Twisted Intentions

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Twisted Intentions Page 6

by Danielle James

  I tossed my teacher’s planner in my bag and slid a drawer open. Pens, pencils and other miscellaneous objects rattled at the force. Camilla was steadily calling my name, then at once she halted and I heard her gasp. It was small and quick, but I heard it.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was all so wrong. Mr. Sanders was fuming mad, he looked even bulkier than normal. His shoulders boxy, his back broad and stiff. His brow was set low and his jaw flexed with rage. Then Camilla came bursting in behind him. She was just screaming and hollering his name like she was deranged.

  None of it was right.

  I’d never seen any adult talking to a child the way Mr. Sanders snapped at Camilla, nor had I ever seen a student be so candid. I mean…she called him by his first name. When I heard it roll off her lips so easily my heart throbbed with jealousy. I couldn’t help but suck in a breath of air.

  Nothing was making sense to me. Camilla finally noticed me, standing in the corner holding a blueberry muffin for Mr. Sanders a muffin that had long since tumbled to the floor. “Laurel, what are you doing in here?” She hissed.

  “I should be asking you that too,” I gawked at her. She was perfect without even trying and I felt myself hating her for it for some reason. I said a quick prayer for forgiveness in my head as my hand rose to my cross pendant.

  “I heard Mr. Lomax fired Xavier and I was just…I was trying to see what the hell was going on.”

  “Why are you calling him by his first name?”

  “Look,” Mr. Sanders barked. I snapped my gaze to him. “I don’t have time for either one of you to be in here right now. None of it concerns you. Goodbye.” He looked at me quickly but he lingered on Camilla and she looked like she was on the verge of fainting or crying. I couldn’t really tell. When a tear finally rolled down her cheek, she swayed suddenly and crumpled to the floor. What in the world?

  My heart almost leaped from my chest when it happened. I may not have known exactly what was going on, but Camilla was my best friend and she’d just passed out in front of me. That much I did know. A small scream escaped my mouth and I dashed over to her side.

  Mr. Sanders glared at me when I touched her, which cut me deeply. He dropped everything and took her head in his arms. Books and papers crashed to the floor.

  “Camilla…” he called with panic twisted around each syllable of her name.

  My stomach clenched. I said another prayer.

  “Call her sister!” I squeaked out. Then I remembered I had a damn phone. Duh!

  I texted Chris and she seemed to materialize right before me. Christina was on the phone with their father in one second flat. The girl was fast.

  I could hear Chris on the phone but my mind was fixated on how Mr. Sanders held on to Camilla. Like she was precious. I mean she’s my best friend and when I tried to comfort her he all but snatched her from me. I wanted him to hold me like that. Maybe I should faint.

  “My dad is on his way,” Chris informed us. By then, more of the class had shown up and most had their phones out hoping to get something that would go viral. I tried to block their view by moving closer and holding Camilla’s hand. I was worried about having to vie for space beside Mr. Sanders though.

  Camilla was still out when Pastor Scott arrived. She was breathing and had a pulse, though. Pastor Scott had a paramedic with him and he glared at Mr. Sanders the moment he saw him. It was the same possessive look Mr. Sanders had given me. What the hell was in the water today?

  Mr. Lomax must’ve heard about Pastor Scott being on campus because he rushed over and followed him out along with the paramedics and Camilla on a stretcher. Kids lined the hall, heads poked out of doors and necks craned around heads. Everyone wanted to see what was going on with Camilla.

  “Laurel, I’ll text you as soon as she’s awake,” Chris hugged me tightly. It was a feeling I was so thankful for. I needed some love right then because everything was a freaking whirlwind.

  I couldn’t concentrate on a thing all day. I was in a total daze and every time I tried to sort things out in my head about what I saw, I just ended up with more questions. The most absurd one being: was Camilla actually seeing Mr. Sanders? I shook the thought from my head quickly though.


  I do think that she’s been hanging out with him though. Maybe she was coming to his class when I wasn’t around. Maybe she’d developed a crush on Mr. Sanders too.

