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Celeste and the Alien Bartender

Page 10

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  There was a bounce in his step as he went out to his truck and headed home. He parked in his driveway and went inside, setting the ring on the kitchen counter. After locking up, he went to his bedroom to take a shower and figure out what he was going to wear for the big night. He took his time with his shower and put on his favorite cologne. After digging through his closet, he pulled out a dark purple silk shirt and black slacks. Zanar didn’t rush getting ready, wanting everything to be perfect. When he was finished, he tucked the ring box in his pocket and went to pick up his future mate and daughter.

  His stomach was in knots as he entered the hotel and he stopped in his tracks when he saw Celeste and Sophie waiting for him. Celeste was wearing a body-hugging black dress that fell to her knees and swirled around her legs when she moved. Sophie had on a lavender dress with white lace trim and white shoes with satin ribbons.

  “The two of you look stunning,” he said as he wrapped his arms around his girls.

  “You’re looking pretty hot yourself,” Celeste said with a smile.

  “If you’re ready, we have a reservation.”

  Zanar took Sophie and carried her out to the truck, feeling more at ease with her in his arms. Maybe parenting wasn’t going to be as scary as he’d thought. He buckled his precious cargo, helped Celeste into the truck, and then headed for the restaurant. Traffic was light, and they arrived on time. He handed his keys to the valet and escorted his girls inside.

  The hostess seated them right away, getting a high chair for Sophie, and handed them menus before disappearing. When the waiter came by, Zanar ordered some wine. Celeste gave him a bemused smile and asked if he was trying to get her drunk, assuring him he’d get lucky later with or without alcohol.

  “It’s not about getting lucky. We’re celebrating.”

  The waiter returned with their wine and took their order before leaving them in peace. Celeste looked around the room, taking everything in and sipped on her wine. Zanar shoved his hand into his pocket and fingered the ring box. When exactly was the right time to ask her? Should he do it before the meal arrived or after? He glanced at Sophie and noticed she was in good spirits. Maybe he should do it now while the baby was quiet.

  The next time Celeste looked out the window, he rose from his seat and took a knee beside her. Her startled gaze met his.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Zanar pulled the ring box from his pocket and opened it with a snap, showing her the ring. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth formed a perfect O of surprise.

  “Zanar… is that…”

  “Celeste, you agreed last night to be my mate. Now I’m asking you to do me the honor of becoming my wife, with a very human ceremony. I want to bind you to me in every way possible because I’ve fallen completely, helplessly in love with you.”

  She reached for the ring with a shaky hand and traced the stones with her fingers.

  “Zanar, I…”

  “Please don’t say no. Becoming my mate through the council is only binding on my world. I want you to legally be my wife here on Earth too.”

  She smiled a little. “I was going to say that I love you too. Yes. I’ll be your wife.”

  Zanar slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her long and deep. The restaurant erupted in applause. He pulled away, smiling wider than ever before, and retook his seat. Celeste marveled at her ring, watching the dim lighting play over it. Sophie babbled at them and tried to grab the shiny stone on her mother’s finger.

  By the time their food arrived, all Zanar could think about was getting Celeste back to the hotel and out of that incredible dress. He wanted to make love to his almost-wife wearing nothing but her new ring. Just as soon as they convinced Sophie it was bedtime.

  He barely tasted the food he was so anxious, and after he had paid the check, he hustled his new family out to his truck and broke every speed limit on the way back to the hotel. Little Sophie fell asleep on the way home, and he carried her gently up to her bed. Celeste leaned against the bedroom doorframe and watched him. She kicked off her shoes and sauntered closer.

  As she neared, she pulled her dress over her head and let it fall to the floor. He gulped as he took in the tiny scrap of lace covering her pussy and the black lace cupping her breasts. He’d never seen anything sexier, and he wanted to remember this moment for the rest of his life.

  “Do you know what I want?” she asked.

  Whatever it was he’d give it to her.

  “I want you to fuck me hard and fast.” She gave him a wicked smile. “And I want you to take me up against the wall.”

  Holy hell. He’d been hard before, but now his cock was like a steel post. Her fingers made quick work of the buttons on his shirt before unfastening his pants. She took his hand and led him back out to the living room, probably so they wouldn’t wake up Sophie.

  “I want you like this, still dressed.” She shimmied out of her panties and popped the front clasp on her bra. The cups parted and exposed her beautiful breasts, but she didn’t let the garment fall to the floor. She leaned against the wall and beckoned him closer.

  Zanar unfastened his pants, pushing them down far enough his cock sprang free. He didn’t understand why she wanted him like this, but he would give whatever she wanted. Or maybe it was something she needed. He grasped her waist and lifted her, pinning her to the wall. He teased her nipples before driving himself home within her snug channel. A groan ripped from his throat as he buried his face in the curve of her neck. Zanar took her at a frantic pace, plunging into her welcoming heat and losing himself in the scent of her. His driving thrusts pushed deeper, harder. Sweat coated his skin, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

  He gave her a demanding kiss that he still felt even as he pulled away. “Play with your clit. I can’t last much longer, and I’m not coming before you.”

