The Forbidden Highlands

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The Forbidden Highlands Page 60

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Heat radiated down her body, reaching her core. It lit her up like a thousand torches, prickling her skin, making her feel more aware and alive than she’d ever been. “Do you think me dead from the waist down because I am a maiden?” she asked, shocked by her own words. “I’ve spent eight long days and nights shut up in that bedchamber, alone with my dark thoughts and body. The only comfort I had was envisioning your face—wondering what it would feel like to be in your arms again.”

  “One taste of ye has turned me into a madman, Elle. And though I cannot make any promises for what the future holds, I will fight for ye. That much I know.” He stepped back then, taking her hands in his, then dropped to his knee. “Ye have my pledge, Elle. To protect ye from anyone who threatens yer life. Even if it means defying my own sire. I will see ye safely to yer clan, the MacAlpin’s. So help me God,” he swore.

  Overwhelmed by his oath, Elle’s legs gave out and she dropped to her knees, eye-to-eye with Darach. “You’d do this for me?”


  Very gently, Elle fisted her hands in the front of Darach’s tunic and tugged him on top of her as she lay down in the soft grass and heather. His powerful body covered her like a shield, making her feel safe. She fumbled awkwardly with his clothing, wanting him to shed his tunic so she could see his muscled body.

  Darach gave her what she wanted, stripping the cloth off, then dipping down and claiming her lips again, his tongue exploring the depths of her mouth. That’s when Elle discovered she had no control over her body. She wanted him in every way. Though he’d offered no troth, she didn’t care. A woman with no family or home should take comfort where she could find it, especially with an honorable man like Darach. “I’d rather give my maidenhead to you, then have one of the brutal lords of Orkeneyjar choose what man will take it.”

  Darach said nothing, but rolled onto his side and pulled her into his arms.

  She tucked her head against his chest. “Will you have me?”

  “Aye, lass, I’ll have ye. But before I show ye the ways of pleasure, let me hold ye a bit longer. For after today, we have much work to do—people to convince of yer worthiness to stay in Scotia, and yer family to find.”

  Wrapped in his protective arms, Elle cared little for what dangers were closing in around her. She had deep feelings for him. This man deserved her affection. And she’d give it, no matter the consequences, no matter what little time they had together—so help her God. She made her own secret pledge to open her heart to him. For whatever happened today, was between a Scot and his lady.

  The End




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