  Oh goodness. My stomach sank to my knees. The thought of my best friend having a crush on the same person I did just…it brought tears to my eyes.

  Once school let out I rushed to my car and bawled, draped over my steering wheel. How the hell was I supposed to drive like this? Tears blurred my vision, but I could make out a figure tapping on my window. Quickly, I wiped my eyes with the backs of my hands and rolled down the window for Christina. Her face melted with concern after a glance at me. “She’s been awake for an hour. She’s fine. They let her go home if you wanna come over.”

  I did want to see Camilla, but at the same time, I didn’t. Why hadn’t she told me she had a crush on Mr. Sanders too? I would have been mad but we could have moved on. Now she was the lucky one getting to call him by his first name and being actual friends with him probably. Ugh, the whole thing made me sick with jealousy.

  “You want me to drive you?” Christina’s voice snapped me out of my daze, and I nodded. I was in no mood to drive anywhere. “Are you okay, Laurel?” Chris asked quietly. We were en route to see Camilla and my stomach was in knots; knots of concern and knots of envy.

  “Chris, can I ask you a question?” I blurted, nervously.


  “Is…is Camilla friends with Mr. Sanders?” I studied her face first. Her expression would tell me everything I needed to know. Her brows were pinched and her lips flattened to a thin line.

  “Yeah, aren’t you cool with him too?” She shrugged.

  “I…I guess but…”

  “Everyone’s cool with Xavier,” her voice was even cool and aloof. She reminded me so much of Camilla. Hearing his name caused another shot of jealousy to my gut. Maybe I was just being a jealous bitch?

  We pulled into her driveway and I rushed inside as soon as the car stopped. My feet already knew the way to Camilla’s room. I’d been there countless summer nights, too many sleepover birthdays in June and too many wine coolers in her huge ass closet.

  “Camilla!” My voice was squeakier than I expected when I saw her. She looked fine, just agitated. I smiled, tears stinging my eyes. Oh Lord, how could I have been so jealous of my own best friend? She smiled softly at me and I held her hand.

  “I’m fine. I think I just needed to eat before being so stressed out.”

  “Yeah, what the hell was all that about?” I asked softly.

  “Mr. Sanders got fired for messing around with a student,” Chris blurted.

  My throat nearly closed. My eyes darted over to Camilla and she just nodded in agreement.

  No. No. Not him!

  “Who?!” I demanded.

  “Nobody knows yet. I’m guessing whoever won’t be at graduation,” Chris shrugged. “She got put out and he got fired,” she glanced at her sister and continued. “Cami was trying to figure out who in the hell it was before you found out.”

  Now I really felt like crap. Here I was pissed to think Camilla even had a crush on Mr. Sanders meanwhile he was having actual damn sex with another student.

  Why not me? I know I’m a virgin and all but I would have given my all to Mr. Sanders. I would have kept it a secret, even from Camilla. Not like the bitch he actually did choose. Camilla must have sensed my emotions rising to the surface. She gave me a hug and rubbed my back slowly.

  “Laurel, look at me,” she tilted my head up, “fuck that shit. Xavier is an asshole any fucking way. You’re too innocent for him. You deserve someone better.” Her smile made me smile too even though I wanted to sob.

  I would be fine though. Besides, Mr. Sanders was no
thing more than just a school crush. I ignored the twisting of my stomach and just tried to focus on my best friend.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It was my 18th birthday and I was going to be graduating in a matter of hours. I should have been over the moon. I should have been planning a crazy ass night with Laurel, which entailed making her drink wine coolers and getting her high. Instead, I felt empty and angry. I hadn’t heard shit from Xavier since he got fired and I refused to talk to Brian’s ass.

  “Hey Cami,” Daddy came in dressed in his pastor robe, ready to give the commencement speech at my graduation. He stood behind me and placed his hands on my hips and gave me a squeeze. Fire blazed in the places his hands touched but I shoved the sensation down as far as it would go. I feigned a smile for him and he kissed my cheek.

  “You look beautiful.” I turned to face him and buried my face in his chest.