  Her palm slid down her stomach, and her fingers brushed the bundle of nerves. He watched his cock disappear into her tight pussy, and he nearly lost control. Slick with her cream, he slid into her with ease, every stroke more powerful than the last. Celeste cried out her release, her pussy milking his cock. His muscles strained as he pumped a few more times then drove deep and came hard.

  They were panting for breath, and Zanar wasn’t sure how much longer his legs would hold him. He carried Celeste into the bedroom and tumbled to the bed with her, landing on his back so he wouldn’t crush her. He withdrew from her body and disrobed both of them before pulling the sheet over their bodies.

  “Only once tonight?” she teased.

  “I think that one time took everything out of me. Or I could catch my breath and claim you all over again.”

  She smiled and kissed his chin. “You take as much time as you need. We have the rest of our lives together.”

  He groaned. “Dammit. I never talked to the council.”

  “So, do it tomorrow.”

  He pushed the covers aside and pulled on his pants. “I’ll be back. I don’t want to wait another moment.”

  She sighed. “I’ll keep the bed warm for you.”

  He kissed her quickly and ran downstairs, not even stopping to put on shoes or a shirt. He received a few strange looks as he ducked into the room with the Vid-comm. It only took a moment to connect to the council or the few who were present. They looked amused at his disheveled state.

  “Is there something we can help you with?” Larimar asked.

  “I need approval for a mating.”

  Larimar smiled. “It looks like you’ve already claimed her, so I guess this is a formality.”

  “I asked Celeste to marry me tonight, and she said yes. And yes, she’s been thoroughly claimed.”

  Larimar looked surprised. “The woman who was returned from Vaaden?”

  “Yes. Is that a problem?”

  “No. Just unexpected. I’ll file the papers tomorrow, but I doubt anyone will object. Consider your mating approved. Now go back to her. Never run out on a woman when you’ve left her in bed.”
  Zanar thanked them, disconnected the call, and returned to Celeste’s hotel room. He stripped out of his pants and fell back into bed with her, where he showed her all over again just how much he needed her.


  Four Months Later

  Celeste smoothed the ivory gown and smiled as her hand passed over her slightly rounded stomach. At only three months pregnant, she shouldn’t be showing at all. Except she knew something Zanar didn’t. Something she was going to tell him today. Avelyn stood behind her, pinning her veil to her hair. It was her wedding day, and it couldn’t have been more perfect. The sun was shining and even the birds were singing a happy song for her.

  They’d decided to use the pavilion in the park to say their vows. Tents had been set up for the bride and groom to prepare for the ceremony and tables were scattered on the lawn for the reception. Zanar had set up a makeshift bar that would serve both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks to the guests and wedding party.

  “You look radiant,” Avelyn said with a smile.

  “Thank you for agreeing to be my maid of honor. I hope Hazel wasn’t disappointed I didn’t choose her, but I thought with four kids it might be difficult for her to stand with me. Otherwise, I’d have asked both of you to join me.”

  “She understands. She’s just happy that the wedding is finally taking place. I think she’s tired of Zanar talking nonstop about making you his legally.”

  Celeste laughed. “He does seem rather anxious about that.”

  “Come on. Let’s get you down the aisle before he comes looking for you.”

  Avelyn pushed her way through the entrance of the tent and waited at the rose petal strewn carpet. When Celeste stood behind her, a quartet started playing the wedding march. Avelyn walked down the aisle first, leaving Celeste to follow. Only her mother and Zanar’s friends and coworkers were present, but every eye was on her as she made her way down to Zanar’s side.

  The happiness burning bright in his eyes made them nearly glow. She took his hand and he pressed a kiss to her cheek. Celeste heard the minister start the ceremony, but all of her attention was focused on her husband-to-be. Somehow, she managed to hit all of her prompts and only stumbled over the words once. Her heart was so full of love for the male standing at her side that she thought she might burst.

  “I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Zanar Ryeshin.” The minister smiled. “You may kiss your bride.”

  Zanar dipped her over his arm and gave her a kiss that she felt all the way to her toes, much to the amusement of their friends and family. When they came up for air, she was smiling so wide her face hurt.

  “Are you ready for the reception?” he asked.

  “Let’s do it. The sooner we have our cake, the sooner we can go celebrate in private.”

  “Thrace and Avelyn said they would watch Sophie as long as we wanted. Even if we aren’t leaving town, we can still have a honeymoon. I read that was a human custom.” Zanar grinned. “I think I like this particular custom. A vacation where the main objective is to have as much sex as possible? Maybe I should tell my world about it.”

