think my home would cause us pain?” He said with a little sarcasm.

  “Not the home,” She sat up, he was being an idiot. “Liza and her family can’t touch us here, we can sleep in peace without worrying about someone banging on our door. Grayson can sleep in peace,” she raised her voice. “If you don’t want to live here then we can find a new house, but I don’t want to live there.” Larissa felt safe in her condo. The security was top notch and Shane knew it.

  “Calm down,” Shane gave her half a smile. “You’re right.”

  “Say that again,” Larissa smirked. “I’m right,” she pointed at herself.

  “Yes,” he walked over to the bed, and slipped in next to her. “Someone at the precinct might rent it out, I think Lorenzo and his wife were looking for a new place, their lease is up next week.” He wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer to him. “I would do anything to make you happy,” he kissed her neck. “Happy wife means a happy life.”


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