  “Thank you, Daddy. I just wanna get this shit over with.” My phone dinged on the vanity and I picked it up to see another fucking message from Trevor White. Annoyed, I slipped my phone into the pocket of my gown. It was royal blue and white. Trinity Prep colors.

  “You ready to go, birthday girl?” Daddy’s hand went to the small of my back, guiding me out to the car. My mother sat in the back next to Chris, doing her makeup.

  “Oh look who finally decided to get dressed and go to her own graduation,” my mother seethed. I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly got a headache.

  “We’re already early as hell since dad is giving the speech.” My mother only grunted in response.



  My phone was going off again. “Turn that off,” my mother snapped. “Tell your little boyfriends to wait until graduation is over with.”

  “It’s not a boyfriend. Some random ass guy named Trevor is messaging me on Facebook. I’m about to block his ass.” I continued to scroll through my phone. I’ve never seen my mother’s back stiffen so quickly. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she glared at me.

  “I said cut the motherfucking phone off!”

  “Dana!” My father’s voice boomed and bounced off of every surface in the truck. I drew my head back in shock. My mother had never cursed at me like that before. More than anything I was intrigued as fuck. I saw a glimmer of what looked like me when I fly off the handle. It was a moment that tinged the air around us with awkwardness.

  “Don’t speak to her like that. It’s her day.” Daddy’s voice softened as he pulled into his new church. He agreed to let my school have the ceremony there as long as he could write it off on his taxes.

  I watched from the theater-style seats as daddy gave the commencement speech with all the vigor and flair that I would expect from him. Every parent and most students hung on his every fucking word. I watched him for a moment noting how handsome he was. His size alone made him an attractive man, but when you added in the smooth mocha skin, perfect teeth and that muscular frame he was one hell of a catch. I could see why my mother nailed his ass down.

  Momentarily my mind drifted off to how they had sex to conceive Chris and I. Was daddy good in bed? I mean he was fine and all but I just couldn’t picture him putting it down. One would think that thoughts of your dad’s dick game would be repulsive. Not me.

  Thoughts of my mother having sex did make me want to toss up everything I’d eaten for breakfast though. I chewed on the inside of my cheek wondering how Daddy had kept Mom in check all these years if she had such a wild streak inside of her.

  His dick game had to be on point.

  A flutter of curiosity rippled through my stomach and I realized what a sick fuck I was to get even remotely excited by that shit. In an attempt to salvage some of my dignity, I did what any teenager would do and took out my phone.

  Facebook notifications popped up instantly and Trevor White showed up on all 12 of them. He had sent one friend request plus countless messages and one poke. Who the fuck pokes anymore on Facebook?

  Annoyed, I went to his page before blocking the everlasting fuck out of him.

  Soft brown skin, sandy brown locs, and green eyes stared back at me from his profile picture. The man was fine at least. Scrolling down his page, he seemed perfectly normal. Funny memes and pictures with gorgeous people that looked just like him. He looked to be from the Dominican Republic from the little bit of snooping I did on his page.

  Okay, Trevor what the fuck do you want from me?

  I opened my messages and my goddamn stomach did flip-flops as my eyes scanned the lines of text.

  Camilla Nicole,

  Hey baby girl, I know you have no idea who I am but it’s getting close to what you think is your 18th birthday and I just can’t hold out anymore. Last year I tried to reach out to your mother on your birthday but she shut me down. You know how Dana is.

  Anyway, I’m your family…and I wanna talk to you. I need to talk to you Cami. Please call me, text me, write me, Skype me…anything. I need to speak with you.

  All of his messages said the same thing. Who the fuck was Trevor White? It made sense why my mother stiffened when she heard his name in the truck. The metallic taste of blood flickered across my tongue and I realized I’d been chewing the inside of my cheek vigorously.

  “Samira Samuels,” Brian called out names to walk across the stage, and when Samira stood beside me and walked up, I knew I was next. I had to snap out of my whirlwind and act like I didn’t want to bash my former fuck buddy in the mouth when I walked up.