  Celeste laughed and tugged him down the aisle and toward the reception area. Their three-tiered cake was in the middle. It was white with purple and pink flowers. They’d opted for two entwined swans for a topper since they couldn’t find one with a Terran groom. When it came time to cut the cake, Celeste let Zanar feed her a bite, which he did gently. She had other plans though.

  Celeste cut a slice for Zanar, then leaned in closer and whispered in his ear. “We’re having twins.”

  He gave her a shocked look, his eyes wide and mouth open, and Celeste shoved the slice of cake in his face. Shaking off his stupor, he narrowed his eyes at her and chased her around the table. Wrapping his arms around her, he brought her in close and wiped his cake-smeared face all over her cheek.

  The guests laughed and took pictures to commemorate the occasion. They danced and visited with everyone for a few hours and then ran away to the hotel. Zanar had told her that since their first night together had happened at the hotel, it was only right their first time together as husband and wife should be there too. Except this time they were staying in the honeymoon suite.

  When they got to the suite, Zanar carried her over the threshold and straight into the large bathroom. The jetted tub had already been filled with hot water and rose petals, with candles scattered around the room. She had no idea how he’d managed to get this set up while they were at the wedding, but she loved him for it all the more. No one had ever romanced her, but it seemed Zanar was going to make up for it.

  He slowly removed her dress, folding it and placing it on the counter, then he helped her into the tub. She sank up to her shoulders in the warm water and watched as he stripped out of his tux. He gently laid the garment down with her dress before joining her in the tub. Zanar settled against the back of the tub, pulling Celeste between his legs to lean against his chest.

  He traced lazy circles on her arms before cupping his hands over her stomach. “There are really two babies in there?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “There are really two of them. We won’t know for another few months if we’re having boys, girls, or one of each.”

  “Maybe we’ll have boys to balance out Reyvor’s four girls.”

  “And then they can fall in love and get married.”

  “I haven’t even held them yet, and you’re already marrying them off.”

  Celeste giggled. “Just planning ahead. Maybe they’ll like older women.”

  “Or maybe Reyvor will just keep having girls.”

  She snorted. “Like they’ll want more than four kids.” She felt Zanar’s silent laughter behind her. “She’s pregnant again, isn’t she?”

  “Four weeks along, according to Reyvor. He’s thrilled, but I think Hazel might be ready to kill him. Nikki is thirteen now so she can help with the little ones, but Kelly is only one. I think she was hoping for more of a reprieve between pregnancies.”

  “If you even think of getting me pregnant again when these babies are one, I’ll castrate you. At least Sophie will be fifteen months when these two are born, but I’d prefer two or three years between them. It would be nice if I could get these two out of diapers before you give me any more.”

  “I’ll buy stock in condoms after they’re born, even if I won’t like wearing them.”


  “Yes, love?”

  “Are you going to talk to me all day or are you going to make love to me?”

  “I thought you might want to relax after being on your feet the last few hours.”

  “Mmm. The tub is nice, but if we stay in here too long, I’ll fall asleep, and I don’t want to miss the best part of the day.”

  He chuckled. “You do seem to fall asleep rather easily these days. All right, love. We’ll move things to the bedroom, but I want you to take advantage of this tub again before we check out tomorrow.”

  “You’re going to spoil me.”

  “I’m doing my best.”

  Celeste stood up and stepped over the edge of the tub, grabbing the white fluffy towel hanging on the rack. As she dried off, Zanar drained the tub, then dried himself. The bedroom was every bit as romantic as the bathroom. The dresser held a cluster of scented candles that someone had lit. She was thankful he hadn’t asked for rose petals to be placed on the bed. The last thing she wanted was a bunch of red petals going into some interesting places. The covers were turned down, and she crawled onto the bed.

  Zanar joined her, pressing his lips to hers in a sensual kiss. As their bodies moved together in a dance as old as time, they whispered words of love to one another. His touch was infinitely tender as he made her come apart in his arms. Celeste thanked the fates for sending her to the Stardust and into the arms of her alien bartender. He was perfect for her in every way, and she looked forward to many years with him. And even more, she looked forward to the countless way she could show him how much she loved him
every day for the rest of their lives.

  Jessica Coulter Smith

  Award-winning author Jessica Coulter Smith has been in love with the written word since she was a child writing her first stories in crayon. Today she’s a multi-published author of over seventy-five novellas and novels. Romance is an integral part of her world and spills over from her professional life into her personal one. When she went on that first date with her husband, she never expected to hear the words “marry me” pop out of his mouth -- and judging by the shocked look on his face, he hadn’t meant to say them either. But, being the hopeless romantic that she is, Jessica said yes and they’ve been married since 2000.

  Jessica firmly believes that love will find you at the right time, even if Mr. Right is literally out of this world. She’s often gazed at the stars and wondered what, or who, else might be out there. Who’s to say that hunky model on the hottest romance bestseller isn’t really from some far off galaxy? Maybe that blue Martian you saw at Halloween wasn’t really in costume. After all, there’s an awful lot of space out there for us to be the only ones living in it.

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