  “Camilla Scott,” I heard a burst of cheers erupt for me and I painted on a fake smile as I walked up to Brian. He reached out to hug me after giving me my diploma. “Can we talk after this?” He whispered so only I could hear.

  I pulled away and looked at him with a big smile, “Thank you, Mr. Lomax!” Was all I said before moving on to hug my daddy who was further down the line.

  “I’m proud of you Cami,” he kissed my forehead and I melted into him. I just wanted to stay there forever. God, he felt good. I heard the audience swoon over our touching moment but I wasn’t doing it for the people. I really wanted the safety of his arms right then because I knew I was about to get into some shit.

  The entire time my birthday dinner went on, I blanked out. My mother, father, sister, Laurel and her parents were all out to eat at an upscale place called Hart’s. Daddy bought the whole place out just so I could enjoy myself. Yet through all the singing and laughing and eating, I was in my own mind. I kept seeing Trevor’s eyes; eyes that looked like mine.

  Someone who fucking looked like me, since I damn sure didn’t look like my dad or my mom. This time when my phone buzzed quietly I was hoping it was from Trevor.

  Xavier was a great consolation though. I’d never been happier to see his name. I couldn’t hide the smile on my face as I answered his text.

  Xavier: Happy birthday Camilla. You have time to talk later?

  Me: I guess.

  Xavier: Are you busy tonight? I know you’re finally 18 and all.

  Me: Not too busy. I think…I miss you.

  Xavier: I more than miss your ass. Come over.

  I could’ve done backflips out of that damn restaurant. I wanted to leave right then but the entire night was for me. I couldn’t. Laurel looked over at me, her hazel eyes searching for what had me so happy. “You okay?” She whispered as our families chattered amongst themselves.

  I nodded and decided to let her in on Trevor. I showed her his picture first. Slowly she made the connection as her eyes wandered from his face to mine. “Oh my god, he looks just like you!” Her voice was hushed, but she sounded just as shocked as I felt.

  “I know! He has to be from my mom’s side of the family. Maybe my uncle or something. Soon as I get home I’m calling him.”

  “I wanna be there,” she blurted. We locked eyes and I knew this was gonna be a best friend mission. Shit, it was the least I could do since I was fucking the imaginary love of her life. I had to find a way to talk to Laurel about that. It nagged at
me constantly but not enough for me to stop fucking him.

  Jesus my head is fucked up.

  “Okay so, when did he start contacting you?” Laurel curled up on my bed wearing a pair of gray PINK yoga pants and a tank top. Her long hair was scooped up in a messy bun on top of her head and she had her determined look on. Laurel was cute as hell. She would pull boys left and right at college. Xavier would be nothing but a memory once she finally got her first boyfriend.

  I told her all about Trevor’s first contact attempt but left out the part about being over Xavier’s house when it happened. “And what the hell did he mean about what you think is your 18th birthday?”

  “I know, right?” I opened my laptop and sent Trevor a message back.

  Hi Trevor,

  Um…this is all so weird. Are you a family member from my mom’s side? You look so much like me it’s scary. What do you mean by what I think is my 18th birthday? Far as I know today is my birthday, plus my graduation. Can we Facetime?

  My message was read almost immediately. I saw the three dots flashing before my eyes, signifying Trevor was in the middle of a response. Laurel crouched behind me and rested her chin on my shoulder.

  I’d much rather Facetime you than tell you everything over Facebook, Cami.

  “Call him!” Laurel squeaked in my ear. I did. I wasted no time. But first I pulled Laurel into my closet and locked the door so we could have privacy.

  When Trevor’s face filled my laptop screen I was blown away. I couldn’t even find the words to speak. His eyes looked just like mine from the shape to the color even his lashes were thick and long just like mine. It almost looked like he had on eyeliner. He was all smiles when he saw me. I even saw those green eyes well up with tears.

  “Oh my God, Camilla…” he whispered. “I can’t believe I’m looking at you after all these years.” Tears of joy spilled over his cheeks and they started spilling over mine too. I had no idea why. His joy was infectious. “Um…wow,” he cleared his throat and shook his head. “I know you’re like who the fuck is this guy?”


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